OK, so the roadplan until now:
1. Talk to GS. (see above)
2. Prepare a public announcement but don't post it yet.
3. Establish an embassy with ND and GoW this turn.
4. IMHO wait with the RoPs. Not only our troops are several turns away from their land, thus we don't need them yet, but also GS could find out. Let's wait until we will actually need them.
5. Talk to ND and GoW about: what kind help do they need: money, tech, what? Also let them know that we could send troops earlier, and ask for a "corridor" across their lands. Especially ND should be aware that we will brake a treaty with them. Tell them about the RoPs. Tell them we will fight GS only. We should also tell them that we are negotiating with GS about their retrieval and in case of succesful negotiations, we won't intervene.
6. Start moving our galleys and troops in position.
New proposal:
7. Slow down research a bit and start saving money.
1. Talk to GS. (see above)
2. Prepare a public announcement but don't post it yet.
3. Establish an embassy with ND and GoW this turn.
4. IMHO wait with the RoPs. Not only our troops are several turns away from their land, thus we don't need them yet, but also GS could find out. Let's wait until we will actually need them.
5. Talk to ND and GoW about: what kind help do they need: money, tech, what? Also let them know that we could send troops earlier, and ask for a "corridor" across their lands. Especially ND should be aware that we will brake a treaty with them. Tell them about the RoPs. Tell them we will fight GS only. We should also tell them that we are negotiating with GS about their retrieval and in case of succesful negotiations, we won't intervene.
6. Start moving our galleys and troops in position.
New proposal:
7. Slow down research a bit and start saving money.