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History of the World (part two)

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  • #16
    I propose a 5 minute time limit, period, no questions asked. If you cant move your units in 5 minutes, oh well. Look, we have to keep the game moving. I know this will undoubtly mean sometimes not doing half the things you want to do, but everyone will be in the same boat, and hell maybe we will grow to love it, but everyone can agree we need to speed things up.

    Further, next time, we need to ethier start earlier or go longer.

    We had a good session last week, but we got 5 damned turns done this week. Thats pathetic. We need to keep things going.


    • #17
      I agree.....but I think 5 minutes is too much still at this point. Besides, 5 minute turns for three hours only = 5 or 6 full turns anyway!

      How about 4 minutes? By planning moves in the down time, there should be no hesitation of movements. Diplomacy should be conducted in down time if at all possible.....we've seen a lot of talking by people in the middle of rounds and it's slowing things terribly.

      Good week.....lots of interesting developments popping up.....
      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


      • #18
        Well, having been carpeted in other games for being slow (LAG) it's pleasing that in this turn-based game I'm pretty quick. The units move quicker cos the host is only dealing with my units. So, at this stage of the game I think 5 minutes, no less, is a good idea.

        All that negotiating going on when deciding to sink my tri was a bit absurd
        In fact sinking my tri was very absurd..... LOL

        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
        aka: half-assed dieticians
        icq# 8388924


        • #19
          I agree, 5 minutes, and keep it.


          • #20
            Deity you know sinking your Trireme was not absurd...

            You provoked that war son, aint no turnin back!

            We can debate it if you want though.

            I agree with five minute limits.
            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

            One Love.


            • #21
              Medici Royal Palace, Venice...

              The two men were awestruck, they had seen this place before but centuries had passed and many changes had been made. They stood at the massive oak dorway, with two Winged Lions carved into each side. The hall was filled with marble columns, trimmed in gold. Lush aqua blue carpeting, gorgeous plants from the Caribbean, wooden furniture from Egypt, statues made of Mali gold. Over the doorways was a large golden laurel with the letter "M" in the middle, swords of all types hung from the walls; Mongolian, Zulu, Venetian, Mali, all types of them. It was quite a sight for these men. They had spent the past few years living in the harsh Russian forests, foraging for food, hardly surviving the biting winters. They had been freedom fighters there, but the world had paid them little attention. They were the soldiers of the Europa movement, centuries old and just as long despised by the Monarchy.

              "This is a mistake, we should never have come." Said Giuseppe Garibaldi, he was growing old, but had not quite fulled ripened yet. He had served for years under various Adriatic Kings, his last was Lorenzo D'Medici. Father of the current king.
              "Would it pain you so to keep your mouth shut for at least a second Giuseppe?" questioned his ally Napoleon Bonaparte, former Corporal under Lorenzo "This is important, we have no idea what he could say to us today, perhaps he wants to abdicate to the Europa Senate?"
              "Europa Senate? Pah! You mean that shack out in Khazakstan, that thing? Bonaparte, don't be so naieve. This is clearly an ambush!" said Garibaldi as he unsheathed his sword "I shall die prepared!"
              "Giuseppe, our men are right behind us, our guards. They are the best in Europe, nay the world!" Napoleon boasted as he patted one of the soldiers on the shoulder. They were poorly dressed, but clearly in uniforms. They were blue with white and gold trim, 12 stars encircled within a shield with the letters "EP" within it.
              "Aye, but even ten of the world's finest could never defeat the entire Adriatic army, they won't stop until we are aprehended, or dead. Bonaparte, I plead with you, we sould leave as soon as is possible-" He was interrupted by the giant wood doors, which were opening. A slender man emerged, he looked Sicilian, he was dressed in a black robe, he had a small mustache and short cropped hair.
              "Corporal, General, I presume? Please, enter." He beckoned the two soldiers into the room, they looked at eachother and reluctantly made their way through the doors. Giuseppe made one last look at his guards and nodded, the message was clear...

              "Please, have a seat I shall summon his Majesty..." said the Page as he walked towards a small door in the corner, he opened it and took a peak. He then quickly shut the door and said "Well, um, his Majesty shall be with you in a few minutes, please sit down, sit down!" He motioned for them to sit in the couch accross the room, they slowly made their way towards it and had a seat.
              The King's chambers had been improved since both men had last seen them. The furniature was replaced with foreign goods, the carpeting from Israel. Two tapestries hung, both with a winged lion symbolizing their country. One of the lions had a sword, the other a book. A large Medici Coat of Arms hung above the throne, with silk crutains flowing down to the floor and spreading out accross it, a large red carpet encircled the area. It had gold trim. The throne itself was large with the head of a lion on the top of it, wings spread from the lions head, its paws served as the arm-rest. The windows were open, and the Venetian skyline could be seen from them, the large statue of Carlo D'Medici could also be seen, the sun turning it into a sillouete.

              Just then the door opened and a young girl began walking out, she was smiling with hear face towards the ground. Her hair was disheveled, she held some clothing under her arm, she seemed sweaty. The two men looked at eachother and shook their heads, the Page got up and entered the small door on the other side of the room.
              "This is ridiculous Napoleon look where we are!" said Garibaldi.
              "Sssh, we will never get anywhere complaining, listen he has invited us here. We can't possibly ignore the King of the Adriatic League, no matter how much we despise him. We shall hear him out, no doubt this is about the war with Australia, perhaps maybe something else. Maybe he wants to abdicate to us!" Napoleon said smiling.
              "You are quite a brash man Bonaparte, one could never say otherwise. Do you think a Medici would give away the crown? A Medici!?" Just then the door opened, and the King entered.
              Cosimo D'Medici was a short man, somewhat stocky. He didn't have the look of a King, but of a merchant. A fat merchant. His cheaks were round, his eyes were soft and blue. He wore a thick beard, his hair was thin and beginning to recede. He was wearing a white robe, and seemed somewhat distraught. He slowly made his way towards the throne and sat down, after a minute or two he began to speak...
              "The finest whores in Venice couldn't ease my sorrow gentlemen!" he said with a smile, Napoleon and Giuseppe did not change their stern expression, the King scratched his chin. "I am not here to joke with you gentlemen, I am in a terrible position. Do not let this smile fool you."
              "Why have you called us here King?" asked Napoleon.
              "Were you always so blunt Corpoal Bonaparte?" asked the King.
              "Ask your father Cosimo." Napoleon replied.
              "My father, yes. He gave away our crown to the Habsburgs, he was weak Bonaparte. He was a weak man!" yelled Cosimo.
              "I am sorry to hear such things King, however, me and Corporal Bonaparte are quite busy as you probably understand. We really would like to know what your issue is with us?" said Giuseppe.
              "Well General, as you may already know we are now at war with Australia. They sailed a ship into the Meditteranean and refused an escort as per the FAWT treaty. We were forced to sink their ship or void the treaty. Therefore we took the precautions and we are now at war. The Mali, they have also joined the war." said the King.
              "The Mali? Well King Medici, what of your allies the Israelites?" asked Garibaldi.
              "We do not want to drag them into this, it would be at great expense for Israel to assault Australia, completely impossible." said the King.
              "Oh but it has been of no expense to us King? Please do not take us for fools, we are soldiers." Retorted Napoleon.
              "Aye, we have lost many things in this war. Cuba, among other things" said the King reluctantly "Many men have deserted us to join the Australian navy, it is quite sad. Those ships were rather expensive, actually you can blame yourselves for that. You have spread your Republican propoganda throughout the Caribbean, it has caught on with the men there. They would rather join the Australian Republic than remain subjects to the King!" yelled Cosimo.
              "With all due respect King Medici" said Garibaldi "This is your fault, if not for you there would be no deserters, the Republic would be strong. There would most likely be no war!"
              "Regardless General, I am not here to discuss what ifs, or what could have been. Truth be told, we are now at war with Australia and they are currently winning." said the King.
              "But I was under the impression that we had yet to lose a battle, not a single drop of blood was spilled in Santiago!" said Napoleon.
              "That is true, but they have seized Cuba regardless. The people gave no resistance to the Australians. They have seized our ships as well, the people went willingly. God damn them, God damn their republic!" said the King as he slammed his fist upon his throne.
              "But sire, this is a sign that the people wish for a Republic, surely if you call for one the people of Cuba will willingly overthrow the vile Australians in exchange for their own Republic!" said Bonaparte.
              "Well Corporal, that is not what I have come here to discuss with you. You see, at this point in time the politics of the Adriatic League have gone from words to actions. I fear that my life is in danger, I fear that there will be more deaths. Charles of Habsburg was assassinated in Orenburg, brutally-" the King was interrupted.
              "By a Mongolian, I know." said Garibaldi.
              "No, it wasn't a Mongolian. That was a cover. It was the Duke of Orsoni, he was a Habsburg. Charles was not worthy to them, he was unfit to rule, he did not wish to keep the crown in the bloodline. He was going to marry Isabella of Spain." explained the King.
              "You can't be serious King!" said Napoleon.
              "Its true, however they couldn't find a new heir. Phillip was the only one and at the time he was a small child. The House of Regents quickly made me King, they knew of the Habsburgs' plans." he said.
              "My God, this is insanity." said Garibaldi.
              "Tis, tis, this war was the work of the Habsburgs. I do not want war, I want peace, I didn't want to lose Cuba. I didn't want to kill those Australians. But they are the Generals, they are the Regents. They have the local power, they can get things done quickly and legally before I even hear about it. This war, they will lose it for me. They will lose all of our colonies so they can return to power. Those blasted, vile Habsburgs!" the King said angrily.
              "No offense King, but how do we factor into this equation, we do not accept any King, whether they are Habsburg, Medici or otherwise." explained Napoleon.
              "I understand that. But I need some military men, some that are not Habsburgs, some with your experience I ne-" the King again was interrupted by Garibaldi.
              "No, not a chance! We can not serve as his commanders Napoleon, this is ludicrous. The King fears he will be in a civil war, he fears he will die, he fears he will lose to Australia!? Pah! What kind of King are you? You are pathetic. Bonaparte, can't you see, the time is ripe for Europa, if the King is afraid, we have nothing to fear!" Garibaldi arose from his chair and began to pace.
              "I apologize King Medici, he is quite proud of this movement. In what capacity would we command?" Napoleon asked.
              "Full, you will command anything you want, call upon anything you want. Bonaparte and Garibaldi, the best Italian generals." said the King.
              "Corsican." said Napoleon.
              "I am actually from Switzerland, Medici" said Garibaldi.
              "Pah! You know what I meant! You serve as my commanders, I shall discuss the sharing of powers after the war. We must win however, I can not accept defeat here." said the King as he arose from his throne.
              "I understand, but what of sabatoge? Surely if the Habsburgs wish for your death they will have no problem killing us?" asked Napoleon.
              "Yes I understand, but if you command the people's respect like you claim to, they will have a hard time finding an assassin, no?" asked the King.
              "King Medici, with all due respect, I believe gold commands the people's respect more than I or more than Garibaldi." Napoleon said with a smile "But I was never a man to run from death, so that will not be considered, we shall consider your offer, however we can not agree to it at this time. I shall send a messenger on the morrow to tell you our decision." Bonaparte said as he stood up...

              A half hour had passed since Cosimo had finished speaking with the Republican leaders. Had he made a mistake bringing them here? Had anyone seen them? Will the people, will the Habsburgs find out? The Page entered again... "How were the rebel rabble sire?" he asked.
              "Much more sophisticated than I would have imagined... however, that isn't to say they were gentlemen by any stretch." said the King as he took the goblet of wine from the page and drank it.
              "Leopold and Phillip shall be here within the next ten minutes my lord. They have news from Africa, Leopold has spoken with Shakeem. They wish to discuss the matters at hand." said the Page.
              "Very well, tell the cook to prepare dinner, will they bring their wives?" asked the King.
              "I am not sure my lord, I shall inquire." the doors quickly flung open, Phillip and Leopold stood there in full body armor, with two guards each. Leopold carried a few scrolls under his arm.
              "Ahhh, Lord Cosimo, it has been a very long time!" said Leopold with a smile.
              "Yes it has, you were barely a man when last I saw you. I have heard a lot about your worldy travels you must treat me with your anecdotes one day!" said the King with a smile "Here have some wine" he said as he motioned towards the bottle.
              "No disrespect my lord, but we have issues to discuss that require our utmost attention." said Phillip.
              "Phillip, we have traveled far from Bosporus, it wouldn't hurt to have a spot of wine!" argued Leopold.
              "It shall ruin our judgement, these are harsh times." said Phillip.
              "Who are you Phillip? My maid? Come now! I am a big man, I can take a spot of wine. Perhaps it shall do you good, you seem quite tense!" said Leopold with a smile. Both Phillip and Cosimo despised Leopold. He was a handsome man, and a renowned sword fighter. He had yet to marry since he was simply an ambassador, and entertained everyone (women mostly) with his tales of far off lands, and his romantic as well as adventurous escapades. He was always showing off, and was quite astute and intelligent. He had a quick wit and was always trusted by everyone, nobody seemed to hold him in contempt.
              "Perhaps you should obey your uncle Leopold." said Cosimo.
              "Very well," Leopold said, and gulped down the cup "no more wine."
              "Now we may get down to the issues?" said Phillip spreading the scrolls out on the table "Here is a map of Nuova Italia (Adriatic New World Colonies), the Australians moved into Santiago with a garrison of armored horsemen, somewhat like our Royal Knights. They have also been intercepting our ships above Colombia and Venezuela. Here." said Phillip pointing at the map.
              "Well, I am sure we are all aware of these things." said Cosimo "Now what?"
              "That is the question entirely eh?" asked Leopold.
              "Well, what do our forces look like in the area, Mexico and Panama specifically?" asked the King.
              "At this point, they are nearly non-existant, but forces can be mustered quite quickly." responded Phillip.
              "That is good, I suppose we could pull some troops from the Mongolian border, that is our highest concentration. I am sure we don't need it, I shall schedule a meeting with the Mongolians to address it." said the King.
              "Cosimo, they are the Austrlians' allies!" said Leopold "They'll know why you want the border to be demilitarized, they aren't stupid, they'll tell Australia. Do it secretly."
              "Wouldn't they notice Leopold?" asked Phillip.
              "Very well, if you want to committ a great deal of our army to a border that has been peaceful for more than four thousand years, and continue to do so then you gentlemen may. However, I must say, we have a war to fight and an island to retake." said Leopold quite sternly.
              "Well, what about you Leopold, what message do you have from the Zulu?" asked King Medici.
              "Sire, they have found through their ambassadors that the Australians had lied about the cargo on their ship. They intentions were possibly different then what they had indicated to us initially. Which is probably why they would not let us escort the ship out, we would have found out that they were lying." said Leopold.
              "I have heard that, the Zulu sent us a letter about it. Regardless, we can't force an end to the war Leopold. Who would enforce it? The only way to get this over with is a cease fire, a comprimise, or something. We must get Cuba back before this is over regardless." said the King.
              "We shouldn't end the war my lord, why do you want to end the war?" asked Phillip.
              "Its obvious Phillip, we are losing men, and property over something so stupid!" said Leopold.
              "Stupid? Australia is the only stupid thing about this war, they wanted this war Leopold, we shall finish it for them!" he yelled.
              "Please, we should not get vehement over this. War is the game of a thinking man." said King Cosimo.
              "A thinking man? Pah! We will simply overwhelm them, they won't know what hit them!" said Phillip.
              "Well, I believe a meal should be prepared soon, we should retire to the kitchen and discuss these matters at a later time...." said the King...

              (to be continued)

              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

              One Love.


              • #22
                Sky Palace of Gideon

                "Here is the daily paper sire"
                "Thank you Raku"
                Yesterday an Austrialian merchant ship was sunk by the Adriatic League Navy after being spotted off the coast of Sicily. War has been declared between the Adriatic League and the Austrailian Empire. The Mali Empire has made it clear that they will not be involved in the war.
                King SunTzu III has called the sinking a bad showing of the Adriatic League Leader and will not get involved in the war.

                On the Eastern Front, Mongolian forces continue to enter the radius of border towns of Israel. No clashes have been reported but the threat of Mongolian invasion might make conflict.

                Relations are strained when the Zulu's blocked the Gulf of Aden blocking the Suez Canal. The Mediterranian Alliance have condemed the blocking of international waters.

                "Raku! Get General Hyluk in here now with his staff! I'm beginning to smell blood in the air"


                • #23
                  Just wnated to inform you guys , this is probably the best game thread for ages and your website is wonderful....

                  Keep up the good work .. pity my work commitments no longer allow me enough free time to enjoy a good game
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • #24
                    Thanks Rasputin, we would appreciate any and all feedback you or anyone else could give us, Drake has been working hard on the site and we've been struggling to keep this game free of issues...

                    Speaking of which we have finally found our Mongolian player. Easthaven has said that he will now be able to make every session on time with no problems, and if anything were to arise he'd let us know beforehand. So Easthaven is now the leader of the Mongols.

                    Which means that this week's roster will be:
                    Sun Tzu

                    Alright on to some other quite minor issues. This was an important weekend, and nobody could send a post for the site, including me. So I think we should try and get that done between now and wednesday. Drake I'll try to get you my post for the site tonight, or maybe Tuesday afternoon depending on how my schedule pans out.

                    I think we can get back into the groove of the game this week. We want to have a solid session so I ask that everyone try to be online at 7:30 pm EST (A half hour earlier than our regular time), in order to get the game going a bit earlier. This game may not really be in need of it but we could really use a nice kick in the ass to get this thing going at full force. I also ask that we get a little more participation with Drake and the website. He works hard at the end of each session to update all of the statistics and things like that. So I think it'd be nice of all of us to at least put in a few paragraphs a week.

                    Other than that a major event went down at the last session, and depending on how things go the world may soon find itself at war. On the other hand peace may not be too far off either. So it'll be interesting to find out what's going on. BTW, Deity you may want to name that Trireme so it can serve a historic signifigance, its like the sinking of the Lusitania or something.

                    Alright clowns, I'm gettin lost, gotta go to class.

                    Depending on replies I'll probably shoot in with a little "Preview" of things to come for the "fans" PEACE!
                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • #25
                      This week's updates will probably get up either tonight or tommorow night.

                      As I said before, I'd like to add a population count to the cities page. This would simply require everyone just give me their population at the end of the session. Since we all basically know what the size of each empire is, I don't see the harm in it.

                      I got an email from CAPTVK, and he suggested more demographics being posted. I would be happy to do this as well, but it would require every civs representative sending me their demographics after the session. So I'll leave it up to the group. If you guys want to do it, you'll simply have to do a little extra work and record them. But I'm not going to do it if everyone doesnt do their part.

                      So it seems everyone approves of the 5 minute time limit? Great, lets get that started right away.

                      BTW, that is definetly the longest post I've ever seen Capo........
                      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                      • #26
                        (Excerpt from The History of the World, written by Tulia Yasser, of the Academy of Timbuktu)

                        ... For decades the World had been edging towards a general Republicanism. The lone holdouts were the great powers of the west, the Empires of Mali, Zulu, and the Adriatic League. But even then, the Zulu Nation had earlier experimented with Republicanism, and indeed kept many democratic institutions on a lower level. While the Adriatic League remained more true to the Monarchy, they too were faced with enormous popular pressure towards Republicanism.
                        Only the nation-state of Mali seemed secure in the divinity of its Rulers, and so the Nobility of the entire world looked to Mali as the last state to uphold the honored traditions of class right and birth.
                        The result was not only the fleeing of the old Asian nobility to Mali, many of whom would acquire fiefs in the New World, but also a close intermingling of Zulu and especially Adriatic nobility.
                        While Zulu Aristocracy was becoming more accustomed to the concept of liberalism and democracy due to their past history and the growing power of the Zulu parliament, the Adriatic League remained sharply divided between its Nobility and its Peasantry.
                        Seeing the dramatic toppling of the Asian Monarchies, and the subsequent souring of relations between the Republican East and the Monarchial West, had a dramatic impact upon the European Nobility. Further, the many centuries of relative stability had not increased or overturned the Nobility, resulting in abnormally close bloodlines. Those factors combined with the desire to ever expand their fiefdoms and a friendly Mali Monarchy (Ingania Line, established 159 A.D.) resulted in a slow but steadily increasing series of crossover marriages between Europe and Mali.

                        Within 400 years, with the Monarchy losing its battle against Republicanism, the Mali and European bloodlines had become dramatically intertwined, often having Nobles of great stature owing dual allegiance to both Crowns. The result was a natural brotherly bound that developed between the two Kingdoms, but however, was also along side-increased competition. However, as Republicanism began to gain serious ground in Europe during the conflict between the Republic of Australia and the Kingdoms of Mali and the Adriatic, many of the Nobility of Europe began to renounce or sell of their positions in Europe and settle in the more stable Nobility of Mali.

                        It was this movement of Europeans that would bring a vast shot of energy into the Mali Empire, as many of Europe’s most learned and talented were of the Noble class. This included such honored families of Copernicus de Cracow, from whose line Nicolas Copernicus would from, and the famed Merchant family of Magellan la Traz os Montes.

                        But these European Nobles would never lose their love to their original ancestral lands, and indeed this would be an underlying current that would affect world events forever.


                        • #27
                          Well damn it seems I missed a very interesting session, someone is going to have to fill me in. Anyway five minutes is fine with me since it has already been decided anyway.

                          And once again thanks for subbing for me last week Hydey.


                          • #28
                            Alright you mudder fuggers (hello Ming!) another wednesday has come and thus has another eve of our weekly History of the World session!

                            Last week the world was astonished when the contraversial FAWT (Free Atlantic Waters Treaty) was challenged by the fiesty Australians, the events that transpired lead to a Mali/Adriatic-Australian war. Will peace be achieved or will tempers flare? Will the Chinese and Mongols intervene on behalf of Australia? Will Israel intervene on behalf of the Adriatic League? Will the Zulu just plain intervene? What will Mongolia's new leader Easthaven X make of this? Why do I do this crap all the time?

                            The answers to these questions and more will crop up and ***** slap you in the face tonight, when the History of the World continues!

                            This past week our site had no updates due to the Easter holiday, but if you've been slackin on your news lately check out to find out what's going on with these crazy cats... go ahead and look now... I'll be here when you get back... seriously... go...

                            Alright well tonight we have a slightly changed roster, we have...

                            Deity "the Fancy" of the Australians.

                            SunTzu "Nami" of the Israelies.

                            "Big" Chris of the Mali.

                            "Sir Francis" Drake (there you go Diety) of the nation of Zulu troublemakers as well as those who generally obey the iron law of his majesty Shakeem.

                            Pro- "he's back" - metheus of the Cha Cha Chinese.

                            Easthaven "the 'X' rated" of the big sweaty Mongoloids.

                            And finally the "honey its not what you think, put that gun down" Capo of the Fightin' Adriatics.

                            So all of you clowns that are not on this list will have to wait until Friday morning (if yer lucky) to find out what went down, but as for the Magnificent Seven, we' gonna gets it on ta',marrah!


                            EDIT: typos and other areas that were in need of upkeep.
                            <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited April 18, 2001).]</font>
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • #29
                              I'll add some demographics.

                              Hopefully everyone else can send their demographics and POSTS to Drake after each session...

                              Yeah, and hopefully I get laid by Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron.

                              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                              One Love.


                              • #30
                                Paul thumped the table... I'll have him on a plate.
                                Both of them.

                                He was furious!

                                deity can't do anything. Paul is headstrong and hell-bent on revenge. The FARTS had sunk his trireme in the Med Sea. On board was a diplomat heading for unexplored parts of the globe. They sunk it in cold blood just because they are fearful of what they can't control by treaties or arms.
                                Well arms they will get!!

                                Upon hearing of the tragic event the Aussie military, of which there was little, went into high gear and captured Cuba immediately. Mali and AL ships buffeted the Aussie colonies in South America but the only loss was that of a tech they stole, called Medicine.

                                He thumped the table so hard that the butterfly effect set off an earthquake in Bosporus, we believe, or so the story goes... but a great movement of enemy troops was believed to be occurring along the border with our ally, the Mongols. We warn our allies to be eternally vigilant with these aggressors - the Mali and the Adriatic League.

                                They proclaim peace and treaties and all kinds of bureaucracy to create a power structure in world affairs that will have them at the top - although such chains of authority usually unravel themselves as the pecking order shuffles around...

                                Paul, the leader of the peaceful and most industrious Aussies, has sworn vengeance. His anger is such that it is likely the whole economy will switch to war mode. The probable blocking of the Suez is his main point of concern. He will only recognise the Israeli controls over this canal.

                                The Panama is free for all world shipping to use now. Any Mali or AL ships attempting to further block the Panama will be destroyed, relentlessly.


                                Here are the Aussie Demogs:

                                Don't forget, if anyone opens up a save to check out where you were up to the AI plays all the unplayed turns up to yours. So the Demogs can significantly vary from when you were in waiting mode.

                                *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                                aka: half-assed dieticians
                                icq# 8388924

