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Diplomacy: Reports, Instructions, PMs

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  • received this PM from zeit of GS:
    Honorable Togas,

    In the past, your team has shown interest in acquiring our world map.
    It is now available for purchase. Would you be interested? If so, please propose your price for the map and we will get back to you shortly.
    Please send your reply to Shiber and ManicStarSeed. Thank you.

    Best regards,
    Gathering Storm.
    Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
    Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
    Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
    Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


    • Hi Beta

      Things are good. I hope you guys are doing ok....well, as 'ok' as you can considering the circumstances.

      We'd like to be able to send you some of the gold on the turn we can trade for Engineering and the rest in gpt. Does that sound good? Otherwise, yes, the deal is still on.

      I'm always available for chat Beta, just find me in the ISDG channel and we can go from there. Spain wishes you the best of luck with things.


      Greetings BF. How are things?

      Life at Vox is interesting, to say the least, but a peace plan is reached, and an orderly wrap-up of our affairs on Estonia is underway.

      I would like to review a deal discussed earlier, and which we at Vox thought had been agreed to. Here are the details:

      Trade Agreement Between Spain and Vox Controli

      In exchange for the technology of engineering, to be delivered as 'accepted' to Spanish RolepLay by Vox Controli on or before the date 34 turns from this date, Spain agrees to pay the sum of 200 gold, payable as 10 gold per turn, to commence on the turn after the conclusion of the current 8gpt payment for a previous deal, and to run for a period of 20 turns.

      Signed ........ Togas...............for Spain
      Signed ........ BetaHound ..... for Vox Controli
      We are assuming this deal is still a ''go". We have not heard anything to the contary. And Engineering will be up shortly.

      Please let me know. Many thanks!

      How are the tensions on Bob these days? Everything fairly quiet?

      Regards ... Beta.

      ps - if you want to chat - just let me know. Thanks.


      • PM to OPD of GS

        I've thought about your offer to sell us your WM. What if we offer to completely withdraw our ships from scouting around Estonia? I mean, we would be able to get the information through mostly scouting around ourselves since it appears that Estonia is not all that wide. And it also clears up your sea lanes and causes our ships to gather less fish from your waters, which allows more for GS to be able to feed your growing chickens.

        On a seperate note; we are contiuing our connection of luxeries. We hope to be able to trade soon the the people of gathering Storm.



        • PM to vondrack of Lego

          We debated the topic pretty good over here about giving up on the Sistine Chappel and going for St Bachs Cathedral.

          We'd need assurances that you would not build it.

          We'd need Theology and The Republic.

          The debate is still ongoing about what to offer you for Education. Some feel it is fair for you to give it to us since we will be giving up on one of the most powerful Wonders in the game. Some say we have enough luxeries anyways, and St Bachs is a nice consulation.(not may of those.) Some feel it is fair to offer you some gold for Education. It is how much gold that is debated. I'm authorized to offer you 100 gold for it, in addition to the "No Sistine clause."

          Another reason we feel it is neccessary to get Education from you is that we'd have to research Music Theory also before we can even build it. As we are already on our way to The Sistine Chappel we'd need to get to Music Theory fairly quickly so that we don't build something that we don't want to build, in you catch my drift (another Palace).

          We can shift the WF around a bit to delay for a while, but we'd rather have a Wonder sooner than later, as would any team. It ties up production for others items for a long time as it is.

          That would be Lego giving:
          The Republic
          "No St Bach's clause"

          Add RolePlay gives:
          "No Sistine Chappel clause"
          100 gold

          Let me know ASAP so we can make appropriate plans; we are still researching Theology as of this moment and would like to switch to Music Theory ASAP.



          • Lords,

            I have an idea. Since Vox is an industrious civ, we could allow mercenary workers from Persia to come build roads and mines ant another things in our lands. In exchange, we could sell our extra iron to these guys.

            Any comment ?
            Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
            Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


            • Hi BF. Good to hear from you. yes - maybe we can get together for a chat this weekend.

              And yes - we are doing OK. This is actually an interesting game experience as I have never 'wrapped-up' a civ before. We will come out of it with the bulk of our population, a smallish but well trained military, and a reputation for the smallest civ to have caused the most commotion in the game so far.

              As to the deal. Yes - gpt as part of the payment is fine by us. Engineering is up in 8 or 9 turns - maybe it is 10. Will let you know when we play the next turn.

              Take care ... Beta.
              BigFree wrote on 27-06-2003 05:33:
              Hi Beta

              Things are good. I hope you guys are doing ok....well, as 'ok' as you can considering the circumstances.

              We'd like to be able to send you some of the gold on the turn we can trade for Engineering and the rest in gpt. Does that sound good? Otherwise, yes, the deal is still on.

              I'm always available for chat Beta, just find me in the ISDG channel and we can go from there. Spain wishes you the best of luck with things.


              Greetings BF. How are things?

              Life at Vox is interesting, to say the least, but a peace plan is reached, and an orderly wrap-up of our affairs on Estonia is underway.

              I would like to review a deal discussed earlier, and which we at Vox thought had been agreed to. Here are the details:

              Trade Agreement Between Spain and Vox Controli

              In exchange for the technology of engineering, to be delivered as 'accepted' to Spanish RolepLay by Vox Controli on or before the date 34 turns from this date, Spain agrees to pay the sum of 200 gold, payable as 10 gold per turn, to commence on the turn after the conclusion of the current 8gpt payment for a previous deal, and to run for a period of 20 turns.

              Signed ........ Togas...............for Spain
              Signed ........ BetaHound ..... for Vox Controli
              We are assuming this deal is still a ''go". We have not heard anything to the contary. And Engineering will be up shortly.

              Please let me know. Many thanks!

              How are the tensions on Bob these days? Everything fairly quiet?

              Regards ... Beta.

              ps - if you want to chat - just let me know. Thanks.

              Hi BF. I just confirmed the timining - 10 turns from our 250bc turn for engineering. ...Beta.


              • BigFree,

                Get us that WM of GS. Negotiate with someone from their team for a price, we should ask for their WM in exchange for removing our galley. If that doesn't work, start with 5g and go up from there, but not too high. It ultimately doesn't concern us, it only concerns us now as we'd like to pull back that galley sooner rather than later.

                Get us the tech deal with Lego done ASAP

                Get us in touch with GoW and get an estimate on Chivalry and a price.

                Reaffirm the Alliance with GoW.

                Confirm a trade deal with Vox for Engineering

                Try to have a friendly chat with ND just to assure them that we're peaceful fellows.

                Get that lux deal with GS finalized. Trade should happen in @4 turns.

                Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                • Judging by the last few turns, Vox probably still has a fair amount of fight left. I suspect that in order for GS to go for the kill, they will drain a lot of resources from empire building e.g. buildings. Hopefully that will constrain them somewhat. My real concern is Lego. They can expand on their landmass unchecked with minimal defense as they know no one was gonna attempt an intercontinent war as it would make the attacking party much to vulnerable. At some point we make need to think about trying to isolating lego diplomatically
                  Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
                  Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team


                  • Cool.

                    I was writing to let you know that Spain would like to give 100 gold, and 5 gpt when you have Engineering and can trade it to us. We are more than happy to still be dealing with our good friends of Vox. You will be our only source of Engineering, we make that promise.

                    Good luck in the new world. Send post cards!


                    Hi BF. I got an e-mail which said you had tried to PM me when my PM box was full. I have done my housekeeping. Now receiving. Please resend. Thanks.


                    • Sent to Vondrack of Lego

                      Role Play team promises not to build The Sistine Chappel. In return, Lego gifts The Republic and Theology to Role Play immediately upon approval.

                      Togas, King of Spain


                      • Sent to ZargonX of Lego


                        Consider this treaty approved.


                        Please ignore that first PM, that was a mis-send. This is the official treaty:

                        Role Play team promises not to build The Sistine Chapel. In return, Lego gifts The Republic and Theology to Role Play immediately upon approval.



                        • Chat with MasterZen of GoW

                          Session Start: Sun Jul 06 00:00:00 2003
                          Session Ident: #PTWDGConference
                          [01:49] * Togas ( has joined #PTWDGConference
                          [02:41] * Togas ( Quit (Quit: )
                          [03:10] * BigFree is now known as BigFree|Away
                          [11:16] * Togas ( has joined #PTWDGConference
                          [12:35] * BigFree|Away is now known as BigFree
                          [13:51] * Togas is now known as TogasIDLE
                          [13:52] * Retrieving #PTWDGConference info...
                          [13:53] * BigFree changes topic to 'Conference Room For ND-RP-GoW'
                          [13:53] * BigFree sets mode: +p
                          [14:25] * TogasIDLE is now known as Togas
                          [15:24] * Togas ( Quit (Ping timeout)
                          [15:35] * MZ|SoccerGame ( has joined #PTWDGConference
                          [15:35] MZ- what? no ND?
                          [15:35] BigFree- hey
                          [15:35] BigFree- nope
                          [15:35] BigFree- we detected that ND has Chiv
                          [15:35] BigFree- they had the cash?
                          [15:36] MZ- haven't seen the save, what year?
                          [15:36] BigFree- 150 BC
                          [15:36] MZ- and how do you know ND has it?
                          [15:36] BigFree- can't say right now
                          [15:36] BigFree- but power ratings went up
                          [15:36] BigFree- and militayr strngth changed
                          [15:37] MZ- they went up?
                          [15:37] BigFree- yep
                          [15:37] BigFree- to us they did
                          [15:37] BigFree- and cost for Chiv wnet down
                          [15:37] BigFree- it all adds up to ND having Chiv
                          [15:38] BigFree- we can only assume that GoW sold it to them
                          [15:38] BigFree- or they researched it
                          [15:38] MZ- we did some upgrades... not much, like 4
                          [15:38] MZ- "just in case"
                          [15:38] BigFree- right
                          [15:38] BigFree- I'm taling about ND though
                          [15:38] BigFree- they must have done some too
                          [15:39] MZ- hmm... I'll have to check their power rating in the last save
                          [15:39] BigFree- did you sell to ND
                          [15:40] MZ- if we'd be 500g richer we'd have upgraded much more than 4
                          [15:40] BigFree- not unless you wanted to reamin' under the radar'
                          [15:41] BigFree- I wouldn't upgrade all until I wanted to attack
                          [15:41] MZ- yes, but being "under the radar" would incite an attack on us
                          [15:41] MZ- we don't want to get attacked, even WITH Riders
                          [15:41] BigFree- yes, maybe, but a counter with Riders is devastating
                          [15:41] MZ- not as much as an attack by Riders
                          [15:41] BigFree- it also prevents others from military build up to keep relative strengths
                          [15:42] BigFree- come on MZ, we both know how it works
                          [15:42] BigFree-
                          [15:42] MZ- one thing is the ISDG, one thing is the PTWDG
                          [15:42] MZ- we are not Apolyton
                          [15:42] BigFree- the starts work on both
                          [15:42] BigFree- *Strats
                          [15:42] BigFree- it is a solid strat
                          [15:42] MZ- we have a more-powerful neighbor to the south, not the case in the ISDG
                          [15:43] BigFree- right, they think you are weak, you keep them thinking that
                          [15:43] MZ- yes, but then they'll get ideas...
                          [15:43] MZ- with CDG we don't care because we can kick their ass, but GoW??
                          [15:43] BigFree- they keep more forces to their South than their North
                          [15:43] BigFree- I'm talikng of ND here
                          [15:44] MZ- are you sure? we got some ND horsies sitting on mountains up there
                          [15:44] BigFree- If you get ND to concentrate on its South, you can swoop into the North
                          [15:44] MZ- we'd do that anyway
                          [15:44] MZ- what we DON'T want them is to attack
                          [15:44] BigFree- Yes, I know you would
                          [15:45] MZ- and if we're still "weak" to them, with Ansars... you get the picture
                          [15:45] BigFree- but would GoW tell RP when it plans to attack ND?
                          [15:45] MZ- "when" and "if"
                          [15:45] BigFree- sure
                          [15:46] MZ- next ~10 turns will be vital...we'll see if **** breaks loose
                          [15:46] BigFree- You know that that I know that if ND and GoW has their respective UU's; they will be used
                          [15:46] MZ- if they have Chiv and start upgrading, we'll do too, and we'll sell you Chiv real damn cheap if war breaks out
                          [15:46] MZ- so keep your horsies near your barracks
                          [15:46] BigFree- do we have your word on that?
                          [15:47] MZ- unless you plan on using it to gang up on us too... :P
                          [15:47] BigFree- LOL
                          [15:47] BigFree- no
                          [15:47] BigFree- we plan on helping you
                          [15:47] BigFree- but we need to plan
                          [15:47] BigFree- We need to formalize an alliance
                          [15:47] MZ- if nothing happens in 10 turns, we start planning...
                          [15:48] BigFree- in 10 turns our NAp is already expired
                          [15:48] BigFree- we want something before then
                          [15:48] MZ- really? when does it expire..
                          [15:48] BigFree- turn 109 I think
                          [15:48] MZ- hmm... need to check. we track turns by the year, not the turn. I think we should change that :P
                          [15:48] BigFree- excuse; 129
                          [15:49] BigFree- or 128
                          [15:49] BigFree- which is 7-8 turns from now
                          [15:49] MZ- wait, do you have panag's IP?
                          [15:49] MZ- (that was tottally off-topic
                          [15:49] BigFree- 150 BC is turn 121
                          [15:49] BigFree- no, I don't
                          [15:50] BigFree- So, GoW is saying that you did not sell Chiv to ND?
                          [15:51] BigFree- or anyone else?
                          [15:52] MZ- if we sold it, where the hell would ND get the $$$ for upgrading??
                          [15:52] BigFree- I do not control their finances, maybe they have been hording gold for a long while
                          [15:52] BigFree- you are skirting the question though
                          [15:53] MZ- well they haven't been tech whoring either
                          [15:53] BigFree- can you answer yes or no?
                          [15:53] MZ- I said no, but you will still think it's a yes
                          [15:53] BigFree- no, I'll take your word
                          [15:54] MZ- and if we did?
                          [15:54] BigFree- if you did not sell to them, then they researched it
                          [15:54] BigFree- if you did, no biggie
                          [15:54] MZ- if anyone had 500g we'd sell it, we told you that
                          [15:54] BigFree- we just wnat to know if we can buy it too
                          [15:54] MZ- and we WILL sell it if only to avoid a future re-sell
                          [15:54] MZ- the legacy of GF...
                          [15:54] BigFree- right
                          [15:55] MZ- you'd do the same
                          [15:55] BigFree- we'd be willing not to trade it or sell it
                          [15:55] BigFree- since more than one Civ has it we thought you'd drop the price now
                          [15:55] MZ- look, I'm going to tell you the truth
                          [15:55] BigFree- ok
                          [15:55] MZ- I'm not at liberty to really say for the following reasons:
                          [15:56] MZ- and by saying this I KNOW you'll suspect we did sell i...
                          [15:56] MZ- Chivalry is a touchy tech
                          [15:56] MZ- especially now, and especially when the 2 civs which stand most to benefit from it are right besides one another (and potentially hostile)
                          [15:57] MZ- now, assuming we DID sell it, you'd find it very very suspicious that we sold it to our suppossed enemy
                          [15:58] MZ- when on the other hand we'd have a pretty good excuse to leech them dry before an attack
                          [15:58] BigFree- I'd rather think it was the latter
                          [15:59] BigFree- truly, I believe that
                          [15:59] MZ- on the other hand they could have researched it themselves
                          [15:59] MZ- which means they have spent turns on science and not on $$
                          [15:59] BigFree- not unless they did the 40 turn thing
                          [15:59] MZ- now also look at it this way, our upgrades are expensive
                          [15:59] MZ- 80g per upgrade
                          [15:59] MZ- that's 800g just to have 10 riders
                          [15:59] BigFree- right
                          [16:00] MZ- we reasearched Chiv, so we didn't spend all those turns financing ourselves
                          [16:00] BigFree- right
                          [16:00] MZ- and despite the fact we whored Feud, how much did that net us? no more than 200
                          [16:00] MZ- that's 3 upgrades
                          [16:00] BigFree- but with 500 gold....
                          [16:00] MZ- THAT's a lot
                          [16:01] MZ- and if ND did not reasearch, that means they've been hoarding gold
                          [16:01] BigFree- not for someone, like ND who may have went the 40 turn route
                          [16:01] MZ- they couldn't
                          [16:01] BigFree- why not
                          [16:01] MZ- they like everone else needs Feud for Chivalry
                          [16:02] MZ- and everyone got Feud not that long ago
                          [16:02] MZ- hasn't been 40 turns since that
                          [16:02] BigFree- then they did not reaseach it!
                          [16:02] BigFree- you sold to thme
                          [16:02] BigFree- that the only way
                          [16:02] MZ- of course not! how did we reasearch it?
                          [16:02] BigFree- maybe they are researching ENg
                          [16:02] MZ- we didn't go the 40 turn route
                          [16:02] BigFree- no, you didn't
                          [16:02] BigFree- you went straight for it
                          [16:03] MZ- so, that's my point. Why wouldn't they?
                          [16:03] MZ- neither of us could do the 40 turn route, we had to research it
                          [16:03] BigFree- ok,
                          [16:03] MZ- we got Feud before they did
                          [16:03] MZ- but they are a bigger empire
                          [16:03] BigFree- sure
                          [16:03] MZ- should be no surprise if we got a head start but still only beat them by say 2 turns
                          [16:03] BigFree- i'm saying that ND went to 40 turn route to Eng
                          [16:04] BigFree- and spent the cahs on Chiv
                          [16:04] BigFree- split cost with you
                          [16:04] MZ- let me put it this way. If we sold you Chiv right now, would we tell ND about it?
                          [16:05] BigFree- no, I suppose not
                          [16:05] BigFree- but they would find out
                          [16:05] MZ- then what makes you think we'd tell you? In both cases the one that has most to lose diplomatically speaking is us
                          [16:05] MZ- because the other team, be it ND or be it you, will think we're deceiving you by selling it to the enemy
                          [16:06] BigFree- MZ, if they gave you 500 gold for it, you did well and RP would not think bad of it
                          [16:06] BigFree- you recouped your costs, thats it
                          [16:06] BigFree- the only thinkg that concerns me
                          [16:06] MZ- that's what I'm trying to re-assure you: my "offical" answer is I am not at liberty to disclose if we did or if we didn't.
                          [16:06] BigFree- is that we don't have an alliance and our NAp expires in 8 turrns
                          [16:07] MZ- but please understand our reasons we would've and why we wouldn't have
                          [16:07] BigFree- I understand your points
                          [16:07] MZ- As i said, if the **** breaks loose, you'll get Chiv
                          [16:08] MZ- and if it doesn't, you'll get it pretty soon either (and cheap)
                          [16:09] MZ- btw, are we ever having the GoW-ND-RP chat?
                          [16:10] BigFree- sure, we need to
                          [16:10] MZ- we should
                          [16:10] MZ- and soon
                          [16:11] MZ- I want to see what all three of us have to say with each other present
                          [16:11] BigFree- how soon would we get Chiv now?
                          [16:11] BigFree- what do you mean MZ?
                          [16:11] BigFree- you want to seee if we say we want to join you in attacking ND in front of them?
                          [16:11] MZ- hell no
                          [16:12] BigFree- I don't get it
                          [16:12] MZ- I want to see their "attitude"
                          [16:12] BigFree- please explain
                          [16:12] MZ- 6 months and you still don't get my psycho ploys against the other teams...
                          [16:12] BigFree- LOL
                          [16:13] BigFree- perhaps if we had an alliance I would feel better about your psycho ploys
                          [16:13] MZ- we have had chats with ND, mostly regarding GS, but they kinda shy away when talking about Bobian power politics
                          [16:13] BigFree- Is Gow ready for that?
                          [16:13] MZ- I don't know, the team would have to decide
                          [16:13] BigFree- for an alliance with RP?
                          [16:13] MZ- I'm already going off on a limb saying some the things I've said today
                          [16:13] BigFree- ok
                          [16:13] MZ- I'm not a 1-man GoW you know..
                          [16:13] BigFree- but what about extending the NAP?
                          [16:14] MZ- we can start working on that perhaps
                          [16:14] BigFree- niether am I one man for Rp
                          [16:14] BigFree- what if we jsut sign an extension of perhaps 20 truns
                          [16:14] BigFree- then work on an alliance
                          [16:15] BigFree- that would assure you of RP stance, would it not?
                          [16:15] MZ- I don't mind the 30 turns
                          [16:15] MZ- you were the ones that wanted 100 :P
                          [16:15] BigFree- 30 turns ontop of the one we have to extend it to turn 159?
                          [16:16] MZ- I'll have to tell the team first you know
                          [16:16] BigFree- 159= 430 AD
                          [16:16] BigFree- I will send a proposal
                          [16:16] MZ- ok
                          [16:16] BigFree- just an extension
                          [16:16] MZ- but we should have that chat soon though
                          [16:16] BigFree- with the curretn one exopirring soonm, we want it to be expedited
                          [16:17] MZ- [GS_mode]
                          [16:17] MZ- it is against team policy to have NAPs
                          [16:17] MZ- [/GS_mode]
                          [16:17] BigFree- LOL
                          [16:17] BigFree- yes, we have to get GS to agree to
                          [16:18] BigFree- as a condition for the lux deals
                          [16:18] BigFree- do you agree in taking that approach
                          [16:18] MZ- ok, I have to go
                          [16:18] BigFree- ok
                          [16:18] MZ- we'll keep on talking next week ok?
                          [16:18] BigFree- ok
                          [16:18] BigFree- tommorow
                          [16:18] MZ- sure
                          [16:18] BigFree- is next week
                          [16:18] MZ- exactly
                          [16:18] BigFree- 12:4)1
                          [16:19] MZ- and sorry for ****ing your chain at first... but you know who I am
                          [16:19] BigFree- sure
                          [16:19] BigFree- its alll good
                          [16:19] MZ- although I find it awkward sometimes
                          [16:19] BigFree- it is
                          [16:20] BigFree- sorry about that
                          [16:20] MZ- how we all get along personally and for the ISDG... but let's be honest here. We all want to win the PTWDG
                          [16:20] BigFree- true
                          [16:20] BigFree- it is only a game
                          [16:20] BigFree- nothing personal for me though
                          [16:20] MZ- me neither
                          [16:20] MZ- oh well, cya later
                          [16:20] BigFree- adios
                          [16:20] BigFree-
                          [16:20] * MZ ( Quit (Quit: )


                          • SUMMARY:

                            I lied to MZ saying that we detected a power change/military strength change. It sure did rattle him. He was truly surprised; perhaps he was told by ND that they only upgraded enough Horsemen so as to remain 'average' when compared to us. I made him think that ND screwed up and went to far.

                            It's clear to me, from the chat, that GoW sold Chiv to ND. If we can't them to aggree to a formal alliance, something is amiss.


                            • I found ZargonX (of Lego) on-line and asked him a quick question or two:

                              Session Start: Sun Jul 06 19:45:01 2003
                              Session Ident: ZargonX
                              [19:45] BigFree- hey ZargonX
                              [19:45] BigFree- can you talk for a bit
                              [19:45] BigFree- maybe 5 minutes
                              [19:59] ZargonX- sorry, I'm here
                              [19:59] ZargonX- playing the PTWDG turn
                              [19:59] BigFree- sorry
                              [19:59] BigFree- ok
                              [19:59] BigFree- just wanted to ask about Chiv
                              [19:59] ZargonX- ah, ok
                              [19:59] BigFree- are you selling?
                              [19:59] ZargonX- can you give me a few minutes?
                              [19:59] BigFree- sure
                              [20:12] ZargonX- hey, BF, can you give me like another 20 minute? Sorry, but something just came up
                              [20:12] BigFree- np
                              [21:30] BigFree- hey
                              [21:31] BigFree- ZargonX
                              [21:31] BigFree- ready?
                              [21:32] ZargonX|around- yes, sorry
                              [21:33] ZargonX|around- been running around my house
                              [21:33] BigFree- np
                              [21:33] ZargonX|around- so, what would you like to discuss?
                              [21:33] BigFree- about Chivalry...
                              [21:33] BigFree- are you selling?
                              [21:33] ZargonX|around- I am afraid we are not in a position to sell
                              [21:34] BigFree-
                              [21:34] BigFree- we detected that 3,maybe 4 civs have it.
                              [21:34] ZargonX|around- I have not checked yet, but it seems possible
                              [21:34] BigFree- we have confirmed GoW
                              [21:35] BigFree- we highly suspect ND
                              [21:35] BigFree- is GoW selling to you?
                              [21:35] ZargonX|around- I would guess that Chiv would be priority one for those two...
                              [21:35] BigFree- yes, no doubt
                              [21:36] ZargonX|around- are you worried about the UU influx on Bob when that happens?
                              [21:36] BigFree- yes
                              [21:36] BigFree- maybe GoW and ND figure their UU's cancel each other out and decided to use against RP
                              [21:36] ZargonX|around- hmmm... that's definately a scary situation
                              [21:37] BigFree-
                              [21:37] ZargonX|around- have they expressed any antagonism towards you?
                              [21:37] BigFree- not yet, but they are relectant to chat
                              [21:38] ZargonX|around- hrmm... definately a discouraging sign...
                              [21:38] BigFree- plus GoW wont sell to us yet
                              [21:38] ZargonX|around- oh? did they give a reason?
                              [21:38] BigFree- just that we should a few turns then ask again
                              [21:38] ZargonX|around- ah
                              [21:38] BigFree- ND. power graph spiked
                              [21:39] ZargonX|around- yes, I noticed that too
                              [21:39] BigFree- we figure it was upgrades
                              [21:39] ZargonX|around- though, they aren't very talkative to begin with :P
                              [21:39] BigFree- hehe true
                              [21:40] ZargonX|around- any other exciting happenings on Bob these days?
                              [21:40] BigFree- other than that, no; we don't want no excitement either! ;p
                              [21:40] ZargonX|around- hehe, I can appreciate that
                              [21:40] ZargonX|around- brb
                              [21:40] BigFree- k
                              [23:35] BigFree- .
                              [23:35] No such nick/channel
                              He never came back.
                              Session Close: Sun Jul 06 23:38:37 2003


                              • I would be very wary of ND right now. As has been discussed, ND and GoW UU's cancel for the most part. And ND might be worried about us using our UU to cripple their infrastructure a little later on. Fortunately the jungle still adds enough of a buffer to neutralize their Ansars (any attack with leave then vulnerable to Med. Inf. first). We need to watch any jungle clearing by ND near our borders for this reason.
                                Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
                                Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team

