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New wonders in the XP

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  • #61
    Originally posted by wrylachlan
    Statue of Liberty: has a percentage chance every turn of stealing one or more points of population from other civs and giving them to one of your cities. The civ loosing the poplutation cannot be at war with your civ, and must have a smaller economy. The population added to your city retains its nationality. The chance of stealing population goes up in relation to the unhappiness of the civ to be stolen from.
    Cool idea.

    Or you could have it automatically turn one foreign citizen in a newly flipped/conquered city to the host civ's nationality, reducing re-flipping, resistors, foreign citizen WW in your cities, etc.
    "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


    • #62
      Some guesses:

      1. Statue of Zeus: Increases the chances of promotion in battle (i.e. non-Militaristic civs become Militaristic with respect to promotion, Militaristic civs get promotions even more often).

      This makes sense because the designers realise that Great Leaders are really fun and they want them to be more common. I doubt very much it will be +1HP, and if so, they would not break the 5HP maximum (Elite).

      2. Statue of Liberty: Increases the chance of Cultural conversions (and produces a bunch of Culture too, maybe even rivaling Shakespeare's).

      This would be an attempt to make flipping more important in the later stages of the game (Industrial age and beyond).

      I doubt we'll see anything really new (like some of the proposals in this thread). The Wonders will just enhance the existing mechanics in some way (same goes for the Civs, units and improvemnts). The types of things we'll see are similar to the additions in Play the World (not new, just different).

      Last edited by Dominae; May 19, 2003, 17:40.
      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


      • #63
        Somehow, I get the feeling, because Conquests isn't really geared for multiplayer, that the additions we will see will be far more significant than the fixes and a few units in PTW.

        The new resources intriuge me. I wonder how they will make it work, and I wonder how many new resources they are adding.
        AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
        Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
        Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


        • #64
          I love the idea of the statue of liberty creating an immigration bonus, and the idea that it would pull actual citizens into your civilization so that they would retain their original civ affiliation. That would sow future discontent if you were to go to war with their former civ, rather realistic when you think about it.

          I also found the idea of having the Statue of Liberty strengthen the national ties of conquered/flipped cities by having citizens convert to citizens of your culture. It could probably have both effects.
          “The American people have now spoken, but it’s going to take a little while to determine exactly what
          they said.” — President Clinton


          • #65
            I think there should be an assimilating wonder, but it shouldn't be Statue of Liberty. How about Eiffel Tower? France also had a modest immigration going for it in the 19th century, but compared to the French assimilation machine, the melting pot was kiddie stuff. (That's why there are Frenchmen who speak French and are French in every sort of way, but have "foreign-sounding" names.)
            "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
            "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


            • #66
              Statue of Liberty is univerisally understood as the symbol for immigration, the land of the Free, America.

              Before flying, those who travelled by ship from Europe to New York saw the Statue first before anything else.
              AI:C3C Debug Game Report (Part1) :C3C Debug Game Report (Part2)
              Strategy:The Machiavellian Doctrine
              Visit my WebsiteMonkey Dew


              • #67
                Besides, the French did create the Statue of Liberty, so you would still be recognizing the French contribution to immigration in an offhand sort of way.
                “The American people have now spoken, but it’s going to take a little while to determine exactly what
                they said.” — President Clinton


                • #68
                  "Apolyton" should be included


                  • #69
                    I think single city wonders are maostly a waste of time if you don't do OCC or something. They could perhaps do some difference on a tiny map, but I always play large and huge after I got a computer that could handle it.
                    So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
                    Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Dominae
                      Some guesses:

                      1. Statue of Zeus: Increases the chances of promotion in battle (i.e. non-Militaristic civs become Militaristic with respect to promotion, Militaristic civs get promotions even more often).
                      How would this differ from Heroic Epic? Just that you don't need a victorious army?


                      • #71
                        The Heroic Epic increases the chances that you generate a Great Leader. It does not affect run-of-the-mill promotions. Using the Heroic Epic and the Statue of Zeus I've proposed in unision would lead to some very quick Leader generation.

                        And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                        • #72
                          But wouldnt that make the game to easy Dominae, if you got these leaders much faster you would be able to thrash the AI to the other wonders especially when a war mongering ?
                          A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                          • #73
                            Once you got it working, sure it would be powerful. But no more powerful than the Leonardo's or Smith's, once they get working. Note that for this "combo" to happen, you need: 1) a Great Leader, and 2) two Ancient age Wonders. That's not so easy to come by.

                            The AI would actually "use" this wonder quite well, as it fights many many battles with all the crappy little reduced-cost units it loves to build.

                            Anyway, this is just a guess. I'm probably way off.

                            And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                            • #74
                              For some reason, I would love to see the Eiffel Tower

                              It could be a cultural wonder (commercial industrious obviously), which either acts as a modern colossus to reflect the impressive tourism it generates, or which raises assimilation chances to reflect France's efforts in this way during most of the 19th-20st century.

                              Statue of Liberty would be nice too, but I rather see it as a political wonder, maybe because of my Civ2 heritage
                              "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                              "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                              "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                              • #75
                                wonders could be:

                                Eiffel tower
                                Las vegas casino (whatever the names are)
                                Taj Mahal
                                Mountain city of Macchu Picchu (or similar south-american wonder)
                                Siberian railroad
                                Stonehenge (even though the european temple looks like stonehenge)
                                I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.

