Just because you spend more money doesn't mean you have better education.
Every single study on the education level of students around the world states that American students are among the most poorly educated in developed countries. A recent poll found that over 80% of American high school students couldn't locate Iraq on a world map and they had extreme difficulty finding the Pacific Ocean (the largest single body of water in the world). Most could only locate two states in the U.S.-- California and Texas.
South Korea has a lower unemployment rate than the U.S.
High population density has nothing to do with education levels. Singapore has one of the highest population densities in the world (it is a CITY-STATE). But its students consistently score high on mathematics and science (#1 or #2 in the world, I believe).
There aren't really any significant suburbs in Korea because there is a clear definition between city and country. For example, Seoul has a green zone where you cannot build on the city's borders (to prevent overexpansion: there are already 10 million in the city limits!) and preserve the environment.
Every single study on the education level of students around the world states that American students are among the most poorly educated in developed countries. A recent poll found that over 80% of American high school students couldn't locate Iraq on a world map and they had extreme difficulty finding the Pacific Ocean (the largest single body of water in the world). Most could only locate two states in the U.S.-- California and Texas.
South Korea has a lower unemployment rate than the U.S.
High population density has nothing to do with education levels. Singapore has one of the highest population densities in the world (it is a CITY-STATE). But its students consistently score high on mathematics and science (#1 or #2 in the world, I believe).
There aren't really any significant suburbs in Korea because there is a clear definition between city and country. For example, Seoul has a green zone where you cannot build on the city's borders (to prevent overexpansion: there are already 10 million in the city limits!) and preserve the environment.