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Tales from the Diplomatic Front II (in 3D-Dolby Stereo)

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  • #61
    Most excellent improvements Apolyton!! Thanks; as S'Fart points out, this saves need for new area.
    The Japanese dynasty's appointed stand-in, Colon(a man to be watched judging by his ICQ info) has contacted me thru ICQ channels. I trust has been setup on your diplomatic hotlines also.
    I briefed him on how we had all agreed that as host, I, the Mighty Viking Consul Milo was to be given all tech's that he may have that we don't. As gifts for the excellent hosting job we have done & will do(or else!).
    We thank all of U fine leaders for your continuing support of my ultimate victory; as we continue to cleverly lull U into a false sense of security due to our present status as the most piss-ant civ in this world.

    Host note: is it possible for all U big strong leaders to begin an hour earlier tomarrow (1pm eastern US). Pls ICQ if possible. I will be there to kick it off.
    "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


    • #62
      I'll replace Takeshi as ruler of the Sioux nation, but I'm not 100% sure what at what time the game is.
      And please don't tell me the time in am and pm coz they confuse. (Somehow, I just keep on forgetting when am is and when pm, and it's even more annoying when I have to recalculate it to my time zone "to I have to add 6 hours or otherwise ?" GRRR !)

      Don't worry about my ICQ info, I filled that at a time I was very bored.
      DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


      • #63
        I missed the previous post of Ken Thur. Appearantly it's at 1pm EST: ok, if I'm correct that's 13:00 right ? I live in the W.European time zone, so that would be 7:00 here right ?
        Please ecorrect me if I'm wrong...

        I think that those time zones should be abolished and replaced by one singly time for whole the world and while we're busy PM and AM should be destroyed as well.
        DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


        • #64
          (Note: sorry I cannot format using this little window)
          As of now, today's Diplo #2 Roster: (In turn-playing order)
          Civ, Regular, Sub, ICQ, -GMT+
          Jap, Grau Geist, Dave, 13189688, -6
          Vik, KenThur/Milo, , 27936046, -5
          Azt/Cro, Smart Fart, , 30237167, 1+
          Chin, Geronimo/matt, , 18200855, -6
          Eng, Purple Onion, , 41662900, -8
          Siux, Takeshi, Colon, 35489651, 1+
          Russ, Pastiman, , 38171222, 0

          It seems that 18:00 GMT (1pm eastern) works for most of us. Please be there or ICQ excuses / reasons ASAP.

          Looking forward to another good long session!
          Remember, this is a competition amoung male minds & egos for dominance of the (play)world. As such, take out your natural aggressiveness & mud-slinging on each others' civ's on the playing arena. Feel free to war, bribe, sway allies, steal tech's, ignore, or even make peace! But after it's over take it like a MAN & get over IT. Unlike the physical jocks, we can't go all have a beer & slap each other on the ass after each round, but we can post here & tell stories. So have fun, be smart, & when dealing with Vikings... be nice & give us everything U got.
          <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited July 03, 1999).]</font>
          <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited July 03, 1999).]</font>
          "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


          • #65

            Purple onion the former leader of the English nation is held in custody for crimes against his own people and high treason.
            Present military leader CapTVK promises a quick return to democratic rule. On the question if the popular naval officer would try to run for president his comment was "if time allows, perhaps I will..."
            Business as usual in the larger cities after it became clear that the war soon will be over. Markets are building rebuild all over the nation and some businessmen are planning to reopen the bank in London after new trade agreements with Russia and Japan were presented by the goverment. "purple onion was an even worse businessman than a leader commented an important figure in the business society", "things are finally looking up" he added.

            commentary by the editor:
            After letting the country fall into ruin by mismanagement and total incompetence our former leader 'purple onion the spoilsport 'is finally removed from office by the naval officer CapTVK. Most of us won't shed a tear for purple onion. He forced the country into a foolish war with the Aztecs and the Sioux after stealing techs from the Aztecs and taking the Sioux city of Cairo in Egypt under the pretense of protecting the English community there and renamed it Liverpool.

            That was the only success we had, we lost our cities in southern Europe our naval forces were almost reduced to a single ship. Purple onion made a final deal with the Russians for a temporary exchange of Leonardo's workshop in trade for techs stolen from the Aztecs. Our military was upgraded to musketeers but what could we do? We would never survive an onslaught by the Aztecs AND the Sioux on our mainland. This was the time when CapTVK stepped in. The country was in tatters: almost no city improvements anywhere and only one wonder (SoL). He had to act fast to get the country reorganized: he set up an embassy in Russia, kept on speaking terms with our powerful southern neighbour the Japanese and started to restructure the city improvements and reinforced it's only succesfull conquest: Liverpool.

            Diplomatic talks with Aztecs and Sioux would follow several turns later. The Aztecs were already debating an invasion of the English mainland in nothern Africa through Egypt aided by the Sioux who planned to retake 'their Cairo' although the population was mainly English. The country was still under military law (fundamentalism) so the cities were kept in check to prevent riots and CapTVK restarted diplomatic talks with the Aztecs and the Sioux. He promised he would accept the responsibility for the actions of our former leader and was ready to make reparations for his actions.

            Dealings with the Aztecs were easier than the Sioux. The Aztecs had conquered our cities in southern Europe and CapTVK yielded those cities to the Aztecs, two techs and a diplo to set up an embassy on the English mainland for peace .
            After the embassy and the handing over of the first tech we were allowed to make peace with the Aztecs. The Sioux weren't so easily satisfied they demanded their city back. CapTVK was adamant in his position that the city would remain English and made an offer: 5x50gold and 2 caravans for war reparations. After intense discussions between other nations another agreement was reached: The English would hand over 4 settlers to the Sioux. Those settlers were needed inside our mainland however and we finally settled on handing over 2 settlers plus 150 gold. In return liverpool would remain in English hands. At least we had reached peace, at a cost perhaps but the cost would have been far higher with war, far higher indeed...

            Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

            Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


            • #66
              The First Nation Herald
              July 3, 1999
              20 gold (inflation these days...)

              LEADER DISPOSED OF YET AGAIN!(cover story)

              When will the list ever end? After Takeshi announced his vacation to the Philippines and left General David to run things in his abscence, another revolt has overthrown the monarchy, to be replaced by a more democratic governement. President Colon will start the first term of the Sioux presidency today. General David has fled to Argentina, while it is rumored that King Takeshi was disposed of in his private resort at Cebu, Philippines. One source reports that his last words were: "Are you the new waiter? I'll have one of those coconut special cocktails."
              (continued on A3, DISPOSED)

              ANARCHY!(cover story)

              The changing of goverments has caused turmoil accross the country, with looting and pillaging rampant. Many citizens have lost their lives in the revolt, and innocent japanese tourists were caught in the whirlwind when a catapult shot which was targeting the Department of Defense building accidently hit the future building of the Japanese Embassy.
              (continued on A2, ANARCHY)

              BARBARIANS! (A3)

              Help! Barbarians are invading the offices of "The First Nation Herald". If help doesn't come soon, they will break through the front door and kilcz ,.ajeoi .mad.m28 lkj38 sml90 8h sj je .........................................
              (continued in OBITUARIES)

              <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Takeshi (edited July 03, 1999).]</font>
              Student: You can't give us this test, I don't understand anything!
              Teacher: What would be the point of giving you a test if you understood?


              • #67
                Viking Sentinel(early RUSH edition): 820AD under the reign of Milo the Semi-Magnificent

                A most rousing century of warfare, negotiations, & eventually, peace on our increasingly intertwined world!! Most exciting, well-done, & nearly tech hassle-free!
                A BIG tip-o-the-hat to our new wave of rulers! Both subs & permanent new dynasties. As host civ I must commend the most EXCELLENT leadership & enlightened civ management of these fine rulers:

                =&gt; Icer(back from temporary retirement); as an excellent stand-in for the out-of-Kyoto Shogun GGeist. Displayed an excellent & immediate grasp of the JTP's situ in China, executing rapidly the retaliatory strike on that civ for past transgressions. While seemingly backing off pursuing their war against the Sioux, in order for the new leaders of the Sioux & England to work out a settlement over the historical hot-spot (known by various names) located at the mouth of the Nile.

                =&gt; Colon, a ruler from the land of the middlemen & the seat of European unity, Belgium; as the new pragmatic dynasty of the Sioux civ grooved right into the good job the preceding Takeshi had started. Building on the newly reformed government that had been in anarchy & disarray. He seems to have understood immediately the importance of NOT getting involved in the wars of his historical "allies", the Aztec/Croats & the Chinese. Instead, concentrating on developement of his declining civ & making friends.

                =&gt; CapTVK, another enlightened & wise ruler from the "old" countries... in his case the land of trading & smart businessmen, The Netherlands; this brave new ruling family took on the unenviable task of saving England! What a guy!! Again, with a quick assessment of the situations he faced... wars with 2 of his 3 neighbors, he(with the direct help of the Russians & the negotiating influence of the Vikings) managed to pull this rapidly disingrating civ out of the fires his predecessor had started(with some cause, we might add). In the middle of EVERYTHING, poor England under his reasonable but firm leadership has at last seem to have found a dynasty of destiny to bring it back into the fold of peaceful nations.

                We the peaceful & finally prospering, Viking people & our semi-enligthened Consul Milo the semi-Magnificent, do hereby wish all our new rulers Peace & Prosperity for centuries to come!!

                PS: now send down some caravans & tech's(!?)
                <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited July 04, 1999).]</font>
                "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


                • #68
                  For millenia the Sioux empire had been a monarchy, under the rule of the royal family Takeshi.
                  Even after most of the world had fought it's way towards more freedom and modern goverment organisation, sometimes bloody, sometimew more peaceful, the Sioux royal house and remained to stay in power.
                  Even a Republican revolt with a following Republican goverment and the rule of a dictator had not been able to end the rule of the Royal family.
                  But you cannot you cannot stop time and the time for the last and oldest monarchy had come, a new Republican revolution broke out which was long and bloody. For decades there was no central rule and to make it even worse, a war started with Japan.
                  Fortunately someone managed to prevent the mighty Japanese empire from blowing away the divided Sioux, that someone was Colon, governot of Iraq.
                  He made himself very popular all over the Sioux empire with this stunning act of diplomacy in convinicing Japan to sign an unconditional cease fire.
                  Colon knew he had to grab the opportunity to use his newly gained popularity to reunite
                  the Sioux and to esthablish a new, modern central goverment.
                  He invited all governors, majors and even warlords to the capital for a historic conference and made something happen that seemed impossible a year before, a new central goverment was found, based upon Republican principles.
                  A new era began for the Sioux, which is hoped to be an era of prosperity and glory...

                  The first Sioux president, Colon, had several goals.
                  First, new empty territories were colonised, in the north: near the Caspian Sea and in Kazakstan.
                  At the same time the infrastructure in the empire would be improved, new roads were build in India and a coloseum was build in the capital to cease the unrests in a Roman way.
                  But Colon also is working on improving the defense capabilities of the Sioux Republic:
                  the city defenses were improved in the most important and largest city of the middle east, Basra and the entire army is being modernised, replacing the outdated phalanx divisions, by combative musketeers.

                  But Colon did not overly focused upon internal affairs while ignoring external, new trade ralations with the Croat allies are opened, as well as with China.

                  Even more important, a lasting peace has been esthablished with the English neighbours, preventing new wars over Egypt and the city of Cairo.
                  England agreed to let 20.000 Sioux, who were held captive in Egypt after the conquest of it, return home and handed over stolen Sioux treasuries for a value of 150 gold.

                  The first decades after the turmoil were positive for the Sioux but a lot of work still has to be done.
                  DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.


                  • #69
                    anno domini 840,president office:

                    peace spread all thru mighty croatian empire.
                    we are very pleased about replacement in english goverment. theres no need to hunt the beast anymore,cuz his own people decided to dethronize their previous leader purple onion. but we have to made some 'correction' in last english statement: there was only one english city in southern europe (rome) and it was builded when our war with english already started (what a wise decission,don't you agree?).
                    japan occupied chinese city shenyang. now am not going to moralize about capturing someones city when ai runs his civ,but this is unacceptable to our goverment. chinese is our eternal ally. we surely don't approve stealing technologies,but we have no intentions to let japan to occupy chinese territory. however...we will not directly attack japan,but we will help china to get his city back with all other means but our military interference. we have no idea how japan managed to declare a war to us,because none of us commited no war actions against each other,but we guessing that some ai offered some money to japan in case of war declaration (no moralization on this point also). anyway...our goverment will not allow to anybody to capture more cities from ai. you have to find some other ways to strenghten your position.

                    we've finally in democracy now. golden age expecting in our next session.

                    My life, my rules


                    • #70
                      Bringing us to the top again:
                      I must apologize for confusion re: 2 things... :0
                      #1&gt; the correct, latest & greatest save file.
                      In the last-minute retires, hot-joins & finally, ending session for the day; the save i presented to some of U as the 1 to restart from was not in fact, the latest & greatest. Colon supplied me with an even better 1 that includes the English-Sioux settlement & the actual assignment of units & payment of gold per their settlement.
                      If U would like that copy pls let me know & i will (try to)send U a copy for Sat's session.
                      Note: a "learning" from ICQ file send function... it ONLY works when BOTH parties are online & in ICQ. Email still seems the best way to send files... but not every1 has put his email on ICQ. Pls do if U want to be able to get files.

                      #2&gt; My math on computing GMT was wrong in several instances... 2pm eastern US = 19:00 GMT or 20:00 for our European rulers. dah-h-h, sorry!
                      If at all possible; it seems the majority of us can start an hour earlier, 18:00 GMT, let's do it... if works with U.
                      "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


                      • #71
                        Diplo game 10 July

                        Methinks this is going sour.

                        I am seriously beginning to question whether large scale games of this nature can ever work - we are still in relatively early stages and yet our games are constantly plagued by technical faults. As Colon mentioned we play for two hours and have to replay one hour of that every time.

                        It seems to me that with this many players the chances of one of us having problems and thereby stopping everyone playing are increased to the extent where every turn someone seems to have a problem. Okay so this session it was my machine playing up but I am not the first one this has happened to during this game.

                        And if it's like this now then what on earth is it going to be like when we all have ten times as many units in the future.

                        I wish someone would come up with a reliable solution because up to now I have really enjoyed the actual game play when it happens during this game , but with all the stops and problems I really cannot see a way forward.

                        I'll be there next week to give it a final try but I am certain I am not the only one who is beginning to lose faith in this......

                        your thoughts are welcomed.....

                        the Pastieman


                        • #72
                          Viking Sentential: 840-1020AD

                          Not an overly fun or productive couple of centuries. As President Pasti cited, connection glitches amoung the rulers caused numerous delays.
                          However, let me start with a confession;
                          we actually started out perfectly... until the host, Viking Communications Minister Dumbo in his rush to get started, hit the &lt;Enter&gt; button at the last screen "Waiting for Other Players to Join" which in the case of THAT screen meant "CANCEL", NOT "Continue"!! So human error, not the machines created the 1st round of knockoff's.
                          He was executed the next morning!

                          President S'Fart bravely stepped in to take over, thinking it was an equipment failure. Though his Aztec/Croat civ is far ahead in the game technology, his remote location relative to the other rulers makes his hosting rather difficult. As such, he lasted only 20 years or so until he had to drop the hosting back to Viking Milo. So again we restart. This time, between all the communiques flying back & forth, combined with the Vikings operating from their secondary location & machine (rather less stable & slower than primary) the restarts took an unbearable 10-15 min's! But FINALLY we were stable & history started to be made again.

                          Business News:
                          Our 1st long distance trade carval, loaded to the decks, took off! Across the vast, unexplored expanse of the Pacific, on it's way to... (ah-ah, nope; trade secret)

                          Meanwhile, city building continued at a slow but steady pace.

                          International Section:
                          Foreign relations were mostly smooth during this period, summarized herewith;

                          Chinese &gt;&gt; exchanged some ideas & solidified positions with our neighbors to the N. Confirming again that the Vikings have no desire or intention of getting involved in any armed conflict. We will stand neutral.

                          Sioux &gt;&gt; had to reassert & remind the newly enlightened Colon dynasty of earlier border treaties with he & his predecessor. We both seem to feel that as minor powers, we must work together. The Sioux are in a particularily tenuous position; expanding out of the Indian sub-contintent, surrounded on all sides. However, we here publicly confirm the Vikings' desire to forge strong bonds with this recovering civ & it's excellent leader! We need to build a "Burma Road" over the hills that separate us & the Chinese. To do so will require our units working side-by-side. Therefore I, High Consul Milo of the Vikings, do hereby propose an alliance to the Fine Sioux Civ!! To show our sincerity & good intentions we gifted the AI ruler that took over for the last several decades of this period, the military technology of Chivalry! So that our neighbors can better defend themselves against over-bearing, yellow-skinned "neighbors".

                          English &gt;&gt; During these centuries, the ruling CapTVK dynasty finally came to see us as a peoples & Ruler that do as we say & truly intend no harm to other (currently)
                          minor powers. They, as with the Sioux, find themselves in the midst of larger powers. While on the other hand, we Vikings are no threat & could actually be excellent trading partners due to our distant location. With new found wisdom & openness, Prime Minister Cap worked some most excellent barters that proved to be quite mutually benificial to both our civ's! Hear-Here!! The PM is learning that not all of the rulers of this world are interested in keeping he & his English countrymen "under the thumb". May we do many more deals in the future!

                          Russians &gt;&gt; We (tried to) maintain communications & hope to do more in the future with the clever, yet level-headed President Pasti. Sudden drop-outs not withstanding.

                          Japan &gt;&gt; with the temporary rule of AI this session, had little to say or do with them during these 2 centuries.

                          Aztec/Croats &gt;&gt; What can be done or said with the world's (current)superpower who, in our case, is on the other side of this large world?

                          As for the future...
                          With our new world rules of using only THE BEST hosting machine, frequent saves by ALL rulers, & NOT overwhelming the lines of commo with messages if a restart is required; we should all be able to enjoy the fun part of growing our civ's while minimizing the effects of technical mishaps.
                          Not to mention, this Host has learned to keep his finger off the &lt;Enter&gt; button during the crucial linking process.
                          "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


                          • #73
                            basically,pastieman is right. last night session was quite irritiating,but i don't think this is equipment failure. it's...let's say...20% equipment failure and 80% human failure and unexpirience. thats why i want to host in this particulary game,but my 233mhz with 56k modem isn't exactly last word of modern science.

                            we all saw what happened last night. it took 2.5 hours to play 3 turns and after pastieman missed his turn milo restarted twice,both times with wrong saved file .
                            so,with enter/cancel on the beginning of a game,it was 3 (three) human errors (errare humanum est) against one equipment failure (pastieman missed his turn).

                            when i compare this,with a game i played later with also 7 players where we did 3 (three) restarts in a row (cuz of technical problems) in less than 15 minutes am starting to asking myself 'what am i doing here?'

                            in every serious game i've played,we always did reloading when someone missed his turn. but in this particulary one,i suggest we go on with it. if someone drops out when someones else turn,no problem. we will hold until you come back. but if you drops out when is your turn,live with it. why are you guys sending all these messages when the game is in loading process? why are you hitting 'cancel' if the game isn't loaded in 10 seconds? for gods have transfer icon in the lower right corner of your w98. if its blinking,everything is fine. you just have to wait until LARGE map with ALOT of units load itself to SEVEN players.
                            milo,hosting isn't just a technical term. you have to direct all players and make game as fast as it can be. it is much better to save game once per turn (usually yours) than 7x per turn under different names so its not very strange that you don't know anymore which game to load when we have to replay one turn.
                            and why some of you guys need more than 2-3 minute per turn? if i (largest civ) need 2 why do you need 10? it doesnt make sense to me.


                            p.s. i got adam smith's t.c.
                            My life, my rules


                            • #74
                              SF: I was trying to host Sat with equip on par with yours... & a less-than-best connection thru my wife's shop & the old building it's in = probably 28.8 connect speed at best even tho the modem is a 56. Having frequent saves IS A GOOD thing because of the length of the total trun on these big games.
                              But as U said, every1 hollering at once about how far to go back & hurry up & what's the matter?! It overwhelms the: A) modem, B) host computer, & C) host human!!
                              That's why these minor glitches turn into MAJOR HASSLES.

                              The 5-watt blub just came on!
                              Why don't we use our heads & unique-to-humans organizational skills. If U have a large group attempting to do ANYTHING together, what do U have? Correct! An organization!
                              Why didn't all this CivII MP brainpower think of it before?!?

                              An Executive Officer, a 2nd in command, a vice-president, a VICE-HOST!!
                              We MUST assign such a position at the startup of every session. This person is the contact person, the controller, the sorter-outer of all the barrage of Q's & messages & the what-is-happening-! complaints.
                              This will free up A,B,& C above, to get the correct game / save / ip sorted out & set up. Then when everything is as it should be, the Host tells the Vice-Host to give all the other players the word to go & the ip & whatever else is necessary to get the game going.
                              Walla!! A,B,& C above are left to do what ONLY they can... get the game up & running A.S.A.P. because nothing but the connection & game data is flowing thru the Host machine. And as SF has noticed*, there is a BUNCH of bits & bytes that must get transfered.
                              This way everybody gets linked up & going MUCH FASTER, to EVERYONE'S BENIFIT. Faster, easier, more precise in terms of the correct game file... generally more of what we'r here for & alot less of what we'r not!

                              So from now on, if there is 4 or more human players there must be a Vice-Host designated as the go-between for the rulers & the Host during starts & restarts. Make sense?

                              Whew! I feel better, hope U do too.
                              * FYI note:
                              I actually blew up the little connection monitor & watched the details; it's transfering packets of like 100k+ (!), apparently to each player... no wonder we all have to be patient!!
                              "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


                              • #75
                                THE NEW ENGLISH TIMES: Issue 2

                                NO NEWS IS BAD NEWS?
                                Diplomatic news has been slow or not forthcoming in the last session, we explain the possible causes and some suggestions or 'rules of conduct' for the future.

                                (I) "KEEP THE LINES CLEAR"
                                Many would be or present rulers have a habit of trying to make contact with the host at the last moment while the game is 'loading'. Sometimes this is for the correct IP or some last minute question. The IP number is easily solved this information can also be obtained from the ICQ user infobox. Chitchat is for the chat room dear reader and if you have any questions ask them while the host or the 'liason' officer is still there.

                                (II) "PATIENCE ISN'T EASILY MASTERED"
                                Most of these 7-user games on large scale map are taking a while to load. That cancel button can look very appealing when nothing seems to be happening(see our also special English Civilized Psychology Journal: 'buttons in everyday life' . Resist that temptation by checking the internetconnection: if data is coming in the game is still being 'loaded' (just imagine if you're loading a C64 game on tape if your 20+, below 20 just imagine downloading a 1mb file on 28k8), so be patient and wait. If something does goes wrong on the side of the host he'll pass the message on himself or by his 'liason' officer.

                                (III) "BETTER TO BE SAVED THEN BE SORRY"
                                Everybody can have a bad line once in a while, even the host. So keep up a regular habit of saving your games should something happen. If you drop out as a player see (IV)

                                (IV) "IN CASE OF FAILURE: HOLD AND WAIT"
                                If a player drops out without prior reason it's probable he want's to get back into the game. Best solution would be to let other players wait a while so he can get back into the game. If he hasn't logged in after 5-10mins it would unfair to the others to hold up the game any longer and let the AI take care of things for a while,see (V).

                                (V) "Take AI as AI is"
                                Nobody likes his civ run by an incompetent bureaucracy and his carefully mastered plans fall into the ruin. But sometimes you have to take it as it is. Besides the AI does have an advantage here and there

                                Editor's note:
                                A liason officer would certainly improve communications between the players involved. Perhaps something for the next session...

                                IN OTHER NEWS:
                                RUSSIA IN BUREAUCRATIC TURMOIL
                                Since the present leader Pres. Pastiman left to ponder the future Russia seems to have aquired ideas of it's own. Goverment officials decided to construct a new wonder of the world, nothing wrong with that, in several cities! Luckily things have calmed down after a few years(turns) and the present goverment seems to handle it's construction plans quite well. "Bureaucrat's always know how to handle things to last detail" mentioned the English ambassador in Russia.

                                ENGLAND TRIES TO NEGOTIATE DEAL WITH RUSSIA
                                Before Pres. Pastiman left England had made plans for a special deal that could benefit both countries in the future. Talks have come to a standstill since Pres. Pastiman left but the English Minister of external affairs has stated that the deal is still open for discussion. He also reminded Russia that while Russia has two oceans that seperate and protect it from the rest of the world and two other powerful nations in Europe and Asia it should not choose to isolate itself from the world entirely.

                                JAPAN STEPS OUT OF THE LIMELIGHT...
                                Things have been too quiet in Japan these days. While the goverment is quite capable of handling things by itself Japan really needs a strong leader to control it's outer colonies.

                                AS CHINA STEPS IN...
                                Worldpower in being? A question we ask ourselves as China starts to complete wonders all by itself, or does it? Perhaps the Aztec(Croatian) empire has something to with it as one anonymous source informs us. This is some cause for concern because combined these nations could lead to a dramatic shift in the balance of power. In this new balance power the role of smaller nations could become of lesser concern.

                                SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY ---------------------------------------

                                Viking/English Exchange program bears fruit...
                                Relations and Science improve thanks to a student exchange program set up by the ministers of Science & Education in the two nations. "We smaller nations have to work together you know.." mentioned the Viking Minister in a visit to the English capital. Possible new relations with the Vikings are set to continue into the future.


                                Wanted: Low bandwidth maps of the World
                                Other continents also wanted. Black and white or in colour as long as size is small.
                                Needed for illustrations in the foreign affairs section of New English Times.
                                <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited July 13, 1999).]</font>
                                Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                                Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer

