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Discussion thread to set up a brand new diplo game: USA Thurs nights

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  • #16
    I think we should play on a medium or half way between a medium and large map, enough room for expansion and small enough to fill. I want a pure random map, but how big is yours Belinda?

    Though if we were to use a world map, we should use the small one

    I think the point made in the HOTW thread is good by capo I think we should play to 2001 C.E. because as I agree with Rasputin that Apollo’s so I say we either include all or no wonders, whatever is fine for me.

    While we haven’t worked that much of it out yet… I am sure we will be happy to have Common_Terry and ComandoAndy join the ever-growing Diplo community.

    When we decide what is up Capo, I am sure we will be happy to take you up on your offer.

    I think we should defiantly include no SDI though, but I am flexible on all the possibilities


    • #17
      Random maps suck but I'd prefer not know the world so let's get cavebear to do a realistic medium to large map and place the civs for us.

      AND get Capo to do the modpak:

      I'll be Captain Deiticus of THE DEITIANS, as annointed by deity

      I'm sure the METALHEADS would fit nicely into this game!

      I'd like a sun symbol in my flag and I think we should give Capo a list of our preferred city names so they come up automatically as we play.
      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • #18
        Originally posted by deity
        I'm sure the METALHEADS would fit nicely into this game!

        METALHEADS!!!! WOO-HOO!!!

        As much as I'd like to see the Lords of Metal make a comeback in the Diplogaming genre (really really bad) I really can't commit to a Diplo game again. My political advocacy stuff is really picking up plus i still have freaking school to deal with and trying to hammer out a bit of a social life and make money to support myself and conquering the world for the Youth makes my schedule a bit tight. I'm sticking with HOTW2 till its end, but I'm really hoping it doesn't go on too much longer because I really need to take another break from Civ to focus on more important issues (like getting back on CNN).

        Ozzy the Dove-Eater of the ear-spliting METALHEAD Empire will have to wait till Civ3. Axl, Hetfield, Rob Zombie, Rob Halford, Dave Mustaine, OZZY, and all the rest of my long list of characters will have to sit on the sidelines for now. Till next time.
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


        • #19
          [QUOTE] Originally posted by Prometheus
          I want a pure random map, but how big is yours Belinda?

          Whatever it was, it's gone to data heaven now!! (since my hard drive crashed and burned! LOL)
          If you want cavebear to do you one, that's fine: won't hurt my feelings. I just thought you would really be better off if instead of using the computer-generated random (which really can be kinda yuck and WAY biased towards some tribes -- I had one once started me out on the bottom of the world for crying out loud!)) you got someone from outside the game to make y'all one up: you know, someone who had some idea of what's entailed and could stick people around where it was halfway fair; make sure there was a good balance of ocean/land: that kind of thing. I really don't think it's right for someone to make the map who is going to play the game, do you? It kinda defeats the purpose of having an "unknown" world, don'tcha think?


          • #20
            I'll join!

            I'm in Massachusetts, and I'd love to join a diplo game on Thursday nights. Any free slots left? Whoever is in charge, drop me an ICQ. =)



            • #21
              ok probalby time to decide who the main players are, we have a fine list of volunteers so far... If I am elected a main player I will forward my Civ Name , Leaders titles and city names and flag to capo for a mod pack...
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • #22
                well, let's recap who we've gotten so far that have actually said "I want to play!" so you have a list to correct


                sounds like a pretty full crew to me


                • #23
                  thanks for that list Belinda, I glad you put a ? mark next to Frank, not sure he has volunteered to paly yet. or whether he can play, last time he tried to join HOTW2 he haqd problems...

                  So based on that list, do we accept 7 human players, I noticed that some only wanted 5... with subs...

                  We have 8 names so far, how bout a sort of team game where we get minimum two names for each civ in game and then the team works outs a roster to play, for instance, (just picking names at random) We could hav ethe following teams

                  1. Deity & Sanskritboy
                  2. Prom & Common Terry
                  3. Capo & Drake(hopefulyl he will join)
                  4. Raz & Commando Andy
                  5. Frank & Belinda (again not on list yet)

                  So then if both members of team agree they could paly alternate weeks , say first week Deity palys then Sanskritboy... or if either member cant make it the other plays two weeks in a row...

                  Breing a Diplo game, any agreeements made by previous leader must be abided by or broken for diplo reasons!!

                  This may make it easier to get regular attendees (but not ddefinate look at hiow many subs were needed for HOTW2.@!!!)
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • #24
                    deity said i better post.
                    i'd like to play.
                    Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


                    • #25
                      OK, here are my views:

                      7 players will make for the best game but we need time controls.

                      Makeo is a must to play!

                      Caravans slow the game down way too much as does conquest, so here are my solutions -
                      * Only trade with yourself
                      * Only capture maximum three cities per turn (a timer is unfair due to lag so I prefer a 3 city limit)

                      This is in the spirit of diplo-gaming and shut up drake

                      The excess players over 7 can be subs.. so I think a good crew for the game would be:

                      Common Terry

                      As thread starter I think this is about how the requests came in, despite the fact makeo posted late - we spoke very early on.

                      I think if there are enough players we could set up two games of 5 or 6 players on the same map/modpak!! And compare notes!!!
                      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                      icq: 8388924


                      • #26
                        well except for makeo being a late poster !!!! .. I still think my idea of tying to get signed ub subs is better than hoping to get ones as each week goes by... maybe an idea would be for the subs to paly a secondary game at same time just for fun and then if they needed in main game we can allow AI to play in secondary game... with a rwegular rotation of team members you wouldnt feel like a secondary player ....
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • #27
                          Heh, by the time this game starts, Ill be able to play, hopefully. I'll be leaving this place and getting back on a modem or cable. Hope I have Civ3 out of my system too


                          • #28
                            grea tFrank, as one of the guys i rank highly for involvment in diplo games I hiope you can play ....

                            From my short experience the follwingwould be essential for a Diplo game..

                            Capo ( hisposts are the best , jsut wish he would play more)
                            Drake (posts and plays brillaintly)
                            Frank (very good diplo player)
                            Ozzy (Brilliant Role PLaying)
                            Deity (the best civer and enjoys the role palying)

                            Of course I would want Prom back and Belinda too, I jsut didnt get much interaction with them so cant comment !!!!
                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                            • #29
                              Well, while I would like to play; I can’t commit for sure, I am going to the American University in D.C. next semester so I won’t know my schedule till January so you can give my place to someone else if you guys are looking to get going. I will catch the next Diplo game hopefully.

                              If my Thursdays look free I will let you’ll know and I will sub if you need one.


                              • #30

                                OK I probably asked for it cause I had to butt in and talk on it
                                but I can't commit to a second weekly diplo game and I just started the one on Monday night. I was really just originally volunteering to make y'all a map! LOL

                                So I don't really want to be a reg on this one (though it sounds like a great crew either way)

                                I'll sign up for the sub pool, though. As long as the "subbing" doesn't turn out to ba a Mali-type blindsiding!

