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The Spanish Army

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  • #61
    If the rumors in the PTW forum are true, the GoW horsemen were both killed immediately upon landing... we need to get this verified from GoW.

    IF that is the case, I want 2 Pikemen in our first galley shipment. We're going to need some solid defense to be able to attack on the following turn.

    Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
    Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
    Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
    Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Togas
      If the rumors in the PTW forum are true, the GoW horsemen were both killed immediately upon landing... we need to get this verified from GoW.

      IF that is the case, I want 2 Pikemen in our first galley shipment. We're going to need some solid defense to be able to attack on the following turn.

      Landing undefended Horsemen was foolish.

      Everything hinges on us getting Feudalism. In the plan, the Pike Galley is ready within two turns of the others, and I didn't really plan to send them off until all were ready.


      • #63
        I've posted 590BC orders that incorporate the below revised Operation Engineering Payment.

        -3 Galleys ready for departure from E, E of Madrid in 10 turns:
        --First Galley: 2 Riders (both vet)
        --Second Galley: 2 Swords (1 vet, 1 reg)
        --Third Galley: 2 Pikeman (both vet)

        -Need garrison replacement for Royal Guard in Madrid by 410BC (10 turns)
        -Removes both spearman from Cutting Edge Group (no provisons for replacements at this time, I would like city governors to volunteer to produce replacements)
        -Assumes 2nd and 3rd galleys will be rushed at Barcelona with 3 turns remaining (cost?)
        -Assumes we get Feudalism from GoW within the next 2 turns (590BC or 570BC)

        Operation Engineering Payment

        Cutting Edge Guard (both)
        -move NW, NW (into Zaragoza)
        -If we have Feudalism:
        --Rename to First Pikeman & Second Pikeman
        --upgrade both to Pikeman (cost?)

        First Rider
        -move NE, E

        Watch Rider 2
        -move SE, S

        Madrid Expedition
        -move E


        First & Second Pikeman
        -SE, S, SE

        First Galley
        -move S, SW, SW

        First Rider
        -rename to Armada Rider 1
        -move E (onto First Galley)

        Watch Rider 2
        -move SW

        Madrid Expedition
        -move NE


        First & Second Pikeman
        -SE, E, E

        First Galley
        -move NW, NW, NW

        Watch Rider 2
        -move W

        Madrid Expedition
        -move E


        -Rush Galley (3 turns left)

        First & Second Pikeman
        -E, E

        First Galley
        -move NW, N, NW

        First Rider
        -move E (into Barcelona)

        Watch Rider 2
        -W, S


        First & Second Pikeman
        -SE, S

        First Galley
        -move NW, N, NW

        Watch Rider 2
        -move S, S, SE, E

        Madrid Expedition
        -rename to Armada Sword 2
        -load into Second Galley

        Second Galley
        -NW, NW, NW


        First & Second Pikeman
        -S, SW, S

        Watch Rider 2
        -rename to Armada Rider 2
        -move E (onto First Galley)

        First Galley
        -ready for Departure (E, E of Madrid)

        Second Galley
        -NW, N, NW


        -Rush Galley (3 turns left)

        Second Galley
        -ready for Departure (E, E of Madrid)


        First & Second Pikeman
        -rename to Armada Pike 1 and 2
        -load onto Third Galley

        Third Galley
        -NW, NW, NW


        Third Galley
        -NW, N, NW


        Royal Guard
        -rename to Armada Sword 1
        -move E, E (onto Second Galley)

        All Galleys are E, E of Madrid and ready for departure

        Feedback is welcome.
        Last edited by Hot Mustard; April 26, 2003, 17:56.


        • #64
          The Spanish Armada shall be like no other flotilla ever assembled. The sun shall shine down upon those three hundred ships, and rays of celestial light shall dance across the many sails of the vessels.

          (turns a shade of embarrased red)

          Well, anyway, all I see is the claim in the agora that a force of two brigades of Chinese horsemen landed on the shores of Egypt, and that a swift movement, I suppose perhaps of those wild Egyptian chariots that are supposedly so amazing, immediately destroyed them on the beaches. I can't say I feel sorry at all for those bloody Warmongers. Indeed, I am somewhat pleased at it. However, in future, it could be us.

          Could we possibly land in Voxian territory and advance from there? If not, we need to plant them so far to the south of the line of battle, and yet to avoid Egyptian detection, as to make a safe landing, and to be of some use in this war. We cannot allow our troops to be defeated in such a puny manner at the Warmongers did. What cowards they must be.

          Duke Iago Calamari de Toledo
          Empire growing,
          Pleasures flowing,
          Fortune smiles and so should you.


          • #65
            Great plan HG!

            Now lets see if GoW will come through, I'm pretty sure they will, according to MasterZen but this is GF we're talking about. :/


            • #66
              If we land behind Vox lines and make our coordination with them obvious, then GS will have the impression that we are true allies with Vox and thus enemies to them.

              If we make a surprise landing in GS territory then we only look opportunistic.

              Our diplomats should discuss these alternatives. I will be drawing up the next stage of Operation Engineering Payment (water travel and landing) in a few days.


              • #67
                Hey, I got some suggestions too.

                Name for transport Galley: Santa Maria.
                Name for entire flotilla: El Krakén
                My words are backed with hard coconuts.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by dejon
                  -Assumes 2nd and 3rd galleys will be rushed at Barcelona with 3 turns remaining (cost?)
                  I've made a scenario and calculated the cost of rushing galleys in Barcelona :

                  3 turns remaining : cost = 72 gold
                  2 turns remaining : cost = 48 gold

                  IMO you should revise your plans since we can't afford these costs (in addition we need gold to acquire Feudalism from GoW)

                  Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
                  Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by ThePlagueRat
                    Hey, I got some suggestions too.

                    Name for transport Galley: Santa Maria.
                    Name for entire flotilla: El Krakén
                    Santa Maria
                    El Kraken

                    The entire flotilla will be known as the Spanish Armada.

                    Any other suggestions for individual galley names - we need two more.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by astrologix

                      I've made a scenario and calculated the cost of rushing galleys in Barcelona :

                      3 turns remaining : cost = 72 gold
                      2 turns remaining : cost = 48 gold

                      IMO you should revise your plans since we can't afford these costs (in addition we need gold to acquire Feudalism from GoW)

                      I didn't realize it would be quite so high for 3 turns remaining. And paying for 2 turns remaining isn't worthwhile either for just 1 turn quicker. If we don't rush the either galley, the timeframe will be pushed out considerably.

                      Perhaps we should investigate non-monetary forms of compensation for Feudalism?


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by dejon
                        Santa Maria

                        Any other suggestions for individual galley names - we need two more.

                        The other two (of the 3) ships that Chris Columbus sailed with the Santa Maria to the New World.

                        Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                        Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                        Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                        Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                        • #72
                          Perhaps we just send over two galleys with 4 units ASAP with no rushing and then send the galleys back home for reserves; either 2 more units or 4, denpending on the situation in Estonia.


                          • #73
                            Christopher Columbus Calamari is my third daughter's husband, and a fine seaman, when he's not busy disgorging over the side of the ship. But other than that, he's great. First hired him for the squid trade.

                            Nina? Pinta? Aren't they the dancers at the tavern? Doesn't matter. Forget it.

                            I know that the Egyptians wouldn't be too pleased by the sight of our troops dancing over their blue borderline and all, but the alternative could be getting squashed on the beach-head, and it seems to me that crossing the border and getting the Egyptians a bit peeved is a better alternative than making ourselves look ridiculous by sending a large invasion force only to see it get crushed.

                            I don't know any other alternatives than those. Perhaps they had an island colony that I was unaware of, but I rather doubt it. It seems we must invade over the border, or land on the beaches and stand the risk of immediate destruction. That is if we intend to be of any use in this war at all, other than to sit around with troops available to look nice.

                            Duke Iago Calamari de Toledo
                            Empire growing,
                            Pleasures flowing,
                            Fortune smiles and so should you.


                            • #74
                              What we really need is to now how far is Estonia from Terra Nostra. Then we could know if going there and coming back for reinforcements is an option or no.
                              "Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
                              "A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)


                              • #75
                                Hmm... some people seems to like "El Krakén", and some people don't.

                                Santa Maria, Nina, Pina, should be the first three galleys IMO.
                                Ok, what about a name suggestion poll?
                                My words are backed with hard coconuts.

