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History of the World (part two)

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  • #91
    <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
    </font><font size=1>Originally posted by drake on 05-07-2001 09:35 AM</font>
    The Axis has been completed and with it, a new dominant alliance in the world has been formed. Composed of the glorious Zulu, Mali and Chinese nations, the Axis is un-rivaled both diplomatically and militarily.
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited May 07, 2001).]</font>
    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

    Very diplomatically put, Sir Francis Shakeem


    *deity of THE DEITIANS*
    aka: half-assed dieticians
    icq# 8388924


    • #92
      Are you mocking Shakeem Consul? Such insolence cannot be tolerated!!!!!!
      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


      • #93
        *Shareef coughs*

        Lets just say Mali handles the diplomacy in the alliance ;-)


        • #94
          Office of the Foreign Minister
          Unified Adriatic Republics
          Adriatic League
          Honorable Antonin Rossi

          TO: All Foreign Attaches, Ministers, Consuls
          FROM: Honorable Antonin Rossi

          Let it be known within your various embassies and offices of foreign ministry that the former Unified Adriatic Kingdoms, known collectively as the Adriatic League has been replaced with a Parliamentary system of government which shall be officially known as the Unified Adriatic Republics, or the Adriatic League.

          Any and all treaties signed by an officer of the Royal Habsubrg or Medici families in the name of the Adriatic League shall be honored by the Adriatic League but we kindly ask that you grant audience to an Adriatic ambassador to remove any issues that may be apparent within the wording of these treaties.

          Further we request that an official from the Mali, who was chair at the Prometheus City Accords please issue a statement as well as an officialized copy of the Prometheus City Accords for international reference. Our copy had been destroyed by the chaos that ensued the meetings.

          Further the Adriatic Foreign Ministry kindly asks for an audience with each alliance (Pacific Pact and Axis Alliance) in order to establish new relations with these nations. The Adriatic Kingdoms are not the same body as the Adriatic Republics, therefore we feel that it behooves us, as well as yourselves, to establish new lines of communication.

          For the present time being that will suffice, the Foreign Minister Antonin Rossi shall hear any and all audiences.

          A. Rossi

          This document signed into official effect in the name of the Adriatic Parliament and its Consul, Napoleon Bonaparte.
          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

          One Love.


          • #95
            Ok all, the stats from last week have all been updated on the site. Several of the countries have been updated as well.......

            Lets get a good week off again this week and keep the spirits high.
            I see the world through bloodshot eyes
            Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


            • #96
              Hey everyone what time are we playing again? 8pm EST? well my friends dad who's been so kind to me over the years hooking me up with a job and such has a major sports site about the local sports and i just got a digital camera and he wants me to go up to the sports complex and take pictures of the Boys Club baseball games going on there tomorrow starting at 6pm CST. So......i hate to say no so what time are we playing?


              • #97
                Alright, Sun here is what we are going to do.

                You aren't playing this week, that job seems like it may turn into something fun that you might like to do. Any good reporter (I know you aren't reporting but whateva) knows that an hour to two hours worth of photographs is pointless. If it starts at 6 CST, then that is 7 EST which is when we want everyone to be online to play. So you obviously can't make it. Don't sweat it alright, all I can say is I only wish you would have told us much earlier than this but hey **** happens.

                In the meantime I am going to need you to contact me via ICQ (even if I am not online send me a message) as to whom you would like to sub for you tonight, if you don't I will hand pick a sub for you (he/she'll be good, I know some decent players).

                I was going to make my weekly "Wednesday Address and Roll Call" but this took away that time, I gotta go take a ConLaw test. So I'll be around later, maybe around sixish, who knows. I believe that's 8 am in Aussie time... There ya go Ian! (Yes I know your name... I know all... I see all... in the ICQ profile window...)
                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • #98
                  <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                  <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                  </font>There ya go Ian! (Yes I know your name... I know all... I see all... in the ICQ profile window...)
                  <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                  Yeah deitys picture in his profile is pretty cute
                  Bet the Dingos and Kangaroos love him *wink wink*
                  I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                  Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                  • #99
                    Alright, my exam was pushed back a bit, so here goes nothing...

                    The Great War has ended, the Adriatic League defeated and a new world order established! What will come of the contraversial Prometheus City Accords? A line has been cleary drawn in the sand, the Axis and Pacific Pact stand eye to eye, toe to toe, who will wrest control of the world? What will come of Israel and its new status as "Rogue State"? Who will the new Adriatic Republic side with? Why does Sun always have issues arise at the most precarious of times?

                    All of these questions and more shall be answered tonight, when the History of the World game of Diplomatic chance and intrigue, continues to run roughsod over the Civilization (II MGE) community!

                    No official roster is available at this time since Sun decided to go photograph the balls and sticks of sweaty young men.

                    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited May 10, 2001).]</font>
                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                      <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                      </font>No official roster is available at this time since Sun decided to go photograph the balls and sticks of sweaty young men.
                      <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                      They have cameras in Arkansas? I thought they still had to do sketches of community thing you're going to tell me is that they have running water and don't fornicate with their relatives!
                      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited May 10, 2001).]</font>
                      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                      • Capo no man! i'm only gonna be 30minutes late at the max!
                        I wanna play and will be only 30minutes late at the max


                        • 840AD

                          Adriatics Turned Back!!-
                          The Adriatic League has been turned back! Consul Easthaven X has fulfilled his promise. The Consul placed a close friend of his in charge of Mongol forces in Asia, General Vladimir Puchek, when the Adriatic League invaded the Mongolian nation. The AL had an army of crusaders ready to take the city of Kabul, they were about 4 miles from the city itself, that is how close they really got. But the General was not about to let the city fall to AL hands. He gathered as many troops as he could muster, he wanted to attack them before they reached Kabul. Then he sent the attack and it was a complete success! No AL troops survived the attack, only the ones who joined the Mongol army. A couple of AL troops deserted the AL army and joined the Mongolian army in the attack. “Our mongolian soldiers had a cause to fight for, they were not about to let any AL troops murder our comrades and then get away with it”, said Consul Easthaven X.
                          In the meantime, Venice was under attack by AL forces. The citizens were on full alert. Colonel Vanovich was the commanding officer of the garrison in the city of Venice. He sent a recon team out to collect information on AL positions, they reported that there was a fort not more than 6 miles away from the city and that they seemed to be preparing for a major offensive on the city. The colonel had to make a decision. He decided to try and take the fortress, knowing that the AL troops there would not expect such a thing. The colonel also knew that if they let those AL troops attack the city, he would probably lose the city. The attack was carried out and again, mission successful. Desperate Adriatics scattered everywhere trying to defend themselves from the attacking Mongols. But it was hopeless, they could not hold off the attack and the fort fell into Mongol hands. The Mongols were met with low casualties, and the AL lost nearly all their troops. The Colonel let 10 AL survivors from the battle return to their nation. So that they could report the defeat. The Colonel was surprised to see such a success, They were clearly outnumbered yet they prevailed over the AL. “We were caught off guard from the invasion but a Mongol soldier always rises to the occasion to defend their homecountry” said General Puchek after hearing of the victory.

                          Isreal Joins the Pacific Pact
                          The country of Isreal, after being bullied by their former ally the AL, has dissolved their alliance with the AL and joined the Pacific Pact in fighting the AL. SunTzu, their leader, is a great tactician and had great ideas for offenses against the AL.

                          The Australian Offensive of Panama
                          Australian forces in Panama and the Caribbeans have done a great operation. The Australian colonies came together in defending Australian interests. They took over Panama and invaded southern Mexico. They held on to Cuba as well. Consul Paul Keating has done a great job in the war, he showed great leadership and strategy.

                          The World Summitt
                          All countries of the world have met in Prometheus City to discuss peace, the Mali leader seemed to have took charge in the discussion. After days of arguing, we all finally came to an understanding, and peace. The aggressor of the war, the AL, has surrendered. Borders were discussed and peace agreements as well. The Great War has finally come to an end. Mongolia did not fall, nor did her allies. All is well.


                          • 1020 A.D.

                            CHINESE # 3 IN CITIES
                            Beijing- The once small and backwards Chinese Empire is no longer so small. Boasting 37 cities the Chinese empire has more cities than all but two other nations; the Mali hold 38 and the Australians hold 43.
                            However while holding more cities than the majority of the Nations of the world the Chinese Empire is only the 5th in land area and is last in Population, just breaking the million mark in the last few decades. Also 5th in the number of troops the Chinese Empire is not as great as the Australian or Mali Democracy. But it has been a long and rocky road this far but the Chinese Emperor, Prometheus, says “When we started out everyone was larger in troops, cities, basically everything…the smallest nation on Earth besides us was Israel, they had 13 cities to our two. But through your perseverance and our friends we are now almost equal to them in strength. So while the road to glory will be start to become easier we must maintain eternal vigilance but upgrading our defense, expanding the army and finishing our infrastructure.”

                            AMERICAN ROAD SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION
                            Chinese Glory- With the Siberian road construction starting its final few stretches to connect the Asian cities together, the American Road system began its started its massive task of combining the cities of America together. The first part of this project will be the Pacific Highway that will connect Capau to Baja; already two parts of the road have been completed.

                            CHINESE MONARCHY REMAINS
                            Beijing- After looking at the countries situation and plotting future development Emperor Prometheus has decided that China will not join the rest of the countries of the world in Democracy. In the last few years every single country of the world had turned to a Democracy. When asked why China would not be leaping forward with the rest of the world. The Minister of the Interior said that the Chinese Empire could not take the production cuts needed and remain on a development path that would be best for the future of the Chinese Empire.

                            INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS

                            The foreign spectrum has seemed rather silent in the past few years. After the last major war it seems that the two major alliances just want to sit peacefully in their democracies. With governments run by civilians it seems that there is no room for war in the foreign spectrum and while the Chinese Government has not changed it has always been one for peace. Will this new era peace reign forever? It is unlikely that it will last forever but it looks like it will reign for a very long time.

                            Intelligence reports that both the Israelites and the Adriatic’s have disarmed their countries, a surprising turn of events considering they were at each other throats not long ago and at the moment each seems incapable and unwilling to even consider an offensive. The Zulus who hold the largest army in the world has never even moved toward war with anyone and the Australians whom have the second largest army in the world has an Empire that ranges from Asia to South America so it is no wonder they need the troops to protect there claims in three theaters. Both the Mongols and the Mali have average forces that must stay at home to protect their paranoid citizens who revolt if they leave.

                            Democracy has had a strange effect on the world as some countries disband their armies and others just leave them at home. It also effects foreign deals the only two deals the Chinese made in these last few years was the buying of Hawaii from the Adriatic Republic to the Chinese Empire for the knowledge of Democracy and a little money and the Koutiala treaty which pulled our forces off the Adriatic’s boarder in America.

                            First came the Koutiala treaty with the Adriatic Republic, this treaty was aimed more at improving relations with the Adriatic Republic than really protecting our troops on the border, as any independent observer will tell you. Considering the only troops on the border belonged to the Chinese Empire our troops did not have to worry about being threatened. But when the Mali, the Chinese and the Adriatic’s sat down in Koutiala they signed into effect a demonetized zone along the border.

                            Even back in the days of the Koutiala treaty the AL was looking for a way to get its hands on Democracy, to which our diplomats made an inquire about the purchase of the Island of Hawaii from the AL, hoping that if a good enough deal was made Democracy could be acquired from our allies. The AL asked for an undisclosed amount of money and Democracy for the Island. Conferring with our allies the Government went through with the deal and a strategic Island in the middle of our Empire was acquired. Also the people of the Chinese Empire seem to have cooled there heads with the new rulers of the Adriatic Republic and now Democracy and relations with them has become better than it has in the last few centuries.

                            Democracy has changed world politics and the biggest concern the foreign department has to deal with now is to which country the next caravan goes.


                            • <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                              <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                              </font><font size=1>Originally posted by drake on 05-07-2001 09:35 AM</font>


                              The Zulus have been plateauing for quite some time now, but look out world, the Zulu Nation will be turing a very big corner very soon!

                              <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited May 07, 2001).]</font>
                              <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                              How big's the corner Shakeem? LOL!

                              I'm a looking out....


                              AND Capo, I DON'T LOOK LIKE Kurt Russell ON CRACK!! Grrrrrr
                              Damn icq pics.

                              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                              aka: half-assed dieticians
                              icq# 8388924


                              • Stories in this weeks Tanzania Times:

                                Trading Superpowers, The rise of Democracy and the fall of Shakeem, Anarchy in the ZN!

                                Trading Superpowers
                                The caravans are out in abundance and the export business in the Zulu Nation is un-rivaled by any nation. Large quantities of money have been made with trade and the amount of knowledge that our merchants send back to the Zulu Nation has increased our astounding science rate as well. This is a trend not soon to end. The Zulus will continue their exporting business as usual and open our hands to any nation that wishes to import.

                                The rise of Democracy and the fall of Shakeem
                                Shakeem was always a good man, but he wasn't too keen on what his people truly wanted. Though he built for them wonders to appease them, this was never what they had in mind for their country. They wanted more say in what their country did, more control. Shakeem knew he basically had no choice, as the peoples power had grown to un-stoppable amounts and so he agreed to give Democracy a chance. Though the government was changing, Shakeem was not. He still had loyalty with the higher ups and seemed un-willing to release his hold on the Zulu Nation. When the first "elections" took place to select the countries first president, Shakeem made sure that there were enough votes so that he would retain control. This would be his last mistake and decision as ruler of the Zulus. The majority of citizens had voted for General Molefi Keti, for he was a strong and powerful leader that had great relations and appeal to the common, blue collar working man. When they found that the election had been fixed, and outrage was heard across the Nation, Keti knew he must put his foot down then, or forever hold his peace. With the support of his loyal army and the mob, Keti stormed the capital and captured Shakeem and his loyalists. Some rumors say that Shakeem was sent to Tanzania to work in the diamond mines and others say that he was executed on the spot. The reign of Shakeem has ended.................with this coup d'état, a new age in the Zulu history was ushered in..........a chaotic and dark age................

                                Anarchy in the ZN!
                                Though the majority of citizens in the Zulu Nation supported Molefi Keti, several cities, particularly in South America, have shunned the General as their new leader. Fights between loyal followers of Shakeem, and the followers of Keti have broken out all across the Nation. Hundreds have died and the productivity of the Nation has suffered terribly. But the light at the end of the tunnel is in site. Slowly but surely, the General is winning over the people, personally making speeches in all cities across the Zulu Nation to explain his position on several worldy issues. The loyalists are starting to see the errs of their thinking and many have gotten behind the general. Keti has promised the country that he will keep them strong and build a military that can never be shattered. He has promised to bring new technologies to the people to help them even more. He has even gone so far as to say that the Zulu Nation WILL be turning a corner and will see an explosion of strength and productivity. Keti will bring the Zulus the glory that Shakeem never could........the people have almost been settled and the period of anarchy is soon to end........

                                Life on the road with Rashi Kali, Border Guard

                                So far, the Europeans, Aussies, Mongols and Israelis have been good children and behaved. They have abided by the proposal set forth by the honorable Shareef of the Mali, un-disputed leader of the Axis. The word of the Axis is apparently law, as no opposition has yet to be encountered. It is amazing how much more respect I get now that my Nation has joined this great Alliance! The people I meet on my journey are more polite and courteous and the men bow to me. The ladies, especially the Mongol ladies, in Northern Russia are especially fond of me and they greet me like I was a Deity when I enter one of their villages. Though I am a strong man, I cannot always resist temptation, and I have fathered several children. One in a village on the outskirts of Orsoni and the other in a remote Mongol village. It is nice being a celebrity and being part of the most magnificent Alliance in the world. It's also great knowing that I can do whatever I please and not be touched. Tonight I shall head south, to the Asian located Australian cities. I have heard the Australian women are quite a fine tasting wine and I wish to have a drink from their cup......
                                <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited May 11, 2001).]</font>
                                I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                                Streets filled with blood from distant lies.

