Some Stats for the Mali:
21 cities
Land area 886,000 sq. miles
Population 5,760,000
GNP $84 million
64 % literacy (2nd)
Pollution = 100 metric tons (2nd only to the EU with 0)
not going to say how many libraries, etc. because not enough to speak of right now, but total cost for city improvements =67
Read 'em and weep
Oh, and on the "naming" issue -- when I was reinstating the names the cities had when I took over the Mali, I noticed several that were way geographically incorrect so I'll be fixing them
oz, did you see you had a taker yesterday?
21 cities
Land area 886,000 sq. miles
Population 5,760,000
GNP $84 million
64 % literacy (2nd)
Pollution = 100 metric tons (2nd only to the EU with 0)
not going to say how many libraries, etc. because not enough to speak of right now, but total cost for city improvements =67
Read 'em and weep
Oh, and on the "naming" issue -- when I was reinstating the names the cities had when I took over the Mali, I noticed several that were way geographically incorrect so I'll be fixing them
oz, did you see you had a taker yesterday?