In a recent game, playing on a large world with archaepelagos, I grew what was essentially a bi-contenential civilization on two small continents. I built the lighthouse early, and hence my triremes carrying settlers for colonization crossed the oceans without the fear of sinking. It was nifty to have that flexibility, as I would have been a pain to destroy b/c I was on two large landmasses.
Anyhow, as such, centuries later, I built the Hoovers Dam wonder, which I understand provides hydro power to every city on the continent. Not only did it provide power for continent A, but also it provided juice for all of my cities, as the computer didn't permit me to build any other sorts of power sources -- hydro, nuke, or regular power -- aside from solar. My question is, then, why did this happen across my civilization? Is there a bug in Hoovers (and possibly J.S. Bach's as well) that spreads their benefits to every city, not just a single continent? Why couldn't I build other power plants? Was I "locked in" to hydro after Hoovers?

Any responses and insights appreciated.
Anyhow, as such, centuries later, I built the Hoovers Dam wonder, which I understand provides hydro power to every city on the continent. Not only did it provide power for continent A, but also it provided juice for all of my cities, as the computer didn't permit me to build any other sorts of power sources -- hydro, nuke, or regular power -- aside from solar. My question is, then, why did this happen across my civilization? Is there a bug in Hoovers (and possibly J.S. Bach's as well) that spreads their benefits to every city, not just a single continent? Why couldn't I build other power plants? Was I "locked in" to hydro after Hoovers?

Any responses and insights appreciated.