I also think you should include some of these other guys who jumped in and said they wanted into a game, like common_terry and CommandoAndy and SanskritBoy
First of all, I remember the first (couple) of times I tried to get into a diplogame, and it ended up being the same 6 or 7 guys who had been playing all along; it REALLY pissed me off and made me feel like the whole diplo-thing was some kinda closed fraternity deal that was blowing me off -- and so I think if you're trying to promote diplo as a genre, you're better off getting some new blood in along the way.
Also, if you're going in order of who asked to play I know some of them posted earlier than some of the others. I know you don't "know" if they have the commitment it takes to a diplogame to make it; but you won't unless you give someone a chance. And speaking of commitment.......well, we know at least ONE of the names on your short list has had a problem in the past of actually showing up to play every week (cough, cough, ahem, wink)
But of course, y'all do what you want.
And if any of you other guys I mentioned are seriously committed to getting into this game, by all means, follow up, keep posting here that you're in, byGod!, and speak up for yourselves.
Unless you'd rather just test the waters as a sub......Otherwise, no one's going to take you seriously, and for good reason. (Takes balls to diplo, guys
-- so to speak! lol)
Again, add me to the sub pool but take me off the reg list. I lose enough spousal points playing one night a week.
I also think you should include some of these other guys who jumped in and said they wanted into a game, like common_terry and CommandoAndy and SanskritBoy
First of all, I remember the first (couple) of times I tried to get into a diplogame, and it ended up being the same 6 or 7 guys who had been playing all along; it REALLY pissed me off and made me feel like the whole diplo-thing was some kinda closed fraternity deal that was blowing me off -- and so I think if you're trying to promote diplo as a genre, you're better off getting some new blood in along the way.
Also, if you're going in order of who asked to play I know some of them posted earlier than some of the others. I know you don't "know" if they have the commitment it takes to a diplogame to make it; but you won't unless you give someone a chance. And speaking of commitment.......well, we know at least ONE of the names on your short list has had a problem in the past of actually showing up to play every week (cough, cough, ahem, wink)
But of course, y'all do what you want.
And if any of you other guys I mentioned are seriously committed to getting into this game, by all means, follow up, keep posting here that you're in, byGod!, and speak up for yourselves.
Unless you'd rather just test the waters as a sub......Otherwise, no one's going to take you seriously, and for good reason. (Takes balls to diplo, guys

Again, add me to the sub pool but take me off the reg list. I lose enough spousal points playing one night a week.