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Next turn plans 60AD to 1240AD

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  • Few changes last turn:
    - all gastarbeiters mined, as the route to the tile to road/irrigate was blocked by an Arabian worker
    - Logville did not finish the ironclad, changed production to factory to use shields effectively
    - consequently, the barb galleys were left be
    - having Electricity, I irrigated plains near Q.M. to allow the city to grow

    Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
    56 muskets ... 56 * 2g/S * (90S-60S) = 3360g needed for upgrades to infantry
    8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
    28 cannons ... 28 * 2g/S * (80S-40S) = 2240g needed for upgrades to artillery
    Total funds needed for upgrades: 3360+800+2240=6400g

    Plans for 810AD (Turn 197, the first post-GA turn):

    0) as ND will be renewing their silks and spices supplies this turn, we will need to use the trick I posted about (and Trip approved) to keep WLTKD in our cities past Jackson (Jackson should finish the library, allowing to scroll through the rest of our cities)

    Unit Movement/Actions

    1) B.D. (W of Daki) to move NW-NW-W-W, then to Crossing for an upgrade

    2) start upgrading our muskets to riflemen (upgrade about 20 of them - I PMed Voxes to send Nationalism to us this turn)

    Worker Movement/Actions

    3) Jack & Patrick to move to SE-SE of Invoice and rr

    4) Bruno, Duncan, & Jimbo to move to SW of Castlea and rr

    5) Bill Jr., Fritz, & Ira to move to N and rr

    6) Jacob, Stanley Jr., & Toby Jr. to move to E and rr

    7) Dean, Logger, & Ivan Jr. to move W and rr

    8) Jason Jr., Francis, & Tarzan to move S and rr

    9) Liam to move to SE-SE of Invoice and rr

    10) Philippe to move to S of Invoice and rr

    11) Paddy, Michael Jr., & Leopold Jr. to move to W-NW of Horsefish and rr

    12) David, Ken, & Farmer to move to NE-NE of Tipperary and rr

    13) Chris, Frank Jr., & Kirk to move to NE of Tipperary and rr (the very last tile of our RR backbone!)

    14) Eric & Jesse to move to SE of Ahhmyfoot and rr

    City Management

    15) Jackson labourer from the coast to the newly rred desert NW
    16) Jackson labourer from the roaded/irrigated desert N to the roaded/mined desert W-SW
    17) Jackson to start a factory (10t build)

    18) Farmerville to nail the bank in 1t while maxxing its food surplus

    19) Zargonia labourer from the roaded/irrigated desert to the hill S-SE (dunno what I was thinking...)

    20) Invoice labourer from a mined bonus grassland to coast

    21) Abilene to work the RRed hill and all 5 available grasslands (freeing the cattle for Tipperary)

    22) Tipperary labourer from the roaded/mined grassland NE-NE to the cattle

    23) Port Hammer labourer from the iRRigated plains SW to a coast
    24) Port Hammer labourer from a hill to a coast
    still nailing the aqueduct in 1t, maxxing commerce

    25) check the research slider for possible savings


    • Demographics as of 810AD:

      Mfg. Goods: 402, 264, 259, 152...

      We maintain a healthy lead in the shield department - over 140spt on GS and GoW (we managed to increase our shield production by about 1/3 over the span of our GA). ND is woefully behind, most likely maxxing growth (I assume their recent steep rise on the powergraph is caused by territorial expansion and riflemen upgrades).

      GNP: 1008, 722, 695, 629...

      Now this is very good news. All those banks, libraries, and universities helped us to gain approximately the same lead in the commerce department as we have been having in the shield department for quite some time. While we should be able to maintain the quick research pace (4-5t techs), I do not see others capable of keeping up... however, note that all other strong teams are quite on par in terms of GNP.


      • And last, but not least. As of this coming turn, we shall have our RR backbone in place (yay!). Few more tiles making it even less vulnerable (inland link to Castlea), but other than that, our 30+ workers shall be free to move on.

        I suggest we start boosting the production and growth primarily in our less developed/populated cities that still need medieval city improvements. The only exception would be Red Bricks (to finish Sistine ASAP) and Legopolis (to allow picking some of those ancient great wonders). I would deploy the workers so that the cities finish their build in the most effective way, wasting as few shields & food as possible (this turn plan already reflects that, as Ahhmyfoot will be able to shave a turn off its current build if using 2-3 more railroaded flatland mines). Flat tiles come first, unless a hill really makes a difference somewhere.



        • Agreed. With the rapid transit in place, we can now focus more on general improvement. And, despite GoW's recent claims, I do believe we have the longest continuous railroad line in the world now
          I make movies. Come check 'em out.


          • Just briefly:
            - Voxian WM helped to see how other teams cope with railroading their empires: GoW chose an approach quite similar to ours (strategic RR lines first), as did ND (though ND are pretty slow getting their rails up). Approximately half of GS' territory is already rred; Voxes are apparently doing their best, too!
            - I am lost when it comes to the Arabian frigate SW-SW of Sirtiago - anyone having the slightest idea why would they want to build it?
            - ND built their 'across the channel' city (Mosul) exactly where we asked them to! This greatly decreases our safety risks in the Crossing area, as until Nuclear Power (or another city placed closer to Crossing, which will however give an advance warning), it's impossible to carry out a surprise ('doughnut') attack across the sea.

            Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
            38 muskets ... 38 * 2g/S * (90S-60S) = 2280g needed for upgrades to infantry
            18 riflemen ... 18 * 2g/S * (90S-80S) = 360g needed for upgrades to infantry
            8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
            28 cannons ... 28 * 2g/S * (80S-40S) = 2240g needed for upgrades to artillery
            Total funds needed for upgrades: 2280+360+800+2240=5680g

            Plans for 830AD (Turn 199):

            Unit Movement/Actions

            1) B.D. to move NW and upgrade to galleon (40g)

            2) new ('59th') cavalry finished in Nou Camp to move to Karina and fortify

            3) continue upgrading our muskets to riflemen (upgrade about half of the remaining 38 muskets)

            Worker Movement/Actions

            4) Jack, Liam, & Patrick to move to N of Sandonorico and rr
            so that the saltpeter can be worked instead of a coast (RRed is same food, same commerce, but +1spt)

            5) Bruno, Duncan, & Jimbo to move E and rr
            6) Bill Jr., Fritz, & Ira to move E and rr
            (building an uninterruptible RR link to Castlea)

            7) Jacob, Stanley Jr., & Toby Jr. to move E and rr
            hopefully bringing Jackson to +24spt, helping the factory build to complete in 10t

            8) Charlie, George, & Martin to move to NW of Red Bricks and rr
            speeding up the Sistine Chapel construction

            9) Dean, Ivan Jr., & Logger to move E-E-SE and rr
            10) Jason Jr., Francis, & Tarzan to move SE and rr
            11) Chris, Frank Jr., & Kirk to move to SE of Forkmouth and rr
            bringing Forkmouth to 21spt needed to complete the uni build there in 2t instead of 3t

            12) Philippe to move to W of Karina and rr
            13) Eric or Jesse (only 1 will be ready) to move to W of Karina and rr
            14) Richard to move to W of Karina and rr
            bringing the city to 27spt needed to finish the factory build there in 3t (Karina will shortrush its factory build to 160S this turn, needing 80S to complete it - 3x27=81S)

            15) David, Farmer, & Ken to move SW and rr
            connecting our last city to the RR-backbone (I did not realize we'd not be able to get workers to this tile last turn)

            16) new worker finished in Invoice to be named 'Kevin', moved to NW of Q.M. and ordered to irrigate
            preparing the city for pop 6

            City Management

            17) Farmerville labourers from floodplains to mined deserts, labourer from roaded/mined grassland S to the roaded/irrigated riverbank grassland E of the city; start settler
            a quick 2t settler to be used to transfer population to another city

            18) Karina to shortrush its factory build to 160S (using cathedral) (shaves 1t off the factory production time)

            19) Sandonorico labourer from coast to saltpeter

            20) Kloreepville labourer from the rred/mined grassland W-NW to the roaded/mined grassland S-SE of the city, letting Invoice work the tile

            21) Invoice labourers from coasts to coal mountain and rred/mined grassland SE-SE; start worker
            a quick 1t worker bringing the city to the ideal 2t worker pump mode (pop 5, +5spt, +5fpt)

            22) Tiberium to start harbour

            23) Tipperary labourer from the cattle to the roaded/mined grassland NE of the city

            24) Abilene to work cattle, rred hill, mined bonus grass NW, and three hills; start aqueduct

            25) Nou Camp to start (1t) worker

            26) Port Hammer to work both hills, both plains, fish, and one coast; start harbour

            27) start researching Replaceable Parts at 70%
            I suggest we make a 5t detour for Replaceable Parts - this is a highly valued tech we should be able to trade around at will (especially ND should be happy to trade for it), will allow us to upgrade cannons to much superior artillery. At the same time, unless we trade The Corporation to someone else (and nothing pushes us to) or unless GS goes for it full speed (very unlikely), we should be able to continue our way through the middle part of the techtree once we are done with Replaceable Parts.

            Other options: Refining (higher cost / 6t, reveals oil, but allows nothing new to be built), Steel (same cost, pretty much useless, though mandatory tech), Sanitation (cheap / 4t, dead end tech we should be able to trade for or get from Vox), and Scientific Method (cheap / 4t, now useless tech, already known to GS).
            Last edited by vondrack; April 15, 2004, 11:00.


            • Agreed to going for RP. Artillery and Infantry will make invading us a definatively bad idea (as if it wasn't already ) for the forseeable future. Plus, I just love artillery And knowing where the rubber is in the world will be handy in seeing how things may develop in the near future...

              Is Vox going for Sanitation now? That would be useful for us if we want to expand our larger cities.
              I make movies. Come check 'em out.


              • Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                19 muskets ... 19 * 2g/S * (90S-60S) = 1140g needed for upgrades to infantry
                37 riflemen ... 37 * 2g/S * (90S-80S) = 740g needed for upgrades to infantry
                8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                28 cannons ... 28 * 2g/S * (80S-40S) = 2240g needed for upgrades to artillery
                Total funds needed for upgrades: 1140+740+800+2240=4920g

                Plans for 840AD (Turn 200):

                Unit Movement/Actions

                1) B.D. to move SE-SE-SE-SE-SE, then S-S-S-S and fortify, replacing Victory

                2) finish upgrading our muskets to riflemen
                With the completion of our RR backbone (RRBB), I believe it's time to abandon the system of 'whitecamps' scattered along the coast... I am going to redistribute our military among the coastal cities, with only token garrisons put into interior cities.

                Worker Movement/Actions

                1) Jack, Liam, & Patrick to move to S of Red Bricks and rr
                2) Jacob, Stanley Jr., & Toby Jr. to move to N of Red Bricks and rr
                3) Charlie, George, & Martin to move S-S and rr
                4) Eric, Philippe, & Richard to move to SE of Red Bricks and rr
                speeding up the Sistine Chapel construction in Red Bricks

                5) Dean, Ivan Jr., & Logger to move to NW of Dye Fields and rr
                6) Jason Jr., Francis, & Tarzan to move to N-NW of Dye Fields and rr
                7) Chris, Frank Jr., & Kirk to move to NW-NW of Dye Fields and rr
                boosting the shield production of Dye Fields, hopefully shaving at least a turn off the factory build there (D.F. could become an excellent navy producer)

                8) Jesse to move to S-SW of Legopolis and mine

                9) David, Farmer, & Ken to move to NW of Tiberium and rr
                preparing the city for a 2-pop transfer from Farmerville

                10) Leopold Jr., Michael Jr., & Paddy to move to NW of Q.M. and rr
                speeding the city growth by 1t

                11) new worker finished in Invoice to be named 'Gus Jr.', moved S-SE and ordered to irrigate
                12) new worker finished in Nou Camp to be named 'Adam Jr.', moved to S-SE of Invoice and ordered to irrigate
                finishing the 2t worker pump setup

                'Gastarbeiters' at Bob:
                13) Felix, Joe, & Luke to move SW

                City Management

                14) Legopolis labourer from the hill E to the roaded/mined grassland W-SW of the city
                factory still in 1t, same commerce, but +1fpt

                15) Farmerville labourers from the roaded/mined grasslands S & N-NE to the roaded/irrigated riverbank floodplains NW & NW-NW
                reassigning just one of them made no difference commerce-wise, so I left the city at +16spt last turn - this turn, we finish the settler at +14spt, producing +2bpt here

                16) Panama labourer from the iRRigated plains N-NW to a coast
                thanks to WLTKD, the factory should finish still in 6t (the extra shield is wasted anyway) - extra food does not help, as we are at max pop/food here, so we better let Port Hammer use the tile; plus, the coast gives more commerce

                17) Kloreepville labourer from the roaded/mined grassland E-SE back to the rred/mined grassland W-NW of the city

                18) Invoice to work fish, rred grassland W, rred bonus grassland S, 1 coast, and roaded/newly-irrigated bonus grassland S-SE of the city; strart worker
                2t worker pump ON!

                19) Crossing labourers from the iRRigated deserts to coasts
                ironclad still in 2t, more commerce

                20) Tiberium labourer from the roaded/irrigated grassland N to the newly-rred/mined grassland NW of the city

                21) Q.M. labourer from the roaded/mined bonus grassland S-SW to the newly-iRRigated plains NW of the city to grow 1t earlier

                22) new Castlea labourer to work coast

                23) Nou Camp to work irrigated grasslands and roaded hills; start another 1t worker

                24) Port Hammer to work both hills, all three iRRigated plains, fish, and one coast


                • Just BTW... playing with the F6 screen, I've found out GS has most probably kept Scientific Method to themselves so far. Sanitation seems to be widespread knowledge - at least 3 teams have it (research cost is down 30%).


                  • Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                    56 riflemen ... 56 * 2g/S * (90S-80S) = 1120g needed for upgrades to infantry
                    8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                    28 cannons ... 28 * 2g/S * (80S-40S) = 2240g needed for upgrades to artillery
                    Total funds needed for upgrades: 1120+800+2240=4160g

                    Plans for 840AD (Turn 200):

                    Unit Movement/Actions

                    1) B.D. to move S-S-S-S and fortify, allowing Victory to sail home for an upgrade

                    2) new settler finished in Farmerville to join Tiberium

                    3) new ironclad finished in Zargonia to be named 'Iron Lady' and moved E-NE-NE-N-NE, then NE-NE-NE, replacing N.C.

                    4) Archibald (TarZar whitecamp) to move to Abilene and disband there
                    with 50+ cavalries, Archibald is just wasting his upkeep, so let's use him to speed the aqueduct build in Abilene by 1t and save that upkeep...

                    5) finish relocating our riflemen

                    Worker Movement/Actions

                    6) Jack, Liam, & Patrick to move to SW of Panama and rr
                    7) Jacob, Stanley Jr., & Toby Jr. to move to SE-SE of Panama and rr
                    8) Charlie, George, & Martin to move to E-SE and rr
                    9) Eric, Philippe, & Richard to move to NE of Panama and rr
                    hopefully bringing the city to 25spt, allowing the factory build to finish in 4t instead of 5t

                    10) Dean, Ivan Jr., & Logger to move to S of K'ville and rr
                    11) Jason Jr., Francis, & Tarzan to move to E-NE of K'ville and rr
                    12) Chris, Frank Jr., & Kirk to move to E-SE of K'ville and rr
                    hopefully bringing K'ville to 26spt, shaving 1t off the factory build there

                    13) David, Farmer, & Ken to move to N of Horsefish and rr
                    14) Leopold Jr., Michael Jr., & Paddy to move to SW of Horsefish and rr
                    bringing Horsefish to 14spt, shaving 1t off the marketplace build there

                    15) Bill Jr., Fritz, Ira to move to SW of Camp David and rr

                    16) new worker finished in Invoice to be named 'Gus Jr.', moved S-SE and rr

                    17) new worker finished in Nou Camp to be named 'Kevin', moved S-SW of Legopolis, and mine
                    helping Jesse

                    'Gastarbeiters' over on Bob:
                    18) Felix & Joe to road, then irrigate
                    19) Luke to move SW, then road

                    City Management

                    20) Legopolis to produce 40spt; start stock exchange
                    This should be possible simply by moving the labourer from the roaded bonus grassland S-SW to the hill E of the city - if it's not enough, we'll use some of the workers improving the Dye Fields area to railroad some mined grasses in the Legopolis area to bring the city to 40spt (highly suitable for builds to come). The build may actually end up being a hospital or some ancient GW... remains to be seen.

                    21) Farmerville to work roaded/mined grasslands NE-NE & N-NE and all riverbank tiles but the irrigated grass E; start cannon
                    4t to build the cannon, 4t to grow back to pop 12 (may eventually end up being something else, though...)

                    22) Forkmouth to start cannon
                    a quick 2t cannon before going for the cathedral

                    23) Zargonia to start another ironclad
                    one more ironclad, then a factory

                    24) Kloreepville labourer from the iRRigated grassland E to a newly rred mined grass

                    25) Invoice to produce 5spt & 4fpt; start another worker
                    waste is complicating the 2t worker pump setting... we may need to go for a courthouse here

                    26) Crossing labourers from the iRRigated deserts to coasts
                    ironclad still in 2t, more commerce

                    27) Tiberium to work all available land tiles (city will be joined by the settler from Farmerville)

                    28) Nou Camp to work iRRigated grassland and 4 hills; start rifleman


                    • Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                      56 riflemen ... 56 * 2g/S * (90S-80S) = 1120g needed for upgrades to infantry
                      8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                      28 cannons ... 28 * 2g/S * (80S-40S) = 2240g needed for upgrades to artillery
                      Total funds needed for upgrades: 1120+800+2240=4160g

                      Plans for 860AD (Turn 202):

                      Unit Movement/Actions

                      1) Victory to move NW-NW-NW-NW, heading for Logville for an upgrade

                      2) Iron Lady to moved NE-NE-NE and fortify, allowing N.C. to sail back to a port for an upgrade

                      3) Forkman (Jackson-D.F. whitecamp) to move to Tiberium and disband there
                      same reasoning as with Archibald last turn - with 50+ cavalries and a huge industrial base, we are unlikely to actually use a unit with the attack of 4 in a battle - it's only wasting its upkeep. Let's use it to speed the build in Tiberium by 1t.

                      Worker Movement/Actions

                      4) Jack, Liam, & Patrick to move to E of Farmerville and rr
                      bringing Farmerville at pop 11 to +10fpt, growing every 2t; the cannon build shall finish in 3t total - 15S last turn, 12S this turn, and 13S next turn (thanks to the growth back to pop 12)

                      5) Jacob, Stanley Jr., & Toby Jr. to move to NW of Logville and rr
                      6) Bruno, Duncan, & Jimbo to move to SW-SW of Logville and rr
                      hopefully bringing Logville to 20spt, allowing the factory build there to finish in 4t instead of 5t

                      7) Dean, Ivan Jr., & Logger to move to SW of S'haven and rr
                      8) Jason Jr., Francis, & Tarzan to move to S-SW of S'haven and rr
                      hopefully bringing Sharpehaven to 24spt, allowing the factory build there to finish in 6t instead of 7t

                      9) Chris, Frank Jr., & Kirk to move to N of Oasis and rr
                      speeding the city growth by 1t

                      10) David, Farmer, & Ken to move to N of Dye Fields and rr
                      11) Leopold Jr., Michael Jr., & Paddy to move to SW of Dye Fields and rr
                      12) Bill Jr., Fritz, Ira to move to W-SW of Dye Fields and rr

                      13) Jesse & Keith to move to SE of Camp David and irrigate
                      with an iRRigated grassland, we will be able to work 2 more hills in Camp David, improving its shield output considerably

                      14) Adam Jr. to railroad

                      'Gastarbeiters' over on Bob:
                      15) Felix & Joe to irrigate
                      16) Luke to road

                      City Management

                      17) Farmerville to work all RRed and riverbank tiles

                      18) Karina to start cathedral at 40spt
                      may end up being a hospital, if we trade for Sanitation, or even stock exchange... remains to be seen - a major city improvement either way

                      19) Tarzania labourers from 2 hills to fish and roaded/mined grassland
                      factory still in 2t, but +3fpt and +1gpt

                      20) Invoice to generate as much commerce as possible while still growing and finishing the worker in 1t

                      21) Ahhmyfoot to start aqueduct

                      22) Q.M. to work all RRed tiles, two hills, wheat, and mined bonus grass

                      23) Tipperary to start marketplace


                      • Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                        56 riflemen ... 56 * 2g/S * (90S-80S) = 1120g needed for upgrades to infantry
                        8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                        28 cannons ... 28 * 2g/S * (80S-40S) = 2240g needed for upgrades to artillery
                        Total funds needed for upgrades: 1120+800+2240=4160g

                        Plans for 870AD (Turn 203):

                        Unit Movement/Actions

                        1) Victory to move NW-NW-NW and upgrade for 40g to galleon

                        2) N.C. (W of Sirtiago) to move SW-SW-SW-SW, heading for Zargonia to be upgraded to galleon

                        3) new ('29th') cannon finished in Forkmouth to move to the Cannon Hill (E of Ahhmyfoot) and fortify

                        4) new ironclad finished in Crossing to be named 'Iron Fist' and moved SW-S-S-S, heading for the southernmost tip of ENS (7xSE of F.D.)

                        Worker Movement/Actions

                        5) Bill Jr., Fritz, & Ira to move to SE of Jackson and rr
                        6) Dean, Ivan Jr., & Logger to move to SW of S'haven and rr
                        7) Jacob, Stanley Jr., & Toby Jr. to move to SE-SE of Jackson and rr
                        8) Jack, Liam, & Patrick to move to S-SE of Jackson and rr
                        bringing Jackson to 29spt; Jackson will be at 123/240S, needing 117S more to complete its factory - that's 4t*29spt + 1S... We up the production to 29spt, rring one of the hills a turn or two later to make it in 4t.

                        9) Bruno, Duncan, & Jimbo to move to SW of Karina and rr
                        allowing Nou Camp to work the rred/mined grassland NW of Karina without delaying the build in Karina

                        10) Chris, Frank Jr., & Kirk to move to NW of Zargonia and rr
                        allowing one labourer to be reassigned from a hill to a coast (+1fpt, +1cpt)

                        11) Jason Jr., Francis, & Tarzan to move to W-SW of Red Bricks and rr
                        bringing Red Bricks to 25spt needed to finish Sistine in 6t instead of 7t (we will be able to reassign one of the labourers from an iRRigated bonus grass to the newly rred mined grass, gaining +1spt)

                        12) Jesse & Keith to move to NE-NE of Port Hammer and rr
                        13) Kevin to move to NE-NE of Port Hammer and rr
                        Port Hammer will be at 31/80S, +8spt... that's exactly 1S short of finishing the build in 6t instead of 7t - let's add that 1spt then and shave 1t off the production time there

                        14) Adam Jr. & Gus Jr. to move to W-NW of Forkmouth and rr
                        15) new worker finished in Invoice to be named 'Elias', moved to W-NW of Forkmouth and rr
                        16) Leopold Jr., Michael Jr., & Paddy to move to E-SE of Forkmouth and rr
                        17) David, Farmer, & Ken to move to SE-SE of Forkmouth and rr
                        18) Eric, Philippe, & Richard to move to N of Forkmouth and rr
                        19) Charlie, George, & Martin to move to W of Forkmouth and rr
                        working towards bringing Forkmouth to 24spt needed for a 10t factory build

                        'Gastarbeiters' over on Bob:
                        20) Felix & Joe to move SW and irrigate, Luke frozen

                        City Management

                        21) Red Bricks labourer from the iRRigated bonus grassland SW-SW to the newly-rred/mined grassland W-SW
                        to finish Sistine in 6t

                        22) Forkmouth to start factory (10t build max)

                        23) Karina labourer from rred/mined grassland NW to newly-rred/mined grassland SW

                        24) Zargonia labourer from a hill to a coast
                        ironclad still in 2t, but more food (extra commerce eaten by corruption)

                        25) Invoice to work fish, 1 coast, and all three rred tiles; start another worker

                        26) Crossing labourers from coasts to iRRigated deserts; start another ironclad
                        we'll need a LOT of ironclads - ideally, we'd replace all our caravel/galleon pickets with ironclads, as ironclads pose very little threat to others (read: do not provoke bad feelings toward us), while doing the same service to us

                        27) Q.M. labourer from the iRRigated plains NW to the hill S-SE; switch production to aqueduct
                        while one extra ironclad will not help us much ATM, an aqueduct finished in 3t will allow Q.M. to grow past pop 6 - which would be cools, considering we already have marketplace & library there

                        28) Tipperary to work all shield generating tiles

                        29) Nou Camp labourer from roaded/irrigated grassland E-NE to the roaded/mined grassland E-SE

                        30) lower the research slider to 60%
                        considering what Zayxus told me about GS (or GoW, who knows) and their R.P. research (to be finished this turn or next), there is a good chance that the cost of R.P. will go down by at least 10% before we discover it.

                        Now, according to my records, which should not be off by more than few beakers, our R.P. research will be at 2545/3360 beakers. Assuming GS will discover R.P. this turn (870AD) or next (880AD), we shall be able to easily get R.P. in 1t even at 60% research (3360-10%=3024, 2545+~550=~3095, which is a reserve of ~70 beakers).


                        • Just BTW, GoW & GS have The Corporation (already had it in 860AD). Nobody had Replaceable Parts in 870AD - let's hope Zayxus' info was correct and R.P. are discovered this turn, so that we nail them, too.

                          Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                          56 riflemen ... 56 * 2g/S * (90S-80S) = 1120g needed for upgrades to infantry
                          8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                          29 cannons ... 29 * 2g/S * (80S-40S) = 2320g needed for upgrades to artillery
                          Total funds needed for upgrades: 1120+800+2320=4240g

                          Plans for 880AD (Turn 204):

                          Unit Movement/Actions

                          1) Victory to move SE-SE-SE-SE-SE, heading to replace Francis Drake

                          2) N.C. to move S-SW-SW-W, then upgrade to galleon

                          3) Iron Fist to move S-S-S-S-S, heading for the southernmost tip of ENS (7xSE of F.D.)

                          Worker Movement/Actions

                          4) Bill Jr., Fritz, & Ira to move to N-NW of Jackson and rr
                          5) Jacob, Stanley Jr., & Toby Jr. to move to N-NW of Jackson and rr
                          making sure the factory build finishes in 3t instead of 4t

                          6) Jack, Liam, & Patrick to move to N-NW of Farmerville and rr
                          7) Bruno, Duncan, & Jimbo to move to NE of Farmerville and rr
                          8) Chris, Frank Jr., & Kirk to move to E-SE of Farmerville and rr
                          upping the shield output of the city some

                          9) Dean, Ivan Jr., & Logger to move to N-NE of Red Bricks and rr
                          10) Jason Jr., Francis, & Tarzan to move to N-NE of Red Bricks and rr
                          rring the mined grassland last turn did not do the trick (the extra shield was wasted), so we'll have to rr one of the mountains to bring Red Bricks to 25spt needed to finish Sistine in 6t instead of 7t

                          11) Adam Jr., Elias, & Gus Jr. to move to N of Tiberium and rr

                          12) Leopold Jr., Michael Jr., & Paddy to move to N of Tipperary and rr
                          13) David, Farmer, & Ken to move to N of Tipperary and rr

                          'Gastarbeiters' over on Bob:
                          14) Felix, Joe, & Luke to head for the gold hill N-NE of Esiba

                          City Management

                          15) Legopolis labourer from the hill E to the roaded/mined grassland E-SE of the city
                          Stock Exchange still in 2t, extra food

                          16) Farmerville to start a settler

                          17) Red Bricks labourer from the iRRigated bonus grassland SW-SW to the newly-rred/mined grassland W-SW
                          to finish Sistine in 6t (thanks to rring the Rich Twin, we should now gain that 1 extra spt we need to finish Sistine 1t faster)

                          18) Zargonia to start factory

                          19) Tarzania to start university

                          20) Tiberium to start factory

                          21) Q.M. labourer from the hill S-SE back to the iRRigated plains NW
                          aqueduct still in 2t, faster growth

                          22) Horsefish to start aqueduct

                          23) start researching Refining at 70%

                          24) send The Corporation to ND/Arabia as 'accepted'


                          • First of all - our little gamble with the Replaceable Parts research worked out well! Despite GoW (yes, it was GoW doing the R.P. research, not GS!) sitting on the tech, giving it to noone else, we still nailed it as planned. Yay!

                            Second - despite all that jungle we have had to cut down, we only have a single rubber source. Fortunately, it's not directly on the coast (E-SE of Kloreepville) - and Voxes have another source of their own (W of The New Voice). GoW has 4 rubbers, ND has 2, RP & GS have none (!).

                            And third - guys, why did you not tell me workers worked twice as fast after Replaceable Parts, he? We managed to do more terrain improvements this turn than planned - and a gang of three workers is capable of mining or railroading a hill in a single turn now!

                            Our military to be upgraded in the near future:
                            56 riflemen ... 56 * 2g/S * (90S-80S) = 1120g needed for upgrades to infantry
                            8 horsemen .... 8 * 2g/S * (80S-30S) = 800g needed for upgrades to cavalry
                            29 cannons ... 29 * 2g/S * (80S-40S) = 2320g needed for upgrades to artillery
                            Total funds needed for upgrades: 1120+800+2320=4240g

                            Plans for 890AD (Turn 204):

                            Unit Movement/Actions

                            1) Victory to move S-S-S-S-S, heading to replace Francis Drake

                            2) N.C. to to upgrade to galleon (40g)

                            3) Iron Fist to move S-SE-SE-SE-SE, heading for the southernmost tip of ENS (7xSE of F.D.)

                            4) new ironclad finished in Zargonia to be named 'Iron Maiden' and moved E-NE-NE-N
                            heading to replace G.B. (W of Arnablanca)

                            Worker Movement/Actions

                            5) Chris, Frank Jr., & Kirk to move to E of Panama and rr
                            6) Bruno, Duncan, & Jimbo to move to S of Panama and rr
                            hopefully bringing the city to the optimal spt of 40

                            7) Jack, Liam, Patrick, Bill Jr., & Fritz to move to W-NW of Red Bricks and rr
                            with the gem deal with ND expiring soon, we will most probably lose a shield or two in R.B. - let's try to create at least a minimum reserve, not to miss the Sistine in 4t here

                            8) Ira to move to NW-NW of Tarzania and rr
                            9) Paddy to move to NW of Tarzania and rr
                            allowing the hill S-SE of Tarzania to be worked by Zargonia

                            10) Dean, Ivan Jr., & Logger to move to E of S'haven and rr
                            creating a small reserve to help us for that one turn we will be out of WLTKD there

                            11) Jacob, Stanley Jr., & Toby Jr. to move to NW-NW of Zargonia and rr
                            bringing the city to 24spt - factory no later than in 10t

                            12) Jason Jr., Francis, & Tarzan to move to N of Crossing and rr
                            13) Adam Jr., Elias, & Gus Jr. to move to SW of Crossing and rr
                            14) David, Farmer, & Ken to move to NW of Crossing and rr
                            bringing the city to 14spt, nailing the ironclad in 4t

                            15) Leopold Jr. to move to S-SE of Abilene and rr
                            16) Michael Jr. to move to NW of Abilene and rr

                            17) Eric, Philippe, & Richard to move to SW of Tiberium and rr
                            18) Martin, George, & Charlie to move to SW-SW of Tiberium and rr

                            19) new worker finished in Invoice to be named 'Derek', moved to SW-SW of S'haven, and rr
                            restarting the city growth again (will be added to Camp David next turn)

                            'Gastarbeiters' over on Bob:
                            20) Felix to road
                            21) Joe & Luke to mine
                            improving the gold hill N-NE of Esiba

                            City Management

                            22) Panama to start stock exchange (a 4t build)

                            23) Karina to change its production to stock exchange
                            Karina does not need the cathedral yet (even out of WLTKD, the waste is till just a single shield, IIRC), while the stock exchange will bring in extra gold and will move us a bit closer to the Wall Street

                            24) Zargonia to work all available land tiles except deserts (24spt); start factory

                            25) Dye Fields to start Stock Exchange

                            26) Tarzania labourer from the hill S-SE to the roaded/mined bonus grassland NW-NW
                            will be railroaded, so no spt waste

                            27) Invoice to start another worker

                            28) Castlea to work all rred tiles and 2 coasts

                            29) send Replaceable Parts to Vox/Persia as 'accepted'
                            with GoW discovering R.P. last turn and us having no deals lined up, there is no harm in speeding Voxian workers up, is there?


                            • why did you not tell me workers worked twice as fast after Replaceable Parts
                              Because we knew you'd have that well in hand, V

                              As for the Rubber sources... 4 for GoW!? Wow. And GS gets nailed again with the no resources... this could turn out very interesting. GoW would be the natural source to supply them, but what if GoW decides that's not in their best interest...
                              I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                              • Originally posted by vondrack
                                29) send Replaceable Parts to Vox/Persia as 'accepted'
                                with GoW discovering R.P. last turn and us having no deals lined up, there is no harm in speeding Voxian workers up, is there?
                                I agree. The sooner Vox is at maximal capacity the better. Their help will be precious to get these non-mandatory techs (communism and espionage), and it would be good if they had an efficient military to supplement our troops, and don't be a pushover when our enemies will get a foothold on Legos, via Legos minor.
                                "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                                "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                                "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis

