I think we should play on a medium or half way between a medium and large map, enough room for expansion and small enough to fill. I want a pure random map, but how big is yours Belinda?
Though if we were to use a world map, we should use the small one
I think the point made in the HOTW thread is good by capo I think we should play to 2001 C.E. because as I agree with Rasputin that Apollo’s so I say we either include all or no wonders, whatever is fine for me.
While we haven’t worked that much of it out yet… I am sure we will be happy to have Common_Terry and ComandoAndy join the ever-growing Diplo community.
When we decide what is up Capo, I am sure we will be happy to take you up on your offer.
I think we should defiantly include no SDI though, but I am flexible on all the possibilities
Though if we were to use a world map, we should use the small one

I think the point made in the HOTW thread is good by capo I think we should play to 2001 C.E. because as I agree with Rasputin that Apollo’s so I say we either include all or no wonders, whatever is fine for me.
While we haven’t worked that much of it out yet… I am sure we will be happy to have Common_Terry and ComandoAndy join the ever-growing Diplo community.
When we decide what is up Capo, I am sure we will be happy to take you up on your offer.
I think we should defiantly include no SDI though, but I am flexible on all the possibilities