Reading the post "Highest score on Civ2" I got this really insane idea. Why shouldn't I try a record attempt?
So first I went looking in the Hall of fame here so see what my actual goal is: 15782 pts,2051%(I'm playing CivII 2.42)
Ok now I'm convinced, I'm nuts
, so this means I will go through with it.
But there still are some questions:
-In the other thread a read a referral to the fact that Ming would even have succeeded in scoring over 20.000pts,So I would like some more info about that event( difficultylvl, exact score, random map or homemade map?,...)
-What is allowed??airfielding mined hills&mountains,...
Game set-up is:
Deity----Raging Hordes----7civs----restart of killed civs
Random map: 80x125 (couldn't get any bigger)
--->big landmass/continents/temperate/4b years old/average humidity
->Civ:the Americans
Starting location wasn't to bad (whole alone on an island big enough for a dozen cities)
Indians already got killed by the French (now they're the Sioux)
Got a hut with 50g and one with an advanced tribe,and a barb leader
Any kind of comment,info and ideas is welcome
I'll put the history here (easier to keep track for everyone who wants to)
Annales Historiae XIII(13/06/2002)
Important Historical events.
2000BC:100.000 ppl
1850BC:become Monarchy
650BC:discover Sioux=>WAR(it's not my fault )
600BC:Slim Butts destroyed by me
=>get pottery
575BC: 500.000 ppl
400BC:barbs destroy San Francisco
150BC:build Pyramids
100BC:Russians plunder&destroy Detroit(3gold lost) AHGRRRRRRRRR
150AD:build Great Library
580AD:build Great Wall
640AD:2.000.000 ppl
960AD:build King Richards Crusade
1000AD:build Michelangelo's Chapel
1120AD:Sioux come begging for help against the Russians=> NOOO (they(R) leave me alone so I'm okay with them(S) getting killed)
1180AD:Barb landing near St Louis(2Legion+1trireme bribed(3x82 G not bad, had enough cash Phew) and 1 legion killed with a bribed one=> no leader )
1180AD: 3.000.000 ppl
1200AD:get Bridge Building from GL
1200AD:get 400G tribute from Sioux
1260AD:building Leonardo's Workshop Jihoeiiiii
1340AD:Sioux got wiped out by the Russians(Let them kill one another hehe=> DIVIDE ET IMPERA )
1340AD:all my warriors&Legion get upgraded to Musketeers 1380AD: 4.000.000ppl
1500AD:Barb landing near San Francisco
1510AD:2Legions bribed(82/pice)and there is a leader =>Barb leader 150G
1560AD:build Statue of liberty
1560AD:become Communist
(no more unhappiness =>grow)
1750AD:this is the moment they all start to sign anti-aggression pacts against me(even if they were at war the turn before )
1786AD:Peace With Russians(until my army is there
1814AD:build Eiffel tower
1814AD:build Darwin's Voyage
1851AD:build Women's Suffrage
1855AD: population >21 000 000ppl
1855AD:by buying St.Petersburg I got some presents: The Lighthouse and Sun Tsu's War Academy happy happy joy joy
1856AD:Russians build new capital (darn),as far away from me as possible.
1858AD:build United Nations
1863AD:by stealing "The Corporation" from the French I create an International incident and almost everyone declares war against me,and they don't allow my diplomats in
1863AD:Build my 100th city=>Zirconium
1877AD:start of Revolution
New years eve 1877/1878Ad:the night of the Revolution,Anarchy swept through the country as a fierce animal leaving a trace of unhappy and very unhappy ppl turning >95% of the cities in disorder.
1878AD: the New Democratic elected prime minister put luxuries up to 50% Happiness spread his wings over the empire
1879AD:Things are going so good in the empire >65% of the cities are celebrating
1881AD:Technetium was captured by the BARBARIANS
1884AD:bought last Russian city "Riga"=> Russians got Destroyed No new Civ pops up.
1885AD:Build Hover Dam
1887AD:recapture(bribed it back) technetium
1888AD:Build JSB
1893AD:start Revolution to Fanatics
1893->1894AD:during the Revolution the French sneak attack me GRRR
1895AD:the disorder effects are gone and now my main goal is to get money and bribe the hell out of the Spanish
1896AD:barbs capture Helium(riflemen were killed by the barb dragoons as if it was a bad habit???
1896AD:Build Cure for cancer
1896AD:bribed Helium back for a mere 109G(this little incident gave me 5 NON partisans + 4 Dragoons+1 frigate=> 10 units and 5 are NON)
1896AD:got peace with French.(got them to withdraw their troops = at least 2-3 turns rest)
1900AD:Japanese sneak attack me=>they move to number 2 on the list of who to kill first
1900AD:High Council is happy with the way things go
1900AD:Spy destroys city walls of the Spanish capital Madrid
(are they good or what???)
1900AD:After a swift battle(with zero casualties at our side) Madrid was captured.This held a surprise for our troops :the long lost Wonder of the World "the Colosus" was discovered in the port of Madrid.
1900AD:Spanish Civ got destroyed by the bribe-over of Bilbao=> next on the hit-list are the Japanese
1900AD:Japanese Liberate Matsuyama plunder 1G & take Tactics ( => need to destroy them fast and quick)
1901AD:rebribed Matsuyama=> cost 386G=> got 157G+5Units
1903AD:Conquer Japanese Capital=> government escapes to Osaka, "The Oracle" is mine.
1905AD:Osaka the second Japanese capital is taken over
1907AD:Hakodate the last stronghold from the Japanese is destroyed.=> Japanese civ is dead
1912AD:Imperial invading troops capture "Marco Polo's Embassy" in London.
1914AD:After the bribing of the last English stronghold Exeter the English Civilization had been destroyed.
1915AD: After The empire Conquered Brest and thereby declared war to the French,the French gorvernment switched to Fundamentalism (bribing time
1917AD:Capture French Capital Lyon=> Gov escapes to Poitier,when the troops walked in they saw a strange object at the top of one of the nearby hills.When they went to take a look they discovered it was a dome named "Copernicus' Observatory".
1918AD:Hanging Gardens=> bonus gift for bribing Paris.
1919AD:Capture second French Capital "Poitiers"
1920AD:Last French stronghold is taken over smoothly,The French are eliminated after a 6 year during war .Now that all treads are gone The ppl of The Empire ask for a new Government.
1921AD:"The Empire" again becomes a democracy.
1927AD:Modern Age starts in the Empire
1932AD:Build 'SETI'
1943AD:The Empire looked down at the Puny little Indian empire and decided to donate 42 techs(=> beaker cost dropped from 5675 to 3700)
(they now have all techs except rocketry, superconductor and stealth)
1945AD:All Techs are invented.65 turn to go and invent 250 Future techs.
1945AD:after the last population count done by the department of growth the Imperial population now exceeds 360.000.000 ppl
1945AD:Ghandi goes Fundamentalist :-(
1950AD:High council every one happy (although I seem to Atrocious)
----------->Population count: 391.280.000ppl
1951AD:gave the Indians Fusion Power and Super Conductor=> could exchange maps and saw where their catapult was stationed ;-)
bribed an Indian Frigate(and used the parts to build an F16 :-) )
1954AD: the Capital-Island Food plan is started --> Atlanta ,Boston ,Buffalo, Chicago, New San Francis, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis & Washington will be providing food for one another.
1954AD:Gave the Indians my last to techs(rocketry & stealth)
1957AD: Discover future tech 15 (beaker cost is now 52/tech => 5408b for Ftech 16 )
1958AD: population count=> 448.180.000ppl
1958AD: All scientists except those on the center-Island have been converted to taxmen.Income=20866G
1960AD: Los Angeles builds "Apollo program"=> astronauts bring back photos of earth from space.
1960AD: after the Apollo project a new and even bigger space plan was set up: the cities of the second Island started building parts for a spaceship that's supposed to traverse the distance to Alpha Centauri.
1961AD:bribed the Indian Transport (evil...hehe...they lost half their army)
1961AD: THE 200th city got build=> Osmium
1961AD:record-trade-bonus: Hamburg->Washington(capital) of oil=> 2091G Whieeha)
1962AD:Nuclear Weapons tests near Smolensk=> MANHATTEN PROJECT
1963AD:Our reputation improved to "Despicable" :- )
1963AD: population count=> 505.390.000ppl
1964AD: beaker cost suddenly jumps to ~>10.000 beakers
1964AD:Start building spaceship
1967AD: population count=> 564.150.000ppl
1968AD:Spaceship finished 39/8/8/4/4/4 estimated time for flight: 11.7Years
1969AD:Uranium shipment from Toronto to Kyoto-->2198G
1970AD:Bribe Indian Settler for >4000G
1970AD: 50% of taxmen converted to scientists and taxrate changed to TLS 5/3/2
1972AD:Guerrillauprising near Zink and they kill 1 caravan--> I bribed them all but 1(leader+4 others get killed by tank.)
1972AD:>632.650.000 ppl
1973AD:Gibbon completes his epic history:"The Most Powerfull Civilization in the world" is our Empire ;-)
1973AD: After a good look at our emperial-global-terrainimprovement status the governement decided to train new engineers for this huge task. the first year 43 new engineers were created(estimates for the second year speak of 93 new engineers
1974AD: new Trade-record: 2358G Uranium shipment from Nitrogen to New York.
1974AD: and another one: 2390G Uranium shipment from Ferox to Madrid
1974AD:Guerrila uprising near Tantalium...yeah right=>2 partisans bribed for 204G 1 barb leader captured for 150G
1975AD: an other group of Indian engineers desides to join us (at the cost of a mere 4996G)
opulationcount: 658.260.000ppl(==> when flip happens you have 655.360.000ppl)+2.900.000ppl
1977AD:Guerrila uprising near Chartre: 2partisans and their leader WHUAhahaha...The stealth Fighter stationned in Dysprosium captured the Barb leader and shot on of the Partisans...the second partisan accidentally got run over by a tank....oeps
1977AD:I convince a Indian marine, who was wandering around, to join us...the 2965G he was offered was pretty convincing :-D
1979AD: Guerrilla uprising near outpost they destory 1 freight GRRRRR--> KILL,CRUSH,D-STROY :-)
1980AD: Guerrilla uprising near Chartres--> man they really start to annoy me...grumble
1980AD: Discover Future tech 51--> current science-cost: 14980 beakers/tech or 107beakers X #tech
1981AD: Guerrilla's near 2 of them...
1981AD: convince an other Indian Engineer to join me for only 6544G
1983AD: Guerrilla uprising near Grenoble
1983AD: convince the Indian Marine to join me...for 5052G
Current score : 10040pts(Goal some 6 000 to go
Current % : 1304% (Lux at 30%)
Current population: >739.890.000ppl
(have to leave out smilies because there are to many
So first I went looking in the Hall of fame here so see what my actual goal is: 15782 pts,2051%(I'm playing CivII 2.42)

Ok now I'm convinced, I'm nuts

But there still are some questions:
-In the other thread a read a referral to the fact that Ming would even have succeeded in scoring over 20.000pts,So I would like some more info about that event( difficultylvl, exact score, random map or homemade map?,...)
-What is allowed??airfielding mined hills&mountains,...
Game set-up is:
Deity----Raging Hordes----7civs----restart of killed civs
Random map: 80x125 (couldn't get any bigger)
--->big landmass/continents/temperate/4b years old/average humidity
->Civ:the Americans
Starting location wasn't to bad (whole alone on an island big enough for a dozen cities)
Indians already got killed by the French (now they're the Sioux)
Got a hut with 50g and one with an advanced tribe,and a barb leader

Any kind of comment,info and ideas is welcome
I'll put the history here (easier to keep track for everyone who wants to)
Annales Historiae XIII(13/06/2002)
Important Historical events.
2000BC:100.000 ppl
1850BC:become Monarchy
650BC:discover Sioux=>WAR(it's not my fault )
600BC:Slim Butts destroyed by me

575BC: 500.000 ppl
400BC:barbs destroy San Francisco
150BC:build Pyramids
100BC:Russians plunder&destroy Detroit(3gold lost) AHGRRRRRRRRR

150AD:build Great Library
580AD:build Great Wall
640AD:2.000.000 ppl
960AD:build King Richards Crusade
1000AD:build Michelangelo's Chapel
1120AD:Sioux come begging for help against the Russians=> NOOO (they(R) leave me alone so I'm okay with them(S) getting killed)
1180AD:Barb landing near St Louis(2Legion+1trireme bribed(3x82 G not bad, had enough cash Phew) and 1 legion killed with a bribed one=> no leader )
1180AD: 3.000.000 ppl
1200AD:get Bridge Building from GL
1200AD:get 400G tribute from Sioux
1260AD:building Leonardo's Workshop Jihoeiiiii
1340AD:Sioux got wiped out by the Russians(Let them kill one another hehe=> DIVIDE ET IMPERA )
1340AD:all my warriors&Legion get upgraded to Musketeers 1380AD: 4.000.000ppl
1500AD:Barb landing near San Francisco
1510AD:2Legions bribed(82/pice)and there is a leader =>Barb leader 150G
1560AD:build Statue of liberty
1560AD:become Communist

1750AD:this is the moment they all start to sign anti-aggression pacts against me(even if they were at war the turn before )
1786AD:Peace With Russians(until my army is there

1814AD:build Eiffel tower
1814AD:build Darwin's Voyage

1851AD:build Women's Suffrage
1855AD: population >21 000 000ppl
1855AD:by buying St.Petersburg I got some presents: The Lighthouse and Sun Tsu's War Academy happy happy joy joy
1856AD:Russians build new capital (darn),as far away from me as possible.

1858AD:build United Nations

1863AD:by stealing "The Corporation" from the French I create an International incident and almost everyone declares war against me,and they don't allow my diplomats in
1863AD:Build my 100th city=>Zirconium
1877AD:start of Revolution
New years eve 1877/1878Ad:the night of the Revolution,Anarchy swept through the country as a fierce animal leaving a trace of unhappy and very unhappy ppl turning >95% of the cities in disorder.
1878AD: the New Democratic elected prime minister put luxuries up to 50% Happiness spread his wings over the empire
1879AD:Things are going so good in the empire >65% of the cities are celebrating
1881AD:Technetium was captured by the BARBARIANS

1884AD:bought last Russian city "Riga"=> Russians got Destroyed No new Civ pops up.
1885AD:Build Hover Dam
1887AD:recapture(bribed it back) technetium
1888AD:Build JSB
1893AD:start Revolution to Fanatics
1893->1894AD:during the Revolution the French sneak attack me GRRR
1895AD:the disorder effects are gone and now my main goal is to get money and bribe the hell out of the Spanish
1896AD:barbs capture Helium(riflemen were killed by the barb dragoons as if it was a bad habit???

1896AD:Build Cure for cancer
1896AD:bribed Helium back for a mere 109G(this little incident gave me 5 NON partisans + 4 Dragoons+1 frigate=> 10 units and 5 are NON)
1896AD:got peace with French.(got them to withdraw their troops = at least 2-3 turns rest)
1900AD:Japanese sneak attack me=>they move to number 2 on the list of who to kill first

1900AD:High Council is happy with the way things go
1900AD:Spy destroys city walls of the Spanish capital Madrid

1900AD:After a swift battle(with zero casualties at our side) Madrid was captured.This held a surprise for our troops :the long lost Wonder of the World "the Colosus" was discovered in the port of Madrid.
1900AD:Spanish Civ got destroyed by the bribe-over of Bilbao=> next on the hit-list are the Japanese
1900AD:Japanese Liberate Matsuyama plunder 1G & take Tactics ( => need to destroy them fast and quick)
1901AD:rebribed Matsuyama=> cost 386G=> got 157G+5Units
1903AD:Conquer Japanese Capital=> government escapes to Osaka, "The Oracle" is mine.
1905AD:Osaka the second Japanese capital is taken over
1907AD:Hakodate the last stronghold from the Japanese is destroyed.=> Japanese civ is dead
1912AD:Imperial invading troops capture "Marco Polo's Embassy" in London.
1914AD:After the bribing of the last English stronghold Exeter the English Civilization had been destroyed.
1915AD: After The empire Conquered Brest and thereby declared war to the French,the French gorvernment switched to Fundamentalism (bribing time

1917AD:Capture French Capital Lyon=> Gov escapes to Poitier,when the troops walked in they saw a strange object at the top of one of the nearby hills.When they went to take a look they discovered it was a dome named "Copernicus' Observatory".
1918AD:Hanging Gardens=> bonus gift for bribing Paris.
1919AD:Capture second French Capital "Poitiers"
1920AD:Last French stronghold is taken over smoothly,The French are eliminated after a 6 year during war .Now that all treads are gone The ppl of The Empire ask for a new Government.
1921AD:"The Empire" again becomes a democracy.
1927AD:Modern Age starts in the Empire
1932AD:Build 'SETI'
1943AD:The Empire looked down at the Puny little Indian empire and decided to donate 42 techs(=> beaker cost dropped from 5675 to 3700)
(they now have all techs except rocketry, superconductor and stealth)
1945AD:All Techs are invented.65 turn to go and invent 250 Future techs.
1945AD:after the last population count done by the department of growth the Imperial population now exceeds 360.000.000 ppl
1945AD:Ghandi goes Fundamentalist :-(
1950AD:High council every one happy (although I seem to Atrocious)
----------->Population count: 391.280.000ppl
1951AD:gave the Indians Fusion Power and Super Conductor=> could exchange maps and saw where their catapult was stationed ;-)
bribed an Indian Frigate(and used the parts to build an F16 :-) )
1954AD: the Capital-Island Food plan is started --> Atlanta ,Boston ,Buffalo, Chicago, New San Francis, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis & Washington will be providing food for one another.
1954AD:Gave the Indians my last to techs(rocketry & stealth)
1957AD: Discover future tech 15 (beaker cost is now 52/tech => 5408b for Ftech 16 )
1958AD: population count=> 448.180.000ppl
1958AD: All scientists except those on the center-Island have been converted to taxmen.Income=20866G
1960AD: Los Angeles builds "Apollo program"=> astronauts bring back photos of earth from space.
1960AD: after the Apollo project a new and even bigger space plan was set up: the cities of the second Island started building parts for a spaceship that's supposed to traverse the distance to Alpha Centauri.
1961AD:bribed the Indian Transport (evil...hehe...they lost half their army)
1961AD: THE 200th city got build=> Osmium
1961AD:record-trade-bonus: Hamburg->Washington(capital) of oil=> 2091G Whieeha)
1962AD:Nuclear Weapons tests near Smolensk=> MANHATTEN PROJECT
1963AD:Our reputation improved to "Despicable" :- )
1963AD: population count=> 505.390.000ppl
1964AD: beaker cost suddenly jumps to ~>10.000 beakers
1964AD:Start building spaceship
1967AD: population count=> 564.150.000ppl
1968AD:Spaceship finished 39/8/8/4/4/4 estimated time for flight: 11.7Years
1969AD:Uranium shipment from Toronto to Kyoto-->2198G

1970AD:Bribe Indian Settler for >4000G
1970AD: 50% of taxmen converted to scientists and taxrate changed to TLS 5/3/2
1972AD:Guerrillauprising near Zink and they kill 1 caravan--> I bribed them all but 1(leader+4 others get killed by tank.)
1972AD:>632.650.000 ppl
1973AD:Gibbon completes his epic history:"The Most Powerfull Civilization in the world" is our Empire ;-)
1973AD: After a good look at our emperial-global-terrainimprovement status the governement decided to train new engineers for this huge task. the first year 43 new engineers were created(estimates for the second year speak of 93 new engineers
1974AD: new Trade-record: 2358G Uranium shipment from Nitrogen to New York.
1974AD: and another one: 2390G Uranium shipment from Ferox to Madrid
1974AD:Guerrila uprising near Tantalium...yeah right=>2 partisans bribed for 204G 1 barb leader captured for 150G
1975AD: an other group of Indian engineers desides to join us (at the cost of a mere 4996G)

1977AD:Guerrila uprising near Chartre: 2partisans and their leader WHUAhahaha...The stealth Fighter stationned in Dysprosium captured the Barb leader and shot on of the Partisans...the second partisan accidentally got run over by a tank....oeps
1977AD:I convince a Indian marine, who was wandering around, to join us...the 2965G he was offered was pretty convincing :-D
1979AD: Guerrilla uprising near outpost they destory 1 freight GRRRRR--> KILL,CRUSH,D-STROY :-)
1980AD: Guerrilla uprising near Chartres--> man they really start to annoy me...grumble
1980AD: Discover Future tech 51--> current science-cost: 14980 beakers/tech or 107beakers X #tech
1981AD: Guerrilla's near 2 of them...
1981AD: convince an other Indian Engineer to join me for only 6544G
1983AD: Guerrilla uprising near Grenoble
1983AD: convince the Indian Marine to join me...for 5052G
Current score : 10040pts(Goal some 6 000 to go

Current % : 1304% (Lux at 30%)
Current population: >739.890.000ppl

(have to leave out smilies because there are to many
