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  • #91
    okay, than the next guess is obvious: second addition to a palace.

    BTW, those additions to palaces do puzzle me too (not that it matters a lot, it is pure eyecandy), sometimes my Civ is from start til end as happy as can be, and I only receive a lawn two turns before my SS leaves... other times I get them while half my cities need entertainers to stay out of disorder. I refuse to believe it is random, but the triggers for these additions might be a good question for next weeks guessing round



    • #92
      Originally posted by Solver
      Also: it can't be WLTKD, since those require size 6+ cities, and I've certainly seen uprsising with my biggest cities like size 2.
      Solver, it doesn't have to be your Civ that triggers it, any Civ will do. Okay, Soren said it wasn't WLTKD, but I wouldn't have dismissed it based on his previous hints.



      • #93
        Soren, if you're willing to provide us with such "Guessing rounds" each week, give me the chance to send you some beer .
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #94
          DeepO: if uprising can be early in Ancient Age, no civ can have 6+ size cities by then.
          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


          • #95
            Yeah, but I haven't seen any so early... I can't say for sure, but I think I was most of the times in the middle age, or just short of the middle age. At that time, my cities are mostly still size 2-3, while some AI cities reach higher pops. Certainly when they were wonder building.

            It isn't triggered by the second Civ entering a new age, is it?

            I'm trying to remember whether I've seen multiple uprisings in a game... anyone know for sure?



            • #96
              When I seen it yesterday, I still had a pretty small empire... only one size 6 city, but due to an extremely growth-favorable starting positions... I HIGHLY doubt two WLKTDS at the point.
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • #97
                And how were the rest of the AIs doing, were they in the middle age yet?

                As I mentioned above, Soren said it was not a city thing, so it can't have anything to do with WLTKD, I know that. I was simply stating that by my observations (or at least what I remember of them), and Soren hints it was not ruled out.



                • #98
                  Oh, Solver, coming back on your offer of beer: I'll second that. Soren, if you give us such clues every week, I'll send you some BELGIAN beer

                  I'm sure you know that there is only one beer country in the world... qualitively speaking of course, what quantity is concerned Germany does better.

                  Belgium. Home of 3000 different trademarked beers. And the most beer consuming city in this country: Leuven. Yes, I know why I live here



                  • #99
                    Nope, it was certainly an all-ancient uprising for me.

                    Soren: since you post a lot, and have the Civ 3 sourcecode lying on your table, provide us with such guessings each week, please, create Guess Threads for it . Next question could be: how many times does the cheat(); line appear in the code ?
                    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                    • Second question: was it that early that none of the AIs had monarchy, and thus weren't able to change govs? That would mean that something is triggering it, which is indirectly linked to gov-changing, but which could also happen before different govs are available... I can't think of what, ATM.



                      • second time a city is razed? (nope, I don't think so)

                        second time any Civ declares war to another? (can't see how it could be related to gov changing)

                        Grrhh... those puzzles tend to drive you crazy



                        • Nope, I got a suspection that one AI might have had Monarchy by the moment, the game's superpower. Not 100%, though.

                          Oh yeah, puzzles drive crazy, but it's FUN .
                          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                          • 1) Maybe the second time a civ government calapses into anarchy

                            2) The second time a any civ's capital is taken

                            3) The second time a civ drops by more than 50% culture due to lost cities.


                            • okay, another viewpoint. The way I see it, there are five stages in the development of Barbarian activity in a given game.

                              1. No barbarians from goodyhuts until there is a city and a miltary unit in the game. No camps either.
                              2. When cities / warriors are present, camps start to appear beneath the fog of war. warriors only. spawning of warriors is immediately(?) possible
                              3. Camps can spawn horses with discovery of horseback riding
                              4. Barbarian galleys appear with discovery of map making
                              5. Uprisings can occur, reasons unknown.

                              Am I right in thinking that there is a fixed order of these 5 events? Or could for instance 4 and 5 be switched?
                              Uprisings aren't triggered by the second Civ discovering Mapmaking, is it?



                              • Meldor: 3 times nope.
                                1) couldn't occur, as Solver had a game in which, possibly, only one other Civ had monarchy. Plus, it would be directly linked to gov changing, not indirectly.
                                2) couldn't be, as it is a city thing. We should look for meta-issues
                                3) Civs never drop in culture (it only adds up), but it could be that the amount of culture a civ generates in one turns is diminished by 50%. Quite unlikely, though (IMHO)


