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Moves - Volume 2

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  • Along long as GS does not get nervous about it.


    • And that is where foreign affairs, public relations, and deception come into play. (fingers-crossed)
      Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


      • Exactly!
        Arg-ha Lardgoa


        • 975bc turn played. Not much happening. Galley with spearman and immortal sailing to Elipolis.

          Spearman and immortal in North Estonia moving to Elipolis.

          No warriors out this turn, but three in the next two turns. Also- settler next turn.

          And was able to move labourers around to generate 14 gold per turn and not impact any build times. Now at 270 gold.

          RP offered up the 20 gold and 2gpt as first part of trade deal. I had emade it clear that it could not happen for a couple turns. I have confirmed that with Nuclear Winter.

          That's it.
          Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


          • We need to be careful about communication too much with GS. I just saw a part of the movie Pearl Harbor. In one scene the Japanese started a massive campaign of communications about places all over the Pacific. At the US Naval Intelligence office one officer said "Something must be up. Otherwise, why would they be BS'ing me so much." Made me think of our disinformation campaign.


            • 950bc turn played. All is quiet. Except for our warrior production.

              Screen shot of North Estonia only is being sent. Nothing has changed in the south. Anybody who wants the save to look at and study - let me know.

              Settler produced and on his way to the east coast city site as designated by Harry. Settler will be there next turn, and city built the turn after. This one is named after you Harry - I will take the west coast one. What do you want to call it. Harryville.

              Now - warriors. One produced by MillerTown this turn - that gives us 5 in the north. I have projected warrior builds as follows - by the end of 6 turns from now:

              Miller Town 3
              Witt City 2
              Elipolis 2
              The Voice 3

              Then there is a break of two turns where we only produce 1. Then a gaggle again.

              At the end of turn 6 we will have 15 warriors, plus 3 immortals already built. Total 18. One turn to upgrade. Two turns to get into position. And we go on turn 10. Agreed?

              As soon as the first wave is past the road tile, we sever it again and start on the next wave of warriors. The next 4 turns- ie up to turn 10, will see us produce another 5 warriors, 7 if we want to delay settler production at The Voice. Plus - a succesful extraction of the three souther warriors should give us a second wave of either 8 or 10 immortals. Probably more as it is hard to accurately judge the impact of the GA.

              A barracks at Dissidentville would be a treat. We could leave the northen cities diconnected and producing warriors, then send them to Dissidentvlle, which is connected, for upgrading, and immediate entry to the war zone.

              Anyways, the galley with spearman and immortal from the continent will be in Elipolis next turn. We should firm up our plans for landing some troops earlier on the east coast, as per Harry's e-mail and subsequent discussion.

              Now - if this plan falls apart before it gets going - the good thing is that no one will want to mess with us on our home turf.
              Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


              • Originally posted by HarryH
                We need to be careful about communication too much with GS. I just saw a part of the movie Pearl Harbor. In one scene the Japanese started a massive campaign of communications about places all over the Pacific. At the US Naval Intelligence office one officer said "Something must be up. Otherwise, why would they be BS'ing me so much." Made me think of our disinformation campaign.
                Good point.
                Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                • What do you want to call it. Harryville.
                  I like Harry's Hideout. HH for short. BTW, if anyone is curious my handle is after the lovable movie character Harry Henderson. Anyone know which one I am talking about?


                  • And we go on turn 10. Agreed?
                    Sounds good. I would like to get those techs first. We should have them in 10. Can we find out how close GS is to Republic. Tell them we want to see how that fits with us finishing Monarchy so we can see when we can start a Middle Age tech.


                    • 925bc turn played. wow. Lots going on.

                      Received currency, construction, and republic from GS.

                      That put us into the middle ages and we got - surprise - montheism.

                      Monotheism sent to GS as accepted.

                      Monotheism sent to Lego as accepted - with a note attached to the e-mail - they play next - to send the remaining 100 gold.

                      Monotheism sent as accepted to GoW. I will send PM regarding the 225 gold.

                      Currency and construction sent as accepted to Roleplay. Could not send Monothiesm. They will need to accept at their end - and send us our payment, and we will send Monotheism. I will PM them.

                      So - it looks like our deals worked out.

                      Currently at 7 warriors - two more produced last turn. Schedule is as per previously mentioned.

                      Settler into position to build Harry's Hideout next turn.

                      Galley now on the east coast and set for the run down to drop off our first infiltators. In two turns, they can be dropped at iron mountain.

                      Worker onto the grasslands square east of Elipoils. Will build mine - then road. The timing should be perfect.

                      We should keep our eyes open for barbarians. We don't want them to upset our plans. Looks like Bob had an outbreak.

                      And our military - we are strong against GS still. And now average relative to NeuD and GoW. Still weak compared to Lego and RP.

                      And from the same F3 screen - GS is now a republic, and RP a monarchy. All others are despotism. I should go back and see when GS became a republic. Would be interesting.

                      And oh yes - Dissidentville switched to barracks. 19 shields accumulated - which should mean there will be 20 next turn and we can pop rush. Right? If Gs notices the pop drop and asks, we can say we rushed a courthouse to deal with corruption.

                      So - it would appear as if things are coming together. Time will tell.
                      Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                      • When did we get communications with Lego?


                        • Good question. It was a number of turns ago - from GoW I think.
                          Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                          • 900BC turn played.

                            225 gold received from GoW for Mono.

                            100 gold from Legos.

                            Both those deals finalized. RP, the slippery folks, even though I sent the two techs accepted last turn, would not send the money back accepted. But they did send the deal - 60 gold, plus 8 gpt. I added mono and accepted. Should be there next turn.

                            Treasury currently at 629 gold, and earning 14gpt.

                            2 more warriors produced in The Voice and Miller Town. Total now 9.

                            Galley down the coast 3 more tiles.

                            Harry's Hideout built. No curruption. Growth in 10. Two extra gold. And warrior in 5.

                            Dissidentville - barracks rushed. Built next turn. One pop point used - for perfect 20 shield build. Great call, Harry. Growth back to pop size 3 in two turns.

                            Worker building mine at tile east of Elipolis. That takes 3 turns, and road 2. We will need to decide if we want the road earlier. See discussion in other thread on Immortal Beloved - timing and detailed plans.

                            Research still at 0%.
                            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                            • 875BC turn played - Turn 2, or T-minus 4.

                              RP deal finalized. Treasury now at 711 gold, and growiing at 20gpt. Get to that in a sec.

                              No warriors this turn. 2 more next turn.

                              Worker building road to re-connect iron.

                              Barracks built in Dissidentville. Growth in 1 turn, and with 1 shield in the build box next turn, we should be able to rush a spearman - and be at size 2 for the rush a couple turns later,

                              (if GS notices the fluctuating pop on the city - any explanations that make sense other than what is really going on?)

                              Regarding the galley - I made a decision to recall it to Elipolis to pick up a second Immortal. There was not going to be time to insert the current passengers, get back to Elipolis, and get south in time to nail the warrior on the east coast. But with two immortals, and only one insertion, we will be able to get him. The two immortals then re-embark on the galley and head down the coast to see what mayhem they can cause. Hope this is OK for everybody. It also keeps our main force largely intact.

                              Also - made another decision. I started researching engineering. At 10%. 40 turns. Cost 2gpt. Hence the drop from 22 to 20. But I have a commitment from Lego that if we research engineering - they will trade us feudalism and theology for it. I indicated we could not research very quickly. They want to know they will be able to get it. Is everyone OK with this? It is only 2 per turn, which over 20 turns is one upgrade.

                              Also - I forgot to mention that a couple turns back - RolePlay (Spain) built an embassy in our capitol - so we have one in theirs. It means that part of the map - their capitol - shows up on the map. Saw it again this turn.

                              We are still strong militarily relative to GS.

                              And I started re-naming units. Separate thread for this.
                              Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                              • Barracks built in Dissidentville. Growth in 1 turn, and with 1 shield in the build box next turn, we should be able to rush a spearman - and be at size 2 for the rush a couple turns later,

                                (if GS notices the fluctuating pop on the city - any explanations that make sense other than what is really going on?)
                                The only fluctuating they should see is from the pop-rush last turn. Tell them the truth, that corruption is so high that we needed to pop-rush to complete an improvement. I wouldn't tell them which one. They should not see any population change for a few more turns. The next turn we will get the growth and pop-rush all in the same turn so it will remain at 2 pop to them. What they will see is that our regular spearmen turns into a veteran spearmen, if they look closely enough.

                                Galley - OK. Once the main force is past Dissidentville we may want to look at getting a couple of the reinforcements to the east coast so they can be quickly picked up by the galley. I think we will want to beef up our force there a bit.

                                Research - Sounds great to me. Three techs for 80 gold. After we pop-rush some more in Dissidentville we may need to make a laborer a specialist unless we keep a couple of units in the city. Depending on growth in the other cities we may have one that gets to a happiness problem. We may be able to make one citizen a scientist and move the slider back to 0.

