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Diplomacy: Reports, Instructions, PMs

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  • Zaragoza will remain producing pikes. the best way to counter cavalry is pikes and they are relatiovely cheap too. By the time that ND attacks us, we have enough pikes to counter it.

    Still I suggest that We contackt GoW and try to make an agreement when it comes to war now.

    I think it would be good to have basically three pikeman in our northernmnost cities and some on the road that can easily be moved from one city to another.

    Duke Aidun Cian of Zaragoza
    "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
    Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


    • Since Aidun had long gone to sleep and we needed to confer with Legoland about Education, Togas asked me to talk to ZargonX.

      I knew from looking at the save and the price of Education, that while only 1 civ had Education last turn (presumably Legoland), that either 3 or 4 civs have it now.

      Thus, what bothers me is that Legoland apparently whored around Education, but did not give us an offer (unless it's sitting in Aidun's box or something). Given that we've also been intentionally left out of the loop on Chivalry, we're apt to become paranoid.

      That said, Legoland has nothing to be gained from failing to sell us a tech, a sale upon which they stand to make a profit they'd otherwise lose.

      After talking with ZargonX, he said he'd give us an offer for Education, but he needed to confer with other members of his team first before making such an offer. He told me he'd try to get back to us on that by early tomorrow (since his earlier statement of hoping to get back to me by later tonight didn't turn out since no-one else from Legoland was online).

      What Togas, myself, and others have discussed in the channel is that we need to have a discussion with Legoland about the possibile start-up of World War Bob within the next several turns. Legoland has a vested interest in preventing the rise of a Bobian superpower and also has a vested interest in ensuring any internal Bobian conflict is a bloodbath.

      As such, we may be able to use that as leverage to discount the price of techs from Legoland or even (once the war starts, especially) get them to give us stuff for free if we're the ones being invaded (or at least one of the ones being invaded). You never know... it might just work.

      I mentioned to ZargonX while he was away (so he'll see it when he gets back) that we believe World War Bob is about to break out within the next several turns and that's why we're taking longer on the save as we hash things out. Since Togas already told MZ of GoW this, there's no harm in telling Legoland. Furthermore, Togas and BigFree seem to agree that we need to have a serious discussion with Legoland about the coming war.
      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


      • I sent the following PM to Darekill

        I wish that I could greet you in good spirits, but there is a lot going on that requires our two nations to sit down and settle the issue before we are drawn hastily into a bloody conflict.

        I know very little about your relations with Glory of War, but I do know a good deal about their players, their methods, and their goals. They have made a great deal of profit from the sale of Chivalry, and my scientists have watched the price of Chivalry drop each turn. We have calcuated the drop as each nation obtains Chivalry and have discovered that 5 nations possess this technology.

        They offered Chivalry to us for 500g, which is far more than you or any other nation paid for it, but told us that they would sell it to us for 150g if they get attacked by your nation. The reason they are withholding the technology is painfully obvious to both of us, however, the reason they made the 150g conditional offer may not be to you ... You see, we have a signed defensive pact with GoW that would call them to attack you should you attack us.

        GoW knows that should they be attacked by your nation Spain would buy Chivalry and attack ND. However, it is becoming clear to me that they do not expect this to happen. What they expect is that your nation will attack Spain, moving the bulk of your army to the south, and then they will be called by their Defensive Pact to use their horde of freshly upgraded Riders to storm into the northern border of your nation and conquer your weakly defended cities.

        Frankly, GoW is attempting to manipulate us into war.

        I am very confident of this. I am also confident that they are now trying to coerce you into a conflict with us ... attempting to bribe you or even make a false pact to join with you and attack Spain. They will make whatever promises and agreements necessary to get you to carry out the plan but, in the end, they will do what is in their best interest, not what is in your best interest. They will take those northern cities, seize the iron for themselves, and make a glorious, bloody attempt to seize control of all of this continent.

        These warmongers cannot be trusted. They have a deadly UU and devious motives. They are conquerers at heart, they are not diplomats. They do not strive, as we do, to live in peace in our homeland. Spain has all the land and resources it needs ... it does not crave or lust after your land, your people, and your resources. We are capable of peaceful coexistance with your people. It is all that I wish for and I will do whatever I can to make it happen.

        Please, agree to meet with me in chat. I am free today and tomorrow. Simply name a time and a channel and I will be there to talk with you if you desire to speak to me about these things.

        Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
        Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
        Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
        Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


        • Chat with nye of GS:

          Session Start: Wed Jul 09 01:27:45 2003
          Session Ident: notyoueither
          [01:27] BigFree hey ther
          [01:27] notyoueither yoi
          [01:27] BigFree some PTWDG business
          [01:28] notyoueither k
          [01:28] BigFree I ha an idea of how to get that Galley off of your shore quickly
          [01:28] BigFree it possible in Sp but Im not sure about MP
          [01:28] notyoueither oh, how?
          [01:28] BigFree you demand that we remove it
          [01:28] BigFree in game
          [01:29] notyoueither i think that is disabled in mp
          [01:29] BigFree and we opt to have it moived auotmatically
          [01:29] BigFree ah
          [01:29] notyoueither no problem with you going back, btw. just avoid the fishies, please
          [01:29] BigFree sure
          [01:29] notyoueither
          [01:29] BigFree can you gusy sell any techs to us?
          [01:30] BigFree Chiv, Eduaction?
          [01:30] notyoueither i don't think so.
          [01:30] notyoueither you have repub?
          [01:30] BigFree hmm, everyone and therii mothers have it but us
          [01:30] BigFree yes we do
          [01:30] notyoueither i think that when we get them, we will be subject to no trade clauses
          [01:31] BigFree ah, ok
          [01:31] notyoueither yes. traders are getting smarter
          [01:31] BigFree was the message passed that we would like a NAp tied to the lux trades
          [01:31] notyoueither i hope
          [01:31] notyoueither i know that there is much discussion on the topic
          [01:31] BigFree a 10 turn revolving NAP
          [01:32] notyoueither we must decline though, as of now
          [01:32] BigFree it is vry important as Spain want to be peaceful
          [01:32] notyoueither so do we.
          [01:32] BigFree
          [01:33] BigFree wars cost so damn much
          [01:33] BigFree compared to what Lego is dooing
          [01:33] notyoueither you telling me that?
          [01:33] BigFree LOL
          [01:33] BigFree anyways, thanks
          [01:33] notyoueither yes, lego is chugging along
          [01:33] notyoueither 'np


          • After doing some digging around in our Forum I found that our NAP with Lego expired on turn 114 (270 BC)

            BUT, there a pre-game NAP that goes all the way to 1000 AD that includes us recieving "most favored nation" trade staus, what ever that means!

            Aidun has requested that we re-negotiate it to include the possibilities of Lego comming to our aid in case we are attacked.

            Our NAP with ND expired on turn 101 (550 BC). We will see what they say to Togas's PM.

            GoW has been requested to extend our NAP, which expires soon, turn 128 (10 BC).
            Last edited by BigFree; July 9, 2003, 18:38.


            • PM to Beta of Vox

              Hi Beta

              Any chance at RP getting Chiv from you? It seems everyone has it but us.

              We suspect and combined invasion by ND and GoW in a few turns, their power graphs spiked.

              Maybe Vox can do something to help us out?

              Also, try not to trade Eng to ND or GoW, crossing rivers is something we don't need for either of them to do well.



              • To be exactly: I ordered to renegotiate the proposal for a MPP treaty that was made long ago, but which never became official because Togas wanted, and I partially agree with him, a WM form Lego. Why it is better not to have thet clause in the treaty is something that was explained in the time that the treaty was made and can be read in that thread. There was a seperate threat about it.

                Nimitz has posted a request in their forum, I should soon be able to talk with Nimitz or ZargonX.

                Diomingo Cian,

                Royal ambassador to Legoland
                "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


                • from ZargonX
                  People of Espana,

                  In the spirit of friendship, the citizens of Legoland wish to propose the following to you:

                  We, Legoland, shall give the knowledge of Education.

                  In exchange, the people of Espana will provide 230 gold, as well as agree to a 20-turn Non-disclosure, no-resale agreement.

                  We hope that these terms are agreeable to you, and we look forward to continued dealings.

                  President of Legoland
                  BigFree, get on top of this. Try a little negotiation, perhaps get it for 200g if you can. Let them know that money is tight as we're expecting a war soon. We may also want to do some of this gpt style.

                  Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                  Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                  Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                  Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                  • from Darekill
                    Hello Togas,

                    you are right it is high time we talk.
                    I've published your valuable info in our privat forum i hope that this is o.k.

                    I could arrange to be in a chat with you in about 11 hours from the moment i post this PM is that O.K.?

                    Maybe Borc will be there too.

                    One more thing! We know the way that GoW plays this game. We are aware that a great war is likely to happen and we are preparing for it. We hope that everything will come out fine for us.

                    Darekill Consul of ND
                    Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                    Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                    Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                    Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                    • In email, Panzer mentioned that we didn't swap WMs. I replied, and also sent him an updated treaty proposal:

                      Panzer & MZ,

                      We already have the map, and don't need another exchange. Thanks

                      Given the current tensions and drama that has happened as of late, we ask that GoW sign this agreement. It is the same agreement we signed many turns ago, just extended and adding in Gathering Storm:


                      1) In the event that a party to this agreement is attacked by Neu Demoglyptica and/or Gathering Storm, the other party shall immediately declare war on Neu Demoglyptica and shall commit the majority of their military towards the conquest or destruction of Neu Demoglyptica.

                      2) Once the war has begun the leaders of both nations shall meet, exchange combat and spy information, and attempt to cooperate as much as possible in
                      the joint war effort.

                      3) Neither party may negotiate a separate peace with the enemy. Peace must be agreed on by both parties.

                      4) This pact shall last until 500AD.
                      Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                      Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                      Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                      Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                      • Had a good chat with Darekill of ND.

                        Summary: They have Ansars. They knew about the Defense Pact. They could be scheming to attack us, but attacking GoW seems like a realistic possibility. In any event we kept the lines of communication open, had some friendly talk, and ND may return with a NAP/alliance pact for us to sign. If they do, we will have virtually averted a war. This matter needs to be discussed, of course, but I urge you to read the chat and come to your own conclusions:

                        [ND]Darekill> hi!
                        Togas> greetings
                        Togas> I don't know how long it's been since we've talked...
                        [ND]Darekill> a long time ago.
                        [ND]Darekill> We did not have much to talk about lately
                        Togas> How are things? We rarely hear much about your nation.
                        [ND]Darekill> Well we have to do with GoW and their 'plans'
                        Togas> We have been trying to plan for their "plans" as well, and making preparations where we can.
                        [ND]Darekill> how close are your relationsto them?
                        Togas> we had gotten along very well during the Vox/GS war.
                        Togas> but lately, they've acted very funny, and we're suspicious of them.
                        [ND]Darekill> thats what they do often act funny!
                        [ND]Darekill> Sometimes they are the goody good friends then they try to push us...
                        Togas> sometimes they're very upfront with us, other times they're very evasive. I always get the sense that they're up to something, or at least THEY think they're up to something.
                        Togas> my greatest fear is that they're going to orchestrate a major war and take advantage of it.
                        [ND]Darekill> We found out that they were researching Chiv but they would not let us have it. We said we'd take the iron then.
                        Togas> we still don't understand why you gave them iron ... but perhaps, in this case, it turned out to be a wise move.
                        [ND]Darekill> We gave them iron but we try to controll them a bit with this resource.
                        [ND]Darekill> The bad thing about is that they are realy angry dogs from time to time
                        Togas> do you have any idea of what they're going to do with all of those Riders? What is your guess?
                        [ND]Darekill> We have upgraded a lot of horseman to Ansar just in case their Riders want to take the iron away from us.
                        [ND]Darekill> They are a thread to us and we have to be ready to fight.
                        Togas> As you can guess, we're very worried that you'll use the Ansars against us
                        [ND]Darekill> Of cours we understand that you are worried. But we have to have them since GoW has riders.
                        Togas> I understand that. You definately need to have them.
                        [ND]Darekill> if you look at your borders and i know you do that you wont see any troops of ours.
                        Togas> We also have no troops on our border. I think the only exception is the watch rider on the far east.
                        [ND]Darekill> what would you do if we would atack GoW
                        Togas> probably breathe a big sigh of relief.
                        Togas> I'll be honest with you, we do have a defense pact with them. I wish we didn't.
                        [ND]Darekill> That would relive us to.
                        Togas> right now I'm not at all happy with them
                        Togas> they've been playing games with Chivalry
                        [ND]Darekill> the last thing we want is to fight on two fronts
                        [ND]Darekill> what did they do?
                        Togas> I completely understand. the last thing we want is to fight you guys, against your Ansars. I'd much rather build settlers and try to get a few more cities in place.
                        Togas> GoW offered us Chivalry for 500g.
                        Togas> which is far more than anyone else paid for it
                        Togas> and said they'd offer it to us for 150 IF they went to war with you guy and we joined in.
                        [ND]Darekill> wow the same thing happened to us just before we played the iron card
                        Togas> I get the feeling they don't want anyone else on this continent to have it
                        [ND]Darekill> they always told us about a pact between you and them and that we had to fight you too if we would atack them.
                        Togas> yes. We signed one a long time ago.
                        Togas> I think it was after the whole Lux thing ... before the Vox/GS war.
                        [ND]Darekill> Hmmm...
                        [ND]Darekill> How long will this thing last.
                        Togas> I'd be happy to find a way out of it, though. I think it lasts until turn 130?
                        Togas> I'll go check....
                        Togas> looks like it's 129 or 129
                        Togas> 128 or 129
                        [ND]Darekill> wich turn do we have now?
                        Togas> coming up shortly. There's a draft out there to renew it another 30 turns, still unsigned.
                        Togas> my records show that we are about to play turn 123
                        [ND]Darekill> so that would run at least another five turns at least?
                        Togas> at least. Depends on if we renew. Which depends in part on how things go with you guys -- I can stall or put off renewing this thing.
                        Togas> Maybe we should sign a pact instead.
                        Togas> Your team is more trustworthy than GoW is.
                        [ND]Darekill> We'd be glad if you would not renew it.
                        [ND]Darekill> O.k. let us play this slow but good.
                        [ND]Darekill> First your Pact with GoW has to run out.
                        Togas> Let's agree to a new peace between us. It's been a while since we had a peace pact signed.
                        [ND]Darekill> Then we could agree to give you what you would need for an aliance.
                        Togas> that would work, but we'll need a Non-aggression first.
                        [ND]Darekill> Yes but this can only be done after your pact wit hGoW runs out.
                        Togas> can't be We need to be certain of peace with you guys first.
                        [ND]Darekill> We are still suspicious i'm sorry but it is like that.
                        Togas> our Nap could override the Pact. If we sign a Nap, we would not attack you.
                        [ND]Darekill> This will cause haeavy discussions with my people.
                        Togas> In fact, we could put in the NAP that "this pact overrides all other pacts"
                        [ND]Darekill> They have been traped ito a pact before and we do not give them away easily nowadays.
                        Togas> which would ensure the peace.
                        Togas> No traps at all. You guys can write it up if you like.
                        Togas> I think this might work We've had to put up with GoW's manipulations the whole game. Frankly, if you guys destroyed them, I would not shead a tear.
                        [ND]Darekill> Good we will try to formulate a solid pact.
                        Togas> Spain has plenty of land in the south. We would not want, nor need, any other lands.
                        Togas> Word the pact however you like, just get it to me soon. I'm going to tell my ambassador to sit on the Pact with GoW for a few days.
                        [ND]Darekill> Alright ten i'll tell my people about this meeting and we will formulate a pact.
                        Togas> excellent.
                        Togas> Is there anything else you can tell me about what GoW may be up to?
                        [ND]Darekill> But it will take a few day i guess ther have to be polls and we are four consuls right now.
                        [ND]Darekill> We are a democracy and this tends to lead in long debates
                        Togas> I understand. Do what you can. It's very important. We will be willing to do what it takes to help make this happen.
                        [ND]Darekill> But do not fear we are preparing for GoW not for RP.
                        Togas> I will tell that to my people
                        Togas> We originally sided with GoW because we feared you may attack. Because you are our only neighbor. However, you have always acted honorably and truthfully with us.
                        Togas> And GoW, well, has always been difficult to deal with.
                        [ND]Darekill> I see. You were honest before and we got along very well so far.
                        Togas> I hope we continue to get along.
                        [ND]Darekill> GoW has played many rtricks so guess who we like more.
                        Togas> We are most interested in avoiding being fooled or tricked into a war.
                        Togas> And if GoW tells us something strange, I'll let you know.
                        [ND]Darekill> I understand.
                        [ND]Darekill> Yes we tell you if they tell us strange things too.
                        Togas> good
                        Togas> Know that Spain has no need to expand it's borders. We are content with our great blessings. We do not pose a threat to your peaceful people.
                        [ND]Darekill> good
                        [ND]Darekill> Well met
                        Togas> very good to speak with you again.
                        Togas> I hope to hear back from you soon.
                        [ND]Darekill> Expect to hear from us soon.
                        Togas> Take care.
                        [ND]Darekill> *g*
                        [ND]Darekill> good. Bye then!
                        Togas> bye
                        * [ND]Darekill has left #talks
                        Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                        Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                        Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                        Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                        • Chat with ZargonX of Lego

                          Session Start: Wed Jul 09 23:17:21 2003
                          Session Ident: ZargonX
                          [23:17] Bigfree- hey Zargon
                          [23:17] Bigfree- RP serriously appreciates the offer you made, but we are under durees righ tnow
                          [23:17] Bigfree- *duress
                          [23:18] Bigfree- we can't afford to purchase non-military applicable techs right now
                          [23:18] Bigfree- maybe after the dust settles we will
                          [23:19] Bigfree- we need to keep all avaialble gold for troubles
                          [23:19] Bigfree- you there ZargonX?
                          [23:46] ZargonX- sorry, I'm here
                          [23:46] ZargonX- got called away for a while
                          [23:46] Bigfree- np
                          [23:46] ZargonX- As for the duress, I can understand
                          [23:46] ZargonX- there is no expiration date on the deal, of course
                          [23:46] Bigfree- thanks
                          [23:47] ZargonX- anyway, off to bed!
                          [23:47] ZargonX- 'night to you!
                          [23:47] Bigfree- night
                          Session Close: Wed Jul 09 23:47:42 2003


                          • Received this PM from Unorthodox
                            Just to be sure, this is not official in any way.

                            What is going on?

                            I admit that my time on the PTW game has been limited. Ok, perhaps that is a bit of an understatement. But, what is going on here?

                            Last thing I knew we were best friends, now I see what could amount to threats comming from you guys. What happened? I have only really been involved with our relations to GS, so am not all caught up on what has happened with you guys. I am trying to go through the thread now, but there may be holes.

                            Why did I choose GS? Well, the take 24 hour + to make a decision team, aka GS, fits my schedule better than needing to hold chats like the others.

                            Anyway, let me know what's going on, apparantly I need to involve myself here as well, and soon by the looks of things.
                            Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                            Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                            Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                            Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                            • Sent to Unorthodox:
                              Last thing I knew we were best friends, now I see what could amount to threats comming from you guys. What happened?
                              I'd like to know what happened, too. I am absolutely confused by your team's bizzare treatment of us. We were once the best of allies and now I can't get a straight answer from MZ about anything, other than some lame reassurances that everything is OK. It's obviously not OK. GoW will only sell us Chivalry for 500g and 5 other teams already have it. None of them paid that much for it. We're being treated with paranoid suspicion all of a sudden and having to beg MasterZen to extend the old Defense Pact. This isn't right and we, obviously, suspect the worst.
                              Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                              Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                              Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                              Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                              • renegotiantion of a MPP with Legoland

                                A small summary of my chat with ZargonX of Legoland:

                                - I negotiated with ZargonX about re-allying. The alliance is a MPP.
                                - I convinced ZargonX of the need of Lego having an alliance and the woth of friendship between us.
                                - I convinced him of my idea that Legoland has to go to wat onece even though they don't like it, they will be forced to go to war.
                                - I convinced, by showing him the threat of either GoW or GS becoming a superpower, that it benefits Lego to have an MPP with us.
                                - Lego will probably sign an MPP and we might get the allowance to explore their coast as a compensation for dropping the demand of their WM.
                                - We will design the alliance and Lego will debate it after we send it to them, so I ask you to propose whatever you think is a good article and help me, BigFree and Togas to design it.

                                This is the report of the chat:
                                [Aidun] Hi
                                [ZargonX] Hello, Aidun!
                                [ZargonX] Be with you in one second...
                                [Aidun] ready?
                                [ZargonX] yes, I'm here
                                [ZargonX] sorry, had a phone call
                                [ZargonX] anyway, let us discuss the issues at hand
                                [ZargonX] So, first off, could you tell me how the situation is looking from your end?
                                [Aidun] Well, let me first state that the situation is strange
                                [ZargonX] in what manner?
                                [Aidun] GoW is acting very strange again. Master Zen first refused to sell chivalry to us, but then agreed for the price of 500 gold. this is ridiculous
                                [Aidun] We have not agreed of course
                                [ZargonX] that is rather pricy...
                                [Aidun] The second thging is that GoW is saying that all is fine, while things aren't fine at all
                                [Aidun] yes
                                [ZargonX] hmmm... do you fear a GoW attack only, or an ND-GoW attack?
                                [Aidun] This price was, as you maybe know, a lot lower for other civs
                                [Aidun] Soldiers are trained like mad
                                [Aidun] here
                                [Aidun] We do not expect ND to attack us, but GoW seems to be on warpath again
                                [ZargonX] do you think the attack will come sooner rather than later?
                                [Aidun] We think but that GoW is using this strategy:
                                [Aidun] They bribe ND to attack us and then all Ansars are on ND's southern border, GoW attacks ND in the north. Then GoW can easily conquer the ND production centers and it is good bye ND. After that It is Good bye Spain.
                                [ZargonX] hmm... that would be a plausable scenario
                                [Aidun] After that it is either Goodbye Lego or Goodbye GS
                                [Aidun] only a matter of time
                                [ZargonX] have you spoken to ND at all about this concerns?
                                [Aidun] when GoW has entire Bob, they will outnumber you in forces and power in anay way
                                [ZargonX] yes, someone controlling all of Bob would be very formidable, indeed
                                [ZargonX] I do not think any civs in the world would be interested in seeing a one-civ Bob, by any means
                                [Aidun] Yes, we don't have a NAP with ND, but negotiations are going on.
                                [ZargonX] that's good to hear
                                [Aidun] We have explained this to ND and made an agreement, but it still needs to be discussed by parliaments etc.
                                [ZargonX] of course; team concensus is always important
                                [Aidun] It is just now that we see a benefit for both of us joining in an alliance. For us the benefit is on the short term, for you on the long term: no Bobian superpower
                                [ZargonX] Do you have a specific set of proposals for us?
                                [Aidun] We would like to blow the dust of our proto-alliance-agreement but then without the demand of the map of Lego
                                [Aidun] As we know that it is difficult for you to give it
                                [ZargonX] yes, that is always a sticking point for us
                                [ZargonX] so, you would want to build off the original proto-alliance, with new clauses?
                                [Aidun] Perhaps we could agree that a ship of us may scout your coastline, but that can also be decided apart form this agreement
                                [ZargonX] Well, as always, I will have to confer with the rest of the Lego Senate
                                [ZargonX] but if you PM with a draft, we can look it over in short order
                                [ZargonX] and then we can work from there
                                [Aidun] of course, that is why it can better be left out of the allaince
                                [ZargonX] yes, better to deal with more important issues in the main body of the agreement
                                [ZargonX] when could you have a draft?
                                [Aidun] All we want is a defensive alliance with you, we will come to your aid and you will come to ours. I know that war is not what you are waiting for, but I see a moment coming near that even Legoland will, like the US had to do too in WW2 although they prefered to stay out of it, take the arms and go for war. You can't escape form war, sooner or later you will have to face it. Better sooner than later
                                [ZargonX] Yes, war seems to be a sad inevitability in this game, of that we are fully aware
                                [Aidun] Then we can better have peace and be close allies than opposing and fighting each other. tell that to your teammates.
                                [ZargonX] and no one wants to see a superpower in the world
                                [Aidun] Agree
                                [ZargonX] I will, of course, pass along the message of peace
                                [ZargonX] Do you fear the war will be coming shortly?
                                [Aidun] We don't want to see it either. We have stayed out of any conflict until now, even in the Voxian war, we have told ND that we want to stay at peace with them and that we trust them
                                [Aidun] BTW, ND told us the same
                                [Aidun] so that is positive
                                [ZargonX] yes, that is a good sign
                                [ZargonX] ND seems a trustworthy team, in general
                                [Aidun] I agree with that. In the past we doubted a bit when they got quite poaweful. That was in and after the Luxian time, but time has changed, and they ahev remained trustworthy, far more trustworthyb than GoW
                                [ZargonX] ah, the Lux days... time long gone by....
                                [Aidun] We don't exactly know when the war will start. I have tried to predict it, but that is based on just one strategy while there are many.
                                [ZargonX] yes, it is always hard to predict these things
                                [ZargonX] though, I would imagine those civs with UUs would want to take advantage of them while they are still useful
                                [Aidun] yes, but the age of the riders and ansars will not soon pass by. the medieval days seem to take as long as in RL
                                [ZargonX] Ok, I guess the best way to proceed forward is for RP to create a new draft agreement, and pass it along to us in short order
                                [ZargonX] we can review it, and then more on from there
                                [Aidun] it is important that we get it passed soon. I will look it up as soon as I can, or someone else of our team will do
                                [ZargonX] excellent
                                [ZargonX] I will present it to the team as soon as I receive it
                                [Aidun] I want to inform you of one other thing
                                [ZargonX] yes?
                                [Aidun] The strategy of GoW with ND is not the only one.
                                [Aidun] How are your contacts with GS
                                [ZargonX] GS?
                                [Aidun] Sailing over the sea is pretty easy with the Lighthouse
                                [ZargonX] You fear they would come to Bob?
                                [Aidun] I have strictly confidential info: GS has refused a NAP
                                [ZargonX] hrm... I would not think they would be so bold as to try Bob...
                                [ZargonX] that is quite an undertaking
                                [Aidun] to be exact: a NAP bound to trade deals
                                [ZargonX] ah
                                [Aidun] but still. You guys don't want to see GS invade Bob too
                                [ZargonX] No, not at all
                                [ZargonX] GS having controlling interests in Bob is a very scary thought
                                [Aidun] but they still have an army that is strong and the borders with Vox hardly need any defense
                                [ZargonX] yes, Vox seems to be out of the picture
                                [Aidun] unless you'd let them develop in the north.
                                [Aidun] Tose land aren't too bad
                                [ZargonX] you've seen?
                                [Aidun] I can see the coastline of it. We musrt have acquired it by trading WM's
                                [ZargonX] yes... the coast looks nice...
                                [ZargonX] it's not so nice once you get off the beach :P
                                [Aidun] ah poor voxians
                                [ZargonX] anyway, I'm sorry to run, but I have some RL business I must take care of
                                [ZargonX] I will back a little later though, but I suppose that's quite late for you
                                [Aidun] Ok, I'll PM you ASAP
                                [ZargonX] sounds good to me!
                                [Aidun] make sure your parliament agrees
                                [ZargonX] I will be ready for it
                                [ZargonX] I will present it to them and we shall discuss it as urgent
                                [ZargonX] so, until later!
                                [ZargonX] it's been a pleasure!
                                [Aidun] cya
                                [Aidun] to me too
                                Session Close: Fri Jul 11 01:58:58 2003
                                Diomingo Cian,

                                Royal ambassador to Legoland
                                Last edited by Aidun; July 10, 2003, 20:24.
                                "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                                Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG

