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Playtest; IMPERIALISM 1870

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  • I was about to unload it in Cali and have it railed to your East coast.

    Russia has a cunning plan to share with the United States: let's have an greement on when to have the right to use the other's transcontinental railway. Either that or a second trace just for the guest.

    Only Russia/US included, no damn Imperialistic Yurop guys.


    • Originally posted by Ecthelion
      Question: Why is it I was not the one to open the game but had a savegame given by Grothgar?
      Could you rephrase this? I don't understand what you're asking.

      Memorandum from US Department of State

      Great Nations of the World,

      The United States forbid warships from entering their territorial waters (two squares out from US territory). If you intend to make trade with the United States, send your freights in unarmed transport ships or don't send them at all. None of this is meant to be threatening, and I understand the desire to want to protect your shipping, so if you use naval escorts, please leave them an acceptable distance from the US shores.

      Thank you,

      Sec'y of State Joe Josephson


      • Russia has the first spot. Shouldn't thus Russia begin the game? However I am certain I had a savegame sent, by Grothgar. So he made the first turn before I did. Did the Brits start the scenario then?


        • Originally posted by Ecthelion
          I was about to unload it in Cali and have it railed to your East coast.

          Russia has a cunning plan to share with the United States: let's have an greement on when to have the right to use the other's transcontinental railway. Either that or a second trace just for the guest.

          Only Russia/US included, no damn Imperialistic Yurop guys.
          State Dept Communication to St. Petersburg.
          The United States respectfully decline your offer, as it does not serve our capabilities or interests right now. Our labor force is limited and engaged in too many other projects right now to fully develop a second transcontinental rail for foreign use. Many in the Congress also voice extreme reservations about allowing a foreign power to have unrestricted access to American territory. The United States value their relationship with Russia, and want to continue mutually beneficial trade, therefore, for the occaision of the goods arriving soon, the administration and Congress have agreed to allow Russian freighters to journey to their destination by way of the countryside, so as not to disrupt the massive flow of East-West domestic traffic in the US along the Trans-Continental Railway. In the future, I think both of us would find it easier and more beneficial to send freights bound for the Pacific Coast from our Pacific ports and freights bound for our Atlantic (or in your case Baltic and Black Sea) ports from their respective sides. This would be quicker and easier for both of us, and not cause unneeded congestion on our internal railways.

          Sec'y of State Joe Josephson


          • Originally posted by Ecthelion
            Russia has the first spot. Shouldn't thus Russia begin the game? However I am certain I had a savegame sent, by Grothgar. So he made the first turn before I did. Did the Brits start the scenario then?
            We've already played through two turns of the scenario, Russia started the game, and each turn finishes with Britain. After Britain goes, the date changes and it's Russia's turn again, and the process continues.


            • Originally posted by Ecthelion
              US of A, I want to send some guys through your country, merchants. I hope that goes alright

              Brits, I hope it's possible for me to cross the street between Aden and Ethiopia.

              France, you have to pay if you want to cross the Suez canal.

              Orientals are barbs? Good.
              To Russia (with love),

              This is completely unacceptable. Suez is French built, and French owned. Occupation and exhortion will be seen as a declaration of war, so I demand retraction, and, should my ships be hindered, reparation due to lost time. If Russia would like to pass the Suez, she will now have to pay 100g per ship unless the necissary ass-kissing is given. Otherwise, prepare for war.

              To Everyone else:

              The Suez will currently be open to all passers, just don't block it. If your ships turn ends there, keep them one square back. Blockade of the cannal will not be tolerated. If 'acquasitions' of the canal continue, a charge will have to be put in place of at least 25g/ship. Thank you for your co-operation.

              Jaque D'Montreal, General Chief of Suez Canal Project
              Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
              -The Artist Within-


              • LOL


                • Well, Russia certainly gets the feeling she is not being taken seriously


                  • Russia will never be taken seriously by the British establishment, they just do not have the economic,military or administrative power to make any impact on the world stage at the moment. Also to block the Suex canal is unthinkable! Britain was going to do that

                    Also to diffuse the boiling arguments from the French and German governments about blockading of certain areas the British goverment is going to allow a gap of one unit so the other powers can get into the med. This is only to stop the russians from having their wicked way.

                    Britain wishes it to be known that anyone blockading the Suez Canal can look forward to being at War with the British Empire. Also britain is looking into the prices of shares and hopes to buy some suez shares when it floats on the stock market.
                    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                    • Ecthelion,

                      Hey, just the setting the atmosphere of the game. The French ministry is just trying to make it clear that their authority will not be undermined. So I'm taking you REALLY seriously. lol

                      Oh, and I hope Britain will agree to keep the Aden-Ethiopian straight open, since it does have French and British cities strattling it.
                      Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                      -The Artist Within-


                      • hehe... France is actually trying to get money from me to pass the Suez straight...


                        ... while it's actually Russia that blocks it. If France wants to go to war, fine. But let's hear from the internaitonale community first. Does this mean a casus belli for France? I don't think so.

                        The war would therefore be unjustified. Only 15 years after the criema war, the fronts would be reversed. All against France. Germany will kick your arse again while I expand in the orient. Do you really want that?


                        • Britain's presence in the Suez will be welcome if she acts only as a safe guard and allows shipping through being as it is French territory. Offers for purchase of cannal shares may be considered...

                          To Russia, France does have a causus belli. The Suez, is French territory at this point in history. See the post above. Intentional seazure is definatly an act of war! Therefore France is not only allowed, but obligated to respond in force.
                          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                          -The Artist Within-


                          • Britain hereby offers her support for any campaign against the Russians for their hostile actions in blockading the Suez Canal. This act just doesnt threaten european trade it threatens world trade, and with Britain being a world power the Suez Canal must remain unblocked. (I was only going to block it because i thought at this point britain owned most of the shares, now that this was proved wrong i see i have no right to blockade it.)

                            Britain would remind Russia that the Suez Canal is actually French territory, as they have ben told on numerous occasions. If the canal is not unblocked within the next turn Britain will have no option but to declare Total War on the barbaric russian empire. And if you think that you can play a propoganda game with us about Britain blockading the channel and the straights of gibraltor... well you could but at least Britain has some justification for that, it being our territory and all.

                            And as for russia trying to stir up bad feelings between france and Germany, well i dont think thats going to happen Britain hereby officially recognizes the French Cassus Belli against the Russian Empire. Repent Dear Sir or face the most powerful nation on the planet.
                            Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                            "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                            • *resounding laughter*


                              • Fine, I'll unblock the thing, but just for now. After conquering Central Asia and the Orient as well as Colonizing Siberia in a consistent enough manner, we'll bury you, since history is on our side.

                                As for diplomatic moves within the next year, we will not make any decisions concerning France or the Limeys until Germany stating her position.

                                The United States of America are reminded of how evil the Poms were to them earlier this century.

