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Come! Laugh at an SG!

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  • Tryed again with a different strategy. I choose to develop only 3 cities on top of my SSC, dedicating the rest of my civ production to foreign trade as soon as I discovered trade and map making.
    I launched in 1590AD with ETA 1611 (15-3-3-1-1-1 without fusion = 21 years). Smash is still the best!
    I did not rehomed caravans in this game and played without using the knowledge of the map that I had from the previous attempt (played as if the map was new).
    Attached Files


    • Originally posted by Carolus Rex
      How do you upload the saves, do you need a web page?
      No, you don't - that's the beauty of it. Go to the "browse" selection button under the message text box, select the appropriate file from your hard drive, and that's it. The file ends up on Apolyton's server, so you don't need any personal web space.

      Originally posted by La Fayette
      looking at your savegames, I have a feeling that you are NOT rehoming any caravan. Is this true?
      True. No caravan rehoming. I've made lots of mistakes in this game, the latest being missing out on Darwin's . So there's lots of room for improvement (go, Carolus!).


      • Originally posted by arii
        I launched in 1590AD with ETA 1611 (15-3-3-1-1-1 without fusion = 21 years). Smash is still the best!
        I did not rehomed caravans in this game and played without using the knowledge of the map that I had from the previous attempt (played as if the map was new).
        We all agree that smash played a fantastic game, but caravan rehoming is such a fantastic tool that it would be unfair to compare his and your result without mentioning that.
        IMO your second game is now THE earliest landing without rehoming.

        ETA 1611 to beat!
        (and ETA 1543 if you choose to rehome caravans)

        ...og Carolus er hjertelig velkommen.
        Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


        • assumes altar of shame

          I think my game was not so good considering each camel/truck was worth at least 3 non rehomed.I was a little indecisive around 1ad>500ad.I think at pre 1300s is quite doable with rehoming on this map.No rehoming then pre 1500s,certainly.My tech path was not "perfect" either and a little jumbled as far as strategy wa concerned.Maybe I should try again....
          The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


          • I'm trying conquest to get a different game to look at.

            How do I create zipped files? So far I've saved every turn (except one, when I forgot to) and I tried to zip them. When I used winzip, the program asked me to give a name for my zip-file, which I did (Apolyton). Then I chose my saves to zip, and they were stored in that folder (?). So the zip-file I named Apolyton turned out to be a folder containing all the saves in original size.

            Until I get help on that one:

            Gentlemen, my log!

            Version: MGE
            Notation (I may add more here as they happen): B = bribed, C = conquered (not much of that yet ), D = discovered, E = exchanged, F = founded, H = hut

            4000-3000 BC

            3950 50 gold (H)
            3850 25 gold (H)
            3800 Carthage (F)
            3650 Utica (F)
            3550 Alphabet (D)
            3450 Barbarian horse (H), killed it
            3150 Code of laws (D)

            3000-2000 BC

            2950 Malaca (F)
            2800 Caralis (F)
            2700 Currency (D)
            2550 Barbarian horse (H), killed it
            2300 Monarchy (D)
            2250 Proclaimed King
            2200 Panormus (F)

            2000-1000 BC

            1900 Trade (D). Here I had a choice between Pottery and Map Making, chose Pottery despite that I now knew I was on an island
            1800 Leptis Parva (F)
            1650 Aztecs have undertaken HG (I made the right choice, apparently )
            1500 Cartenna (F), Rusicade (F)
            1450 Pottery (D)
            1300 HG completed in Carthage (Aztecs switch to Colossus and not LH, phew! )
            1150 Vikings undertake Pyramids (Hah, fools! )
            1100 Map making (D), Gades (F)

            1000-425 (?) BC

            975 Rusucurru (F)
            875 Leptis Parva builds LH, Writing (D)
            750 Girba (F)
            725 Leptis Magna (F), Carthago Nova (F)
            700 Warrior Code (D), yep you read it right!
            675 Aztecs build Colossus, Oea (F) and Tingis (F)
            550 Feudalism (D)
            525 Russians land near Girba , which is undefended, and walk right in . Diplo moved to Panormus to buy city back. Taxes to max for one turn. Russadit (F). Russians demand Feudalism (Fools! Why didn't they take it (instead of Mysticism?) when they conquered Girba? ), I decline, “prepare for war”, yes sir!
            500 Girba (B). I get a horse, a chariot and the Wheel for 34 bucks. Wham, bam, thank you ma'm!
            475 STWA built in Carthage

            I think I played two more turns before crashing into bed, but apparently nothing worth logging happened.

            Status: 16 cities, 3 wonders (HG, LH and STWA), 57 gold, 15 techs ( heading for Invention/Democracy/Navigation)

            No barb kings, no tribute, almost no interaction with the AI.



            • Hm, looking back four huts gave me 75 gold and two barb horses.

              Still, being on an small island what good would a hut born exploring unit do? True, disbanding it to speed up a settler would have been possible, or keeping it around to strike against barbs. But there have been none (except from the huts).

              The hut outcome could have been worse (like two none monarchy techs)...



              • Originally posted by La Fayette
                ...og Carolus er hjertelig velkommen.
                Mange takk!



                • zip

                  My first zip file is about one month old, so I'm no specialist at all.
                  Here is what one of 'those who know how' told me:
                  'click on the file containing your savegame with the RIGHT button of your mouse; you get a pop up menu that allows you to zip the file and put it where you wish to'.
                  It works for me, so it might work for you.

                  (La Fayette, now able to zip a file)
                  Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                  • That easy, eh? I'll try.

                    Still, would be nice to know how to do it the "right" way using winzip directly.



                    • special congratulations

                      Rereading this thread, I notice that you launched your SS exactly 6 turns later than smash (1590 against 1530).
                      IMO 6 turns difference between rehoming and not rehoming caravans is a very low price.
                      smash's game was great. Your second game is perhaps even greater.

                      (La Fayette, wondering whether his own game #2 will be as great as yours)
                      Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                      • david against goliath

                        I have now played until 980AD (same year as the last savegame published by dave)
                        Dave's civ is huge, so we can name it Goliath.
                        My civ is small, so we can name it David .
                        Still my civ is 1 tech ahead.
                        Do you think David might win against Goliath?
                        Do you think any of us might win against arii?

                        That is the fun of it. Thank you once more SGs!
                        I think your idea was brilliant and is giving us a very nice opportunity to improve our gameplay, while looking at what the others do.

                        Here is my short log from 1AD:
                        220 Cope
                        400 Shake + Invention
                        800 Leo
                        940 switch to Democracy
                        Attached Files
                        Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                        • Sorry I don't know how to attach several savegames together.
                          Here's one more:
                          Attached Files
                          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                          • ... and the one in the middle
                            Attached Files
                            Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                            • 0200 local time and , I guess, we have to post our results so far...

                              Red wine 4 - Civ 3 - shucks

                              1AD - Demand tribute from Sioux - predictably they foolishly declare war
                              40AD - swapped for The Republic & Literacy with Aztecs
                              80AD - hut- Engineering!! SG2 doesn't believe his Eyes
                              100-180AD - vet Caravel with diplomatic status is 'researching' Russia seeking Barbarian Kiev
                              200AD Invention - Philo (Demo) next; Oea founded; Kiev found, bought for 52g including a vet Legion & a new Diplo
                              280AD - Tingis, Rusaddit
                              320AD - Philo (Demo) as advertised
                              340AD - SoL !!!!
                              360AD - Revolution
                              380AD - SG2 wins the 'debate' (he hit me over the head until I gave in) and we went Commie (sob); Alalia founded
                              400BC - run out of time - SG1 has a home to go to!
                              The SGs in tandem - very red

                              so we are here - wherever that may be?
                              Attached Files
                              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                              • &
                                Pissed as farts
                                Attached Files
                                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit

