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Foreign Affairs - Volume 2

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  • nbarclay> Jon, is this where you wanted me to go, or am I trespassing?
    Jon_Miller> hi
    Jon_Miller> no you are not
    Jon_Miller> ok
    Jon_Miller> I didn't even notice you join
    Jon_Miller> my inbox is getting full again and I don't want to delete more for a few days at least
    Jon_Miller> you there?
    nbarclay> The problem with your proposal as it stands now is that you get the benefit of our faster research pace, while we have no definite time at which we can expect to get the benefit of your contact advantage. That seriously undermines the idea that there
    nbarclay> is any kind of real balance in the proposal.
    Jon_Miller> hmm, you are right that there is an issue there
    Jon_Miller> we could play it foa bit
    Jon_Miller> how many techs do you have that we dont?
    Jon_Miller> I think all we ave right now (or will have soon) is IW and CW
    Jon_Miller> Bucs just scored
    nbarclay> Alphabet is the only one. Yes, we can research faster, but your trade for Iron Working caught you up. (Well, that plus a couple delays where we had to stockpile gold waiting for responses from you.)
    nbarclay> CW???
    Jon_Miller> WC oops
    Jon_Miller> so we would be even right now, and we could see where it went from here
    Jon_Miller> if one sides feels the other is not holding up (for a sig length of time) it can be ended
    Jon_Miller> if you had way mroe techs than us I would understand your problems with the idea
    Jon_Miller> because it would seem like we were stealing your techs and not delivering
    Jon_Miller> do you know anyway to see the tech tree from inside the editor?
    Jon_Miller> it is hard to just see one at a time
    nbarclay> I don't know how to do it better than one tech at a time. Sorry.
    nbarclay> (At least not for tech costs.)
    nbarclay> [Thinking]
    Jon_Miller> I have up both civ3 and the editor
    Jon_Miller> another tamp td
    nbarclay> You do have a point that for however long the arrangement lasts, it stops you from using your advantage in being able to trade to a civ we don't have contact with to pull ahead of us. That's definitely worth considering.
    Jon_Miller> yes
    Jon_Miller> note the other civ does not have this even thing
    Jon_Miller> so they might pull some, however, they are not doing well in other ways
    Jon_Miller> we are trying to convince them though
    Jon_Miller> I will be back in a bit
    nbarclay> Right. It sounds like basically, what we would be doing is operating as a single entity with regard to our trade relationship with the rest of the world. Lux could join us, or they could be part of "the rest of the world" that we're competing with.
    nbarclay> Does that pretty much summarize the concept?
    Jon_Miller> yes
    Jon_Miller> actually since outside they have writing, horsebackriding might be better
    nbarclay> One of my main goals is to get to Republic ASAP. We need Writing to get there, and with Gathering Storm's research power, even if they get Writing first, we'd have a decent shot at a branch lead beyond that.
    Jon_Miller> branch lead?
    nbarclay> A lead on a particular branch of the tech tree.
    Jon_Miller> ahh, yes, a better way of expressing the idea than my teir one
    Jon_Miller> we are learning for monarchy (because that is what the civ above us wants)
    Jon_Miller> our taem is somewhat unknowledgable compared to you, we are elarning as we go along
    Jon_Miller> especially about multiplayer stuff
    nbarclay> The problem with your going for Monarchy is that it's not something two civs working together can leverage very well. Further, Monarchy doesn't yield anywhere near as much gold for further research once you get there.
    Last edited by Jon Miller; January 27, 2003, 00:07.
    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


    • Jon_Miller> yah, we have thought about it actually
      Jon_Miller> but not until recently
      nbarclay> What I'd been thinking we might do beyond Writing, if we could build up a strong enough relationship between our civs, is have us go for Code of Laws while you go for Philosophy (which is a lot cheaper but still an obstacle to Republic).
      nbarclay> Once both techs are researched, we would then be in a position to head straight for Republic.
      Jon_Miller> yes
      Jon_Miller> which might give us a good tech position compared to the other civs
      nbarclay> (And while we're working on Writing, you could pursue something along another branch and try for a trade.)
      Jon_Miller> yes
      Jon_Miller> a good idea
      Jon_Miller> raiders TA
      Jon_Miller> TD
      nbarclay> I seriously doubt that any single civ will be able to keep up with us in tech along a single path, so if we can get help with Philosophy (and especially if we can get Literature from someone so we can build libraries along the way),
      Jon_Miller> we are persuing mysticism now
      nbarclay> there's a good chance we could be first to Republic. From there, picking up other techs could be a whole lot cheaper.
      Jon_Miller> and if we have the lead, we can get the most advantage from trade
      Jon_Miller> and republic is a good reason to be at peace also
      nbarclay> By the way, there are a couple questions that have been nagging at us. BetaHound sounded like there might be other land connected with yours besides ours. Would you mind clarifying that situation?
      nbarclay> (The reason I ask is we're wondering whether our direction is the only one you can expand in.)
      Jon_Miller> its very close, but not quite connected
      Jon_Miller> so yes, no expansion that way
      Jon_Miller> you there/
      Jon_Miller> ?
      nbarclay> Yes, just thinking.
      Jon_Miller> about attacking us?
      nbarclay> Actually, to be perfectly honest, trying to find a viable way to avoid such unpleasantness.
      Jon_Miller> that is what I am trying to do
      Jon_Miller> the reason why I have taken over diploamcy with GS
      Jon_Miller> my team is very edgy
      Jon_Miller> worried about being gained up on
      Jon_Miller> and attacked with oyur army of chariots
      Jon_Miller> RAiders TD
      Jon_Miller> I think that we have more reason to be freinds, than enemies
      nbarclay> Basically, ever since we've met, I've seen two possibilities. Either GS and Vox can be very close partners, or one can swallow the other.
      nbarclay> Question (and I hope my teammates don't kill me for being so frank when they read this): How intent is Vox on trying to win the game rather than just do well?
      Jon_Miller> yes
      Jon_Miller> I want to stay in the game
      Jon_Miller> an attack by us (even if we win) will put us far enough behind the other nations
      Jon_Miller> in tech and the like, that they will walk over us later
      Jon_Miller> I don't know about you
      nbarclay> Given our starting position and the caliber of players on our team, it's hard to imagine us settling for less than a win unless someone forces us to.
      Jon_Miller> you have nto had as much contact with the rest
      Jon_Miller> that's what we are afraid of
      Jon_Miller> are you refering to a win overall, or a win of a war between us
      Jon_Miller> ??
      nbarclay> Win overall.
      Jon_Miller> the other nations are pretty sure that we will go to war, I would like us to not do so
      nbarclay> (And I for one am not fond of conquest victories, by the way.)
      Last edited by Jon Miller; January 27, 2003, 00:08.
      Jon Miller-
      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


      • Jon_Miller> mostly because I want a good place among the other nations, Vox is not competing jsut against GS
        Jon_Miller> we are competing against all the rest
        Jon_Miller> and I think that if either of our teams ignore this, that it will be for our loss
        nbarclay> If your goal is to survive and prosper, and our goal is to win the game, our goals are not inherently incompatible. I've been sort of hoping that was the case, because I've had a plan floating around in the back of my mind.
        Jon_Miller> which is?
        Jon_Miller> we are trying to win, however, a conquest against you will nto favor that (at least not at this time) in my beleif
        Jon_Miller> (we won't give you all but one city, nor will we be your vassals, we want an a treaty and one I think would benifit both of us)
        Jon_Miller> you there?
        nbarclay> Basically, my idea is not too different from yours, except perhaps on a grander scale. (And I'll warn you, this will be a tough sell to my own team, especially given that our relationship to date has not left GS in a trusting mood.)
        Jon_Miller> neither on our side, but some of that is because we are scared of your team (and yoru charriots)
        nbarclay> Just to be clear, we have an agreement within GS that we will not lie to other teams. Maybe a little misdirection, but that's it.
        Jon_Miller> We cahnge our minds at times, as I am sure you are aware, mostly becasue we find the game being differently than we thought
        nbarclay> My vision would start with a partnership researching down different paths and trading techs. Eventually, the best "two civs as a single entity" model would change from that, though, to something else.
        Jon_Miller> to what?
        nbarclay> After a certain point, upkeep costs start seriously eating into research rates. If the civ with less income funnels gold into the one with a greater income in return for techs, that basically lets the team research with the income of two civs.
        nbarclay> Better, the team could also trade with other civs for techs on branches they aren't pursuing at a given time.
        Jon_Miller> hmm, that is an obvious extension
        Jon_Miller> my team has not thoght about it
        Jon_Miller> makes sense though
        nbarclay> That might be construed as a "vassal" relationship of sorts, but the civ providing the money could still research far, far faster that way than on its own.
        nbarclay> And from our perspective, your palace could almost serve as an extra, "free" forbidden palace for us.
        nbarclay> That would provide a way for our two civs to coexist and prosper in spite of being stuck on a relatively small land mass.
        Jon_Miller> or the other way arround, what if we research faster than you?
        Jon_Miller> but yes, money for tech is a good deal, in my mind
        Jon_Miller> and if that al;lows the other side to ina way learn at twice the speed?
        Jon_Miller> even better
        Jon_Miller> that seems to be just workign on what each does btter
        Jon_Miller> makes sense for an alliance
        nbarclay> One other idea is that the alliance could be extended to military operations. Imagine WCs and immortals fighting side by side.
        Jon_Miller> yes, I like that idea
        Jon_Miller> and there is iron on this island, enough for both of us
        Jon_Miller> (maybe more where you are)
        nbarclay> That's good to know. Thanks.
        Jon_Miller> just to make certain, you are still fine with us building above those mountains?
        Jon_Miller> that wasn't a misdirection?
        Jon_Miller> you watching the game? or not a football fan
        nbarclay> We'd hoped (since before we even knew of your existance, actually) to build a city just a tile or so north of the "Sierra Centralis." Giving that up would be a bit tough, although it might make sense if we can form the kind of partnership I'd like to see
        nbarclay> Not a football fan unless a team I especially like is playing, anyhow.
        Jon_Miller> is it on the west side? we are planning on building their soon
        Jon_Miller> we really son't have much room to the north
        nbarclay> Yes, on the west side near the wheat and fish. Obviously, we have the same taste in city sites.
        Jon_Miller> yah, that is where a settler is heading
        Jon_Miller> hmmm
        Jon_Miller> do tyouhave a settler heading there now?
        Jon_Miller> it is the best site we can build right now
        nbarclay> No; we feel like it's in our best interest to settle sites closer to home where corruption is lower at the moment.
        Jon_Miller> we, you are better than we are
        Jon_Miller> maybe we shouldconsder that
        Last edited by Jon Miller; January 27, 2003, 00:10.
        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • nbarclay> That might be another advantage to a partnership from your perspective - advice from the experts.
          Jon_Miller> lol
          Jon_Miller> how do you log a chatt?
          Jon_Miller> I would like to pass this on to my members
          nbarclay> Good question. So far, my screen buffer hasn't overrun, so I can cut and paste into a word processor if I can't come up with a better solution.
          Jon_Miller> and we would of course pass of our luxs and resources to our partners first
          nbarclay> Would you mind exchanging information about what luxuries each side has? We'd proposed that when we first met, but you didn't seem interested at the time.
          Jon_Miller> we don't have extra
          Jon_Miller> we will have extra iron though
          nbarclay> Furs and/or incense, or something else?
          Jon_Miller> something else
          Jon_Miller> I think...
          Jon_Miller> nope, not something else
          nbarclay> But just one in your whole area? That sounds odd.
          Jon_Miller> we don't have much area
          nbarclay> Still, it doesn't usually take much area with the map generator's algorithms.
          nbarclay> As I said, odd.
          Jon_Miller> we have other resources
          Jon_Miller> lie iron
          nbarclay> The biggest problem I see with selling GS on the alliance idea is the matter of trust. There have been enough awkward moments that the general impression seems to be that Vox is unstable and not trustworthy.
          Jon_Miller> we will put iron working up, is that enough?
          nbarclay> (I hope you don't take offense at my frankness, but I think it's important for you to understand the situation.)
          Jon_Miller> and yes, we have similiar issues on our side, however, enoguh want peace that I think I can swing it
          Jon_Miller> I can also be fairly persuasive
          nbarclay> If we can go ahead with the Iron Working for Alphabet trade (which would keep Lux from profiting from an Alphabet sale), that would go a long way toward setting the stage for a possible partnership.
          Jon_Miller> we would want it as part of a further deal
          Jon_Miller> if you think that it is such, than good
          nbarclay> The best I can promise right now is that I'll do my very best to make sure you get something more one way or another.
          Jon_Miller> if it is not, than we are thinking that you will go to war with us
          Jon_Miller> we will offer IW
          Jon_Miller> there will be some time beofre it goes through, there can be a conclusion
          Jon_Miller> but realise that I ahve been very honest with you and very open
          nbarclay> I don't have the same power on GS that you seem to on Vox, but I like to think my persuasion skills aren't bad either.
          Jon_Miller> we can have a bigger chat
          Jon_Miller> and if my team does not feel I am doing well, than I could be in trouble
          Jon_Miller> but in a bigger chat
          Jon_Miller> you can invite more of your team, we can than talk to them
          Jon_Miller> (there are 5 main members of Vox + 1 minor, I am fairly certain of 2 other main members)
          Jon_Miller> (being with me)
          Jon_Miller> your team can question me, hoepfull I can convince them of mine, and Voxs, honesty
          nbarclay> A bigger chat right now isn't possible; too much of our team (the part that lives in Europe) is asleep. But we can try to set something up sometime.
          Jon_Miller> ok, but soon
          Jon_Miller> my team would need it soon
          nbarclay> What time zone are you in?
          Jon_Miller> east
          Jon_Miller> USA
          Jon_Miller> I am up all hours but mid morning
          Jon_Miller> (I go to sleep at 5 and wake up at 12)
          Last edited by Jon Miller; January 27, 2003, 00:12.
          Jon Miller-
          I AM.CANADIAN
          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


          • nbarclay> Maybe we can try to line something up for around 8:00 p.m. your time tomorrow. I'm not sure how it will work out, but it seems worth a try.
            Jon_Miller> ok
            nbarclay> So are we agreed that a long-term alliance would be good for both our civs, if we can just convince our respective teams of it?
            Jon_Miller> yes
            Jon_Miller> I am convinced of it
            nbarclay> I guess the big thing still up in the air is the tech trade situation. One possibility (assuming you still have the turn) would be for you to go ahead and accept Alphabet and offer Iron Working. If we accept the deal, it will constitute a commitment
            Jon_Miller> and your side will similiarly be true?
            Jon_Miller> I don't want just a maybe, since I feel that if you don't ally, that we will be facing an attack soon
            Jon_Miller> I can ask my players to sit on it for a while, until this is decided
            nbarclay> from Gathering Storm to either accept your deal for a "trade all the technologies we get for an indefinite time" agreement or provide something else as compensation for the fact that you can get Alphabet cheaply. And not to attack you while we're
            nbarclay> working out the details.
            Jon_Miller> I will present that to my team, I think they will agree with that
            nbarclay> A war soon is the last thing GS wants, for much the reasons you've outlined. It would be too expensive even to the winning civ.
            Jon_Miller> yes
            Jon_Miller> I agree
            nbarclay> (Well maybe not quite the last thing - it might be possible to provoke us into one - but it would take a situation we regard as very serious.)
            Jon_Miller> but my team is scared
            Jon_Miller> I am sure it won't come to that
            Jon_Miller> I feel very good about our conversation
            Jon_Miller> the reason why I am FA with you is because my team is scared
            Jon_Miller> I will tell them that I think that you will take the peace treaty
            Jon_Miller> I tihnk that will calm them down
            Jon_Miller> we want to build settlers, not troops
            Jon_Miller> I am sure you do also
            Jon_Miller> (and workers)
            Jon_Miller> you there?
            nbarclay> Definitely, settlers and workers first. That's the only way either of us has any chance of competing with the rest of the world.
            Jon_Miller> yes
            Jon_Miller> that is why I want peace
            Jon_Miller> 48-21 BWT
            Jon_Miller> BTW
            Jon_Miller> the line of the southern mountains (for us)
            nbarclay> Here's something else to convey to your team. For the time being, you have nothing to fear from us unless you do something to make us pretty mad. But the day will come when GS has to decide whether Vox is worth more to us as allies or
            Jon_Miller> the day shold come quickly
            nbarclay> as conquered territory. If your actions give us reason to fear and mistrust you, you can guess which choice we are likely to make. Again, just stating facts in the interest of openness.
            Jon_Miller> yes
            Jon_Miller> I want a peace treaty
            Jon_Miller> hopefully GS does also
            nbarclay> For the time being, we definitely want peace. Longer-term, the issue of trust is an obstacle that will have to be overcome.
            Jon_Miller> well, you know a lot mroe about Vox, than I know about GS
            nbarclay> What do you mean about my knowing more about Vox?
            Jon_Miller> you know more about what are position is
            Jon_Miller> and youa re a better team (have very talented players)
            nbarclay> I guess we do have a bit more land that you haven't seen than you do that we haven't seen, although we've traded descriptions to a certian extent.
            Jon_Miller> yah, but I just gave you more description
            nbarclay> Not a whole lot more, unless I missed something.
            Last edited by Jon Miller; January 27, 2003, 00:15.
            Jon Miller-
            I AM.CANADIAN
            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


            • nbarclay> Here's something else to convey to your team. For the time being, you have nothing to fear from us unless you do something to make us pretty mad. But the day will come when GS has to decide whether Vox is worth more to us as allies or
              Jon_Miller> the day shold come quickly
              nbarclay> as conquered territory. If your actions give us reason to fear and mistrust you, you can guess which choice we are likely to make. Again, just stating facts in the interest of openness.
              Jon_Miller> yes
              Jon_Miller> I want a peace treaty
              Jon_Miller> hopefully GS does also
              nbarclay> For the time being, we definitely want peace. Longer-term, the issue of trust is an obstacle that will have to be overcome.
              Jon_Miller> well, you know a lot mroe about Vox, than I know about GS
              nbarclay> What do you mean about my knowing more about Vox?
              Jon_Miller> you know more about what are position is
              Jon_Miller> and youa re a better team (have very talented players)
              nbarclay> I guess we do have a bit more land that you haven't seen than you do that we haven't seen, although we've traded descriptions to a certian extent.
              Jon_Miller> yah, but I just gave you more description
              nbarclay> Not a whole lot more, unless I missed something.
              Jon_Miller> but important stuff
              nbarclay> Maybe. The iron situation is interesting to know, but not something we won't learn for ourselves (aside from what might be on North Estonia) when we get Iron Working. The fact that Lux is separated by water is something we'd already guessed from your
              nbarclay> ability to focus every single warrior you had at one point in the game in our direction.
              Jon_Miller> hmm, yah, it could be guessed
              Jon_Miller> even if you had went through there, I don't think you could have met the other civ
              nbarclay> One of your cities in the way, or a case of warriors have to be on both sides at exactly the right time?
              nbarclay> (Both sides of the water, that is)
              Jon_Miller> I think maybe both might be the case, or maybe only one
              Jon_Miller> I would have to go find the screen shot again
              Jon_Miller> I have made so many posts in this game
              Jon_Miller> I only became a King recently, even though I ahve been here since early 99
              Jon_Miller> if you want I could go find te screen shot
              Jon_Miller> deffinitely the second one
              nbarclay> Yeah, it's amazing how quickly this sort of thing can increase one's post count.
              nbarclay> Thanks.
              nbarclay> Anything else to talk about, or have we pretty much covered what needs covered for the time being?
              nbarclay> Hello?
              Jon_Miller> yes
              Jon_Miller> sorry, I went for a bit
              Jon_Miller> I think so, until we can talk to your membes that are not in favor off the peace treaty
              Last edited by Jon Miller; January 27, 2003, 00:17.
              Jon Miller-
              I AM.CANADIAN
              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


              • if you are not certain about who said something, edit my psots

                Jon Miller
                Jon Miller-
                I AM.CANADIAN
                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                • nbarclay> Yeah, it's amazing how quickly this sort of thing can increase one's post count.
                  nbarclay> Thanks.
                  nbarclay> Anything else to talk about, or have we pretty much covered what needs covered for the time being?
                  nbarclay> Hello?
                  Jon_Miller> yes
                  Jon_Miller> sorry, I went for a bit
                  Jon_Miller> I think so, until we can talk to your membes that are not in favor off the peace treaty
                  nbarclay> I'll see what I can do about lining up a larger chat for tomorrow at 8:00 P.M. Eastern time.
                  nbarclay> Do we want to meet in the Vox chatroom again?
                  Jon_Miller> that could work fine
                  Jon_Miller> I have been psoting the chat log in my forum
                  Jon_Miller> but I have had to copy paste
                  Jon_Miller> now I need to take the trash out
                  nbarclay> Okay, signing off, then. Until tomorrow...
                  Last edited by Jon Miller; January 27, 2003, 00:17.
                  Jon Miller-
                  I AM.CANADIAN
                  GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                  • Well..... at least the Bucs won. My sympathies to you west coasters if you were pulling for the Raiders.

                    Jon and I were in a long chat with Calc (Lux) earlier. Jon has clearly been chatting with GS since.

                    Here were the possibilities when we left Lux. And btw, Lux is very much back tracking on the longer term arrangement. They thought we would be turning mysticism over to them in exchange for iron working and the pottery deal. Calc acknowledges that it looked like a lop sided deal in their favor, but we accepted. Both jon and I made the point that it was intended to be the start of a longer term deal. They want tech for tech trades that balance out. (Beta scratches his head...)

                    So here is where we stand - as of 6pm, when I left jon after the Lux chat. Stuff has clearly progressed since then. (that position as head of the Voxian Economic Council is looking more and more attractive )

                    - We can trade IW for alpha now with GS. Gs would be happy.
                    - We trade mysticism with Lux when we are done, for Warrior code and possibly cash.
                    - We trade mysticism and WarriorCode to GS for Writing.
                    - we start researching something else. And we start negotiating the next round of trades.

                    - we hang tight and get warrior code and alphabet from Lux for Mysticism (this may be doubtful. Trip may not concur)
                    - we gift Warrior code to GS.
                    - we trade IW for Writing.
                    - we still have mysticism left in the back pocket to trade with GS.
                    -GS may be really p***ed at us for this. They don't get IW now.

                    A couple of other points. Lux has all the first tier techs. They have clearly been trading with Neu D, who they call their enemy. Should we be so lucky with our enemies. They fully admit this.

                    Unless jon can come up with something with GS, #1 seems the most probable outcome. Lux clearly has a different understanding of the situation. I am more and more keen to talk to Neu D.
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                    • Thanks for the running comentary jon! Did you see any of the game?

                      So are we having a chat tomorrow night? They sure seem uppitty for a civ which has no contacts, is behind in research, and cannot threaten us militarily unless we give them IW.

                      If we are having a chat - we should make sure we have our game plan in tact.

                      And that situation with Lux is really p***ing me off. What a bunch of turkeys. And what's with this - I have to take it to Trip nonsense. Makes him sound like Jabba the Hutt. Sky - where are you when we need you?!!!

                      I'm definitely sending a 'hi, how you doing?' note to Neu D, tomorrow.
                      Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                      • oh jeez. I have a lot of catching up to do


                        • whew!

                          What exactly is the problem with Lux Beta? Have you had any other contact with them that is relevant.

                          I propose we keep researching Mysticism and keep our end of the deal. I don't want to screw Lux over. But we do need to consider any further arrangements carefully. But I do respect them for just "giving" us Iron Working for nothing in return immediately. They are "trusting" us to return mysticism later. I don't want to violate that trust or them and new Demo could come knocking later. And yes they are definately trading. Really you could say they are doing the same thing that we are doing with GS and Lux. Acting as a middleman.

                          So I propose we offer Iron working for alphabet to GS. We finish researching Mysticism and trade it to Lux and try to get something more for it since we did lose turns researching Iron Working.


                          • I desperately want to make this chat.

                            But here are my views. Take note of this Jon, so you know how I feel.

                            If we go peace we go all the way. I don't want any pussyfooting around. I don't want any minor trade deals. I want a full partnership with GS.I want to go all the way with this alliance/partnership. And included in this I propose we trade screen shots. This should eliminate a lot of mistrust between our 2 nations. I know it's not in the spirit of the game, but I feel we must do this to move peace forward.

                            And I want an alliance of sorts. We become long term partners. At least until the industrial age. We agree not to attack each other before then. And as you guys discussed we will form a trade system that boosts our status. We finish our committment with Lux, and place our trade deals with GS ahead of Lux.

                            And going this peace "all the way" theme, I want total agreement on settlement sites. We both want that fish/wheat site so we need to reach an agreement on that. Perhaps they can offer something small and we can leave that for them and settle everything else north of the mountains. Make sure you guys work this out.

                            Don't get me wrong, I support peace. The only reason I was wary was because of vel is on that team. And he has made threads and stategy guides about early conquest. But I like nbarclay. He seems to be peaceful minded.

                            The next point is a biggie. The Lux situation. While Lux giving us Iron Working right off the bat was cool, I really haven't heard much from them. So because the lack of communication, I'm not entirely sure we can trust them.

                            So one thing we can bring up in the chat tomorrow is my and (our) fear that GS and Lux will use that contact information and form a trade alliance and leave us out. I'm still not sure how we can work this out. But I think there are enough techs that we can arrange a 3 way parallel research path. This would take communication between all 3 teams at the same time and some study of the tech tree. But so far Lux hasn't disclosed that much about their nation and their tech status. I would like a little more honesty from them.

                            So I would not like to give our contact with Lux to GS, but they won't like that, and I don't blame them. They have no way of telling if we are trading their techs to Lux.

                            There must be a solution to that Lus/Vox/GS thing, I just can't figure it out. I wish we had more contact with Lux. Then we could speed up this 3 way parallel research path.


                            • P.S. I don't fear that team . I was just wary of Vel and his ealry conquest stategies he has posted about.

                              I am certain we can take them on the tough terrain. The only problem our immortals would have is in the open desert and grassland south of the mountains.

                              but a complete alliance/partnership will be more beneficial than complet conquest really. But it would have to be complete. The 2 teams would essentually have to act like 1 team. And that is still difficult, because they want to win the game. But I'd imagine we can trust them for a while. But if they start falling far behind the other civs, they may do something drastic . But I don't see that happening.


                              • one more thing, what should I do with the turn?

                                I'll play the turn. I'll wait until morning to send it. I think you guys worked a lot out. I'll go ahead and put up Iron Working. If the deal falls through tomorrow night we can always cancel it next turn.

