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Discussion thread to set up a brand new diplo game: USA Thurs nights

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  • #31

    I also think you should include some of these other guys who jumped in and said they wanted into a game, like common_terry and CommandoAndy and SanskritBoy

    First of all, I remember the first (couple) of times I tried to get into a diplogame, and it ended up being the same 6 or 7 guys who had been playing all along; it REALLY pissed me off and made me feel like the whole diplo-thing was some kinda closed fraternity deal that was blowing me off -- and so I think if you're trying to promote diplo as a genre, you're better off getting some new blood in along the way.
    Also, if you're going in order of who asked to play I know some of them posted earlier than some of the others. I know you don't "know" if they have the commitment it takes to a diplogame to make it; but you won't unless you give someone a chance. And speaking of commitment.......well, we know at least ONE of the names on your short list has had a problem in the past of actually showing up to play every week (cough, cough, ahem, wink)

    But of course, y'all do what you want.
    And if any of you other guys I mentioned are seriously committed to getting into this game, by all means, follow up, keep posting here that you're in, byGod!, and speak up for yourselves.
    Unless you'd rather just test the waters as a sub......Otherwise, no one's going to take you seriously, and for good reason. (Takes balls to diplo, guys -- so to speak! lol)

    Again, add me to the sub pool but take me off the reg list. I lose enough spousal points playing one night a week.


    • #32
      I agree we need to expand the pool of playersd and the new volunteers should get priority entry
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • #33
        ah well thats me then, seeing as though i've never played a diplogame.
        Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


        • #34
          i m willing to stand aside to allow the three newbiew to play ... Common terry, Commando Andy and Makeo !!!
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • #35
            Tentative list?

            Hey Rasputin, don't forget SanskritBoy!

            I've never played a diplo game of Civ before, but I've played several games of Diplomacy by email on the afpdip list, which involved a high (ie daily) level of commitment, as well as some serious roleplaying. So hopefully you'll consider me good material for a diplogame even though I've not "proven" it yet in this particular forum...

            Anyway, based on previous posts, here is a tentative list of players. Of course, I'm assuming Deity, as thread starter, has the final decision, but that doesn't stop me from being very right-brained and making tons of lists. =)

            Players who want in (in order of posting)
            1. Deity
            2. Frank Johnson
            3. Capo
            4. Rasputin
            5. Common_terry
            6. CommandoAndy
            7. SanskritBoy (that's me!)
            8. Makeo (said by Deity to have contacted him "early on" outside the forum)

            Players who said they definitely/probably don't want in:
            1. OzzyKP (posted to say no)
            2. belinda (posted to say no)
            3. Prometheus (posted to say probably shouldn't)

            Rasputin said he would step aside to allow new blood, though he seems to want to play.

            Makeo seems pretty emphatic about wanting to join, and Deity is enthusiastic about letting him in.

            I would love to play, but my worst fear is that I might be thrown on the "B" team if Makeo's backchannel communiquŽ reached deity before my post, which would throw me into spot #8. If Raz stepped aside, we would have 7 players with 4 newbies.

            I say we make sure Commando Andy wants to play, as he posted just once and hasn't said anything since. Common Terry has posted twice, and seems pretty excited to join a game. So I guess it's up to Deity to sort all this out! =)

            I would humbly suggest that, assuming Commando Andy responds promptly and says he wants in, we go with the 4 newbies, with Rasputin poised to take over a spot permanently if someone doesn't show up consistently. Belinda and/or Prometheus would be good subs if certain people decided to go drinking on Thursday night. =)

            Hope my suggestions are mildly helpful, and I look forward to the game!

            --ryan, aka "SanskritBoy"


            • #36
              I'm still here and interested. I don't know that I can display the same role playing imagination and/or literary skills as Capo, but with me you would be getting a dedicated player. One who stays to the end, no matter how desperate my situation in the game may become. So, I would like to still be considered.
              "WOW, you guys are good! I'm the last person I would've suspected, but it was me I was looking for the whole time. It's the perfect crime!"


              • #37
                ok sounds like we have a 7 player team. I will gladly step aside to see 4 new Diplo players inducted...

                Belinda has already asked to be included on sub list and so I wil ltoo, perhpas Prom cna join as sub too, that means we have 7 players and 3 possible subs. I know Belinda , Prom andI are good subs so you guys should feel free t otake next step and plan the game.

                I think a MADE map by CapTVK would be good, with Capo doing his usual magic with mod pack.

                I beleive Capo will need things like Civ name, Civ flag, Civ leaders names and titles...

                Capo please post what other info you need for a mod pack form players.

                Well go guys hav efun...!!!!
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #38
                  Capo! HELP!

                  Come back - all is forgiven

                  I didn't mean to arrogantly say I was in charge of all this, just because I started the thread!

                  And I only started it cos Prom told me to! And I always do what he says and now he pikes out on us!!

                  Anyway, looks like a good crew as Raz says and subs will definitely be needed. Raz should cover for the ever reliable Capo!

                  My involvement in this game is subject to HOTW2 of course but it looks like it's folded

                  OK, so Capo are you keen on doing a modspak and organising map etc? My time is very limited, othewise I would set it all up.

                  It makes this old man tired just to think of it.....
                  "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                  *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                  icq: 8388924


                  • #39
                    i think i should learn more about this mod making, seems civ 3 MP is probalby no go any wqay so we will have lots of time one civ 2
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • #40
                      Careful folks not to let anticipation over this game cloud your thinking about the end of HOTW2. This game is still conditional on HOTW2, and hopefully that won't end now in such an inglorious fashion.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • #41
                        i don't care what map we play on.

                        but i'm the aztecs.
                        Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


                        • #42
                          Non HOTW2'ers

                          I think the non-HOTW2'ers should start this game this Thurs night otherwise momentum will be lost. The HOTW2 players can then be subs or rotational players for this one. Good idea.

                          This means:

                          Frank Johnson

                          can get started, maybe leave AI civs so we can join in if appropriate.

                          Who has a broadband connection to host?
                          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                          icq: 8388924


                          • #43
                            I'll host, maybe...

                            I MIGHT be able to host, but we would have to test out the connection. I'm on a university network, so I get very good speed, but I need to make sure the uni firewall doesn't bar people from joining a game. Anyone who wants to test this out should ICQ me (24730758) and we can do a test run. If all goes well, I'd love to host. I'm running a fairly speedy computer (600 mhz ibook) as well.



                            • #44
                              Hey deity, lets not start yet!

                              Although I haven't tested the improved network here, you remember what happened to me before.

                              I want to help mod the game anyway. Does everyone want to keep the mods made in HOTW? I want to add the quasi-anti-howitizer infantry, and I love tinkering with this kinda stuff anyway, I want to throughly take a look at what was changed, and maybe suggest a few changes more and mess with graphics. heheh.

                              Mna I just took a look at the current mods. MAN! Do you guys play with this? The recon plane has a defense of 5......I think its a little high even if it's HP and FP are low, they are almost descent bomber stoppers

                              Here's some suggestions.......

                              Lose apline troops, introduce infantry at machine tools (machine guns) 6/5/1 2/1

                              LR fighters - 5/3/1 2/2 These would move like bombers so they could be escourted. +10 sheilds from fighters. Advanced Flight.

                              Do y'all want to have civ specific units?

                              Its easy enough. There are 12 special tech slots, so we'd just have to dig 2 more up, I'm sure we could snip the tech tree somewhere.

                              You just give each civilization 1 "nationality" tech at the start. Then you set the other tech at the proper time for the special unit to appear in the game. You make the special unit tech require the nationality tech as well as the proper tech in the tree line to research.

                              So if I wanted Iowa class battleships, I'd just give myself Frank tech.......then set up "Frank's special unit tech" to require both automoible (for regular battleships) and Frank tech.

                              Then of course you could steal the techs :P
                              We'd have to make a house rule not to have the other civs build them if you managed to steal that tech. Sigh..........

                              But it would be cool if we all had our own units.
                              Last edited by Frank Johnson; November 14, 2001, 23:43.


                              • #45
                                cross post to HOTW2

                                "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                                *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                                icq: 8388924

