I replayed using the new plan (see my previous post). The first two huts gave the same outcome (a unit and an advanced tribe), but the third hut gave a barb horse, which was worse than last time.
4000B Carthage
3950 hut-chariot
3850 Utica
3750 Alphabet, hut-Malaca
3550 hut-barbarian horse, killed my chariot
3450 Code of Law
3050 Currency
2650 Caralis
2500 hut-100G
2450 Monarchy, change government the same turn
2350 Panormus
2150 Leptis Parva
2100 Trade, set science low (30%) and put workers on forest for caravans.
1950 Cartenna
1600 Marco Polo's Embassy (4 food caravans). I don't have 2.42 so the AI civs are nasty. Got to plan before talking to them. I'll definitely trade Map Making and Writing. Others I don't know. Vikings has Iro! Need to plan defense as well.
4000B Carthage
3950 hut-chariot
3850 Utica
3750 Alphabet, hut-Malaca
3550 hut-barbarian horse, killed my chariot
3450 Code of Law
3050 Currency
2650 Caralis
2500 hut-100G
2450 Monarchy, change government the same turn
2350 Panormus
2150 Leptis Parva
2100 Trade, set science low (30%) and put workers on forest for caravans.
1950 Cartenna
1600 Marco Polo's Embassy (4 food caravans). I don't have 2.42 so the AI civs are nasty. Got to plan before talking to them. I'll definitely trade Map Making and Writing. Others I don't know. Vikings has Iro! Need to plan defense as well.