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  • #46
    French-bashing aside, I notice that the French don't exactly have a high opinion of America. Maybe it's bitterness over the fact that we saved their butts in both World Wars. Maybe it's because New York eclipsed Paris as cultural center of the world. Maybe it's bitterness over Napoleon's decision to sell us Louisiana. I don't think we'll ever know.
    Maybe all this France-bashing is just a case of turnabout being fair play...
    Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
    Coming soon: Pax America Redux (Including concepts/civs from Conquests)


    • #47
      Originally posted by Centauri18
      French-bashing aside, I notice that the French don't exactly have a high opinion of America. Maybe it's bitterness over the fact that we saved their butts in both World Wars. Maybe it's because New York eclipsed Paris as cultural center of the world. Maybe it's bitterness over Napoleon's decision to sell us Louisiana. I don't think we'll ever know.
      Maybe all this France-bashing is just a case of turnabout being fair play...
      You can certainly lay down a chicken-and-the-egg argument about the insults. I find it incredulous from our side because we're essentially perpetuating a cultural fragment that comes not from the modern ally-England, but from the old England-the-oppressor. Given the pecularities of our revolution, I have a hard time understanding anti-French sentiment.

      PS—"Cultural center of the world"? Which world? Let's see… movie industry: west coast; music industry; west coast; best art galleries: Europe; best restaurants: Europe or Asia depending on culinary preferences; education: other parts of New England; symphony orch./opera: very good quality, but hardly the center of the classical world.

      Culturally speaking, the only thing I can think of that's centered in New York are cheesy musicals and really kick-@$$ delis. New York is the biggest, busiest, most dynamic metropolis on the planet but I gotta disagree with "cultural center of the world."
      "It's great to be known, but it's even better to be known as strange." --Takeshi Kaga


      • #48
        Originally posted by Odin

        The Germans were the agressors of World War II, World War I is a bit more complicated. And the only other war I can think of is the 1871 war (actually that was before there was a Germany). Unless you take an alternative position of what is Germany, you cannot defend your thesis.


        • #49
          I use the Germans nearly every game, and I have created a fairly strong strategy. The most important thing to do with the Germans in to use the early advantages that you get with Archers/Spearmen/Cheap Barracks. To have a strong start, create 2 to four cities, and make sure that the first thing that you build in them is a barracks. Use your worker to connect each city with roads.

          Berlin can build a barracks and spearman usually before it is able to produce a settler. What I do with Berlin is:
          Barracks-Spearman-Warrior-Settler-Spearman-Settler-Spearman. Use the warrior to explore/protect your settler. When your new cities are built use Berlin to create the Spearmen to defend them. By the time you have four defended cities with barracks, start to create archers. Search out your nearest rival ( they never seem to be very far away) and ram your archers down their throat. By conquering your nearest neighbor you will have enough space to spread out and compete against the expansionist civs. Continue to expand modestly throughout the early parts of the game, but keep in mind which Civs have early game UUs. Those civs can cause some trouble.

          Germany's scienctific trait allows it to build science buildings to remain competative in the culture/tech race, but I usuaslly find it necessary to conquer a neighbor or two using knights/cavalry because, as has been stated, the other civs are never too friendly with the Germans.
          I usually fall behind in the tech race until about halfway through the industrial age, where the cheap universities help pull me back into the race. I usually miss the early wonders, except for the GL and Leo's Workshop, wo which I strive to get. Rush to get the Hoover Dam, because the main action is about to begin.

          The Panzer is incredible as long as you aren't fighting Mechanical Infantry. No industrial rival can withstand the Blitz for long. Also, if you haven't already triggered the golden age, the late industrial Golden age is awesome. 15-20 cities producing Panzers every 2-3 turns creates a very formidable force. I always win by conquest or, if I don't feel like transporting a huge army across the sea, by space race. With Germany you are almost guaranteed a victory if you reach the late industrial age, as long as you keep your infrastructure up, have expanded a bit through earlier wars, and your opponents haven't discovered Computers yet.
          I'm about to get aroused from watching the pokemon and that's awesome. - Pekka


          • #50
            Originally posted by Underseer
            Culturally speaking, the only thing I can think of that's centered in New York are cheesy musicals and really kick-@$$ delis. New York is the biggest, busiest, most dynamic metropolis on the planet but I gotta disagree with "cultural center of the world."
            You forgot about MTV

