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Tales from the Diplomatic Front II (in 3D-Dolby Stereo)

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  • #76
    Well said, Cap!!
    Now if we can all practice what we print!?

    Hopefully all our erstwhile "Rulers of the World" can be there an hour earlier as we tried last Sat.?

    If nothing else, it allows us to gather in a chat room & decide on World Communications Minister ("WCM") for implementing the suggestions above.
    If not, pls post or IQC a message. We WILL kickoff at exactly the regular time = 14:00 Eastern US time... with or w/out thee.

    Peace & Prosperity to all those who adhere to the doctrine of, "Vikings Rule!"
    "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


    • #77
      (the format seems popular so here it goes)


      In a massive show of force ruler Grau Geist returns from exile and is appointed ProConsul of the JTF immediately upon his return. Grau returned today after hearing that the Evil AI had deposed the Vice Chairman Icer in 840 AD. The Vice Chairman, who had been beheaded by the Evil AI, was left in charge by Chairman Grau in 500 AD and will be remembered for his faithful duty to the JTF. The Former Chairman Grau was pleased, upon his return, to find that the Chinese Espionage incident had been dealt with effectively by Vice Chairman Icer. His loss will be noted in the annals of history.


      The AI created Republic brought turmoil to the once great Communist Nation of the JTF. Upon his return, ProConsul Grau took centuries to deal with the new class structure created by the communist collapse. When asked about the new government structure Grau was quoted as saying "It Sucks and will be changed." Upon hearing of this news the ruling class began to rebel in many of the JTF outlaying cities. Consul Grau was forced to return the military to these cities in order to quell the discontent.


      The JTF in turmoil, Consul Grau had not the time to deal effectively with the planned hand over of the Chinese City. With the punishment for the Espionage incident long since expired, the Chinese took the initiative to retake their city, before Grau could react. Greatfully the hand over went off without a hitch and the JTF was compensated for the inconvenience caused by the Chinese jump start. Peace was made and prosperity was soon to follow for both nations

      Not for long though, With the Evil AI ousted from the JTF, he soon established a reign as the English High Priest. Soon after he instrumented his brother's take over of the Croatians when Vice President Icer, standing in for President SF, was called away on an important summit on Car Repairs. The English, once peaceful neighbors to the Japanese, were heard to be crying for a Jihad against their peaceful neighbors to the south. JTF border guards became alarmed as the massive English forces began to assemble on the always demilitarized English/Japanese border. ProConsul Grau, still jetlagged from his journey home was forced to deal with this potential threat.

      Yet This was not the only threat at hand. With the newly appointed brother of AI in the Croatian capital, things were beginning to heat up. A defensive unit was bribed in the northern fortress to a key JTF city in South America. Action had to be taken.
      Simultaneously, The evil AI upon hearing of his brother's clandestine approach began to move units into JTF territory. Luckily, the wise Consul Grau had a diplomat off the English coast in international waters, waiting for the immenant attack. Once the Croatians AI did their deed and the English AI followed with its own demand of money for a continued peace while masking their true colors with an apparent change to a similar Republic Government.

      Seizing the opportunity before all was lost the Master Spy Togo was sent in to the key English city of York and instrumented a revolt. At the same time a world away, the Japanese Home Forces, restrengthened after the Bribary incident, retook the lost fortress and proceeded to cut off the Croatian staging area by taking their southern city.

      Jumping the gun, The Croatian Brother AI, convincing his allies of his validity, called the Nations of the Sioux and Chinese to arms against the JTF. Though peace was finally reestablished with these nations, the JTF only managed to force a cease fire with the Croatians, and at the cost of a paper war with the Vikings. Unfortunately, the Vikings had managed to establish an alliance with the Russians, long time Allies of the JTF. The Russian Congress, with the absence of President Pastieman, forgot about the grand debt that the Russian President owed the JTF for all its help over the millenia. It proceeded to declare war on its once airtight Ally, the JTF.

      Gifted Territory in the British Isles became a staging area for the Russian aggression. In the world, only the Russian Congress refused peace or a cease fire. They continue to amass troops in attacks and planned attacks on JTF trading posts. The JTF can only hope that the wise President Pastieman will receive word of the treasonous behavior in his Congress and return to quell this rebellion agaist reason.


      It is learned that with recent victories the ProConsul Grau has deposed the Imperial Senate and gathered a Committee that has reistated the Socialist System for the JTF. Corruption is reported down 400%, Trade is Reported Up 400% as the JTF celebrates the contentment of its entire nation. Outlaying cities report rapid growth and restructurng following this important coup.


      The English, bound to a new monarchy under King AI conducted a sneak attack against JTF Home Forces outside the Capital city today. Chairman Grau, anticipating this break in the cease fire agreement has declared to the world the JTF intentions against the English Forces loyal to the evil KING AI. Coventry, a staging area for his attacks is underseige by JTF forces. The Chairman expects the forces loyal to the evil King AI will be routed soon, and is involved in talks to help implement the restoration of the true ruler CapTVK to the English Nation.


      The office of Chairman Grau reported today that the Croatian city, captured in order to force a cease fire between the Croatians and the JTF has been handed over to peackeeping forces of the CHINESE today in an unprecidented display of trust. The Chinese, allies of the Croatians has promised to manage the city until the Brother AI can be disposed of with the return of the President or Vice President of Croatia.


      Surveys have found that the JTF is rich in the commodity of Silver. It is becoming the leading export of the JTF. 3 times as many Silver Caravans have left port cities bound for foriegn markets than any other commodity. When Asked about the growing Silver Trade Chairman Grau remarked, "Work Harder, Work Faster!"

      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Grau Geist (edited July 17, 1999).]</font>


      • #78
        Early Edition: Viking Sentinel: 940-1200AD
        A most productive & FUN 250 years! Totally & completely free of sunspots, cluttered airways, & failed communications among this world's leaders!! Oh the JOY of hassle-free technology... praise be to the Gods of Stable & Fast Communications.

        To those Rulers that experienced the polar opposite, of hassles & delays as chronicled previously: this world is RIGHT again & relishes the thot of all our Great Leaders rejoining the most interesting & absorbing interaction of any world contest EVER!

        With much of the world ruled off & on by what seemed to be a VERY HOSTILE branch of the AI dynasty, the action & reactions during this tumultuous time period were reminiscent of the planet Earth's period during similar experiences of violent & rapid turnovers in governments & alliances.
        Known there as the Coming Out of the Darks Ages into The Renaissance period between the old world & the new enlightened ages.
        As the JTF has just reported & the Great Viking Dynasty, The de Milos, concur; "We are not out of the woods yet". But with return to Human reason, the aggressive House of AI will be brought under control everywhere it took control of civ's. Hopefully bringing an end to the rash sudden, mostly unprovoked border wars (of which we were also drawn into!) that swirled across our planet these centuries.

        Again, a most exciting & dynamic 2+ centuries of interaction amoung the nations of this world! Without interuption!!

        More details later about the Viking nations struggle as it continues to overcoming the difficulties of starting "downunder"!
        "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


        • #79
          Japanese Trade Federation Daily Post 1320AD


          The JTF Ministry of Defense reported today on just how close the English Nation came to destruction under the Evil King AI. Key informants reported that Japanese Home Forces were close to liberating King AI's stronghold and staging area for previous invasions into JTF land. On the other side of the Globe, after withstanding onslaughts from Russian Forces, Japanese Home Forces celebrated the return of Prime Minister Pastieman, who upon his return dismissed the parliament. Prime Minister Pastieman, when asked about the Parliament's behavior in his absence said "they deserve a good spanking"


          JTF is anticipating opening its first Stock Market in the Capital city in the up and coming months. Chairman Grau has refused to speculate on further opening of such markets because of the current wartime situation. The Silver Trade has greatly benefited and opened the market as the leading commodity.


          The JTF Trade Committee is investigating reports on the disruption of the JTF Silver trade. Though Viking markets strongly welcomed Silver from the mines of Peru, the Sioux Bureaucracy has refused entry of Silver into its markets. Citing overcrowding of its marketplace the Government levied a 75% tax on imported goods to its capital. Silk exporters in the Pacific were relieved that thier goods reached the Sioux capital city prior to this levied tax. The Silver market already suffering from this setback was dealt another blow, when the Croats attacked and destroyed another Silver caravan passing through its territory. Croat officials have refused to comment on this attack. The International Trade Organization is looking into these disruptions to world trade and is considering posting a warning to its members on the risk of trading with these nations.


          a decade after signing the break through cease fire agreement, the JTF was forced into war again with the Croat Republic. When asked to leave the city walls of Nagasaki the Croat Crusading General spit in the face of the Resident Home Forces Colonel, and exclaimed "Vile Pig Dog, we shall let you taste our steel in war!" China and the Sioux Nation promptly revoked their obligation to war with the JTF under Croat Alliance obligations. Foreign corespondents report a possible civil discontent growing inside the Croat nation over Brother AI's rule. The JTF Committee has expressed outright support of Brother AI's ousting and openly is calling for rebellion of the Croat people. When asked to comment, Committee Member Haikado said, "The vast Croat population will not stand for long behind an incompetant and warmongering leader... Actions will be taken to support opposition." When asked to comment further the Committee member refused to discuss specifics in the escalating war started by the Croats.


          Croat forces sunk a JTF Trading ship loaded with cargo, settlers and defensive forces today. "The loss of those units will set back the JTF effort" Chairman Grau reported. Families have been notified and citizens have flocked to Kyoto and have sieged the Chairman's residence calling for an escalation in reprisals against the Croat military for its henious actions. The Chairman's response, "We are attempting to reduce the capacity of Brother AI's forces so when President SF returns to restore Democracy the period of unrest will be quick and painless. However, Brother AI has a large number of supporters in the Croat population and his numbers are beginning to spread like wild fires." The Committee is reportedly burning the midnight oil searching for a solution to this conflict. "We are not police officers of the world," Committee member Juko said today, "We can not expect our Home Forces to sit idley by as they are attacked by rogue units, nay can we expect them to restore order to a foreign land. A decision must be made soon to pursue a campaign against Brother AI and his forces or continue to let young Japanese men die."


          The Foreign Ministry reported today that in order to help maintain the previous Cease Fire with Croatia, the JTF handed over the Captured Croat city in South America to their Allies the Chinese. When Hostilities broke out again anyway, Chairman Grau personally asked for the Chinese to relinquish control of the city. Upon their refusal stating Alliance obligations, Chairman Grau offered, "well at least it appears that with the Chinese as a buffer the southern territories will be safe from a lightning assault by the Croats." When asked if the Chinese neutrality should include warning the JTF of Croat attackers passing the buffer city, the Chairman's response "we expect the Chinese to show us curtesy in this matter, as they were invited into our land. Past transgressions aside, the Chinese will be expected to do their part against the warmongering Brother AI."

          <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Grau Geist (edited July 19, 1999).]</font>


          • #80
            After the revolution in the Sioux empire and the reform into a republic it was hoped that an age of prosperity and stability would follow, also that the empire would take it's rightfull place between the great powers of the world.
            The republic, untill now, has been a partial succes.
            Trade has grown substantially, new trade routes between the Sioux Republic and it's neighbours were esthablished, new roads were build and the capital Bangalore became one of the worlds biggest trade cities.
            The downside however is that a large part of the profit of that trade is used to buy luxeries, which often aren't produced in the empire, rather then investing it in productive purposes.
            But enough gold was made to build new marketplaces, temples, a new courthouse in Basra and a new Bank in Bangalore.
            The Republican goverment succeeded in building a strong and healthy economy, now it will use the profits to secure the future of the country by investing in new libraries and a new university in Bangalore.
            The modernisation of the military was also succesful, the Sioux can say with pride that each of their cities is defended with atleast one musketeer. The offensive capabilities remain low however.

            While the Republic was very succesful in stimulating trade (#2 in the world) it clearly lagged behind in increasing production in which it takes the 6th place.
            The population, altough it grew, is relative to the rest of the world, lower then ever taking a 7th place. Luckily it seems it will rise soon, having the fastest population growth of all.

            It's a rather mixed picture at the home front.
            At world stage contructive and friendly relations were build and as said before, new trade routes were esthablished and stability ruled.

            One worrying factor at international stage however is the Croatian empire, which has fallen prey on constant revolutions and contrarevolutions, after the democracy was replaced by a republic, the monarchists surprisingly captured power, which was fallowed by another republican revolt etc..
            To make it even worse, independent generals and governors provoced several wars with Japan after centuries of peace.

            It probably was a wise decision of the Sioux to avoid contact with them for a while, untill a stable goverment has been esthablished.

            The Sioux do not condemn Japan for taking preventive actions, such as creating buffer zones in Croatian territory, as long the territories are returned after stability returned in Croatia.
            DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


            • #81
              The New English Times: issue 3

              Relations with the JTF turned sour as the AI administrator tried to set his own agenda. Reinstating the monarchy was it's first task and it started to move military units towards to our close neighbour and eternal ally the Japanese. Perhaps it was planning to threaten the JTF into yielding territory our cancel the alliance, but the JTF chose too react to this agression. It still remains unclear what the administrator exactly was up to. The AI administrator was removed from office when our present leader CapTVK returned from leave. "It will take some time to put things in order so military rule may be necessary before we return to democracy..." mentioned CapTVK.

              Pressure keeps mounting as the Aztec expansion reaches the mediterrean and starts making demands on the English. Officials remain wary on what to do as the dreaded 'sandwich' scenario predicted by military advisors comes true. Pressed between the Aztec up north and our Japanese allies in the south there remains little room for manoeuvre. England isn't the only one with trouble with the Aztec's. Aztec agression and expansion in S.America has started to worry the JTF too.

              After intense diplomatic discussion Japan returns the city of York. England promises to support actions of the JTF in return.

              Russia is once again under control of their favourite leader Pastiman. England hopes to keep good relations with the Russians and advises them to take a larger role in world affairs.

              An English caravan arrives just in time as the Sioux close their border for trade. Having the colossus in of their largest cities (Bangalore) always made the Sioux a favourite trading partner for caravans all around the world. What the real reason for this trade embargo could be remains unclear. English economists don't buy this 'luxuries' argument as trade benefits all parties involved.

              The observatory opens it's doors to the public today. Several scientists and a few lucky amateur astronomists have already been inside last week. "A boon for astronomy and science" mentioned a well known scientist. Several new discoveries have already been made.

              Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

              Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


              • #82
                Official goverment statement considering trade with Bangalore:

                Confusion has risen over this, some even said there was an embargo, which is totaly untrue.
                What was the decision ?
                The decision was that all direct cash earned by esthablishing trade routes with Bangalore should we handed over to the Sioux Republic as fee for the esthabishing.
                Why was decision taken ?
                Because of the reason that Bangalore does not need anymore goods and because of the reason no Sioux merchants are available.
                We cannot gain anything from these trade routes while the other side gains a lot, direct cash and extra trade in it's home city.
                It's only reasonable and logical that the Sioux Republic requests a fee for the services offered.
                DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


                • #83
                  As noted by my honorouble allies and associates, the Russian Govt. has faced and dealt with several rumblings of discontent.
                  Primarily, after technical diffuculties, Pastiman has been replaced by Pastieman II. To avoid confusion the younger and more astute heir has vowed to maintain technical information, mainly the ICQ address in pursuit of the great Russian civilisation's quest for world order.

                  Pastieman II has been quoted as saying that "Although a stronger new horse enters the stables, all stablehands and riders will be treated in a manner that was befiiting to my predeccessor."

                  After a call for Russia to take a more active part in world affairs by the Honoruble consul of the English, the continued aggression toward our eternal allies the JTF, and general aggresive expansion of certain nations, the Russians are commited to aid any ally in trouble, and will not hesitate to take the initiative against dishonourable nations.
                  The Russian Govt. is now under a stable Communist committtee, which has appeased socialist factions and quitened the wooly minded liberals that would run us into the ground and alienate our allies.
                  Be warned, the military benefits of the new Communist state added with the greatest wonder in the entire world, namely Leornado's Workshop make us a far stronger nation than in previous generations. We would hope that our eternal allies the Japenese will continue their aid in other areas, and in return their military shall be granted the same benefits that bestow our great nation.

                  All hail Pastieman II,
                  fear those that resist the great Allies of our heroic nation.


                  • #84


                    The Committee for Imports and Exports today agreed that the cost to continue moving the Silver caravan in Sioux Territory to Beijing would be too great. In a marginal victory, Committee members decided to continue the Silver caravan to Banglore despite the 75% tarriff imposed on the profits. It is believed that the committee was shocked to learn that while the JTF was reaping great profits from the trade, the Sioux citizens were suffering in poverty and stagnation. "It is going to be better for both nations if this trade route is established, the Silver Merchants will still make 25% profit probably @ 100 gold from this deal. The Japanese Government will more than compensate further ventures by these Merchants for their sacrifice," Trade Commissioner Goto remarked.


                    Our Foreign Correspondant in Asia has come across shocking information on apparent border disputes in Asia. The Sioux, Chinese and Viking border appears unstable as frontier settlers from the three nations jockey for the last open land in Asia. JTF officials were accidentally informed of the problems brewing when this foreign postal service misdirected mail to our Ambassador's residence of that country. When asked to comment on the development Chairman Grau said, "We are rebuilding relations with all three nations involved in this apparent dispute. Therefore, we will not force ourselves to choose sides if conflict develops. However, we will gladly act as mediators in any land dispute that develops." When asked to comment on the possible use of Peacekeeping Troops that are known to be located in the region, Chairman Grau refused to comment.


                    Review of current trade routes shows that the Vikings currently are the most favorite nation that the JTF Merchants choose to do business with. "The distance separating our nations and our powerful and fast Merchant Fleet help make trading with Viking marketplaces very profitable," one local merchant observed. When asked to comment on the faster ships provided to the merchants by the government, one local merchantman sailor agreed, "They're Great!! 0-20 kts in 5 minutes on a good day!!" What more can we say?


                    A pro Democracy movement was held in Kyoto Square today, organizers had hoped for 20,000 demostrators calling for a Democratic government and the freedom to go along with it. When only 20 people showed up, police re-opened the square for morning traffic. When asked to comment on the movement's low turn out Chairman Grau observed, "well I guess there are not enough discontented citizens, I suppose that means we are all doing our part for the common good." In fact the history of the JTF has never seen so many content citizens. With corruption at an all time low, construction on the rise and newer markets opening up, the jobless rate has dropped to 0%. The success of the JTF system has brought worldwide attention, "Our Russian Allies are considering elminating their troublesome parliament and instituting a Socialist Committee, we have even heard discussions of Pro Communist demostrations organizing in other discontented nations" a Committee member remarked. One traveler returning from business abroad reported, I just returned from a city in Croatia, the people there are discontent, corruption is rampant and the Government is doing nothing to help its people, only to build up its military." I suppose we will have to watch and see what develops.


                    • #85
                      The Viking Sentinel: 940-1320AD Issue

                      Another outstanding several centuries of solid civ building, alot of trading, & alittle warring!

                      The lowly Viking civ, though making progress, still can't make it out of the "Power Graph" cellar. Of course experienced rulers know, there is more to a civ than "power" as defined by that graph.

                      Summarizing the Viking highpoints::
                      >> early in the 1000's we completed the long voyage across the Pacific with our caravel full to the balwarks with caravans. Our friends the Russians (unfortunately ruled at this time by the mindless AI dynasty) greeted us with openness, but did not help speed the caravans to their destinations as we had planned. However, our silk caravan from our capital in southern Australia to Moscow, in mid-America set what has to be this WORLD's RECORD Trade Route! 720 gold!!! The other 2 caravans also achieved spectacular bonuses although taking MUCH longer to reach their destinations due to the poor Russian road system. (when will the stupid AI ever learn to connect cities?!)

                      >> with this & other trading bonus gold we were able to help finance our new friends the Sioux, led by the very capable Consul Colon & the English, being rebuilt by the courageous CapTVK. In return they were willing to share their tech advances with our slow, undeveloped Science Ministry. We hereby publicly thank & commend the greatness of these 2 enlightened leaders. The spirit & satisfaction of diplomacy rather than war was enjoyed by all, as these exchanges were truly Win-Win!

                      >> as for our neighbors to the north, the Chinese, once again ruled by their rightful human ruler, Consul Geronimo; we made some strides to become closer friends & even formed an official alliance, along with the Great Colon of the Sioux. However, after exchanging some gold & tech we seemed to run into an impasse' on further exchanges & then suddenly, we were longer allied!?
                      Soon after, in the late 1200's, they started questioning why we lowly Vikings had a border sentry stationed at the end of the Yellow River valley. I reminded him of the borders established centuries ago during the reign of the AI in China & their war with the JTF brought on by the Chinese tech theft from a JTF city. And how frankly, this was as much to prevent the further incursion into Asian continent by the very expansionist Japs, as it was to claim undeveloped territories.
                      Please sire Geronimo, read the history posted herein of this world. To that I would add, please look at the map of our world. The Chinese civ has 100's of squares to it's north to develop. Full of rich forests & pheasants+yaks & silk to your northeast. With the coming of the railroads these will be some of the most productive lands on the planet!! Then look at what we, the lowly Vikings have to develop; a few jungle-covered islands? Some isolated Gobi desert squares that require dozens of squares to be irrigated just to support life. Or maybe U desire we populate the Antarctic? Why do even begin to challenge our right & claim to a dozen or so undeveloped squares between us?
                      We feel very strongly about this; it is matter of survival to us, but merely a matter of pride or one-upmanship to the large Chinese civ. Or could it be the undue influence of this world largest power & your primary benefactor, that motivates this change of heart & unreasonable concern over the weak Vikings to your south, with all of 9 cities to your 15+?

                      >> As for the Aztec/Croats, HOW DO THEY DO IT? Even after (or because of?) all the centuries of AI (with a short reign by the very capable ICER) rule they are STILL the most powerful civ!!??

                      >> our relations with the JTF continue to be good & mutually beneficial. Over these centuries we have done a number of trades. This, despite being the subject of a paper war by them to appease some aggressive AI dynasty somewhere. The newly-returned-to-power, Shogun GG the Fair, made amends & we accepted a Peace Treaty from them again. We do have a growing problem with the colonization of the islands on the far side of the planet from the Japanese homeland. We, the nations of eastern Asia & the western Pacific, are beginning to feel these have become a threat to our back side. And they HAVE BEEN used a the base of an invasion of the mainland. In the future sessions, we must begin to discuss the exchanging or sale of these far-flung colonies of yours in the light of this world's middle ages reality & the growth of nationalistic pride & the shrinking of the available lands to develop.
                      "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


                      • #86
                        ok. am in again. woo hooo session i turned my back and find you now capturing my cities ...hehehe.

                        WANTED !!!

                        -city with SoL for 1 turn.

                        capTvk may name his price

                        My life, my rules


                        • #87
                          SF, I seriously doubt the realism level of that move.
                          DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


                          • #88
                            WORLD WAR 1


                            p.s. am gonna behead the beast now
                            My life, my rules


                            • #89
                              SF? are we to assume that is all the Croats have to say, riddles and suggestions to some unrelated title? look for morning news edition of Japanese Trade Federation Daily Post


                              • #90
                                Viking Sentinel: 1320-1420AD under the popularily elected administration of President Vik de Milo, our man in the capital.

                                Another eventful period on our planet of swirling alliances & changing leaders!
                                Unfortunately this session got off to a late start, not because of technology this time but bad old tartiness on the part of several major leaders(!). Altho the pre-game banter was fun & we were able to decide to gang up on those that were delaying the start.
                                Serves'm right! Maybe next time they will be on time?!

                                The News:
                                We Vik's welcomed the return of the Pasti family dynasty to their rightful & reasonable position as Russia's leaders. We made good progress in catching up to the pre-AI period of irrational behavior. Our gold arrived just in time to help them & the use of their wonderful workshop arrived just in time for us to protect ourselves from of all things - restless peasants(!) As well as modernize our fleet of aging & slow carvals so we can continue spreading the wealth of our well-developed cities to their other friends' far away civ's. Hear-Here! Let's hear it for the cooperation of 2 great democracies working together!!

                                In the absence of enlightened leadership at the helm of our allies & neighbors the Sioux, we did little or nothing to change the status quo.

                                Again we had little to do with the scrappy little English civ & their fearless leader CapTVK. Since we are in totally different parts of this world & they had more than enough on their hands. What with taking on the abusive AI dynasty of the all(too) powderful Aztecs, we maintained our distance & neutrality.

                                The Chinese & we had our differences, again. In fact & despite of very logical & compelling reasons for the island-bound Vikings to be the civ to develop the central mainland of eastern Asia, the Chinese had the audascity to move down a settler & build a village directly next to our northern border guard!! Here we, the peace-loving Vikings, thoght that he was building a road in order to link our 2 civ's in trade?
                                Then the presumptuous President Geronimo invites us to join in an alliance!? When asked why, his response was "We are not afraid of anything except being back-stabbed". Well my rising-power neighbor to the north, that could mean only 2 things:
                                1 > that as rumored, you are in deep mutual support of the powerful Aztecs, even when they are under the control of the AI &
                                2 > that you consider us as potential "back-stabbers"!?

                                Well, Mr. President Geron, right here in front of the entire world we will make it clear. The Viking people strongly suggest that you dismantle or sell the city you just built in our face. We cannot allow this aggressive expansion against our only area left. As has been ponted out here in public before, the Chinese have dozens of parcels of untouched & undesputed squares to expand into north of their many cities! If you choose the latter path, we will compensate you in gold for the expense you have incurred thus far in building this provocative village.
                                As for the "back-stabber" inference the Viking people want an apology or public assurance that you were NOT referring to our honorable civ & it's straightforth President.

                                The JFT led by it's extremely enlightened & wise Comrade GG continues to make win-win trades & deals with our fine, well-devoloped Viking ecomony. The Phillipine city is still an abnormal situation as viewed from the entirity of the planet's rational divisions. However, for now they have proved themselves to be trustworthy partners & we have the Chinese situation that needs to be cleared up first. We continue to acknowledge publically the debt of graditude we owe these fine peoples & hope to repay them soon for their aid over the centuries.

                                As for the Aztec/Croats, what can one say about the still most powerful civ on this planet? They did start alot of trouble while under the aggressive AI & they seem to be reaping a little of what they sowed. We have nothing personal against their fine & fun human ruler, King(is it now?) S'Fart. However we admit to relief in seeing the powergraph at the end of this century finally show a downturn in what had been an almost straight up explosion in power for this civ, with or without SF's direct input.

                                All & all another short but exciting century. Our only regret is that we cannot do it more often.
                                "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"

