A bar in Txas
"All this dman pollution is coming in from the west, the damn Chinsee maybe clearing the stuff as fast as they make it, but the stench is still in the air."
"Yes I cant beleive that after they released the art of rEcylcing to the world that they havent used it themselves, it is working wonders in all the larger provinces of WAAR."
"Yes some people have jsut raised prodcution at the expense of the environement. "
"Pity that we all cant be as good as the EU"
"Well we all know why they have none, they living in the dark ages after Hitlers stampede across Europe"
"Pity our current leaders dont do the same to all those making pollution now"
"Yeah would make a better world to live in."
"I hear the President got invited to a Chinese beach but he had to refuse after he found out that people arent the only things floating in the water there"
"I here the Zulus are supportive of our wolrd wide calls for cleaning up the environement, but they fear the appollo program more than environmental issues"
"Yeah those damn Africans always afraid of stuff they know little about, if only they would join our crusade to clean the world."
"I hear the rebels in Africa may take over soon"
"You always beleive too many rumours."
"I heard the Mongols were itching for a fight with China, and the latest Zulu trade issue is jsut a ruse to get Zulus closer to China."
"wow could be interesting few years ahead of us."
"Especially with the leadership change Down under. Imagine if the Aussies attacked the Zulus"
"The aussies are peaceful they never attack."
"With all this wrnagling going on I surprised that no one approached the WAAR to form an allaince."
"Arent we already allied to Mongols?"
"I hear that with the Mongols allying with the Zulus, our traditional enemies, the government is going to cancel the allaince."
"good , the damn Mongols are second biggest polluters in the world after the chinese, dman Asians never knew how to keep clean."
"The rest of the world obviosuly doesnt care, as the largest polluters are also planning on leaving the planet soon anyway."
"All the more reason for WAAR to take things into its own hands and stop the polluters of the world."
"Yeah lets start a petition and send it to he government."
Loud cheers acros sthe bar as the drunks wrote up a petition clalign for any action necessary to prevent pollution.
The WAR on Pollution it was called.........
"All this dman pollution is coming in from the west, the damn Chinsee maybe clearing the stuff as fast as they make it, but the stench is still in the air."
"Yes I cant beleive that after they released the art of rEcylcing to the world that they havent used it themselves, it is working wonders in all the larger provinces of WAAR."
"Yes some people have jsut raised prodcution at the expense of the environement. "
"Pity that we all cant be as good as the EU"
"Well we all know why they have none, they living in the dark ages after Hitlers stampede across Europe"
"Pity our current leaders dont do the same to all those making pollution now"
"Yeah would make a better world to live in."
"I hear the President got invited to a Chinese beach but he had to refuse after he found out that people arent the only things floating in the water there"
"I here the Zulus are supportive of our wolrd wide calls for cleaning up the environement, but they fear the appollo program more than environmental issues"
"Yeah those damn Africans always afraid of stuff they know little about, if only they would join our crusade to clean the world."
"I hear the rebels in Africa may take over soon"
"You always beleive too many rumours."
"I heard the Mongols were itching for a fight with China, and the latest Zulu trade issue is jsut a ruse to get Zulus closer to China."
"wow could be interesting few years ahead of us."
"Especially with the leadership change Down under. Imagine if the Aussies attacked the Zulus"
"The aussies are peaceful they never attack."
"With all this wrnagling going on I surprised that no one approached the WAAR to form an allaince."
"Arent we already allied to Mongols?"
"I hear that with the Mongols allying with the Zulus, our traditional enemies, the government is going to cancel the allaince."
"good , the damn Mongols are second biggest polluters in the world after the chinese, dman Asians never knew how to keep clean."
"The rest of the world obviosuly doesnt care, as the largest polluters are also planning on leaving the planet soon anyway."
"All the more reason for WAAR to take things into its own hands and stop the polluters of the world."
"Yeah lets start a petition and send it to he government."
Loud cheers acros sthe bar as the drunks wrote up a petition clalign for any action necessary to prevent pollution.
The WAR on Pollution it was called.........