republic of croatia,main consul cabinet:
greetings,respected shogun.
let me get straight to the point.
1. i am using a term 'europe',because its much easier than talking in numbers,but if you insist i will send you location of all squares which are part of it (i hope that will not to be necessary).furthermore,you were perfectly awared about location of our motherland and about approximately location of our capital much before you've reached british isles (see our first report).
2. ??? thot i already explained that. rushing our trireme doesn't mean that some other trireme under my flag wasn't already passed that area. i was presumed that you preparing to settle somewhere near my capital and british isles was a logical choice. anyway,since i wasn't 100% sure,i rushed trireme in my closest city to british isles. however,i started to protest only after you already protested about overlaping city in south america.
3. agreed. i will not going to ask you why did you not proceeded with your settlers to some larger land mass than british isles because of great variety of possible answers,but from my point of view kyoto#2 is there because you wanted to establish stronghold into very heart of my state.
4. what espionage? what have i done to deserve that accusation? stole tech? bribed city? sabotaged production? what? i already told you twice ; my diplomat only checked if kyoto#2 can be bribed,because capital cannot be bribed (no 'inicite revolt' option).
5. quite understandable
6. that information can be offered only to friendly empires.
in short,you said taht i have no rights to claim british isles to myself,no matter of position of heart of my state. ok. thats japanese point of view and i respect that. before i sent you an ultimatum,you also said that i am no more welcomed there and i have to ask you for permission to land plus some war threats. i respect that also. but any city under any square need some support to be claimed as a legitimate part of someones empire,or you need permission to build it (exceptions are areas w/o support from any country). british isles obviously have not any close connection with your empire,but it haves with mine. very close. you should respect that also.
i already know that you activated your ally english into our case. god knows what are two of you after,but i can assure you that croatians are more than capable to protect our interests. you haven't showed any sign of friendship since of dawn of our civilization and kyoto#2 will become larger threat to me with every single turn. it is of my foremost concern to protect most important part of my state from anybody,specially from you.furthermore,your empire already have more military than mine. number of japanese units is japanese internal business,but keeping your units away from our state is croatian internal business,don't you agree?
anyway,i am perfectly awared what are you trying to do.all of my explanations was completely waste of time
. in your position,i'll probably did the same thing,but some of my voters already calling me a weakling and asking for a king to take over our state. i think you've rushed a bit.
i hope we've all cleared out.
sincerely,smartfart,consul of republic of croatia
croatian foreign office,offical document #020317AC,degree of secrecy : none
greetings,high respected gideon,king of english empire
it's completely understandable to us that you,as a japanese ally and their closest friend,are so astonished by current explosive situation between japan and croatia. since you obviously negate all our arguments about claim of british isles,may we settle north african coast? we assure you that we can be there in very short time. you don't mind that,we suppose? after all,our two empires haven't established their borders yet.
obviously,your foreign minister recieved precise instruction from his mentor,shogun of japanese trading federation. we can't exactly understand what is your interest in japanese-croatian conflict about british islands,except to help japan just because you two are allied. our relationship was very good until now,but we will not accept any military interference from english side.
as for your statements:
1. no comment
2. see answer #4 in letter adressed to japanese shogun
3. obviously,you're not quite familiar with a history and nature of japanese/croatian conflict and your only purpose is to be blind ally.
that's fine but we suggest you to read very carefully all documents above. currently,we are not empire with strongest army and that proves our peaceful intentions,but we assure you,we will know how to protect our interest.
of course we're not considering japanese proposals until our goverment decides different. after all, we've broke all diplomatic relationship with them.
last part of your letter sounds as a call to lynch. it was not quite wise from your side to reveal yourself so easy as our probably enemy. all trade between our two kingdom is stopped until japanese and croatians solve their problem. we hope you know what are you doing.
sincerely,smartfart,consul of republic of croatia
p.s. again,great game and now we have some spice in it,don't you agree? (good point cromwell)
greetings,respected shogun.
let me get straight to the point.
1. i am using a term 'europe',because its much easier than talking in numbers,but if you insist i will send you location of all squares which are part of it (i hope that will not to be necessary).furthermore,you were perfectly awared about location of our motherland and about approximately location of our capital much before you've reached british isles (see our first report).
2. ??? thot i already explained that. rushing our trireme doesn't mean that some other trireme under my flag wasn't already passed that area. i was presumed that you preparing to settle somewhere near my capital and british isles was a logical choice. anyway,since i wasn't 100% sure,i rushed trireme in my closest city to british isles. however,i started to protest only after you already protested about overlaping city in south america.
3. agreed. i will not going to ask you why did you not proceeded with your settlers to some larger land mass than british isles because of great variety of possible answers,but from my point of view kyoto#2 is there because you wanted to establish stronghold into very heart of my state.
4. what espionage? what have i done to deserve that accusation? stole tech? bribed city? sabotaged production? what? i already told you twice ; my diplomat only checked if kyoto#2 can be bribed,because capital cannot be bribed (no 'inicite revolt' option).
5. quite understandable
6. that information can be offered only to friendly empires.
in short,you said taht i have no rights to claim british isles to myself,no matter of position of heart of my state. ok. thats japanese point of view and i respect that. before i sent you an ultimatum,you also said that i am no more welcomed there and i have to ask you for permission to land plus some war threats. i respect that also. but any city under any square need some support to be claimed as a legitimate part of someones empire,or you need permission to build it (exceptions are areas w/o support from any country). british isles obviously have not any close connection with your empire,but it haves with mine. very close. you should respect that also.
i already know that you activated your ally english into our case. god knows what are two of you after,but i can assure you that croatians are more than capable to protect our interests. you haven't showed any sign of friendship since of dawn of our civilization and kyoto#2 will become larger threat to me with every single turn. it is of my foremost concern to protect most important part of my state from anybody,specially from you.furthermore,your empire already have more military than mine. number of japanese units is japanese internal business,but keeping your units away from our state is croatian internal business,don't you agree?
anyway,i am perfectly awared what are you trying to do.all of my explanations was completely waste of time

i hope we've all cleared out.
sincerely,smartfart,consul of republic of croatia
croatian foreign office,offical document #020317AC,degree of secrecy : none
greetings,high respected gideon,king of english empire
it's completely understandable to us that you,as a japanese ally and their closest friend,are so astonished by current explosive situation between japan and croatia. since you obviously negate all our arguments about claim of british isles,may we settle north african coast? we assure you that we can be there in very short time. you don't mind that,we suppose? after all,our two empires haven't established their borders yet.
obviously,your foreign minister recieved precise instruction from his mentor,shogun of japanese trading federation. we can't exactly understand what is your interest in japanese-croatian conflict about british islands,except to help japan just because you two are allied. our relationship was very good until now,but we will not accept any military interference from english side.
as for your statements:
1. no comment
2. see answer #4 in letter adressed to japanese shogun
3. obviously,you're not quite familiar with a history and nature of japanese/croatian conflict and your only purpose is to be blind ally.
that's fine but we suggest you to read very carefully all documents above. currently,we are not empire with strongest army and that proves our peaceful intentions,but we assure you,we will know how to protect our interest.
of course we're not considering japanese proposals until our goverment decides different. after all, we've broke all diplomatic relationship with them.
last part of your letter sounds as a call to lynch. it was not quite wise from your side to reveal yourself so easy as our probably enemy. all trade between our two kingdom is stopped until japanese and croatians solve their problem. we hope you know what are you doing.
sincerely,smartfart,consul of republic of croatia
p.s. again,great game and now we have some spice in it,don't you agree? (good point cromwell)