nbarclay> Jon, is this where you wanted me to go, or am I trespassing?
Jon_Miller> hi
Jon_Miller> no you are not
Jon_Miller> ok
Jon_Miller> I didn't even notice you join
Jon_Miller> my inbox is getting full again and I don't want to delete more for a few days at least
Jon_Miller> you there?
nbarclay> The problem with your proposal as it stands now is that you get the benefit of our faster research pace, while we have no definite time at which we can expect to get the benefit of your contact advantage. That seriously undermines the idea that there
nbarclay> is any kind of real balance in the proposal.
Jon_Miller> hmm, you are right that there is an issue there
Jon_Miller> we could play it foa bit
Jon_Miller> how many techs do you have that we dont?
Jon_Miller> I think all we ave right now (or will have soon) is IW and CW
Jon_Miller> Bucs just scored
nbarclay> Alphabet is the only one. Yes, we can research faster, but your trade for Iron Working caught you up. (Well, that plus a couple delays where we had to stockpile gold waiting for responses from you.)
nbarclay> CW???
Jon_Miller> WC oops
Jon_Miller> so we would be even right now, and we could see where it went from here
Jon_Miller> if one sides feels the other is not holding up (for a sig length of time) it can be ended
Jon_Miller> if you had way mroe techs than us I would understand your problems with the idea
Jon_Miller> because it would seem like we were stealing your techs and not delivering
Jon_Miller> do you know anyway to see the tech tree from inside the editor?
Jon_Miller> it is hard to just see one at a time
nbarclay> I don't know how to do it better than one tech at a time. Sorry.
nbarclay> (At least not for tech costs.)
nbarclay> [Thinking]
Jon_Miller> I have up both civ3 and the editor
Jon_Miller> another tamp td
nbarclay> You do have a point that for however long the arrangement lasts, it stops you from using your advantage in being able to trade to a civ we don't have contact with to pull ahead of us. That's definitely worth considering.
Jon_Miller> yes
Jon_Miller> note the other civ does not have this even thing
Jon_Miller> so they might pull some, however, they are not doing well in other ways
Jon_Miller> we are trying to convince them though
Jon_Miller> I will be back in a bit
nbarclay> Right. It sounds like basically, what we would be doing is operating as a single entity with regard to our trade relationship with the rest of the world. Lux could join us, or they could be part of "the rest of the world" that we're competing with.
nbarclay> Does that pretty much summarize the concept?
Jon_Miller> yes
Jon_Miller> actually since outside they have writing, horsebackriding might be better
nbarclay> One of my main goals is to get to Republic ASAP. We need Writing to get there, and with Gathering Storm's research power, even if they get Writing first, we'd have a decent shot at a branch lead beyond that.
Jon_Miller> branch lead?
nbarclay> A lead on a particular branch of the tech tree.
Jon_Miller> ahh, yes, a better way of expressing the idea than my teir one
Jon_Miller> we are learning for monarchy (because that is what the civ above us wants)
Jon_Miller> our taem is somewhat unknowledgable compared to you, we are elarning as we go along
Jon_Miller> especially about multiplayer stuff
nbarclay> The problem with your going for Monarchy is that it's not something two civs working together can leverage very well. Further, Monarchy doesn't yield anywhere near as much gold for further research once you get there.
Jon_Miller> hi
Jon_Miller> no you are not
Jon_Miller> ok
Jon_Miller> I didn't even notice you join

Jon_Miller> my inbox is getting full again and I don't want to delete more for a few days at least
Jon_Miller> you there?
nbarclay> The problem with your proposal as it stands now is that you get the benefit of our faster research pace, while we have no definite time at which we can expect to get the benefit of your contact advantage. That seriously undermines the idea that there
nbarclay> is any kind of real balance in the proposal.
Jon_Miller> hmm, you are right that there is an issue there
Jon_Miller> we could play it foa bit
Jon_Miller> how many techs do you have that we dont?
Jon_Miller> I think all we ave right now (or will have soon) is IW and CW
Jon_Miller> Bucs just scored
nbarclay> Alphabet is the only one. Yes, we can research faster, but your trade for Iron Working caught you up. (Well, that plus a couple delays where we had to stockpile gold waiting for responses from you.)
nbarclay> CW???
Jon_Miller> WC oops
Jon_Miller> so we would be even right now, and we could see where it went from here
Jon_Miller> if one sides feels the other is not holding up (for a sig length of time) it can be ended
Jon_Miller> if you had way mroe techs than us I would understand your problems with the idea
Jon_Miller> because it would seem like we were stealing your techs and not delivering
Jon_Miller> do you know anyway to see the tech tree from inside the editor?
Jon_Miller> it is hard to just see one at a time
nbarclay> I don't know how to do it better than one tech at a time. Sorry.
nbarclay> (At least not for tech costs.)
nbarclay> [Thinking]
Jon_Miller> I have up both civ3 and the editor
Jon_Miller> another tamp td
nbarclay> You do have a point that for however long the arrangement lasts, it stops you from using your advantage in being able to trade to a civ we don't have contact with to pull ahead of us. That's definitely worth considering.
Jon_Miller> yes
Jon_Miller> note the other civ does not have this even thing
Jon_Miller> so they might pull some, however, they are not doing well in other ways
Jon_Miller> we are trying to convince them though
Jon_Miller> I will be back in a bit
nbarclay> Right. It sounds like basically, what we would be doing is operating as a single entity with regard to our trade relationship with the rest of the world. Lux could join us, or they could be part of "the rest of the world" that we're competing with.
nbarclay> Does that pretty much summarize the concept?
Jon_Miller> yes
Jon_Miller> actually since outside they have writing, horsebackriding might be better
nbarclay> One of my main goals is to get to Republic ASAP. We need Writing to get there, and with Gathering Storm's research power, even if they get Writing first, we'd have a decent shot at a branch lead beyond that.
Jon_Miller> branch lead?
nbarclay> A lead on a particular branch of the tech tree.
Jon_Miller> ahh, yes, a better way of expressing the idea than my teir one
Jon_Miller> we are learning for monarchy (because that is what the civ above us wants)
Jon_Miller> our taem is somewhat unknowledgable compared to you, we are elarning as we go along
Jon_Miller> especially about multiplayer stuff
nbarclay> The problem with your going for Monarchy is that it's not something two civs working together can leverage very well. Further, Monarchy doesn't yield anywhere near as much gold for further research once you get there.