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History of the World 2.2 - V (Cuz 2 just wasn't big enough)

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  • A bar in Txas

    "All this dman pollution is coming in from the west, the damn Chinsee maybe clearing the stuff as fast as they make it, but the stench is still in the air."

    "Yes I cant beleive that after they released the art of rEcylcing to the world that they havent used it themselves, it is working wonders in all the larger provinces of WAAR."

    "Yes some people have jsut raised prodcution at the expense of the environement. "

    "Pity that we all cant be as good as the EU"

    "Well we all know why they have none, they living in the dark ages after Hitlers stampede across Europe"

    "Pity our current leaders dont do the same to all those making pollution now"

    "Yeah would make a better world to live in."

    "I hear the President got invited to a Chinese beach but he had to refuse after he found out that people arent the only things floating in the water there"

    "I here the Zulus are supportive of our wolrd wide calls for cleaning up the environement, but they fear the appollo program more than environmental issues"

    "Yeah those damn Africans always afraid of stuff they know little about, if only they would join our crusade to clean the world."

    "I hear the rebels in Africa may take over soon"

    "You always beleive too many rumours."

    "I heard the Mongols were itching for a fight with China, and the latest Zulu trade issue is jsut a ruse to get Zulus closer to China."

    "wow could be interesting few years ahead of us."

    "Especially with the leadership change Down under. Imagine if the Aussies attacked the Zulus"

    "The aussies are peaceful they never attack."

    "With all this wrnagling going on I surprised that no one approached the WAAR to form an allaince."

    "Arent we already allied to Mongols?"

    "I hear that with the Mongols allying with the Zulus, our traditional enemies, the government is going to cancel the allaince."

    "good , the damn Mongols are second biggest polluters in the world after the chinese, dman Asians never knew how to keep clean."

    "The rest of the world obviosuly doesnt care, as the largest polluters are also planning on leaving the planet soon anyway."

    "All the more reason for WAAR to take things into its own hands and stop the polluters of the world."

    "Yeah lets start a petition and send it to he government."

    Loud cheers acros sthe bar as the drunks wrote up a petition clalign for any action necessary to prevent pollution.

    The WAR on Pollution it was called.........
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • Aamar HQ - Somewhere in the Congo

      Jerokam paced back in forth in the Aamar conference room. He was joined by his top advisors. They sat around an ovular shaped table. Most were dressed in civilians clothes. A few were smoking cigars and the sweet stench of cigar smoke filled the room.

      "Well men, the time we make our move is rapidly approaching. We have been provided with inside information regarding the cracks and weaknesses of several cities within the country and when we strike, we will hit them hardest in these areas. We expect little resistance." said Jerokam.

      "So, the plan is to capture all government employees? There are no civilian targets?" asked one of the Lieutenants.

      "Thats right Goban, this will be a professionaly executed takeover. No <i>un-necessary</i> blood is to be spilt. However, don't confuse this with the idea that no blood will spill at all. We <i>will</I> run into resistance. We <i>will</i> have to kill to obtain our goal. Southern Zulus are completely loyal to Shakeem and his council and will not give them up without a fight. Many of you will die, and many of your men will die. But it is for the good of the Zulu Nation and Africa. Aamar will not fail!" barked Jerokam.

      "So after we capture these government workers, what are we to do if they do not conform to our agenda?" asked a tall lanky soldier.

      "Lower level government workers who do not conform will be imprisoned. Higher level workers, who have more pull with the people, will either be exiled or executed if they do not conform. These people will understand in due time that it is not their lives we are after, but a change in the way this country is run. Our policies, our domestic life, our form of government. All are detrimental to the health of the nation. We need a single strong leader, one who cares about them as individuals, not as a whole. Not as a single machine! This commie bullsh1t will be destroyed very soon Colonel Roaqiim!" Jerokam was a very loud speaker and his words shook the room.

      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


      • To: International Community
        From: Chinese Pollution Control Center

        For many years now nations of the world have warned us about pollution, first the E.U. and then the W.A.A.R. and as every country continues to industrialize the problem becomes increases more and more. Therefore the Chinese Government invites every nation to Liberty to discuss the issue and a possible solution. The Chinese realize that there will be pollution as it grows but this does not mean that we are indifferent to the world at large and will be presenting a plan of 1Mton of production to 1 ton of pollution by 1650. In twenty-five years the Peoples Republic of China will have met this goal and most likely surpassed it. We hope that all nations will attend to agree to the Chinese plan of action if not to discuss other alternative plans.

        (Current Production leval:871 Pollution level: 2550 requiring a reduction of 1679 tons of pollution by 1650.)


        • From : WAAR High Council
          To: Chinese Pollution Control Centre

          AS the leader in polluttion make in the world we truly apprecait yor statement on pollution abatement. We were hoping for a much quicker reduction than your time frame. However, we are quite willing to meet to discuss any action plan you have and propose ways of speeding its implementation up.
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • OOC -Cant play

            Sorry guys soemthing has come up from "SHE who must be obeyed" I will need a sub for this week, i have asked all those i know..... if anyone has a sub please get them to icq me to get my overall plan....
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • MBC Reports

              Girish Sant- Green Party 18.75%
              Zainal Rampak- Labor Party 12.50%
              Bogd Khaan- Conservative Party 31.25%
              Natsagiin Bagabandi- Liberal Party 25.00%
              Wei Fengsi Khan- Asian Sunrise Party 12.50%
              Wang Dan- Libertarian Party 0%

              "Polling continues in the UAS today as the Presidential Election draws near. Showing new resiliancy Senator Khaan has jumped ahead in the polls, pulling ahead of Vice-President Bagabandi by 6.25%. Polling at a strong third is Green Party candidate Girish Sant with 18.75% of the total.

              "With us today to explain the dynamics of this battle for votes is MBC's own Khalid Ahmad. Khalid."

              "Thank you Adrana, the electorite has been showing much uneasiness of late. Now some may say that is due to the fact our poll only includes 16 people, but I conclude this has everything to do with the technology decisions in the Chris Khan administration. Bagabandi enjoyed a solid lead over his opponents till the news broke about the cuts from the science budget and then both Khaan and Sant started polling higher. "

              "If that is the case then why hasn't Wei FK shown a significant increase instead?"

              "Good question Adrana, I feel that while the voters don't want scientific stagnation they have other priorities besides only scientific development. Senator Khaan has been taking great advantage of this break in Bagabandi's armor and with his newly energized campaign has turned this into a competitive election. Khaan has spoken to Asia's sense of mediocraty trapped within a potential for greatness. Many people are bitter about European outsiders and the powerful and arrogant Australians who for centuries treated Mongolia like a puppet state.

              "Those who are supporting Sant I suppose are looking for a change on the left side of the coin from years of Liberal Party dominance. The environment is an issue many candidates haven't addressed and Sant has been attempting to frame the issue around his priorities.

              "In any event only 6.25% sepperates each of the candidates which is within our poll's margin of error so this election can go virtually to any candidate at this point. This is an exciting election season, I only wish Presidential terms were shorter than 20 years so we could do this again soon."

              "Khalid, its always a pleasure. With less than a day to go till the election all candidates are doing their last minute efforts to get out the vote and rally the troops."
              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • Breaking Tragic News

                This is Moses Reed reporting live from downtown israel, I ma standing about thirty metres from the steps of the Old Palace, only one hour ago President Gough Whiteman was climbing those steps with his cabinet members as they moved into the newly refurbished government wing of the palace. He had made it about halfwy up those steps when suddnely a truck sped up the road from the direction of the Docks and four men wearing balaclavas started firing machine guns at the steps. Security officers immeditatly returned fire and the truck skidded out of control right over their into the crowd. It was obviosuly loasded with explsosives as it immediatley explod and devastated those in the vicinity.

                The immediate attentio nwas for the President and his cabinet , all of whome received wounds, eight fataly, including unfoirtuantly the President. Ambulances rushed from all over the province as the body count climbed. Over in the crowd over 50 people were immediatly reported dead with over 500 more injured. This has been the worst act of terrorism in our history.

                The country is in complete dissaray. The High council have gone into hiding and the surving members of the cabinet are all in hosptital, many are not expected to make it through the night.

                No one has claimed responsibilty for these events so far, but initial sources point to rebels in EU controlled Turkey again.

                The Opposition parties in government have sworn to find the guilty partys and bring them to justice.

                At this stage it is unclear as to who is running the country. Police and the National guard are on the streets patroling and detaining any suspicious persons in the area.

                More news to follow
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • MBC News

                  Currently with 14% of all precincts counted it looks like Vice-President Bagabandi has pulled off a win. He is edging out Senator Khaan by 9% of the vote in the already counted precincts so MBC news is declaring Bagabandi the winner!

                  No word from either the Khaan or Bagabandi camps yet on the Vice-President's win but we expect comments from each soon.

                  Congratulations to Vice-President Bagabandi!
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • MBC Followup Report

                    The MBC network retracts its earlier announcement of Bagabandi as UAS President, now that more votes have come in it has been proven that indeed Senator Khaan has walked away with the win in this election and will serve out his 20 year term starting at tonight's inauguration.

                    MBC will provide live coverage of Senator Khaan's inaugaration on the steps of the Mongolian Capitol building in Central Mongolia.
                    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                    • this is really aol and icq are not connecting up for some reason......I may need someone to provide me with an ip to start tonight....I'm going to try a few back in a bit
                      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                      • Ok, never mind...I'm in off the alarm! (even though no one saw this apparently)
                        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                        • MBC Coverage of Inauguration Day

                          "We come to you live outside of the UAS Capitol Building in Central Mongolia for the changing of administrations between President Chris Khan and President-elect Bogod Khaan. The air is charged with electricity and tenseness. Presidential inaugurations are a rare event in the Union of Asian States, only occurring every 20 years and are always a big deal but this year there is much tension due to the brutal terrorist assassination of Israeli President Whiteman and eight cabinet members. Security is as tight as it has ever been on Inauguration Day, Mongol intelligence received word that the European terrorists suspected in the Jerusalem attack are plotting something similar today and the government is taking no chances.

                          "Let us cut to the action now as President Chris Khan and President-elect Bogod Khan have both arrived and are taking their places near the podium."

                          With the arrival of the President and President-elect all the officials are in place and the ceremony begins. The customarily dignified ceremony progresses as usual. Girish Sant gives a patriotic speech to open the ceremony and then Khaan is sworn in. After a lengthy applause President Khaan steps up to the podium to speak.

                          "President Khan, distinguished guests and my fellow citizens, the peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country. With a simple oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings.

                          As I begin, I thank President Khan for his service to our nation.

                          And I thank Vice President Bagabandi for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace.

                          I am honored and humbled to stand here, where so many of Asia's leaders have come before me, and so many will follow.

                          We have a place, all of us, in a long story--a story we continue, but whose end we will not see. It is the story of a proud continent and a proud people. Asia is a vast continent but with a common heritage, for too long our people have been servants to other nations, outsiders intent on dominating our people and our culture.

                          It is the Asian story--a story of proud and powerful people, united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals.

                          The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding Asian promise that everyone should belong to a great nation, a superior nation, an Asian nation.

                          Asians are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws. And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course.

                          Through much of the last century, Asia's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now our rock is being chipped by outsiders attempting to destroy our way of life, we cannot allow that to happen.

                          Last week's terrorist attack in Jerusalem is proof of the danger Asia faces from militant outsiders. European radicals have taken it upon themselves to wage a war upon Asian citizens.

                          We do not accept this, and we will not allow it. Our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens in every generation. And this is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of power, respect and courage.

                          Our national courage has been clear in times of depression and war, when defending common dangers defined our common good. Now we must choose if the example of our fathers and mothers will inspire us or condemn us. We must show courage in a time of threat by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations.

                          We will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge.

                          We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors.

                          The enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake: Asia remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power that favors freedom. We will defend our allies and our interests. We will show purpose without arrogance. We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength. And to all nations, we will speak for the values that gave our nation birth.

                          Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew our purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and culture to all those who seek to destroy it.

                          This work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm.

                          Buddha bless you all, and Buddha bless Asia."

                          With that all in attendance burst into applause.

                          "President Khaan has given a rousing speech and brought this crowd of 150,000 to its feet in a robust applause. He mentioned some key things about the *BANG* *BANG* --- Oh my God--- Varchy get a shot of this---- it seems a gunman has fired some shots at the perimeter of security, it seems.... Yes, it seems three maybe 4 people have been shot. The gunman has been taken out by security and thankfully was prevented from getting anywhere near the President.

                          "No word yet on the status of the victims but the gunman most defiantly has been killed by police. This is a terrible disruption to an otherwise magnificent inauguration, there is panic and confusion in the crowd. This is a dark day, but thankfully the prudent security measures have paid off and no officials were hurt. This will determine much policy in an already provoked Khaan Administration."
                          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                          • A brief history of the years 1625-1645

                            After the Mongolian Election of Bogd Khaan to the position of President twenty years ago a number of diplomatic transmissions took place concerning the future friend ship of our two countries things looked good, until the Mongolian government attempted to trade territory in the Americans for Asian land. (This was outlawed in the constitution of 1535 following the Communist decree of the 14th century). The negotiations, in which the Chinese government turned down the Mongolian advances, the following phrase was used “for the good of Asian unity and consolidation we ask that you reconsider.” Now while this would normally be harmless diplomatic language, for most in the foreign service it was a stark reminder of colonial days right before the outbreak of the First World war, the Chinese Empire was weak at that time and was being pushed around by force and forced to cede land that it considered theirs. A majority of the foreign relations analysts feared that the Mongols were plotting to take the Chinese possessions by force. This information was leaked right before the mid-term elections of 1627 and coupled with the inauguration speech of President Khaan talking about Asian “unity” lead to a massive propaganda campaign by the C.G.P. (Chinese Glory Party).

                            The campaign played off the fears that the U.A.S. would seek to incorporate China into their fold and was not helped by the U.A.S.’s invasion of the E.U.’s Asian territory. The C.G.P. effectively took control of the legislative with a 62% majority. The C.G.P. known for strong military support and a completely isolationist view of the world effectively defeated the pollution bill in congress and switched the domestic policies to more military ones, saying “we will not be truly free until our army can challenge any, I repeat any nation on earth.” Referring to the Aussies military might the C.G.P. said when we can challenge them then we can do what we like with in our own borders. Critics started to criticize the C.G.P. saying such a policy would cripple the nation. Amazingly enough with name recognition President Prometheus has managed to maintaining the position of President.

                            After waiting for the Mongolian attack that would never come and the degrading living conditions with in country the C.G.P. slowly started to lose popularity wining only 47% of Congress last election. The C.G.P. had been franticly trying to restore there popularity by pointing out the increased military might (30 units) when a Mongolian Alpine Division moved to the border occupying a Forest. The C.G.P. used this to there advantage using it as propaganda to forward there own cause saying that it was only a matter of time before there where Mongolian tanks parked in Nanking.

                            Recent polls show the C.G.P. at 67% an overwhelming majority; unless Prometheus’s Chinese People Republics party manages to significantly win back the people’s hearts President Prometheus could be defeated for the first time since the beginning of the Democracy.

                            President Prometheus who has said that it technically is the U.A.S.’s Pheasant according to Chinese land laws but the President will need an agreement with the Mongolian Government soon about the withdrawal of the Alpine division if he is to have any hope. The boarder between Mongolia and China has been a demilitarized zone long into the B.C. period with all units staying in cities as a sign of good faith; the same is true of the American border since the time of the A.L.-Mali-Chinese non-aggression pact. Many people are disturbed by this sudden military action instead of diplomatic contacts.

                            The 1645 elections will most likely determine the direction the People’s Republic takes with a strong lead so far the C.G.P. looks as if it will sweep the elections, as the Chinese People’s Republic party continues to win the Minority vote and is fighting an uphill battle. The Green party has almost been reduced to non-existence and many expect it to merge with the Chinese People’s party for the following election. Such a merger will not change the Chinese People’s Platform much as it has grown quite sensitive to the environment over the years.

                            Only time will tell the future of the People’s Republic of China.
                            Last edited by Prometheus; October 19, 2001, 01:36.


                            • In 1630 AD, the extremist movement, Aamar caught the Zulu Nation by surprise with a well staged and brilliant overthrow of the communist government.

                              Rebel forces quietly took Tanzania, Mozambique and Zimbabwe in the dead of night. Stealth forces infiltrated the cities through small, but seemingly unknown cracks. Apparently an insider had been working with the rebels and provided them with a significant amount of sensitive information.

                              The communist council mostly remains behind bars. Some have been executed and some have agreed to work with Aamar when they are released. General Shakeem, after talking with Jerokam face to face, has agreed to fall into line and cooperate. He will now serve as a low ranking general in the Southern Africa Kore. Jerokam figured this would ease some tension within the civilian population, for the assassination of such a well respected leader could have caused a major backlash.

                              It is 1645 now and the Zulu Nation has returned to business as usual. The cities are still growing. Factories and marketplaces, banks and harbors are still being set into place. The military is growing stronger, but it still poorly equipped. Ranked 5th in the world in military, Jerokam aims to improve it to 2nd or 3rd by the end of the century.

                              Things are very tense in foreign affairs. Mongolias leadership has grown to be very sporadic and un-predictable. After the bloody battle in South America, to avenge the EU losses in Asia, the Zulus and Mongols signed a cease fire, as no more good could come from any more conflict. However, with a new leader being elected in Mongolia in the coming years, Jerokam hasn't a clue as to where the two nations will stand in the next few centuries.

                              Tensions with Australia keep increasing and increasing. The paranoid Aussies are worried about the Zulus, even though our army is pitifully undermatched. They have, in the course of 20 years, flown a spy plane into the heart of Africa from their Saudi Arabian airbase, neglected to move a submarine in the proximity of Madagascar and their fighters have shot down a civilian cargo plane between Africa and South America. Saul is very much on edge for his nation is now being overshadowed in terms of science and production by the Chinese. The Chinese continue to exploit their cities and increase their already bloated treasury. We expect Australia to remain very paranoid in the coming years, even though the Zulus have never shown the Aussies the same kind of invasive aggression that they have shown us.


                              Only time will tell what will come of the Zulu Nation, but a new beginning has been started. Things will be on the upswing for the Zulus in the coming years.
                              I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                              Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                              • (In a barber shop some where in China)

                                “Have you seen the polls in the Mongolian election?”

                                “Yea it does not look good, Genghis Khan is winning in a land slide.”

                                “Apparently the Mongols are worried about ethnic Asians being persecuted”

                                (Raises eyebrow)”We have nothing but ethnic Asians in China, save a few European and Mali refugees who made there home in America.”

                                “Apparently they mean ethnic Mongols”

                                “They are full citizens just like everyone else, not to mention the Mongolian people have a greater Chinese minority than we have Mongolian”

                                “Doesn’t seem to matter does it.”

                                “No I suppose it doesn’t… Genghis must be getting his support from the Aussies”

                                “Damn them Oranges, they would support Genghis to make us switch away from improvements and science to military production”

                                “Not going to work though, I read in a Science Journal we will be finished with all practical research by 1700, probably before.”

                                “Slows down our growth though”

                                “Yea well, I will tell you what, I would feel safer if we had an Ally.”

                                “I say we ally with the Aussies, between the two of us there would be no one in the world who would challenge us.”

                                “Well I don’t know about that but the C.G.P. has my support this election, if the Mongols elect some crazy warmonger and if the Israeli are planning on supporting them then I want the C.G.P. in charge.”

                                “Yea I know, with an average of ten divisions every five years they will protect us from outside aggression. Yea at this rate we will surpass the aussies by 1700.”

                                “Hope war doesn’t come though don’t really want that”

                                “Well as we are sandwiched between the Mongols and the Israeli, I wouldn’t either.”

