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  • from Togas


    We need the help of your workers to clean up polution on one of our northern hills. If you can spare the workers, we'd greatly appreciate it.

    Also, we'd like to know if there's a timeline in place for the invasion of Legoland. We've been stockpiling Conquistadors for the invasion, as well as, some support infantry. We have galleon that we plan to upgrade to Transports once we have the tech and the proper resources. Hopefully, we can get that from you just before the invasion is to proceed.

    Please get back to us on the timeline.


    and my brief acknowledgement


    Thankyou for your message, Togas. We can certainly attend to your pollution this turn, and I'll get back to you asap on the timeline.




    • to Togas

      Greetings, Togas.

      My apologies for not getting back to you last week as intended. Amphibious Warfare arrived a turn late, which threw us slightly off-step, but now DeepO is back from his holiday and catching up, we'll be able to confirm plans for you very soon.




      • Togas,

        We're at the brink of starting our invasion of Legoland... hopefully everything goes as planned. Right now, we're discussing a possible delay of invasion (D-day was set at turn 242, 1270 AD) of 1 or 2 turns, to get all our forces ready. Turn 242 is also the first turn in which Lego will have tanks.

        Which leaves your involvement in this war: we would certainly appreciate you joining in on the fun, with those conquistadores. In order to do so, we will provide you with oil next turn, for one turn only. We will pillage our source later, so you've got 1 turn to upgrade your galleon(s) to transports, and start oily builds if you need them (I wouldn't know what, though). We will also give you a map with where we will build a harbor city for you in case of a successful landing, and where you would better have your ship(s) at T-1 (and our spots too, so you don't interfere with our fleet). This is for later, though, as it is still discussed on our forum.

        The plan so far is that you get your conqs on Legoland, attack / pillage whatever you can (we will most likely give you a map of possible goals, and of things which can't be destroyed as we need them ourselves), and possibly, if you want, we create an opportunity for you to start your GA. We're not sure what to do with the city we'll give to you, either you defend it for one turn and give it back to us, or you raze it after it was used. More on that later, it will depend on the situation.

        Any questions or suggestions are of course more then welcome!



        • Togas,

          I will . And thanks for the troop numbers, they are quite impressive coming from your empire. Maybe we can find you a spot to resettle (part) of your empire soon, so you can once again grow to full potential.

          Waypoints and a plan will be on its way when we get next turn. Right now, we're in internal debate, and GoW discussion on when, and how to start. It will be close, I think you can barely reach the post we picked for your harbor city. But a precise plan is coming, I promise you that.

          One thing I would like to know before D-day is whether you want to start your GA or not. Bringing art will make it easier, but I think it would be best if we leave a Lego unit somewhere at 1 hp, and tell you where you can find it. If it doesn't interfere with our conquest, of course

          Let's hope GoW doesn't decide to follow one of MZ's evil plans... if they don't Lego is going to get very surprised in a couple of turns.



          In 1270ad we will have in excess of 20 conquistadors available for an attack, and could bring in a group of 7 infantry and 6 artillary to protect the beachhead, if it is deemed necessary.

          We will have 6 galleons to be upgraded. We did not send gold this turn to allow us to stockpile enough gold for those upgrades. By next turn we'll have enough and will then continue gold shipments.

          You can send us oil at any point from next turn to the start of the attack.

          Please send us waypoints and turns that we need to be at those waypoints. Please tell us the turns in game years (1270ad for example) as our turn #s may be slightly off, but the years are right on.



          • Oh, I forgot... D-day is currently set at either 1280 AD, or 1290 AD... but more info on this in the next couple of days.



            • Togas,

              I'm sorry. In all the excitement I forgot to send you a message...
              We realised that we couldn't get you in on D-day, sadly enough, you need at least 2 more turns to reach Legoland. It doesn't really matter how you get there for now (the first 2 or 3 turns you can't disturb us), so could you aim for the region near Quanto Mechanico?

              Some advice, though: stay away from the Voxian coast. It wouldn't surprise me if they would take the first chance they got to sink your ships. Also, keep plenty of defenders at home, and don't build anything else but defensive units. I think many teams considers RP the key to GS's lock... in case we are under invasion threat, RP becomes target #1. As long as we can't guarantee you a decent place to stay, you won't need a lot of defenders on Legoland anyway.



              I noticed that you have started the war on Legoland, but we have not received any instructions. Please let us know what the brave Conquistador volunteers may do to aid you in your cause.



              • Togas,

                I'm sorry, I've not been keeping you up to date. Let me dig up the reports we have also been sending to GoW. Even if you haven't officially declared war yet, you should be kept up to date to what is happening. Again my apologies that you have to ask this, where I should have thought about it, and done it spontaneously.

                I'm afraid we can't help you with the subs, though. Lego has sunk our last sub last turn... we're just as much in the dark as you are. And for the moment, we can't spend the shields on more subs, even if they are on our wishlist.

                Well... that's not exactly right. We've been sinking a couple of their subs, and have a rough idea on 2 others. but you'll see that in the screenshots I'll send you in a moment. We can't protect you, though: we can't escort your transports in the same tile, and it is of no use to just be near them with a DD.

                Safe sea lanes? The best I can tell you, is that we've cleared the whole inner sea of anything we've spotted (apart from 1 sub). If you go in the direction of Hurricane, you will find our chain there... normally, if you stay to the South of it, you should be pretty safe. But the best bet is that Lego won't be the first to attack you, until they see you as a very imminent danger (due to war weariness). Which will be the turn before you land. Hopefully by that time, Lego will be more interested in our reinforcement chain, than they are in you.

                I don't know if I asked this before or not, but do you have an empty transport accompanying you? It's about the best protection you can get. It would be a bit late to build one know, though

                Oh, I sent you motorized transportation. I know you can't use it without resources, but unfortunately we're short on those ourselves... we only have 1 source of oil, and no rubber. But at least you've got the tech, whenever we see an opening (e.g. by trade with the Bobians), you can start on those nice shiny tanks

                I'll be back in a moment with those screenshots. Please don't hesitate to ask something, it's so hectic at times that I forget a lot of things. Again my apologies for that.


                While reading the war reports I see a lot of ship to ship combat involving submarines.

                Our transports could really use some convoy support or some sort of safe sea lanes to ensure that we don't hit the bottom before we land. Can you keep us posted on the best route for our ships to travel?

                Also, if you get any invasion screenshots, would you mind forwarding them to us? We'd like to see how things unfold.



                • here's the full report for T240 (1250AD) and Lego's forces at the start of T241

                  Situation scetch before movement:

                  Battle Report:
                  (DD1 is the first, but it was moved before the screenshot was made)

                  DD1 attacks Ir Shark . DD 4/4.
                  DD2 attacks Ir Southfork. DD 1/4.
                  DD3 attacks DD Achilles. DD 2/4.
                  Sub1 attacks DD Poseidon . Sub 2/4.
                  DD4 attacks DD Argonout. DD 2/4.
                  Sub2 attacks Sub U-Q2. Sub 1/4.
                  DD5 attacks DD Athena. DD 2/4.
                  DD6 attacks Ir Dagger. DD 2/4.
                  DD7 attacks Ir Sledgehammer. DD 3/4.
                  DD8 attacks Ir Maul. DD destroyed. Ir Maul 3/4.
                  DD9 attacks Ir Maul(3/4). DD promotes to elite 4/5.
                  DD10 attacks Ir Iron. DD 3/4.

                  Total: 12 attacks, 11 won, 1 lost, 1 promotion.
                  We lost 1 DD.
                  Lego lost 6 Ir, 1 Sub, 4 DD.

                  We basically have 3 fleet.
                  - Northern fleet leaves from Hurricane, and sails to the fork on Forkmouth, Sandonorico and Quanto Mechanico. Needs to sail close to Lego stack of BB.
                  - Southern fleet leaves from Sufa, sails to fork on Quanto Mechanico and Abilene.
                  - Deep Southern fleet is an empty fleet, and sails to fork on Abilene and Tiperrary. Only consists of 3 TR and a few defenders, but will be within chaining range of the S fleet. It could bring 24 M to Lego's shore, so they can't leave Tiperrary undefended.

                  We will try to chain extra troops to the transports during the next few turns. As we will not know which chains will succeed (there are Lego subs around), precise troop composition is uncertain. In total, our invasion force exists of
                  > 56 M
                  > 50 T
                  > 20 I
                  9 S
                  3 E
                  no artillery
                  a minimum of bombers

                  Further, RP is going to join us. However, we were late in planning it, and as a result, they will be a few turns behind us, they won't be present on D-day.

                  We will provide Lego troop numbers for as long as possible, but they might expose our spy. As far as we can see, Lego is the only other civ with a CIA built.

                  Legoland forces:
                  at start of turn 241

                  - 2 settler
                  - 15 worker
                  - 8 horsemen
                  - 41 Cavalry (-10! Lego is using them to seed ships or tank builds, no doubt about that)
                  - 89 infantry (+4 built)
                  - 62 artillery (+1 built)
                  - 7 ironclad (-9 lost in battle)
                  - 15 transport
                  - 10 subs (+3 built, -1 battle)
                  - 5 DD (+1 built, -4 battle)
                  - 9 BB
                  - 2 bomber


                  • turn 241:

                    - The darkest red are the killing zones of last turn.
                    - Transparant red are the possible places where the attackers can be
                    - In black, there are 2 identified Lego Subs. One of those we tried to sink, the other we couldn't reach
                    - White arrows give all our moves (one exception: when moving the escorts of the N fleet, I spread out to have more chance of encountering a sub. I didn't draw all the lines because of clutter)
                    - White transparant squares are the tiles in which we can land our fleet in the different turns (we settled on '1 of e' for the N fleet, and the section of S and Deep S fleet).

                    Battle Report
                    fighter bombards sub U-Q1 (3/4). hit. sub 2/4
                    2/4 DD attacks sub U-Q1 (2/4). 2/4 DD sinks. Sub 2/4.
                    1/4 Sub attacks sub U-Q1 (2/4). 1/4 Sub sinks. Lego sub promotes, 3/5.

                    Total: 1 bombardment, and 2 battles. We lost a DD and a Sub.



                    • Turn 242 (1260 AD)
                      Units turn241 turn242
                      Setler 2 2
                      Worker 15 17 (+2)
                      Horsemen 8 4 (-4)
                      Cavalry 41 (-10) 25 (-16)
                      Infantry 89 (+4 B) 89
                      Artillery62 (+1 B) 62
                      Tanks / 16 (+16)
                      Ironclad 7 (-9 LiB) 7
                      Transport15 15
                      Sub 10 (+3 B, -1 LiB)11 (+1 B)
                      DD 5 (+1 B, -4 LiB)7 (+2 B)
                      BB 9 9
                      Carrier / 1
                      Bomber 2 2

                      Gathering Storm Forces
                      Units turn241 turn242
                      Setler 10 (+.20/turn)(+1 B) 10 (+.20/turn)
                      Worker 24 (+.5/turn) (+1 B, but one used already) 25 (+.5/turn) (+1 B)
                      Rifle 20 20
                      Infantry 57 42 (15 upgraded last turn)
                      Marines 40 (+8.24/turn) (+10 B) 55 (+8.24/turn) (+5 built)
                      Artillery14 14
                      Tanks 70 (+.13/turn) 70 (+.13/turn)
                      MI 1 (+1.16/turn) (+1 B) 16 (+1.16/turn)
                      Galley 2 2
                      Transport15 27 (+1 B)
                      Sub 2 (-1 LiB) 0 (-2 LiB)
                      DD 22 (+1 B) (-3 LiB) 20 (-2 LiB)
                      BB 9 9
                      Carrier 26 (+.5/turn) 27 (+1 B)
                      Explorer 3 (+ .14/turn) 4 (+ .14/turn) (+1 B)
                      Fighter 2 (+0/turn) 2 (+0/turn)

                      N fleet now consists of:
                      - 55 M
                      - 4 MI
                      - 34 T
                      - 1 E
                      - 6 S
                      - 4 I
                      for a total of 13 TR, or 104 places on board.

                      Next turn, 6M will complete, which will be our backup forces. We could build 8 (I think), in which case I've got to change that during build phase. But right now, I favour MI more than M, seeing as our rubber is going to deplete next turn.

                      Our N fleet is protected by 7 4/4 DD, and 1 2/4 DD.

                      S fleet:
                      - 36 T
                      - 2 E
                      - 4 S
                      - 18 I
                      - 4 W
                      (8 TR, or 64 places)

                      S escort: 3 4/4 DD, 2 3/4 DD (and carrier)

                      Deep S fleet: 3 empty TR, with 1 3/4 DD.

                      Final movement

                      - fighter bombards 3/4 DD at Abilene 44111 (sorry, forgot to record its name). Misses.
                      - DD attacks 3/5 sub U-Q1(?). DD 3/4.
                      - DD attacks 3/4 DD at Abilene 44111. DD 3/4.

                      Total: 1 bombardment, 2 attacks. Lego lost a Sub and a DD.


                      This is it, so far. Not all the info I've just given you is released to GoW (especially not the precise troop count on our side, so I think it's obvious to ask from you not to share it with anyone Also, the battle report hasn't been released yet, but that will come in less than a day.

                      Any questions: shoot!



                      • DeepO,

                        Thanks for keeping us in the loop We'll do our best to stay clear of Legoland wolf packs. Just give us a clear landing site and we'll do a hell of a lot of damage to their interior. We have 20 conqs on their way over with some artillary and inf support.



                        • Togas, please find below the report we sent to GoW.



                          beginning of turn:

                          Lego destroyed all of our escort ships in the N. As a result, we can't penetrate their blockade, making our original target (Sando) unreachable. We deducted that Sando 7 should be covered by a 4/5 BB.

                          Lego exposed our spy, but we managed to plant another one.
                          Legoland forces:

                          - 2 settler
                          - 14 worker (-3)
                          - 3 horsemen (-1)
                          - 12 Cavalry (-13)
                          - 91 infantry (+2)
                          - 62 artillery
                          - 27 Tanks (+11)
                          - 6 ironclad (-1 LiB)
                          - 15 transport
                          - 10 subs (-1 LiB)
                          - 9 DD (-1 LiB, +3 B)
                          - 9 BB
                          - 1 carrier
                          - 3 bomber (+1 B)

                          Investigating Quanto

                          Not shown in the pic is that there is also a cath, uni, factory, hospital, harbor.

                          Further, I count a defense of:
                          - 9 T
                          - 1 reg T
                          - 10 I
                          - 10 art
                          - 1 bomber.

                          Investigating Abilene

                          Not shown: Bank, Cath, uni, factory, hospital.
                          72 spt

                          - 10 I
                          - 6 T
                          - 1 reg T
                          - 11 Art
                          - 2 bombers
                          - 5 Cav
                          - 2 TR

                          - Neither Quanto Mechanico, nor Abilene are possible to take with our marines.
                          - We assume Forkmouth is similarly defended by 10 I, 10 T, 10 art.
                          - we scouted, and spotted 22 I, 10 Art on Q12 (our preferred landing spot in case cities weren't possible)
                          - This should leave enough units for Lego to do the exact same thing on GoW's side, making it impossible to attack a city.
                          - Lego has pillaged a couple of forts it couldn't defend. They did the same thing inbetween Jackson and Dye fields.

                          - We decided to land our land units on Abilene 78, on grass without a fortress. (8 further M were landed on Quanto 77 to allow room for chaining.
                          - We keep a naval threat nearby, consisting of most of our M (the rest can be chained to the fleet if needed). This threatens a 3rd city, Tiperrary.

                          End of movement pic

                          Battle Report
                          - DD attacks 3/5 BB Legopolis. DD sinks. BB 2/5.
                          - DD attacks 4/5 DD At Abilene 4411 (forgot to note the name). Defensive bombardment misses. 2/4 DD.
                          - DD attacks 2/4 DD Myrmidon. DD sinks, Myrmidon 2/4
                          - 3/4 DD attacks 2/4 DD Myrmidon. DD 3/4.
                          - 3/4 DD stumbles into (reg or 3/4?) sub at Abilene 47. DD 2/4.
                          - 3/4 DD stumbles into sub at Abilene 411111111. DD destroyed.
                          - 4/5 DD attacks sub at Abilene 411111111. DD 1/5.

                          Total: 7 battles, 3 lost. We lost 3 DD, Lego lost 2 DD and 2 Subs.

                          It is the best we can do for the moment: threaten 3 cities and 1 defensive position.
                          We strongly suggest GoW tries to do the same, as otherwise there is no way we can attack next turn. From here, it looks like your land units would best be landed on the pillaged fortress in between Jackson and Dye Fields, which (together with a settler), threatens 2 cities. Your Marines can either be landed too, with chainers in range, or could be loaded to threaten Zargonia. If you position them right, they will fork on Zargonia and Dye fields.

                          I'm not saying this is definately the best solution for you, but unless you threaten 3 cities (or more), neither of us will be able to do a lot of damage on Lego. Main reason why both our attack-a-city-with-marines plans failed was because Lego was able to reduce the threatened cities on our side from 5 to 2. We could have handled it if there were 2 more.


                          • 1270 AD report sent to Togas half an hour ago.



                            • Togas,

                              we've been thinking on the matter of your survival in case of war. If I were you, I would hurry with those settlers. In 10 turns time, you should be able to get some 5 settlers, relatively undetected by other teams. If you are going to relocate to Legoland, you will need them, in the mean time they ensure your survival (you could e.g. park one in the middle of our territory, we are working on getting some anti-settler-blitz defenses in place)

                              I think if you ever can get a foothold on Legoland, you would be tremendously helped by a chain. Don't keep those empty transports at home, move them so that at least part of a chain is already in place. It will take some 7 turns to get this, by that time you could really use it if you're on Legoland. Otherwise, you won't need it, but it won't harm either. Transports have no other use, it's highly doubtfull you can use them for the (return) trip to Bob

                              Send one transport over to Legoland with conqs, you never know. If one inf is left in the open, we could bomb it and make sure you get your kill. Legoland is not dead yet, they've got a fortress city left, which can do a lot of harm over a long period of time. Just move those defenders back please, an inf is not going to help you.

                              If our fresh slaves survive (I doubt it, but you never know), we might help you in a couple of turns, by sending over some workers. These can replenish pop loss from settlers instantly, so nobody sees your settler builds. It's best to keep this a bit hidden.



                              All I can say is .... wow.

                              We still have one issue that you might be able to advise us on ... our GA. We had hoped to use our ancient conquistadors to start a belated GA. Do you think there will be anything left in 4 turns for us to throw Conqs at and get our GA running?

                              We will heed your advice and turn most of our transports back. Should we ultimately receive cities on Legoland, we will send over a few transports and settlers, but for now, we will continue to focus on building up our defenses at home. Although, given the numbers seen in the Legoland invasion, I doubt we could build enough defenses to really matter. If someone wanted to attack New Spain, they could easily crush us.



                              • Togas,

                                do you have the exact location of your transport the Nina? We might need to hunt that sub...

                                Further a small update: Lego just lost its last city. We're still thinking on the rest.


