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Civ3: Who's resolve is first to falter?

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  • RAS

    One suggestion. Swallow the pride now and learn the game, or when they finally come out with MP (oh please, oh please, oh please) you'll be swallowing your pride when AH (and everyone else that's been playing for a year) is kicking your butt.


    It's funny that our wifes will do things to force us to work around our own stubborness. Have fun playing.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • ok i have almost mastered emperor level now...... the donut is by far the best way to go for building your cities....

      a nomad is possible from a civ within the first three turns only i believe.....and you dont' need to be expansionistic to receive one.

      when the game gives you a nomad its like handing down a death sentence for itself... i can't lose , no wonder they only give you a max of one a game

      i have been playing the japanese and i am loving the quick revolutions and the ease of building cultural improvements.

      a close source of iron spells disaster for my neighbors....

      last game i played i eradicatd the indians 9 cities and then backstabbed the chinese and their 7 cities all with swords.... neither of those countries possessed iron

      of course i razed all the crappy Indian cities in the jungle and what looks like afghanistan (desert plains) even though i was behind in tech after the first 5 turns, i negoatiated 5 techs from the indians and four from china

      For the record , i am not playing raging hordes i will work on upgrading the barbs later....
      Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


      • ok ok, I slipped fellows, I opened the box.... And what did I find? No CD to play with !!! A lovely Manual and a lovely Crystal case to hold the CD , but no CD !!! Well I did the right thing and rushed down to EB and got them to replace it.

        But Still I refuse to play ~!~~~! But I have begun reading the manual !!!!
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • Gee, we think similar. I'm playing the Japs at emperor. (second highest barb level)

          Battle royal with the Chinese. Every turn they send 8 new swordsman into my territory, Me thinks they lack horses so they can't build riders. hahahhahhahahahaha
          I have plenty.

          Indian cities are falling to my culture. Babs have been b*tch slapped back the stone age.

          Three turns from Chiv and Samuries. Time to B*tch slap those pesky Chinese. I'll drop into desp and rush build a few dozen and that should punch those swordsman into the deepest hell.

          My only fear is that I'll see riders two turns prior.

          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • Knees weakening

            Well the manual starts of by stating that it is probalby out of date and I should read the ReadME.TXT file....

            But that means isntalling the damn game, I guess installing the game is ok, as long as I dont play !!!!
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • Smash: Please download sn00py's graphics pack, I think he improved all of the terrain graphics tremendously.


              • RAS,
                Give in to the Dark side.
                You know you want to.
                Do it noonan.

                Did your wife really buy it or are you trying to save face?

                Life is easier when you have no pride (like me.)

                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Funny, but this is one of the best threads I've seen on Civ3. Why didn't I think to look here before? Thx for excellent posts.

                  ps I promise not to tell...shhh



                  • Rah two great minds think alike.....makes me wonder how Ming is doing with the game

                    Admittedly in the long run perhaps other civ attributes are better....after all how many revolutions do we have a game...... but the abiltiy to cut down anywhere from 4-7 turns of anarchy per switch is vastly underated.

                    This is doubled by the fact that one needs fast expansion and has limitted time to build the necessary city enhancements and an impressive war machine for border expansion.

                    With corruption being what it is, those attributes seem ugly when looked at under a microscope.

                    Religious makes culture easier....which for me is important as i am rushing a temple in ever city other than in my capital. my escort takes care of the martial law and once i hit size two its a temple or barracks...depending on which brain is working at the time.

                    Scientific is nice for the bonus techs...... but i am now finding techs are not that hard to come by when your military has a strong foundation.

                    Militaristic seems to give upgrades easier, which then pose the opportunity for more leaders...though this is not always the case.... as well i seem to be able to get a nomad if i pop a hut within the first three turns.... never had one come later than that.

                    Expansionistic i used to love for the scout..... but i dislike how scouts can only.......... SCOUT...they have no ability to defend or take cites which means barbs get me and then i am toast.

                    Your better off playing as the aztecs with their Jaguar warriors for the double move.... they are militaristic and religous but their UU wins way to early for a golden age to be usefull

                    The Japanese are the same as the Aztecs but their UU comes around the time of chivalry......a much better age for Golden times.....and usually as i am having my first real big war....or world war 1..... (a few centuries to early for realism, so i would generally think of it as the Crusades

                    Its imperative to have your golden age while in a representative govt or monarchy at the very least.... its just not much help in despot.

                    I have found armies to be a waste of a leader unless you have an army of tanks Therefore i try to get my first leader ASAP but if i miss out early its ok to get one ....say around Theology

                    Culture and warfare go hand and hand. Its amazing what early temples do for your boarders and how they hem in an ai and allow you to dictate the terms.....

                    The nomad spells disaster for the ai..... they can't keep up with you if you get one so plant him quickly and close to your ai...

                    I don't believe you need to wander to block a civ off, your better to build close together and "take" land , than to try and block the ai by building right beside him. Let your culture absorb his poorly placed cities and make sure yours always have at least on space connected or one space apart from another so when they both grow you don't have too much overlap....

                    On a side can afford minimal science research as you will just ask for techs once you have cleared a little breathing room....beelining for iron working and or horse back is smart for ealry warfare.

                    BTW doesn't the horse reminds me of the Knight of civ2 and the chariot of civ1 with the bonus of retreat which wasn't an option in the first two games of this series.

                    I have noticed that the same units tend to get into long sieges , but if you mix a few horsemen into the fray, their "different" form of attack seems to freak out the ai
                    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                    • pride? what's that? a civ2 strategy?

                      and you guys stop playing! its going to take me 'til MP comes out just to catch up to where you are now

                      ColdWizard = the current Civ2 MP doormat and the future Civ3 MP doormat
                      Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



                      • Things are looking up a bit, although not by reason of anything creative on my part. In last night's game, I just decided to follow the early warfare route and eliminate the nearest civ to me come hell or high water. Which I did, and got a bonus to boot -- the Persians were the only other civ on a decent sized continent (medium size world). I have the continent to myself and have gotten it entirely within my borders with about 15 or 16 cities. The problem now is that I'm lagging considerably in the sciences, but I think I'll be able to overcome that now that the infrastructure is starting to fall into place. The "feel" of this game is also different b/c, apart from the now-departed Persians, I have only made contact with the Zulus, who foolishly put a couple of cities down before the whole island came within my borders. So no real diplomacy has been seen in this game. That should change soon as a couple of galleys are about ready to sail.

                        I'm still not particularly fond of the early warfare route, but give credit where its due -- it sure works.
                        "I think the advantages by the proposal which I have made are obvious and many, as well as of the highest importance."
                        Jonathan Swift


                        • Originally posted by rah

                          Did your wife really buy it or are you trying to save face?

                          Life is easier when you have no pride (like me.)

                          Yes she truly bought it for me, I accidently pointed it out to her one day at the shops and mentioned something about lack of MP , but she obviosuly didnt listen and thought she was doing the lovely thing, not realsing how her actions betrayed my strong stance on "No Civ 3 till MP!!"
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • Oh no!

                            Ming and Rah were the first to go and now more falter. War4ever, AH and even Rasputin have fallen for Civ3's wicked charm.

                            Who's next to fall!?

                            I'm still holding out, but the temptation....OH THE TEMPTATION!!
                            Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                            Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                            • OK, Bird you seem to be going in the right direction. BUT, you don't finish them off, you leave them to be your B*tch. An eliminated civ can provide you nothing. A weakened vassal will give you almost anything you ask for. Especially after some nation has come by and made contact. The reason you're that far behind in techs is the lack of trading them with everyone off the island. We're not sophisticated enough strat wise to compete in science development with the AI yet. Keep that week AI around, the other AI will probably deal with him better than with you. Then you just take it from them. Starting on an island with only one other civ is probably not helpful. (it certainly wasn't for me in one of my earlier aborted attempts, since I experienced the same problem) You need at least two other civs early to interact with and three is probably optimal. (since even if you screw up you can probably handle three alternating wars at once.) The 'war then rape them for peace' cycle seems to work well with three civs. Just don't count on them to sign an MP pacts against the other two.

                              Coldwizard Great line. Especially after checking out the final position after our last game. Wha Happened? Please tell me your second settler was killed by barbs.

                              War4, golden age too early, my exact reasoning for going with the Japanese instead. I've had two leaders already and just getting ready to start my Golden age, so I expect another leader or two before the game ends.

                              And good observation on that nomad. In all my games or aborted starts I've only gotten one nomad, and it was in the second or third turn(and I wasn't an expansionist that game). wonder if there's something to it.

                              That fist scout is also overrated. Can't do anything but scout, and the first hut with barbs, and bye bye any advantage. I never really built any other scouts because on the medium size worlds that I've been playing on, the land grab is over early, unless there's a small island somewhere. (and I've never found them first)


                              And Cap, I never said I wouldn't. I've always claimed that I would buy it quick to learn in hopes of making suggestions for changes/fixes for future MP release.
                              Laking any pride helps.

                              Ras, I was just teasing
                              It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                              RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • seemsa good plan is to get Iron Working asap.Then get your iron source.Road,colony preferred.
                                build 2-3 cities and get them roaded.Build barracks.Build swordsman or Persian immortals if applicable.Attack in numbers.Do not raze cities..keep forces just outside in case of defection.Cut roads to other enemy cities(this is very important) and have workers following your army with road building to immediately bring in your luxuries and resources.
                                Let the ai do your expanding for you.They will even build wonders for you.
                                standard maps landmasses and the ai will provide you with 10-12 cities.BE PATIENT in your attacks.

                                Terrain DOES effect offensive attacks.Or it sure seems to.This is different than civ2.
                                The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu

