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GL revisited

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  • GL revisited

    Okay, I decided to break this out of the Vox-comments thread, as it is too important to keep in such an obscure place And yes, I thought there were too few polls lately

    The idea: If we can have some sort of a non-agression pact with Vox, and certainly if we can have a border pact that makes it possible for us to not focus on settlers all the time, it might be possible to get to the GL before anyone else can.

    Last time I proposed this (first idea was to go for the pyramids), I was certain that we would be first to build it, as we would start on it before anyone else considered it. Now, things have changed a bit, so there are basically 2 options if we go for it: 1) is to try to get it, but without much focus, gambling on the fact that nobody has already started a prebuild. 2) is to assume we're behind, and go all the way, joining loads of workers (Nathan last proposal was 6 workers) to be certain that we will can outproduce any city so well that even if someone has started it, we will produce the GL first.

    From the last test scenario (on pyramids), some numbers:
    with 3 workers added, we complete the GL in less than 51 turns. With 6 workers, this will likely become less. I started the previous test at size 1, 0 food, while now, Hurricane has already 12 food in the box (as of last screenshot). At size 8, Hurricane produced 16 shields, 14 of those were uncorrupted (size 9: 17 shields, 15 uncorrupted). It took all available furs from EotS. my guess is that (contrary to what I said earlier) we can get it in 40 turns, if we are willing to give all the workers we can to Hurricane. That should build the GL in turn 80 or so, meaning around 1000 BC. I consider that date quite good, I can't remember I had an earlier GL in any of my games thus far, so I doubt that in a MP game anyone is going to beat it.

    I hope this shows that if we decide to fully go for the GL, we will be able to do get it, even if someone else already started on it. The only gamble we take is that we have to trust Vox for 40 turns, and we have to hope nobody will create a leader in the mean time

    In a normal prebuild, without adding workers, the chance gets a lot worse, as it will delay the GL with some 20 turns, maybe even more. In this case, we will lose the race to any civ with some cows next to it, if they start on it in 10 turns or so.

    So, the repercussions of going all the way for the GL is that
    - we need a border treaty with Vox, and trust them to keep it
    - we need to delay growth: 6 workers means around 3 less cities (which we'll be able to offset fast with Cyclone as extra pump, otherwise the use of a granary in Cyclone is questionable)
    - we need to get literature in 40 turns, most likely meaning we need to research literature right after writing
    - we need to spend commerce on happyness, so what ever extra commerce we get from a pumped Hurricane will most likely go to happiness, and not to research.

    But I dare to say to if we go for it, we will be able to get it too.

    Discuss, and vote please
    No GL! build units instead!
    GL, but just build it, no addition of workers
    GL all the way

  • #2
    I've voted GL all the way, but I think that joining 6 workers would be too much to sacrifice for the GL. I think we can do it with 3, since it's very very likely that no other civ will resort to such extreme measures as to join workers to their cities.
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera


    • #3
      Bah, the thing is that the difference between 3 and 6 workers isn't great from EotS's perspective (as it can produce workers each 2 turns, that's just a 6 turn delay there), but it will add to our production greatly.

      But this can still be tested and changed, most importantly is to have everyone's opinion on the general idea... and I'm glad we share the same opinion here



      • #4
        Tough call. Must ponder.

        How much does this harm our expansion?

        We're still awfully small. We have a number of cities to build. The all-out GL plan removes EotS from REX for a while, and removes Hurricane from anything but GL production until it's done.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #5

          What if we were building the Colossus in Hurricane? How quickly could we pound that out?

          It's smaller than the Library, we already have the tech, it takes care of one of our traits (Religious) for GA triggering, and it has a long life.

          We could go for the Col, pumping 3 workers into Hurricane, and continue our REXing, with only a smallish delay. We have been talking about getting mapmaking for contact, so we may well research that, meaning we will have a backup if we miss the Col.

          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


          • #6
            Originally posted by DeepO
            Bah, the thing is that the difference between 3 and 6 workers isn't great from EotS's perspective (as it can produce workers each 2 turns, that's just a 6 turn delay there), but it will add to our production greatly.
            I suppose you're right. I was just scared for a second by the idea of joining 6 workers so early in the game, but if I look at it as another smart investment, I guess I can swallow it down.
            Anyway, you're right, the specific are all still up for discussion. What's important is that we should choose to dedicate ourselves to getting the GL, not just taking a wild chance with no assurances and "hoping" that we "might" get the GL, "maybe".
            "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
            And the truth isn't what you want to see,
            Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
            - Phantom of the Opera


            • #7
              Coupled with a peace deal, for the time being, along a tech agreement, this could prove a wise investment. Although not having a barracks up and running soon does make feel abit unsafe, with Vox's inclination for instability...
              Save the rainforests!
              Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


              • #8
                Zeit, agree. But I suppose that if we need the GL, we will be a bit friendlier to Vox. Once we are certain that we will have the GL, we might even conisder asking advance payments from Vox, in the form of workers. They can help if they want to, their slaves are just as good as ours.

                Here's something else to consider as a possible deal with Vox (not right now, and nothing can be said of this to Vox!): What if we kind of take loans from Vox, in the form of every worker they can give us before a certain date, will net them one tech once we begin to get techs from the GL. Some of the first techs won't be very valuable, but if they can give us 6 workers, we will give them the 6 first techs (meaning both of us on 100% gold for quite a while), and get on with our expanding unbothered.

                Cool idea here, as it will also protect our relation with Vox: they need us happy, as won't give them their 'interest' if we're fighting a war.



                • #9
                  Arrian, we will lose 12 turns in EotS, and once we're building probably not the best shield allocation, meaning possibly another 3-4 turns delay. That's about 3 cities in 40 turns... not something light. The upside is that we create a good wondercity / producer, which can proof very helpful later on.

                  The Collosus would be another possibility, but I consider it more as a fallback possibility, if somehow we aren't able to get the GL. It will certainly help us, but over its lifetime, I think the GL is going to net us a lot more gold / science then the Collosus will. The impact will be greater to the rest of our game.

                  Zeit: barracks is a bit of a problem, but without sacrificing any defense, our warriors (outside our scouts) should be able to deal with all barbs. We just need to be sure that Vox is going to leave us alone for a while, we can easily become military vastly superiour later.



                  • #10
                    Where's the option "No GL, build settlers instead of extra workers"?


                    • #11
                      Sir Ralph, that would be #1



                      • #12
                        So I voted.

                        - We have no infrastructure
                        - We have no military
                        - We have a neighbor, who's friendly at the moment, but considered to be instable.
                        - We are in the REX phase and our neighbor is unhappy with the small amount of land we want to give him.
                        - We hamper our growth by building masses of workers in our capital, and redisign a city, which was dedicated to build units, to build a wonder?

                        Something is wrong here.


                        • #13
                          Well... it's the timing of the military that's the problem, not so much the amount or quality of it. We could produce something like 6 veteran troops in Hurricane if we have it on military instead of a wonder. Those same 6 troops will be built in a size 9 city in 12 turns (+ 3 more turns for a barracks). 3 less cities means again some fewer troops if we decide to make those barrack cities, but OTOH also gives us nothing to defend.

                          One of the reasons I like it is because we will be limited in growth anyhow, I doubt that Cyclone will come into its right as a settlerpump if we focus on EotS. How many settlers can be produced from it, 2-3 before the expansion ends anyway? Better to use it a few turns longer, meaning we won't miss the amount of workers needed to rush the wonder.

                          Besides, what about the idea to ask slaves from Vox, in return for a tech later on? we don't have to lose growth, and don't need to worry about them military anyway.



                          • #14
                            If we go for the Great Library, here's an idea for a possible pact with Vox. This arrangement would give us the vast majority of the land on our home continent and a foothold on the other continent while providing Vox with security and a shot at a nice amount of land for themselves. It may still be a bit rough - I don't have time to refine it now - but it seems like an interesting possibility.

                            (By the way, I tend to view the issues of whether we go for the Great Library and what kind of relationship we build with Vox as essentially inseparable from each other. Vox needs to have a strong long-term sense of security for it to be safe for us to go for the Great Library.)

                            1) We define the original borders between GS and Vox as outlined in my latest proposal.
                            2) Gathering Storm engages in an all-out effort to build the Great Library as quickly as possible. It is understood that this will slow down our REXing, but that this slowdown will not affect the definition of borders.
                            3) When technology permits, Gathering Storm and Vox will engage in a joint military campaign against Lux Invicta. Until that time, Gathering Storm will share all technologies discovered through the Great Library with Vox, allowing Vox to save gold for warrior-to-immortal upgrades to build a more powerful invasion force. After each two of the first four cities Vox captures or razes from Lux (with appropriate adjustments based on the relative quality of city sites), Vox will give Gathering Storm one of the four cities farthest from its core as payment for the military advantage the extra gold for upgrades brings.
                            4) Gathering Storm may, in addition, trade up to two cities it captures from Vox on a one-for-one basis for the other two cities farthest from Vox’s core, again with appropriate adjustments should there be a significant difference in the quality of the city sites.
                            5) Vox will give Gathering Storm basing and transit rights in its territory in preparation for the invasion so that Gathering Storm can have multiple invasion waves already in place close to Lux’s territory when the invasion starts.
                            6) After operations against Lux are concluded successfully, any further partnership will be negotiated based on the conditions that exist at the time. However, in any event, there will be a game-long peace treaty between the two nations, and neither may enter into any other arrangement that would supercede that peace treaty.


                            • #15
                              Ah, so we're building our first veteran troups in what, 60 turns?

