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History of the World 2 - IV

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  • Sorry about the power outage I had last week.....

    ... but it seems I only missed 1/2 a turn!!!

    I have also been VERY busy lately so am just catching up with all the posts now. I can't keep up with Capo and Raz!! My God... what will they do when the game is over??? Write a book together!!

    Hmmm... not a bad idea guys... why don't you pull the whole thread into a structured and edited story format; and post it as an online book at Drake's site??? Would be sensational

    OK, I'm here now and I want some action!
    "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
    *deity of THE DEITIANS*
    icq: 8388924


    • Saul baby


      Saul was discussing the issues with the Dame.
      They talked about Paul's total obsession with the bomb and feared that a self-fulfilling prophecy was to occur.
      Paul was not engaging in international affairs which probably suited Australia.

      "But he asked me to take over foreign affairs for the time being and keep a close eye on 'events'. He's having 'fun' in Broken Hill, even reminiscing the days of the Academy, the fun he had with the Adriatics... the good old days... he's lost. Even the old AL think about the past like we were mates or something!"
      Dame said, " You realise, you Saul are destined to take over Australia and lead the race for the stars?"

      "I know"

      "I see it. It will happen... I'm rarely wrong you know"

      "I know"

      "But will Paul make the bomb and cause havoc?"

      "Maybe, I see a bomb exploding in Broken Hill and I see an 'accident' involving Paul... the rest is hazy. But if this heralds the demise of Paul your plans, your peaceful plans will prevail"

      "But if Paul outwits me the world is cactus, eh?"

      "something like that... come here my dear.... mmmmm"

      The Dame was an 'interesting' women.... no one suspected here old 'Israeli' roots were a problem.....
      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • Dooghan is Mongols today!

        his icq: 33324369


        I said that he was my ally and that he hated the whites

        That sums it up eh
        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
        icq: 8388924


        • Euronews Telecast...

          Lana Aguilera: It was with great fanfare that the EU Parliament has finally named Berlin of all cities as its home. Amsterdam was believed to be a top namesake for the new capital however political maneuvering from the city's people resulted in the change of venue for our capital...

          Citizen 1: I didn't want our city to be the capital, we Dutch are known for our individualism and holding the Union's capital would be against, ya know, what it means to be Dutch.

          Citizen 2: You watched on TV what happened in Venice when Israel attacked us and you couldn't help but think about what could happen, like, if the capital was in Amsterdam.

          Lana Aguilera: This changes many things as now Berlin is home to the European Union's capital, Prime Minister Pagniacci had this to say...

          E. Pagniacci: Although Berlin wasn't originally slated to hold our capital it has suited us well thus far, and I hope it will continue to do so. Its in a very centralized location as far as Europe is concerned is is quite far from all of our borders which makes it that much safer.

          Lana Aguilera: In other news FDP troops have finally left their posts in Europe and are headed home. New Eurokorps volunteers are marching into their respective cities to reestablish control and links with the new European goverment. The first of these cities was Caspiari...

          Soldier: Its been tough, I was stationed in Moscow for the Mongolian offensive, but ya know, this is much better for now than getting shot at by a bunch of chinks.

          Citizen: It has been such a relief, I mean, yeah things are going to be tough on us now that our city was shelled and blown up, but I think things will be good, ya know, in the future.

          Lana Aguilera: Peace talks between Zulu Federation and FDP stalled as Zulu Chairwoman Jula Kamma refused to accept a full peace treaty with the FDP based on their past actions against the Adriatic League, Mali and the Zulu Federation. We have in-house political analist Caesar Vargas, Caesar what do you make of this latest turn of events.

          Caesar Vargas: Well Lana, it makes it quite difficult for the new government to maneuver here. On one hand they have made no secret about attempting to reunite the West, at least in simple peace but have made little to no progress in that direction. It makes it difficult to keep peace at an optimum with Israel while attempting to placate their loyal allies the Zulus. Its almost like they are being torn between two worlds here.

          Lana Aguilera: What is the word from Berlin? Should we expect any formalization in regards to a Western pact?

          Caesar Vargas: Well not anything in particular, obviously there are grumblings from those in the know. There were talks that the Zulus may accept a trade pact but then again its still early to tell, the peace treaty was just realised recently.

          Lana Aguilera: And what of the brewing tensions in Mongolia?

          Caesar Vargas: Well the Mongols have not let down on their assaults and despite allegations that they are engaged in a war of aggression they continue. Australia has also recognized that mere aggression is the entire meaning for this war and continue to support the Mongols. Keating has changed his tune from peace to this in recent years.

          Lana Aguilera: Thank you Caesar, we are out of time. When we return from the break Giacomo Bartelucci previews "The Corsican" a movie based on the life and times of Napoleon Bonaparte...
          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

          One Love.


          • Venice

            After the great meeting between the powers of Europe and the FDP, Reich Chancellor Herman Georing visited the old Province of Venice one last time. He paid repsects to the dead of both sides then rose to the podium at the Embassy and said the following ....

            "Ladies and Gentlemen of Europe and those of the FDP. Today you witnessed then historical signing of the EU/FDP peace accord. For centuries our two nations hav efought bitterly over this territory and many have died on both sides. The graves around us are stark reminders of that. But today we face a new future. A future where Europe is for Europeans but still open for tourists from the FDP to come and visit. The FDP engineers completed the Continental railway from Israel to Venice and now it is open for civilians instead of the military.

            Today my fellow citizens of Europe and the FDP, we beign to rewrite history, never agai nwill European rasie a sword agaisnt an Israeli, newver again will the Arabs in the FDP beat their war drums and cross the Balkans in anger.

            Today marks the begiining of the European Asian co operation only dreamed about till now.

            But our nations are still not free from war. The Zulus to the south are sill not signig peace with us, fortuantly they gave our allies the Mali peace. But the Zulus dont trust us like the Europeans do. And the Mongols are stil lattacking the urals. We will use our full diplomatic power to end that war .

            We will continue to move towards the partnership we shoudl have maintained fro mcenturies ago

            Viva la Europe... Viva La FDP"
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • OOC- Statistics

              Ok I know you all hang out for this sort of thing so here is some more Casualty statistics...

              Since the last post of casualties...
              <table width="600" height="244" border="3" bordercolor="#008000" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" bordercolordark="#800000" bordercolorlight="#800000">
              <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt">
              <td height="21" width="99">Adriatics</td>
              <td width="93" height="21">Zulu</td>
              <td width="101" height="21">FDP</td>
              <td width="113" height="21">Mongols</td>
              <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt">
              <td height="21" width="99"></td>
              <td width="93" height="21"></td>
              <td width="101" height="21">1 Pikeman</td>
              <td width="113" height="21"></td>
              <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt">
              <td height="21" width="99">1 Settler</td>
              <td width="93" height="21"></td>
              <td width="101" height="21"></td>
              <td width="113" height="21"></td>
              <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt">
              <td height="21" width="99">1 Musketeer</td>
              <td width="93" height="21"></td>
              <td width="101" height="21"></td>
              <td width="113" height="21"></td>
              <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt">
              <td height="21" width="99">1 Stormtrooper</td>
              <td width="93" height="21"></td>
              <td width="101" height="21">2 Stormtroopers</td>
              <td width="113" height="21"></td>
              <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt">
              <td height="21" width="99">6 Partisans</td>
              <td width="93" height="21"></td>
              <td width="101" height="21"></td>
              <td width="113" height="21"></td>
              <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt">
              <td height="21" width="99">2 Alpine Troops</td>
              <td width="93" height="21">1 Alpine Troop</td>
              <td width="101" height="21"></td>
              <td width="113" height="21">1 Alpine troop</td>
              <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt">
              <td height="15" width="99">1 Reiflemen</td>
              <td width="93" height="15">1 Riflemean</td>
              <td width="101" height="15"></td>
              <td width="113" height="15"></td>
              <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt">
              <td height="21" width="99">5 Armor</td>
              <td width="93" height="21">1 Armor</td>
              <td width="101" height="21"></td>
              <td width="113" height="21"></td>
              <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt">
              <td height="21" width="99">3 Howitzer</td>
              <td width="93" height="21"></td>
              <td width="101" height="21">1 Howitzer</td>
              <td width="113" height="21">2 Howitzer</td>

              As can be seen from above table, the Adriaitcs taking a large loss of units 23 more dead. Their total losses for the game now stand at 74 units almost double the next worst losses of the Mali on 39 (who took no losses in recent times).
              Last edited by Rasputin; August 24, 2001, 08:06.
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • umm not sure what happened

                Any one with better HTML coding knowledge help out as to why that table sits so low ???
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • Re: Some interesting Stats !! 12 days later


                  Originally posted by Rasputin
                  From the official website
                  Aust armed forces up from 67 - 127 (nice to be peaceful)
                  Aust now has 132 units.
                  Mongols armed forces dow from 55 - 50 (so much for full war industry)
                  mongols finally gearing their military with 62 units
                  Chinese armed forces up from 71 - 92 (another PEACE nation)
                  more cutbacks in China, down to 81 units
                  Mali armed forces down from 56 - 44 (mostly dead)
                  static at 44 units
                  Adriatic League slight change 49 - 52 (Leadership changes and war)
                  many heavy losses down to 31 units
                  Zulu armed forces slight change 58 - 62 (possibly big change next time)
                  still climbing , upto 69 units now in Zululand
                  Israel armed forces increased from 27 - 67 (all defenders of course)
                  Defences increased to 73 Units
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • More stats stuff

                    For the interested parties here is the full Spreadsheet of Casualties
                    Attached Files
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • the NEW Yemen Province

                      "ahh Ahab, your engineers have done wondrously rebuilding the ruins here. You have kept the classic style of the orginal too."

                      "ahh yes Governor, but we have included all the mod cons too. Running water, roads, farms etc."

                      "good job Ahab. Hoepfully now we have peace no Province will ever again know the destruction seen here. Too many live slost."

                      "Yes Governor I agree. Do you think the Zulus will sign peace too. Many Arabs around here still want revenge."

                      "Yes I know that Ahab. Who knows with the Zulus, they take everything as an act of war. If we look at them too long they think we staring and thats an act of war, if we dont look at them the y think we ignoring them and thats an act of war" he laughed.

                      Ahab was not amused" Governor your humour is a little out of place here, The Zulu war is still fresh in the arabs memorys. It will take many years before we forgive them."

                      "Well I hope you do Ahab, the FDP leaders are already moving on from that war and looking to the future. As we speal the Recih Chancellor is heading to Zimbabwe to discuss matters deeply."

                      "Only trouble will come of it you mark my words Governor, only trouble"
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • Historical Documents

                        Historian Pontius Pilate of the Iranian province has discovered some sacred documents and old maps in a cave not far from the Province of Iran.

                        Amongst the relics and old junk found was the following map, proposed by the Chinese way back in time when the Americas were first discovered.

                        Funny how things eventually work themselves out !!!!
                        Attached Files
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • OCC Update!!! WHEEEE!

                          Alright clowns, this is going to be the last (important) post on this thread because I am going to post two new threads. One for posting and one for OCC Statements. I am going to repeat this again in the next threads but I hope once is enough for everyone to understand...

                          Please post your roleplay posts, or in-game posts, in the Regular thread and any and all OCC comments or anything of that nature in the OCC threads. I don't care what it is, even if it has to do with posts, if its not a damn post then put it in the OCC thread, if its an OCC comment put it in the OCC thread, as I said before I am going to restate this comment again, but I hope once is enough.

                          This way its easier reading for those of us who aren't involved in the game, and its easier to see and find out when an OCC post is made. So there we go... see ya in the new thread.

                          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                          One Love.

