10ad Turn Play Report
We came out of anarchy and went into despotism (for a brief time). All units have been moved per Harry's recommendations. The five workers near the New Voice have cleared the forest adding 10 shields to New Voice's coffers. All other workers are roading, except for the one NNW (keypad 7) who has started planting a forest.
Our leading galley will make landfall next turn. All other galleys have moved forward as well. We should have two more cities settled in two turns, with five more the turn after. So we'll have to start giving some thought to the city naming conventions.
There is a barbarian horseman on the Irony city site so I moved our elite immortal down to the mountain. Just in case the horse gets lucky and kills the pikeman on the mountain (which is hopefully what it will try to do) then there is a backup and we won't lose the settler. If the barb goes NNE (keypad 9), then we can move to the city site and move the immortal around to keep the barb happy.
Ended the turn with a switch back to anarchy. We should come out of it in 3 turns....just as most of our cities will be settled.
Printing Press in 37 turns.
A quick look: http://apolyton.net/upload/files/Rhothaerill/10ad1.jpg
An update on the Bobian war. It appears that Neu Demogyptica has taken more of Roleplay's lands. Santiago, Leon, and Vigo are now part of ND. On the other side Gathering Storm now has Toledo as well.
It appears GS has also entered the fray against ND as they are at war with each other in the foreign advisor box. Glory of War is still not at war with anyone despite their stated intentions in the main forum.
Trading: Lego has a current trade with GS
GS has a current trade with Lego, GoW, and RP
RP has a current trade with GS and GoW
GoW has a current trade with RP and GS (which they will probably lose if they ever declare war)
ND is not currently trading with anyone else.
We came out of anarchy and went into despotism (for a brief time). All units have been moved per Harry's recommendations. The five workers near the New Voice have cleared the forest adding 10 shields to New Voice's coffers. All other workers are roading, except for the one NNW (keypad 7) who has started planting a forest.
Our leading galley will make landfall next turn. All other galleys have moved forward as well. We should have two more cities settled in two turns, with five more the turn after. So we'll have to start giving some thought to the city naming conventions.
There is a barbarian horseman on the Irony city site so I moved our elite immortal down to the mountain. Just in case the horse gets lucky and kills the pikeman on the mountain (which is hopefully what it will try to do) then there is a backup and we won't lose the settler. If the barb goes NNE (keypad 9), then we can move to the city site and move the immortal around to keep the barb happy.
Ended the turn with a switch back to anarchy. We should come out of it in 3 turns....just as most of our cities will be settled.

A quick look: http://apolyton.net/upload/files/Rhothaerill/10ad1.jpg
An update on the Bobian war. It appears that Neu Demogyptica has taken more of Roleplay's lands. Santiago, Leon, and Vigo are now part of ND. On the other side Gathering Storm now has Toledo as well.
It appears GS has also entered the fray against ND as they are at war with each other in the foreign advisor box. Glory of War is still not at war with anyone despite their stated intentions in the main forum.
Trading: Lego has a current trade with GS
GS has a current trade with Lego, GoW, and RP
RP has a current trade with GS and GoW
GoW has a current trade with RP and GS (which they will probably lose if they ever declare war)
ND is not currently trading with anyone else.