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Next turn plans 60AD to 1240AD

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  • Alright, cool, we are back on track. The WLTKD mess last turn did not do that much harm after all.

    I did two things differently last turn:

    a) Horsefish started library, instead of another cannon. With close to 30 cannons and RRs coming in less than 10 turns, I believe we are getting close to the "proper" cannonization of our army.

    b) I started Steam Power at 0%, with just a single scientist. Here is why: the tech cost is down by 10% (GS already have it). 2880-10%=2592 beakers. At 100%, we are generating 1000bpt (yay! ), so we can very easily do the whole tech in 3 turns. With just a single scientist, all we "risk" is just 1 food and 2g... and make ~110 gold more due to leaving the research slider at 0%. If Vox send Steam Power next turn - oh, well, 1 food and 2 gold is lost. Big deal. If not, we speed up and still do Steam Power in 4t total.

    Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
    42 muskets ... 42 * 2g/S * (80S-60S) = 1680g needed for upgrades to rifles
    5 horsemen .... 5 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 500g needed for upgrades to cavalry
    Total funds needed for upgrades: 1680+500=2180g

    Plans for 720AD (Turn 188, GA Turn #12):

    Unit Movement/Actions

    1) Cartographer to move W-W-W and fortify, joining the WNS at its southernmost tip

    2) F.D. to move N-N-W-W, finishing the charting assignments before joining the southernmost tip of ENS

    3) Ferry to move NE-NE-NE-N and fortify

    4) new ('43rd') musketman finished in Sharpehaven to move NE-NE and fortify in the K'v-S'h whitecamp

    5) new ('28th') cannon finished in Tiberium to move N-N and fortify in the LogTib whitecamp
    6) 20th Cannon (LogTib whitecamp) to move NE-NE-NE, en route to CrossLog whitecamp
    7) 11th Cannon (CrossLog whitecamp) to move N-N and fortify in the ZarCross whitecamp
    8) Fire (ZarCross whitecamp) to move NW-NW-NW, en route to the TarZar whitecamp

    Worker Movement/Actions

    9) Charlie & Duncan to clear jungle

    10) new worker finished in Farmerville to be named 'Paddy', moved E-SE, and chop forest

    11) Tarzan to either move E or move S and rr, depending on whether he is able to lay RRs next turn

    12) Stanley Jr. & Toby Jr. to either move S-S and chop forest or rr, depending on whether they are able to lay RRs next turn

    13) new worker finished in Invoice to be named 'Richard' and moved W-NW, then road & mine

    14) Logger to road

    15) Michael Jr. to either move S or move SW-W and rr, depending on whether he can lay RRs next turn

    16) Ivan Jr. to either move N-NW and irrigate or move NW-NW and rr, depending...

    17) Chris, Farmer, David, or Ken to move N-NE-NE or to move W and rr, depending on whether he is able to lay RRs next turn
    18) Chris, Farmer, David, or Ken to move N-NE-NE or to move W-S and rr, depending on whether he is able to lay RRs next turn
    - only two of them will be ready to work

    19) Liam to road

    20) Jacob & Frank Jr. to move SW and mine

    21) Jesse to move NW, then road

    City Management

    22) two Jackson labourers from the irrigated deserts to coasts; start musketman
    30+spt is quite unfit for 80S builds (harbour, library, courthouse, cavalry...), so let's do a 2t musket here (2t) and then a 5t cathedral

    23) Farmerville to be set up to produce 21spt; start courthouse (the city will probably be at pop 11 only)

    24) Panama to start a university
    a 6t build - 1t @ 31spt, rush to 40S using a longbowman, than 2t @ 31spt -> 102S, then 3t @ 33spt -> 201S, uni done

    25) Karina labourer from the irrigated grassland to the irrigated desert; start a university (a 6t build)

    26) Zargonia labourer from 1 mined grass and 1 hill to coasts

    27) Dye Fields labourer from the hill to a coast
    I screwed here... I rushed to 120S on the turn before, thinking Dye Fields would go back to 27spt in WLTKD - unfortunately, it's only 26spt, so we are still 2S short.

    28) Logville to shortrush its uni build to 120S (will complete it in 3t @ 27spt then)

    29) Sharpehaven to start another musket

    30) Tarzania labourer from the roaded/mined grassland S-SW to the newly roaded/mined bonus grassland NW-NW of the city to finish the bank in 1t

    31) Kloreepville labourer from the coast to the hill to finish the musket in 1t

    32) Invoice to start marketplace (?)

    33) Ahhmyfoot to start library (?)

    34) Tiberium to start a marketplace

    35) Quanto Mechanico to start a library

    36) Horsefish to rush its library build to 20S to finish it exactly in 4t then

    As for the research: should we get Steam Power from Vox, we will start Industrialization at about 700bpt (slider probably at 60%-70%). If we do not get Steam Power, we speed up our Steam Power research to 60% this turn. We are having quite a few unis coming online very soon - we better wait with 100% research turns for them. As we can do up to 1000bpt at 100% during our GA, shaving 600 beakers off the current Steam Power cost (~2600B) will be enough.


    • As for the research: should we get Steam Power from Vox, we will start Industrialization at about 700bpt (slider probably at 60%-70%). If we do not get Steam Power, we speed up our Steam Power research to 60% this turn. We are having quite a few unis coming online very soon - we better wait with 100% research turns for them. As we can do up to 1000bpt at 100% during our GA, shaving 600 beakers off the current Steam Power cost (~2600B) will be enough.
      That sounds like a good plan of action. Using the single scientist also works, as I think we can handle the loss of 1 food

      30 cannons? Whoo! I think I speak for all of us when I say I'm really looking forward to railing our empire so they can travel up and down the continent with great rapidity
      I make movies. Come check 'em out.


      • Originally posted by ZargonX
        Using the single scientist also works, as I think we can handle the loss of 1 food
        Yes, we can handle that here... a different game might be a different story, though...


        • I make movies. Come check 'em out.


          • IIRC, just two changes last turn:

            The first one was minor: I swapped 2 tiles between Karina and Nou Camp to make Nou Camp grow one turn earlier.

            The other one was that I bumped the research slider to 70% instead of 60% - despite the uni in Legopolis being finished next turn, it might still be a pretty close race to do Steam Power in the next 3 turns, in case anything unexpected happened (like if we lost WLTKDs in our big cities)... I eventually put the slider to 700bpt instead of just 600bpt, to make it a 100% safe thing. Otherwise, everything according to the plan.

            Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
            43 muskets ... 43 * 2g/S * (80S-60S) = 1720g needed for upgrades to rifles
            5 horsemen .... 5 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 500g needed for upgrades to cavalry
            Total funds needed for upgrades: 1720+500=2220g (already available)

            Plans for 730AD (Turn 189, GA Turn #13):

            Unit Movement/Actions

            1) G.G. (the southernmost but one WNS caravel) to move W-W-W and fortify, moving our early warning screen closer to Stormia, charting the ocean there

            2) F.D. to move W-W-NW-W, finishing the charting assignments before joining the southernmost tip of ENS

            3) 20th Cannon to move N and fortify in the CrossLog whitecamp
            4) Fire to move N and fortify in the TarZar whitecamp

            5) new ('44th') musketman finished in Kloreepville to move NE-N and fortify in the Pa-K'v whitecamp

            6) new ('55th') cavalry finished in F'mouth to move E-SE and fortify in the F'm-Sando whitecamp

            7) new ('57th') horseman finished in Nou Camp to move E-SE, then to Karina & fortify

            8) new ('45th') musketman finished in Zargonia to move SW-W-W, en route to the Sando-Q.M. whitecamp

            Worker Movement/Actions

            9) Tarzan to clear jungle
            10) Bruno to move E, then help Tarzan

            11) Richard to road, then mine

            12) Martin & Jason Jr. to road

            13) Ira & Fritz to road

            14) Stanley Jr., Toby Jr., or Paddy to move S-SE-SE, then road & irrigate (only one should be ready)

            15) Dean to irrigate

            16) Michael Jr. to road

            17) Leopold Jr. to irrigate

            18) Jimbo to irrigate

            19) Chris & David to move NW-NW-W, then help Kirk

            20) Ken & Farmer to move N-N-N

            21) Liam & Eric to move N-NW-N, then chop forest
            speeding up the lib build in Q.M. by 1 turn

            22) Jesse to road


            23) Luke to road
            24) Felix to move N-W and mine

            City Management

            25) Legopolis to start colosseum
            the last "meaningful" build... the next one will be a factory (using some kind of an obsolete wonder as a prebuild until we discover industrialization)

            26) Farmerville to be set up to produce as many shields as possible, while avoiding negative food balance
            we will shortrush the courthouse build to 60S next turn, doing it in 3 instead of 4 turns that way
            Note: Farmerville shall free the roaded/irrigated bonus grassland E-NE for Tarzania.

            27) Panama to shortrush its uni build to 40S
            then 2t @ 31spt -> 102S, then 3t @ 33spt -> 201S, uni done

            28) Forkmouth to start a harbor
            a 200S uni is not really suitable for a 27spt city - and aside from uni, we can only build cavalry (which we kind of have enough ATM), cathedral (not needed yet), and harbor. The harbor makes most sense, IMHO, as we will need a shipbuilding city on the West Coast as well (the East coast already has two)

            29) Zargonia labourers from coasts to the mined grass and hill; start bank

            30) Sandonorico labourer from roaded/irrigated desert NE-NE to the lake E-NE of the city
            to prevent the pop decrease; with Steam Power just 2t away, we will be able to set the city up for a neutral or positive food balance VERY soon - so we better preserve the pop point now.

            31) Oasis to start library (another nice 80S build)

            32) Tarzania labourer from the fish to the roaded/irrigated bonus grassland W-SW of the city; start musketman (a perfect 2t*30spt=60S build)

            33) Kloreepville to start a bank (a perfect 5t build)

            34) Quanto Mechanico labourer from the horse hill N-NE to the hill SE of the city (to free the horse hill for Nou Camp)

            35) Nou Camp to work horse hill W, hills SW & S, irrigated grasslands E-NE & SE, and roaded/mined grassland E-SE of the city; start another horseman (2t horses now)

            36) research slider to 100%


            • These were the figures about 10 turns ago, I believe:

              Originally posted by vondrack
              BTW, I played a bit with the F11 screen... figuring out what our lead was like last turn (our output in bold, of course):

              Mfg. Goods: 512, 185, 151, 139...

              IOW, we are producing more shields than GoW, ND, and GS combined... and we are probably not so far from producing as much as the rest of the world combined.

              GNP: 1077, 673, 467, 456...
              And these are the numbers as of 720AD:

              Mfg. Goods: 560, 214, 197, 160...

              We have almost managed to keep our proportional lead on GS+GoW+ND. They produce 214+197+160=571spt, we produce 560spt. Yay!

              GNP: 1213, 809, 570, 552...

              Pretty much the same situation again... our lead in the commerce department is not as impressive as with the shields. Though - with all the universities coming online soon, I believe we shall leap forward.


              • Nothing unexpected last turn. RP is in democracy, ND is in anarchy, undoubtedly switching to democracy. Everybody else in republic.

                Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                45 muskets ... 45 * 2g/S * (80S-60S) = 1800g needed for upgrades to rifles
                6 horsemen .... 6 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 600g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                Total funds needed for upgrades: 1800+600=2400g (already available)

                Plans for 740AD (Turn 190, GA Turn #14):

                Unit Movement/Actions

                1) G.B. (W of Arnablanca) to move NE and fortify
                2) N.C. (W of Sirtiago) to move N and fortify
                3) Ferry (W of Bongo) to move S and fortify
                4) Victory (NNW of Daki) to move S and fortify
                5) F.D. to move W and fortify
                improving the coverage of ENS now joined by F.D. (we still need one more vessel to extend the southernmost tip of ENS

                6) Cartographer (the southernmost link of the WNS) to move W-W-W and fortify
                7) G.G. (N of Cartographer) to move N and fortify
                8) Triumph (N of G.G.) to move N and fortify
                9) G.H. (N of Triumph) to move N and fortify
                10) H.N. (N of G.H.) to move W-W-NW-NW, then fortify
                11) Intrepid (N of H.N.) to move N and fortify
                12) I.N. (N of Intrepid) to move N and fortify
                improving the coverage of the WNS now joined by Cartographer (the WNS will now be complete and prefectly positioned)

                13) 45th Musketman to move W-SW-SW, en route to the Sando-Q.M. whitecamp

                14) 56th Horseman to move SE and fortify in Karina

                15) new ('46th') musketman finished in Jackson to move S-S and fortify in the Jackson-DF whitecamp

                16) new ('47th') musketman finished in Sharpehaven to move NE-NE and fortify in the K'v-S'h whitecamp
                17) 38th Musketman (K'v-S'h whitecamp) to move N-N and fortify in Kloreepville
                18) Numero Uno (Kloreepville garrison) to move W-W-NW, then fortify (preventing Invoice being cut by a surprise landing)

                19) new ('48th') musketman finished in Camp David to move E and fortify in the LogTib whitecamp

                20) new ('49th') musketman finished in Abilene to move N-NE-NE, then fortify in the QM-Abi whitecamp

                Worker Movement/Actions

                21) Jack to mine

                22) Martin & Jason Jr. to mine

                23) Duncan, George, or Charlie to road, if possible

                24) Ira & Fritz to mine

                25) Bruno to clear jungle

                26) Stanley Jr. & Toby Jr. to mine

                27) Paddy to road

                28) Logger to irrigate

                29) Liam & Eric to chop forest, speeding up the lib build in Q.M. by 1 turn

                30) Philippe to mine

                31) Chris & David to road

                32) Ken & Farmer to move W and mine (wait for the mountain to be roaded)

                City Management

                33) Legopolis labourer from the hill E to the roaded/mined grassland W-SW
                The colosseum build (120S) shall take 4t anyway, so we better gather some extra food

                34) Jackson labourer from coast to the roaded/irrigated desert; start cathedral (a perfect 5t build)

                35) Farmerville to shortrush its library build to 60S

                36) Panama building university
                will start working the plains next turn to finish the uni faster (40+31=71S, 71+31=102S, 102+3*33=201S, uni done)

                37) Red Bricks labourer from the roaded/mined grassland E-SE to the roaded/being-mined riverbank grassland N (more commerce)

                38) Dye Fields labourer from the coast to the hill; start harbour
                there are two reasonable builds in Dye Fields now: cathedral (to allow higher pop) and harbour (to allow building ships and faster growth). I believe that the harbour is better short term, as its upkeep-cost-free - besides, the city is happy as is, so until hospital we need no more happiness improvements there

                39) Sharpehaven to start another musket

                40) Camp David to start another musket

                41) Kloreepville labourer from the roaded/mined grassland E-NE to the roaded/being-mined grassland E-SE (freeing the original tile for Legopolis)

                42) Crossing to start a courthouse (ironclad prebuild, actually)

                43) Quanto Mechanico labourer from the roaded/mined bonus grassland S-SW to the hill E-SE of the city
                Here is the build schedule for the QM Library:
                T190: 34S, +18spt, workers starting to chop (1+2)
                T191: 52S, +18spt, workers chopping (3+4) -> done, +10S
                T192L 52+18+10=80S, library finished

                44) Abilene to start another musketman

                45) Port Hammer to work all shield-generating tiles

                46) check research slider for possible savings while doing Steam Power still in 1t (I suspect we may be able to go down by 10%)


                • Only few minor WF changes last turn to squeeze as much as possible out of our flourishing economy.

                  ND & RP are democracies, everybody else is a republic.

                  Browsing the map, I noticed RRs around Arashi and Eye. I also noticed GS built a chain of mountain fortresses along their eastern coast (and to a lesser extent, the western coast, too)... I guess their workers got bored...

                  Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                  49 muskets ... 49 * 2g/S * (80S-60S) = 1960g needed for upgrades to rifles
                  6 horsemen .... 6 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 600g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                  Total funds needed for upgrades: 1960+600=2560g (already available)

                  Plans for 750AD (Turn 191, GA Turn #15):

                  Unit Movement/Actions

                  1) H.N. to fortify

                  2) Numero Uno to fortify (preventing Invoice from being cut by a surprise landing)

                  3) 45th Musketman to move SW, en route to the Sando-Q.M. whitecamp

                  4) 49th Musketman to fortify in the QM-Abi whitecamp

                  5) new ('50th') musketman finished in Tarzania to move NW-N and fortify in the DF-Tar whitecamp

                  6) new ('57th') horseman finished in Nou Camp to move E-SE, then SE and fortify in Karina

                  Worker Movement/Actions

                  7) Patrick to move NW and mine

                  8) Martin or Jason Jr. to move NW and rr (if possible) or move E and mine

                  9) George & Charlie to move N-NW and rr (if possible) or mine

                  10) Ira or Fritz to move SE-SE and rr (if possible) or move SW and mine

                  11) Francis & Bill Jr. to road

                  12) Stanley Jr. or Toby Jr. to move W and rr (if possible) or to move towards coal (if unconnected)

                  13) Dean to move NE and rr (if possible) or move E and irrigate

                  14) Michael Jr. to move NW-W and rr (if possible) or to move W and irrigate

                  15) Ivan Jr. & Logger to move NW and rr (if possible) or to move E and irrigate

                  16) Leopold Jr. to move SW and rr (if possible) or to move W-SW-SW

                  17) Jimbo to move W-NW and rr (if possible) or to move E

                  18) Jesse to move SE-SE-E

                  City Management

                  19) Farmerville to produce 20spt (and if possible +6fpt), start cannon

                  20) Port Hammer labourer from the roaded/irrigated plains S-SW to a coast

                  21) Panama labourer from the coast W to the roaded/irrigated plains N-NW to finish the uni in 3t

                  22) Red Bricks labourer from the roaded/mined grassland SE-SE to the being-roaded riverbank bonus grassland NW (more commerce)

                  23) Dye Fields to rush its harbour build to 30S
                  to allow finishing it in 2t

                  24) Sandonorico labourer from lake to newly rred/irrigated desert E of the city (if the workers start the RR, of course)

                  25) Logville to start harbour

                  26) Tarzania to start another musket

                  27) Crossing to change production to ironclad (if possible, of course)

                  28) Nou Camp to start another horseman

                  29) start researching Industrialization at 70% (a 4t research project)

                  30) send Steam Power to Vox


                  • The previous turn brought some good news.

                    First, we are the coal barons of this world. Four sources in total (W-NW of Invoice, N-NW of Jackson, W of Red Bricks, and SW of Crossing). Everybody else but RP has exactly one source of coal, even Voxes. RP do not have any. It's worth pointing out that we are the only team having a source hidden deep in his interior - every single other coal source in this world is accesible from the sea...

                    Second, the GS tech lead is smaller than we thought. They do not have Electricity yet (the cost was between 3249 and 3360 beakers, which means it's still the full 3360 beakers). This is excellent news, as they are less than 1 full tech ahead of us.

                    ND & RP are democracies, everybody else is a republic.

                    Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                    50 muskets ... 50 * 2g/S * (80S-60S) = 2000g needed for upgrades to rifles
                    7 horsemen .... 7 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 700g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                    Total funds needed for upgrades: 200+700=2700g (already available)

                    Plans for 760AD (Turn 192, GA Turn #16):

                    Unit Movement/Actions

                    1) 45th Musketman to move S, en route to the Sando-Q.M. whitecamp

                    2) 57th horseman to move SE and fortify in Karina

                    3) new ('51st') musketman finished in Sharpehaven to move NE-NE and fortify in the K'v-S'h whitecamp
                    4) 43rd Musketman (K'v-S'h whitecamp) to move N-N and fortify in K'ville
                    5) 38th Musketman (K'ville garrison) to move NE-N and fortify in the Pa-K'v whitecamp

                    Worker Movement/Actions

                    6) George or Charlie to move W and rr

                    7) Jason Jr. to move NW and rr

                    8) Duncan to move E and rr

                    9) Fritz to move SE-SE and rr

                    10) Francis & Bill Jr. to mine

                    11) Toby Jr. to move W and rr

                    12) Michael Jr. or Dean to move S of Oasis and rr
                    13) Ivan Jr. or Logger to move S of Oasis and rr

                    14) Paddy to move E-E and rr

                    15) Eric or Liam to move S

                    16) Jesse to mine

                    17) Chris or Kirk to move W and rr

                    City Management

                    18) Forkmouth to start ironclad

                    19) Sharpehaven to start another musket

                    20) Quanto Mechanico to start harbour

                    21) Horsefish to start temple

                    22) send coal as 'accepted' to ND

                    Hmmm... this is going to be one of the simplest turns in our GA...
                    Last edited by vondrack; April 2, 2004, 16:14.


                    • The 760AD was very simple to play. The only change was we sent coal to ND and 500g to Vox (they have finally made up their minds and asked for 500g).

                      GS still have not finished Electricity (the cost was more than 3306 beakers, which means it's still the full 3360 beakers). Good, we are catching up.

                      Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                      51 muskets ... 51 * 2g/S * (80S-60S) = 2040g needed for upgrades to rifles
                      7 horsemen .... 7 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 700g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                      Total funds needed for upgrades: 2040+700=2740g (already available)

                      Plans for 770AD (Turn 193, GA Turn #17):

                      Unit Movement/Actions

                      1) new ('29th') cannon finished in Farmerville to move W-SW and fortify in the F'm-Sando whitecamp

                      2) new ('52nd') musketman finished in Tarzania to move S-S and fortify in the TarZar whitecamp

                      3) 45th Musketman to move W and fortify in the Sando-Q.M. whitecamp

                      4) new ('53rd') musketman finished in Abilene to move S-SE and fortify in the AbiTip whitecamp

                      5) new ('58th') horseman finished in Nou Camp to move E-SE, then SE and fortify in Karina

                      Worker Movement/Actions

                      6) Charlie to move W and rr

                      7) Jason Jr. & Martin to move N-N and rr

                      8) Ira & Fritz to move N and rr
                      9) Francis or Bill Jr. move E-NE and road

                      10) Stanley & Toby Jr. to move S and rr

                      11) Dean to move E-E-S-E and rr
                      12) Logger to move E-S-E and rr

                      13) Michael Jr. or Ivan Jr. to move E and rr

                      14) Paddy and Leopold Jr. to move S and rr

                      15) Liam to move E, then SE and rr
                      16) Eric to move E, then road

                      17) Kirk to move W and rr

                      18) David, Ken, and Farmer to move SE and rr

                      City Management

                      19) Legopolis to start The Great Library (factory prebuild)

                      20) Farmerville labourers from mined desert to the roaded/irrigated grassland E and roaded/mined grassland E-SE of the city; start a worker

                      21) Karina labourer from roaded/irrigated desert to roaded/irrigated grassland N of the city

                      22) Zargonia labourer from the hill SE-SE to a coast (bank still in 1t, more food and commerce)

                      23) Dye Fields to start a cathedral (not sure it will end up being that cathedral, but it will be some large infra improvement)

                      24) Sandonorico labourer from the RRed desert to the lake (harbour still in 2t, more commerce)

                      25) Tarzania to start university (we are approaching the 'safe' musket level, I think, so let's switch Tarzania to infra now)

                      26) Ahhmyfoot to start bank (not sure, but it should be an infra improvement)

                      27) Crossing labourer from coast to the roaded/irrigated desert NW-NW

                      28) Tiberium to start aqueduct

                      29) Abilene to start marketplace

                      30) Tipperary to start marketplace

                      31) Nou Camp to start another horseman (should be the last horse built there)


                      • Ahhh... But I cannot say it was completely unexpected. I was not 100% sure what happened last time we had a lux deal with ND run out, but had my doubts. Oh, well. Stupid game. The deal expired AFTER we played 760AD. We got ivory as accepted BEFORE we played 770AD (first thing after opening the save). Yet, the game cancelled WLTKDs in all our pop 12 cities. Screwed our builds in Farmerville (minor nuisance only) and Panama (medium-sized nuisance).

                        I am going to plan all future builds in cities likely to have a problem of this kind with a reasonable overshoot, so that we do not have builds delayed because of missing a shield (Panama) or two (F'ville).

                        GS discovered Electricity this turn (the cost was 3132 beakers max, which was less than the nominal cost of 3306 beakers). Means we are mere two turns behind them. Good.

                        Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                        53 muskets ... 53 * 2g/S * (80S-60S) = 2120g needed for upgrades to rifles
                        8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                        Total funds needed for upgrades: 2120+800=2920g (already available)

                        Plans for 780AD (Turn 194, GA Turn #18):

                        Unit Movement/Actions

                        1) G.B. (W of Arnablanca) to move NE and fortify
                        slightly adjusting ENS

                        2) 58th Horseman to move SE and fortify in Karina

                        Worker Movement/Actions

                        3) Jack to move SW and rr

                        4) Charlie & George to move N-N and rr
                        5) Jason Jr. or Martin to move N and rr

                        6) Richard to move SE and rr

                        7) Ira, Fritz, & Bill Jr. to move S-S and rr
                        8) Francis to move S and rr

                        9) Stanley or Toby Jr. to move N-NW-N and rr

                        10) Dean, Logger, & Ivan Jr. to move E and rr

                        11) Michael Jr. to move E-E-E-S and rr
                        12) Jimbo to move N-E-E-E-S and rr
                        13) Paddy or Leopold Jr. to move S and rr

                        14) Liam to move E-SE, then road
                        15) Eric to road, connecting Nou Camp

                        16) Jesse & Philippe to road

                        17) Jacob to move E-E-S and rr
                        18) Chris & Kirk to move E-S and rr

                        19) Frank Jr. to move E-E-S-S and rr

                        20) Luke to move S-SE-S
                        21) Felix & Joe to move SE-S-SE

                        City Management

                        22) Red bricks labourer from roaded/mined grass W-SW to the rred/mined grass SE-SE

                        23) check Forkmouth for a setup allowing to finish the ironclad in 1t - if impossible, change build to uni (we may be 1S short)

                        24) Karina labourer from irrigated grass N to roaded/mined binus grass W; start cathedral (will probably end up being a factory)

                        25) Zargonia to start library

                        26) Logville to start ironclad

                        27) Sharpehaven labourer from the hill S-SE to the coast NW (only if it helps F'mouth to finish the ironclad in 1t); start library

                        28) Oasis to start bank

                        29) Kloreepville to start musketman

                        30) Castlea to start an aqueduct

                        31) Nou Camp labourer from the roaded/mined bonus grassland SE-SE to the irrigated grassland SE


                        • Oh, bother. Silly game mechanics. Guess it could have been worse, though...
                          I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                          • Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                            54 muskets ... 54 * 2g/S * (80S-60S) = 2160g needed for upgrades to rifles
                            8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                            Total funds needed for upgrades: 2160+800=2960g (already available)

                            Plans for 790AD (Turn 195, GA Turn #19):

                            Unit Movement/Actions

                            1) G.B. (W of Arnablanca) to move NE and fortify
                            slightly adjusting ENS (forgot to do that last turn)

                            2) new ('59th') horseman finished in Nou Camp to move SW-S-E-E-NE and fortify in Karina

                            3) new ('55th') musketman finished in Camp David to move to and fortify in the CrossLog whitecamp (SW-SW of Crossing)

                            Worker Movement/Actions

                            4) Jack & Patrick to move S-SW and rr

                            5) Charlie, George, and Martin to move to SE of Legopolis and rr

                            6) Jason Jr. to move to SW of Red Bricks and rr

                            7) Ira, Fritz, & Bill Jr. to move S-E and rr

                            8) Toby Jr. to move N-NW-N and rr

                            9) Bruno or Tarzan to road

                            10) Dean, Logger, & Ivan Jr. to move to S of Karina (cattle) and and rr

                            11) Paddy, Michael Jr., and Leopold Jr. to move to S-SW of Karina and rr

                            12) Jimbo to move to NW of Horsefish and rr

                            13) Liam to road

                            14) Jesse or Philippe to move NW and rr

                            15) David, Ken, and Farmer to move E-E and rr

                            16) Felix, Joe, and Luke to move SW, then road & mine

                            City Management

                            17) Legopolis labourers from roaded/mined grasslands W-SW & S-SW to hills; change production to factory

                            18) Jackson labourers (3) from coasts to roaded/irrigated deserts; start library

                            19) Panama to work all land tiles and two coasts; start cathedral

                            20) Karina to change production to factory

                            21) Sandonorico to start marketplace

                            22) Camp David to start another musketman

                            23) Horsefish labourer from the hill NW-NW to the roaded/mined grassland N

                            24) Nou Camp labourer from the hill S to the hill S-SW; start cavalry

                            25) send Industrialization to GoW/China as 'accepted' (as per our deal)

                            26) send Industrialization to ND/Arabia as 'accepted' (as per my Thursday chat with Zayxus - we get 15% of its nominal beaker cost in return).

                            27) start researching The Corporation at max non-deficit rate (70%)
                            let's use the extra GA commerce - we have gold more than enough, so extra GA beakers are worth more than extra GA gold
                            Last edited by vondrack; April 10, 2004, 00:57.


                            • I am leaving right now for my little Easter vacation, to be back on Monday, around noon. No time to put the next turn plan together - if we get the turn tomorrow (Sunday) and you feel we shall play it with no delay, just keep following the general course: RR backbone (see the picture) is the priority #1, everything else is secondary. Keep in mind that we shall be leaving our GA, so leave all the cities at max shields.

                              But if you do not feel like messing with the save, just sit on it until Monday and I will play it then. It's been rather common that teams break the 24h rule now, so I guess we can do it once, too.


                              • OK, I have finally caught up - the last two turn reports should be complete shortly (just uploading the pics to redstar's server). From now on, I should be able to post the turn plans as usually:

                                Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                                56 muskets ... 56 * 2g/S * (90S-60S) = 3360g needed for upgrades to infantry
                                8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                                28 cannons ... 28 * 2g/S * (80S-40S) = 2240g needed for upgrades to artillery
                                Total funds needed for upgrades: 3360+800+2240=6400g

                                Plans for 810AD (Turn 197, the first post-GA turn):

                                Unit Movement/Actions

                                1) Monitor to fortify (allowing B.D. to sail back to Crossing for an upgrade on the next turn)

                                2) cannons from the HorseTib whitecamp to move to Horsefish and bring the barb galley E of Horsefish to 1hp

                                3) new ironclad finished in Logville to be named 'Merrimac' and moved S-S-SW-SW-SW, going after the barb galleys

                                Worker Movement/Actions

                                4) Jack to move S and rr

                                5) Richard to move E-S and rr

                                6) Bruno, Duncan, & Jimbo to move to NW of Panama and rr

                                7) Bill Jr., Fritz, & Ira to move to N-N of Legopolis and rr

                                8) Jason Jr., Francis, & Tarzan to move SW and rr

                                9) Jacob, Stanley Jr., & Toby Jr. to move to W-NW of Jackson and rr

                                10) Liam to rr

                                11) Eric & Jesse to move to NW of Jackson and rr

                                12) Dean, Logger, & Ivan Jr. to move SE-SE of Sharpehaven and rr

                                13) Chris, Frank Jr., & Kirk to move W of Tiberium and rr

                                -14) Felix & Joe to mine
                                -15) Luke to move SE-SE-S

                                City Management

                                As we shall be leaving our GA this turn, it's rather difficult to plan WF shuffling, so I am not going to include that this turn - basically, I have intentionally set the builds so that they would be mid-way this turn. I will adjust them on-the-spot to maximize the productivity.

                                Aside from that:

                                16) Panama to change production to factory

                                17) Forkmouth to change production to factory

                                18) Zargonia to start ironclad or factory (subject to how efficient it will be to build an ironclad there)

                                19) Dye Fields to change production to factory

                                20) Logville to start ironclad or factory (subject to how efficient it will be to build an ironclad there)

                                21) Sharpehaven to start factory

                                22) Tarzania to change production to factory

                                23) Invoice to start a 2t worker

                                24) Quanto Mechanico to start ironclad or aqueduct (subject to how efficient it will be to build an ironclad there)

                                25) accept the Electricity for Industrialization and 150g deal with GS

                                26) lower research slider to the minimum rate still nailing The Corporation in 2t

