Mighty Senators of Rome
The concept of this game was to be fast, simple and pleasing for all to play. It was to be a place to encourage those who had never been involved in any style of democracy game to come forth and enjoy, get a hold of the concept of joint games, and then hopefully funnel them into the many other versions of Democracy Games that abound this Great Universe of Apolyton CIV III
In this it is the hope of many not to become tooo bogged down in some of the moe intrivate and unusually time issues that have plagued and sometimes even destroyed the other games that are around
So this game came with some simple rules - The Grand Book of Rome - Our Law
It came with The Roll of Senators - the sign up thread
And it came with The Great Roll of Emperors for those who wished to have a turn playing the actual saves each week.
Now originally there were to be THREE Consuls who were to assist the Emperor in his time at the HELM of Rome
Yet in the time when we started there were hardly enough people participating to fill all of these roles. So we voted and the positions of Consul was scrapped for the time being.
This quickly was shown to be a wrong decision
Then, as is stated in the Book of Law, Consuls, being the Former Emperor, and the next two in line for the Title of Emperor were to assist the Emperor
This has only partially worked
Thus emails, pms, messageboards and posts have been floated for a while with suggestions and solutions
I personally would like to see the position of Consul raised and strongly supported
For this reason I have started the following thread Consuls Of Rome - We Need You To Come Forth
maye they do need to be in position for several weeks as discussed in that thread
Senatrs of Rome, I ask that we look to fulfilling the positions of Consuls, not now building ourselves another teir of leadership.
Struth lads I believe we seek the sae role to be fulfilled with these two different names.
as stated in the Book of Law:
4.a. The Consuls are drawn from the The Great Roll of Emperors. Here we take the Emperor who has just Retired, and the next Two Heirs to the Throne.
It is the Consul’s job to present and moderate ideas for the Emperor to utilize during his term. This means through running threads, polls and getting discussions underway and followed through.
and also stated in the Book of Law:
Thank you one and all for your participation in the polls and threads to get us this far.
Here be the way we start this mighty game.
This is all open to negotiation and change in the mighty Senate of Rome.
Strength and Honour Gentlemen
Cheif Administrator of the Senate
The concept of this game was to be fast, simple and pleasing for all to play. It was to be a place to encourage those who had never been involved in any style of democracy game to come forth and enjoy, get a hold of the concept of joint games, and then hopefully funnel them into the many other versions of Democracy Games that abound this Great Universe of Apolyton CIV III

In this it is the hope of many not to become tooo bogged down in some of the moe intrivate and unusually time issues that have plagued and sometimes even destroyed the other games that are around
So this game came with some simple rules - The Grand Book of Rome - Our Law
It came with The Roll of Senators - the sign up thread
And it came with The Great Roll of Emperors for those who wished to have a turn playing the actual saves each week.
Now originally there were to be THREE Consuls who were to assist the Emperor in his time at the HELM of Rome
Yet in the time when we started there were hardly enough people participating to fill all of these roles. So we voted and the positions of Consul was scrapped for the time being.
This quickly was shown to be a wrong decision
Then, as is stated in the Book of Law, Consuls, being the Former Emperor, and the next two in line for the Title of Emperor were to assist the Emperor
This has only partially worked
Thus emails, pms, messageboards and posts have been floated for a while with suggestions and solutions
I personally would like to see the position of Consul raised and strongly supported
For this reason I have started the following thread Consuls Of Rome - We Need You To Come Forth
maye they do need to be in position for several weeks as discussed in that thread
Senatrs of Rome, I ask that we look to fulfilling the positions of Consuls, not now building ourselves another teir of leadership.
Struth lads I believe we seek the sae role to be fulfilled with these two different names.
as stated in the Book of Law:
4.a. The Consuls are drawn from the The Great Roll of Emperors. Here we take the Emperor who has just Retired, and the next Two Heirs to the Throne.
It is the Consul’s job to present and moderate ideas for the Emperor to utilize during his term. This means through running threads, polls and getting discussions underway and followed through.
and also stated in the Book of Law:
Thank you one and all for your participation in the polls and threads to get us this far.
Here be the way we start this mighty game.
This is all open to negotiation and change in the mighty Senate of Rome.
Strength and Honour Gentlemen
Cheif Administrator of the Senate