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  • #31
    due to unforseen circumstances, i cannot manage my estate for a month. ada-mada, if you take care of it and build some stuff, you can take 10%. thanks.

    jdd2007 signing out


    • #32
      I'm back, with jungle to burn!

      Originally posted by Randolph
      damnit, since I'm obviously not going to get any labor in Gaia I'd like to cancel my order to buy 1 shield... but I'll keep my order for labor in gaia just so you bastards will have to pay a little more
      There are other cities besides Gaia. Pretty much every city in the Market will be size 12 before too long.

      Originally posted by jdd2007
      Eastate of jdd2007
      Turn 14

      GF, i dont know what to do about building stuff
      You could
      Hire 3 labor in Termina
      Use 3 shields to build a Shoppe (or Eatery) in Termina


      • #33
        Sorry for the messy format -- half of it is my format, half of it is UnOrthO's. I'll get it to something standard next turn. Let me know if I've made any mistakes, since this is my first time doing this and I'd be lying if I didn't say it was really hard to keep track of all the numbers.

        ** I believe all these numbers are correct, but this is my first time doing UnOrthO's estate, so I might have messed up . If I have, please let me know. **

        EDIT: Am I right in saying that labor for things built on UnOrthO's estates must come from Termina?
        Gazette Estates.
        Managed by adaMada

        Current Stockpile: 0 food, 0 shield, 0 Commerce, 4 paper, 4 books, 6 half-shield, 1 horse, 6 vassals

        Current Production: 6(9 - 3 for vassals) food, 6 shield, 13 commerce.

        Cash $3177, Debt $0, 1 horse (Ulfias), 6 Vassals (persian)

        Proposed transactions:

        Convert Gaia Bindery into Printing Press using 2 halfshields, 2 labor
        Build storehouse on estate using 2 halfshields, 2 termina labor
        Change Apolytonia Shoppe into Chain Retail Store using 2 halfshields, 2 labor
        Sell 6 food @ $1 min
        Sell 6 Commerce through Shoppe @ $1 min
        Sell 4 Books Through Bookstore @ $1 min
        Sell 7 Commerce @ $1 min
        4 vassals work 4 paper in bindery making books
        2 vassals make 4 paper in paper mill (2 shields)
        Work 3 shields in paper press

        Bid on following labor @ max $200:
        5 termina labor
        2 apolytonia labor
        2 gaia labor
        Last edited by adaMada; October 31, 2002, 22:45.
        Civ 3 Democracy Game:
        PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
        Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


        • #34
          Originally posted by GhengisFarb
          Hire 2 labor from Apolyton @ no more than $500

          Sell 8 shields @ D/S
          Changing to:
          Hire 4 labor from Apolyton @ no more than $500

          Sell 6 shields @ D/S
          Use 2 Apolyton labor to build storehouse on Apolyton NW


          • #35

            Labor Market
            Apolyton Available Labor: 7
            GhengisFarb is hiring 4 labor @ $500 max
            Gazette Estates is hiring 2 labor @ $200 max

            Termina Available Labor: 6
            GhengisFarb is hiring 1 labor @ $500 max
            Gazette Estates is hiring 5 labor @ $200 max

            Tassagrad Available Labor: 8
            GhengisFarb is hiring 3 labor @ $500 max
            Kloreep is hiring 5 labor @ $130 max

            BHQ Available Labor: 7
            GhengisFarb is hiring 3 labor @ $500 max
            Kloreep is hiring 3 labor @ $130 max

            Gotham Available Labor: 6
            GhengisFarb is hiring 6 labor @ $500 max

            Chartres Available Labor: 3
            GhengisFarb is hiring 3 labor @ $500 max

            Timeline Available Labor: 9
            GhengisFarb is hiring 1 labor @ $500 max
            Kloreep is hiring 4 labor @ $130 max
            notyoueither is hiring 1 labor @ D/S +5

            Gaia Available Labor: 9 Demand:14 Minimum Wage: D/S 12/9=$156
            GhengisFarb is hiring 1 labor @ $500 max
            Jonny is hiring 2 labor @ $250 max
            =OttomusCeasar= is hiring 6 labor @ $300 max
            Randolph is hiring 3 labor @ $122 max
            Gazette Estates is hiring 2 labor @ $200 max

            Land Auction

            O) $1250 Gaia N (2 food, 3 commerce)

            ...GhengisFarb bid $1300

            S) $1500 Gaia SE (2 food, 1 shield, 3 commerce)

            ...Nimitz bid $1500

            The winning horse receives 25% of the proceeds, second place receives 10%, and third place receives 5%.
            (21 commerce equivilent)

            Horses entered in first Race:
            1) Theodosius (by Randolph)
            2) Ulfias (by UnOrthOdOx)

            Oh well in the third Quarter Length the standings are:
            1) Theodosius is behind by 1 (rolled an 2(3+6+2=11))
            2) Ulfias (rolled a 4(5+3+4=12))
            Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; October 31, 2002, 23:23.


            • #36
              EDIT: Ghengis, will you be racing horses next turn, or will there be a one turn delay between races?
              Originally posted by adaMada
              Estate of adaMada, Turn 14
              Administered by adaMada

              Holdings: Chartres nw2, Timeline nnw, Apolyton wnw (Player #1)
              Buildings: Brewery on Timeline nnw
              Production: 5 food, 2 shields, 4 commerce
              Stockpile: 4 shields
              Cash: $414
              Debt: $0

              Proposed deals:

              Feed 1 food to vassals
              Convert 1 food into 1 ale with 1 worker
              Sell 3 food @ min. $1
              Sell 4 Commerce @ min. $1
              Sell 2 shields
              Buy one horse from NotYouEither at Commerce D/S + Horse Bonus
              New Proposed Deals: (Other deals stand)
              Begin and complete construction of TAVERN on Timeline nnw.
              - Use one vassal
              - Hire two labor in Timeline ($200 max)
              --- Use one stockpiled shield if necessary.

              -- adaMada --
              Civ 3 Democracy Game:
              PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
              Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


              • #37
                MARKET CLOSEDGhengis Gardens
                Horses entered in first Race:
                1) Theodosius (by Randolph)
                2) Ulfias (by UnOrthOdOx)

                FINAL Quarter Length the standings are:
                1) Theodosius wins by 3 (rolled an 6(3+6+2+6=17))
                2) Ulfias (rolled a 2(5+3+42=14))

                Race Proceeds= 21 commerce @ $122 ($2562)
                $640 goes to Randoph
                $256 goes to UnOrthOdOx

                FINAL AUCTION STATUS[/size][/b]
                Land Auction

                O) $1250 Gaia N (2 food, 3 commerce)

                ...GhengisFarb bid $1300

                S) $1500 Gaia SE (2 food, 1 shield, 3 commerce)

                ...Nimitz bid $1500

                Here's what I came up with for completed transactions:

                LABOR MARKET
                Apolyton Available Labor: 7
                D:S 6/7 = $86
                GhengisFarb hired 4 labor in Apolyton @ $86
                UnOrthOdOx hired 2 labor in Apolyton @ $86

                Termina Available Labor: 6
                D:S 6/6 = $100
                GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Termina @ $100
                UnOrthOdOx hired 5 labor in Termina @ $100

                Tassagrad Available Labor: 8
                D:S 8/8 = $100
                GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in Tassagrad @ $100
                Kloreep hired 5 labor in Tassagrad @ $100

                BHQ Available Labor: 7
                D:S 6/7 = $86
                GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in BHQ @ $86
                Kloreep hired 3 labor in BHQ @ $86

                Gotham Available Labor: 6
                D:S 6/6 = $100
                GhengisFarb hired 6 labor in Gotham @ $100

                Chartres Available Labor: 3
                D:S 3/3 = $100
                GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in Chartres @ $100

                Timeline Available Labor: 9
                D:S 6/9 = $67
                GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $67
                Kloreep hired 4 labor in Timeline @ $67
                notyoueither hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $67

                Gaia Available Labor: 9
                D:S 14/9 = $156
                GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Gaia @ $156
                Jonny hired 2 labor in Gaia @ $156
                UnOrthOdOx hired 2 labor in Gaia @ $156
                =OttomusCeasar= hired 6 labor in Gaia @ $156
                Randolph failed to hire 3 labor in Gaia due to labor shortage

                FINAL TRANSACTIONS:
                adaMada hired 2 labor in Timeline @ $89
                GhengisFarb hired 4 labor in Apolyton @ $86
                GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Termina @ $100
                GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in Tassagrad @ $100
                GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in BHQ @ $86
                GhengisFarb hired 6 labor in Gotham @ $100
                GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in Chartres @ $100
                GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $89
                GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Gaia @ $156
                Jonny hired 2 labor in Gaia @ $100
                Kloreep hired 5 labor in Tassagrad @ $100
                Kloreep hired 3 labor in BHQ @ $86
                Kloreep hired 4 labor in Timeline @ $89
                notyoueither hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $89
                =OttomusCeasar= hired 6 labor in Gaia @ $100
                Randolph failed to hire 3 labor in Gaia due to labor shortage
                UnOrthOdOx hired 2 labor in Apolyton @ $86
                UnOrthOdOx hired 5 labor in Termina @ $100
                UnOrthOdOx hired 2 labor in Gaia @ $100

                FOOD MARKET
                Food demand: 110
                Food supplied: 18
                Food sold: 103

                D:S = 110/
                (18+103)121 = 01%
                End price = $91
                FINAL TRANSACTIONS:
                adamada sold 3 food @ $91
                Captain sold 2 food @ $91
                GhengisFarb sold 16 food @ $91 (through Tavern(Inn))
                GhengisFarb sold 28 food @ $91
                Jonny sold 6 food @ $91 (through Eatery)
                Jonny sold 1 food @ $91
                Kloreep sold 1 food @ $91
                Nimitz sold 12 food @ $91
                notyoueither sold 6 food @ $91 (through Eatery)
                notyoueither sold 9 food @ $91
                =OttomusCeasar= sold 11 food @ $91
                Randolph sold 2 food @ $91
                UnOrthOdOx sold 6 food @ $91 (through Eatery)

                SHIELD MARKET
                Shields demand: 65
                Shields supplied: 73
                Shields sold: 24 Shields bought: 3

                D:S = 68
                (65+3)/94(73+24) = 70.1%
                End price = $70
                FINAL TRANSACTIONS:
                adamada sold 3 shields @ $70
                Captain sold 1 shield @ $70
                GhengisFarb sold 6 shields @ $70
                Jonny sold 1 shield @ $70(Through Hardware Store)
                Kloreep sold 1 shield @ $70
                Nimitz sold 8 shields @ $70
                notyoueither sold 4 shields @ $70
                =OttomusCeasar= bought 3 shields @ $70

                COMMERCE MARKET
                Commerce demand: 440
                Commerce supplied: 29
                Commerce bought: 2
                Commerce sold: 151

                D:S = 442
                End price = $122
                FINAL TRANSACTIONS:
                adaMada sold 4 commerce @ $122
                adaMada bought 1 Horse(commerce) @ $122
                Captain sold 3 commerce @ $122
                GhengisFarb sold 6 Dye @ $122 (Through Specialty Shoppe(Inn))
                GhengisFarb sold 6 Dye @ $122
                GhengisFarb sold 36 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppes(Inn)
                GhengisFarb sold 6 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppe)
                Jonny sold 6 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppe)
                Jonny sold 6 commerce @ $122
                Kloreep sold 11 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppe(Marketplace))
                Kloreep sold 7 snacks(commerce) @ $122 Shoppe(Marketplace)
                Kloreep sold 1 snack(commerce) @ $122
                Nimitz sold 6 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppe(Marketplace))
                Nimitz sold 12 commerce @ $122
                notyoueither sold 6 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppe(Marketplace))
                notyoueither sold 5 commerce @ $122
                notyoueither sold 4 Horses @ $122
                notyoueither sold 4 Dyes @ $122
                =OttomusCeasar= sold 7 commerce @ $122
                =OttomusCeasar= bought 1 Horse(commerce) @ $122
                Randolph sold 3 commerce @ $122
                Randolph won $640 in prize money
                UnOrthOdOx sold 12 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppes(Marketplace))
                UnOrthOdOx sold 1 commerce @ $122
                UnOrthOdOx sold 4 books @ $183 (150% of D/S) (Through Book Store)
                UnOrthOdOx won $256 in prize money

                ALCOHOL MARKET
                {Ale, Beer, Rum, and Wine} Base price $100
                Apolyton Market: 14 demanded, 2 sold...14/2 = $700
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Apolyton @ $700 (Through Tavern(Inn))

                Termina Market: 12 demanded, 2 sold...12/2 = $600
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Termina @ $600 (Through Tavern(Inn))

                Tassagrad Market: 16 demanded, 2 sold...16/2 = $800
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Tassagrad @ $800 (Through Tavern(Inn))

                BHQ Market: 14 demanded, 1 sold...14/2 = $700
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in BHQ @ $700 ((Through Tavern(Inn))

                Gotham Market: 12 demanded, none sold

                Chartres Market: 2 demanded, none sold

                Timeline Market: 18 demanded, none sold

                Gaia Market: 18 demanded, none sold

                FINAL TRANSACTIONS:
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Apolyton @ $700 (Through Tavern(Inn))
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Termina @ $600 (Through Tavern(Inn))
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Tassagrad @ $800 (Through Tavern(Inn))
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in BHQ @ $800 ((Through Tavern(Inn))

                Total Incomes

                adamada sold 3 food @ $91
                adamada sold 3 shields @ $70
                adaMada sold 4 commerce @ $122
                adaMada bought 1 Horse(commerce) @ $122
                adaMada used 1 vassal to convert 1 food into 1 ale in his BREWERY on Timeline nnw
                (the other vassal was on vacation)
                ..........Total Income for Turn = $849 (Cash $1263, Debt $0)
                BREWERY on Timeline nnw

                ..........Total Income for Turn = $0 (Cash $412, Debt $1000)

                Captain sold 1 shield @ $70
                Captain sold 2 food @ $91
                Captain sold 3 commerce @ $122

                ..........Total Income for Turn =$618 (Cash $3468, Debt $0)

                civman2000 received $175 rent from GhengisFarb
                ..........Total Income for Turn =$175 (Cash $1275, Debt $0)

                Darkness' Edge
                ..........Total Income for Turn =$0 (Cash $0, Debt $400)

                ..........Total Income for Turn = $0 (Cash $2277, Debt $0)

                ..........Total Income for Turn = $0 (Cash $395, Debt $750)

                ..........Noble (Cash $405 in Royal Treasury)

                GhengisFarb bought tile O for $1300
                GhengisFarb hired 4 labor in Apolyton @ $86
                GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Termina @ $100
                GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in Tassagrad @ $100
                GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in BHQ @ $86
                GhengisFarb hired 6 labor in Gotham @ $100
                GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in Chartres @ $100
                GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $67
                GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Gaia @ $156
                GhengisFarb sold 16 food @ $91 (through Tavern(Inn))
                .....(Tavern(Inn) bonus 16 X $91 (100% of $91))
                GhengisFarb sold 28 food @ $91
                GhengisFarb sold 6 shields @ $70
                GhengisFarb sold 6 Dye @ $122 (Through Specialty Shoppe(Inn))
                .....(Shoppe(Inn) bonus 6 X $122 (100% of $122))
                GhengisFarb sold 6 Dye @ $122
                .....(Dye bonus 12 X $36 (30% of $122))
                GhengisFarb sold 36 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppes(Inn)
                .....(Shoppe(Inn) bonus 36 X $122 (100% of $122))
                GhengisFarb sold 6 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppe)
                .....(Shoppe bonus 6 X $61 (50% of $122))
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Apolyton @ $700 (Through Tavern(Inn))
                .....(Tavern(Inn) bonus 2 X $700 (100% of $700))
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Termina @ $600 (Through Tavern(Inn))
                .....(Tavern(Inn) bonus 2 X $600 (100% of $600))
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Tassagrad @ $800 (Through Tavern(Inn))
                .....(Tavern(Inn) bonus 2 X $800 (100% of $800))
                GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in BHQ @ $800 ((Through Tavern(Inn))
                .....(Tavern(Inn) bonus 2 X $800 (100% of $800))
                GhengisFarb generated Net Proceeds of $1666 from Racetrack
                GhengisFarb used 1 BHQ labor to operate Racetrack
                GhengisFarb used 1 Apolyton labor to operate Inn in Apolyton
                GhengisFarb used 1 BHQ labor to operate Inn in BHQ
                GhengisFarb used 1 Tassagrad labor to operate Inn in Tassagrad
                GhengisFarb used 1 Termina labor to operate Inn in Termina
                GhengisFarb used 1 Timeline labor to operate Inn in Timeline
                GhengisFarb used 1 Gaia labor to operate Inn in Gaia
                GhengisFarb used 1 Apolyton labor to convert 2 food into 2 Ale in Duff's Brewery
                GhengisFarb used 1 BHQ labor to convert 2 food into 2 Ale in Ghengis Brewing Company
                GhengisFarb used 2 Tassagrad labor to convert 4 food into 4 Ale in Duff's Brewery
                GhengisFarb used 1 Gotham labor to convert 2 food into 2 Ale in Gothic Brewing Company
                GhengisFarb paid civman2000 $175 rent
                GhengisFarb paid rendelnep $175 rent
                GhengisFarb paid 2 Horse bonus @ $36 (30% of $122))
                ..........Total Income for Turn = $27,809 (Cash=$65,162 Debt=$0)
                DYE SHOPPE IN GAIA
                BREWERY in "Jungundy" - 015 Termina NE3 Duff Brewery
                BREWERY on "Ghengis Mountain" - BHQ N Ghengis Brewing Company
                BREWERY on tile Apolyton nnw Duff Brewery - East Expansion
                RACETRACK on tile Tassagrad nnw
                BREWERY on tile Gotham wsw Gothic Brewing Company
                GhengisFarb FINISHED TAVERN in Gotham
                GhengisFarb FINISHED INN in Gotham
                GhengisFarb FINISHED TAVERN in Chartres
                GhengisFarb BUILT 3 of 5 on an INN in Chartres

                ..........Total Income for Turn = $0 (Cash $5613, Debt $0)

                Jonny hired 2 labor in Gaia @ $156
                Jonny sold 6 food @ $91 (through Eatery)
                .....(Eatery bonus 6 X $46 (50% of $91))
                Jonny sold 1 food @ $91
                Jonny sold 1 shield @ $70(Through Hardware Store)
                .....(Shoppe bonus 1 X $35 (50% of $70))
                Jonny sold 6 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppe)
                .....(Shoppe bonus 6 X $61 (50% of $122))
                Jonny sold 6 commerce @ $122
                Jonny used 1 labor and 1 vassal to expand Shoppe in Gaia into a Shoppe Chain
                Jonny used 1 labor and 1 vassal to expand Eatery in Gaia into a Eatery Chain
                ..........Total Income for Turn = $2536 (Cash $4834, Debt $0)
                HARDWARE STORE IN GAIA
                SHOPPE IN GAIA
                EATERY in GAIA
                Jonny FINISHED EXPANDING EATERY in Gaia into an Eatery Chain
                Jonny FINISHED EXPANDING SHOPPE in Gaia into a Shoppe Chain

                Kloreep hired 5 labor in Tassagrad @ $100
                Kloreep hired 3 labor in BHQ @ $86
                Kloreep hired 4 labor in Timeline @ $67
                Kloreep sold 1 food @ $91
                Kloreep sold 1 shield @ $70
                Kloreep sold 11 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppe(Marketplace))
                .....(Shoppe(Marketplace) bonus 11 X $92 (75% of $122))
                Kloreep sold 7 snacks(commerce) @ $122 Shoppe(Marketplace)
                .....(Shoppe(Marketplace) bonus 7 X $92 (75% of $122))
                Kloreep sold 1 snack(commerce) @ $122
                Kloreep used 4 vassals to convert 4 shields to 8 halfshields in Lumber Mill on Timeline wsw
                Kloreep used 3 labor in BHQ to build a Retail Business (Shoppe) using 3 half-shields
                Kloreep used 3 labor in Tassagrad to build a Retail Business (Shoppe) using 3 half-shields
                Kloreep used 2 labor in Tassagrad to build a Storehouse using 3 half-shields
                Kloreep used 4 labor in Timeline to convert 8 food to 16 snacks in Bakery
                ..........Total Income for Turn = $3109 (Cash $3595, Debt $0)
                BAKERY IN TIMELINE
                LUMBERMILL on Timeline wsw
                Kloreep FINISHED Storehouse near TASSAGRAD
                Kloreep FINISHED Shoppe in TASSAGRAD
                Kloreep FINISHED Shoppe in BHQ

                ..........Noble (Cash $545 in Royal Treasury)

                Nimitz bought tile S for $1500
                Nimitz sold 12 food @ $91
                Nimitz sold 8 shields @ $70
                Nimitz sold 6 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppe(Marketplace))
                .....(Shoppe(Marketplace) bonus 6 X $92 (75% of $122))
                Nimitz sold 12 commerce @ $122
                ..........Total Income for Turn = $2900 (Cash $4758, Debt $0)
                SHOPPE IN TERMINA

                notyoueither hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $67
                notyoueither sold 6 food @ $91 (through Eatery(Marketplace))
                .....(Eatery(Marketplace) bonus 6 X $68 (75% of $109))
                notyoueither sold 9 food @ $91
                notyoueither sold 4 shields @ $70
                notyoueither sold 6 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppe(Marketplace))
                .....(Shoppe(Marketplace) bonus 6 X $92 (75% of $122))
                notyoueither sold 5 commerce @ $122
                notyoueither sold 4 Horses @ $122
                .....(Horse bonus 4 X $36 (30% of $122))
                notyoueither sold 4 Dyes @ $122
                .....(Dye bonus 4 X $36 (30% of $122))
                notyoueither used 1 labor in Timeline and 1 vassal to build a Retail Business (Shoppe)
                ..........Total Income for Turn = $4404 (Cash $8333, Debt $0)
                EATERY IN APOLYTON
                SHOPPE IN APOLYTON
                notyoueither FINISHED a Shoppe in Timeline

                =OttomusCeasar= hired 6 labor in Gaia @ $156
                =OttomusCeasar= sold 11 food @ $91
                =OttomusCeasar= bought 3 shields @ $70
                =OttomusCeasar= sold 7 commerce @ $122
                =OttomusCeasar= bought 1 Horse(commerce) @ $122
                =OttomusCeasar= used 1 vassal in Brewery to change 2 food into 2 "Ceasar's Gold" Ale
                =OttomusCeasar= used 1 labor and other vassal to complete Tavern in Gaia
                =OttomusCeasar= used 5 labor to build Inn in Gaia
                ..........Total Income for Turn = $587 (Cash $411, Debt $2000) *Paid off all government debt
                BREWERY on Gaia NW
                =OttomusCeasar= FINISHED TAVERN in Gaia
                =OttomusCeasar= FINISHED INN in Gaia

                Randolph failed to hire 3 labor in Gaia due to labor shortage
                Randolph sold 2 food @ $91
                Randolph sold 3 commerce @ $122
                Randolph won $640 in prize money
                ..........Total Income for Turn =$1188 (Cash $177, Debt $0) *Paid off all government debt

                rendelnep received $175 rent from GhengisFarb
                ..........Total Income for Turn =$175 (Cash $1050, Debt $0)

                ..........Noble (Cash $153 in Royal Treasury)

                ..........Noble (Cash $405 in Royal Treasury)

                ..........Total Income for Turn =$0 (Cash $240, Debt $775)

                UnOrthOdOx hired 2 labor in Apolyton @ $86
                UnOrthOdOx hired 5 labor in Termina @ $100
                UnOrthOdOx hired 2 labor in Gaia @ $100
                UnOrthOdOx sold 6 food @ $91 (through Eatery)
                .....(Shoppe(Marketplace) bonus 6 X $61 (75% of $91))
                UnOrthOdOx sold 12 commerce @ $122 (Through Shoppes(Marketplace))
                .....(Shoppe(Marketplace) bonus 6 X $92 (75% of $122))
                UnOrthOdOx sold 1 commerce @ $122
                UnOrthOdOx sold 4 books @ $183 (150% of D/S) (Through Book Store)
                .....(Book Store bonus 4 X $137 (75% of $183))
                .....(Unmet subDemand bonus 4 X $92 (50% of $183))
                UnOrthOdOx won $256 in prize money
                UnOrthOdOx used 2 Gaia labor to convert Bindery into Printing Press
                UnOrthOdOx used 2 Apolytonia labor to expand Apolytonia Shoppe into Chain Retail Store
                UnOrthOdOx used 2 Termina labor to build a Storehouse on his estate
                UnOrthOdOx used 2 vassals and 2 Termina labor work 4 shield into 8 paper in paper press/mill
                UnOrthOdOx used 4 vassals work 4 paper in bindery making books
                ..........Total Income for Turn = $4082 (Cash $7259, Debt $0)
                LUMBER MILL
                EATERY IN TASSAGRAD
                SHOPPE IN TERMINA and APOLYTON
                PAPER PRESS
                BINDERY ON HIS ESTATE and GAIA
                BOOK STORE IN GAIA
                UnOrthOdOx FINISHED a Storehouse on his estate
                UnOrthOdOx EXPANDED a Shoppe in Apolyton into a Shoppe Chain
                UnOrthOdOx CONVERTED a Bindery in Gaia into a Printing Press

                Anyone notice any mistakes/corrections?
                Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; November 2, 2002, 00:42.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Kloreep
                  Tile trade: That trade would be fine anytime, but I do want to trade storehouse for storehouse, so you'd have to build one there. (Sorry I can't cancel my own warehouse build, but I'll need the extra space this turn.)

                  Vassals: Someone (CiverDan, I think) mentioned during the chat that we should keep track of workers for you, but we started counting a little late. IIRC, the count we got was 7, but I'd trust 8 more (a straight comparison between saves).
                  Were they all French?


                  • #39
                    I realize the market is closed now, but could I have used labor from another city (besides Gaia) to build in my tile (Gaia W)? I thought I could only use Vassels or labor from a city that the tile in question is in the radius of.
                    Race Proceeds= 21 commerce @ D/S
                    25% goes to Randoph
                    10% goes to UnOrthOdOx
                    Nice, 5 commerce will probably more than double my income!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by adaMada
                      EDIT: Ghengis, will you be racing horses next turn, or will there be a one turn delay between races?

                      New Proposed Deals: (Other deals stand)
                      Begin and complete construction of TAVERN on Timeline nnw.
                      - Use one vassal
                      - Hire two labor in Timeline ($200 max)
                      --- Use one stockpiled shield if necessary.

                      -- adaMada --
                      Yes, but have received no entrys as of yet
                      Players Who own horses:
                      GhengisFarb (inelligible-but horse is available for rent, just pm me)

                      Originally posted by Randolph
                      I realize the market is closed now, but could I have used labor from another city (besides Gaia) to build in my tile (Gaia W)? I thought I could only use Vassels or labor from a city that the tile in question is in the radius of.
                      If you are building something on your tile then yes the labor has to come from a city with that tile in its radius. If you are building in a city all labor outside of vassals must be from city. You can build a shoppe in any city and use that city's labor, I don't see what difference it would make if you have a shoppe in Gaia or a shoppe in Timeline.
                      Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; November 1, 2002, 20:52.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by GhengisFarb

                        If you are building something on your tile then yes the labor has to come from a city with that tile in its radius. If you are building in a city all labor outside of vassals must be from city. You can build a shoppe in any city and use that city's labor, I don't see what difference it would make if you have a shoppe in Gaia or a shoppe in Timeline.
                        So I can sell commerce (food, etc) that I produce in Gaia W anywhere? In this case all you need is 1 shoppe in 1 city and then you can sell all your commerce through that shoppe.



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Randolph

                          So I can sell commerce (food, etc) that I produce in Gaia W anywhere? In this case all you need is 1 shoppe in 1 city and then you can sell all your commerce through that shoppe.

                          Have you seen how much commerce Ghengis produces, I don't think he'll ever be able to sell it through ONE shoppe anywhere.
                          Proud member of the Hawk Party.


                          • #43
                            up to 6 right? (14 for a chain)

                            I can sell all my commerce though (my big 3 commerce)


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                              Were they all French?
                              Yes; we didn't buy any workers so far as I know (though I came in a little late).


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Randolph
                                up to 6 right? (14 for a chain)
                                When did we get size 14 cities?

