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Tales From The (Still) Diplomatic Front II

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  • L-O-L = U Civ'rs are a bunch of crazies!! Don't U have anything better to do than read this stuff??!! Maybe we should start a tabloid to put in the checkout lane racks next to the "Inquirer" & as some1 said, the "Soaps"

    I'll be there for "UN" discussion. It's @ noon Eastern US time(GMT 17:00)?
    I'm still inclined to hang tough w/ the Vikings... sort an emotional attachment at this point. Besides, just like Britain at the start of WWII, my island nation's economic base is still intact & stronger than most folks seem to know... the wonders of Democracy & trade.

    I feel stronger & stronger about this bad attitudes of AI civ's thing. This sort of contest is tough enuf just working things out w/ the humans involoved. Then the mindless AI comes in & if their attitude hasn't been (re)set, they jump into situations & on to other civ's like it's just another solo game. They have to follow their programming & attack others based on attitudes, natural traits, & who's the strongest civ at that point in the game. Hence, the Sioux attacked the Vikings after denying our emissary several times... because they ended the prior session "enraged" at the Vikings. Then the Viking AI attacks longtime friend, NEVER an enemy, the Japs... because they are the current #1 powergraph civ.
    I know it's 1 more administative item that adds "work" to the game, but a diplomatic game = working hard to work with or at least compromise with other civ's. Then to have these relationships go out the door just because a human is not present to run a civ = an even bigger waste of time + is TOTALLY unrealistic.
    There is/will never be a way to prevent internal government changes from occuring under AI rule, but we CAN do something about the external attitude/affairs of an AI civ. I think it is imperative that civ's which are going AI need to have some1 go into them & set attitudes toward toher civ's according to their true relationship.
    >>> note: my apologies to the JTF & it's comrade ruler for not getting / taking the time to check the Vikings' attitude before dropping. Shows that all players should monitor their attitudes on a fairly regular basis... IT IS VERY important & a MAJOR factor in a close, hard-fought, hard-negotiated MP game.

    Because of the above, & despite it setting things back again, i still vote for going back to year that the "Vikings" attacked their long time friends. So that does not happen. I mean, that's like the French attacking the British Expeditionary force while it's in the Low Countries to help save them from the overunning Nazi's!

    To potential / interested subs:
    Jump on in & play a part in this "game of the Century".
    It's not about just "winning" wars or smashing rival civ's... it's about working to do the best/most with what U have. If U don't have the biggest/strongest civ, that's ok because it's the alliances & "teams" that prevail. All the players on the team get to wear the World Championship rings, not just the biggest or strongest.
    And this current conflict doesn't have to end in total destruction of any particular civ... altho, that may be the only solution.
    As for play times:
    I'm all for Sundays, anytime day or nite. In fact i'd be willing to get up in early morning hours (like i am now, 04:00)if that will help U guys in Europe.

    I'm also good for week nite evenings as early as 20:00 EDT... but i know that's tough on the European leaders. But perhaps a Friday nite/morning could be done(since U'll don't have to go to work the next day)?

    "Last chance this century" so true... kinda amazing that we're almost there. So let's roll on & finish this odessey before Y2K bugs screw up the whole system!!

    Nice Blonde/Milo Vikings forever!!
    "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


    • The New English Times: issue 16 special edition

      Sioux team up Chinese: England declares WAR!
      The masterplan of the mysterious leader only known as 'AI' is finally revealed: 'total world domination'. Backed up by Sioux the Chinese can finally concentrate their effort on removing the last vestiges of JTF presence in Japan. Meanwhile Chinese researchers have beaten all nations in the construction of the Apollo project, which means that the Chinese now also have the ability to launch long range missiles. Rumors have it that the Chinese are now focussing their attention on a new superweapon based on nuclear fission.

      The ministry of defense has called for total mobilization, all men of fighting age must enlist immediately at their local government office. The goverment has issued a decree that all of the English production must be concentrated on the war effort.

      Viking leadership in total shock!
      The Viking nation(Milo) has finally managed to make a statement about the Chinese plans:
      holy ****z! what an ending that would be... the AI wins!! :-((
      We apologize if any readers are shocked by the rude language but the news is coming in too fast for editing

      More news to follow...
      Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

      Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


      • VIKING SENTINEL 1805 Edition
        (yes we’re still publishing, from our underground wartime location)

        HEADLINES: The Big Diplo II world rocks on!
        Nothing like adversity brings out the best in humans & the worst in AI.

        ================================================== ===========

        After the Pseudo-led Chinese’ massive & unprovoked blitzkrieg on our fair nation at the turn of (what was to be) the century of peace & prosperity; our great leaders were forced into exile in order to deal with the more important... invasion of the Customer Aliens.
        So as NOT to be labeled a hypocrite our human leadership, President Nice Blonde, came back to the halls of power long enuf to give explicit instructions to the State, Defense, & Treasury Officials to:

        1> change our “Enraged” attitudes that the interim AI government had taken toward or friends & allies, to much more appropriate & realistic, “Worshipful” & “Enthusiastic”.
        2> Make peace & ally with the most enlighten President Nappyzuma of the Aztecs & the most excellent interim Japanese leader, Comrade William Wallace.
        3> Share entire maps with these newly allied partners against world aggression & our stalwart fellow republican & best friend, Consul Super of the Russians; in order for them to more effectively fight the Chin’s along with, sadly, our former friend & ally the Sioux. The Chin’s new puppet & fellow non-human-led ally.
        4> Then lastly; we poured the coffers of gold the mindless AI government had amassed (how do they do that!? Guess they don’t have to pay the leaders, huh?) during our leader’s self-imposed exile (necessitated by BOTH invasions) into the treasuries of our allies.
        ================================================== ===========

        An interesting learning from the Customer Aliens. Tho disruptive, this “invasion” was of the good kind. What is interesting, they seem to prefer paying for wares they desire with pieces of plastic & something called “cash”, rather than our world’s gold. Strange creatures. These plastic cards are an technological advance on our gold... they tell me that even tho god-Wife gets her balances increased, the aliens do not have to ACTUALLY pay for these items they have purchased, until much later!!?? Hm-m-m, perhaps the Chin AI would accept these in payment for the tech advances they have so rapidly accumulated? How do U say “Do take American Express?” in Chinese?

        ================================================== ===========

        The Viking & international press corp seem intent on referring to our leader as “Milo”. It seems they are not buying the “Nice Blonde” persona. Furthermore it has come to our attention that in this tumultuous times, mis-conceptions & mis-communications have occurred among new leaders & our readers due to this change. So it is our duty (pleasure?) to inform the Viking citizenry & the world audience that in an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW at the Vikings World War remote headquarters we got the “straight” story...

        “Nice Blondes” has actually been “Milo” in drag!! The much higher pitch in his voice was due to his emasculation after the infamous “DAMN Incident”. The persona was selected to reflect a kinder, gentler leadership in the Vikings new, permanent-supporting role.

        However, it has become apparent that blondes DO NOT have more fun & in these violent times thrust upon us by our seemingly forever-aggressive neighboring civ’s... the Vikings need a LEADER WITH BALLS!!! So thru the miracle of modern 19th century medicine, Milo Mindbender has been restored to full manhood! And is he pissed!
        Hear-here!! He’s big, he’s bad, & he’s back!!

        He & the Vikings are ready, willing & able to pick up where we left off during counter-offensive breakout from the SE Asian peninsula. Tonite, Sunday@1700 EDT / 2200 GMT(?) to move the world war & ensuing space race into high gear.
        "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


        • The New English Times: issue 16 special edition

          A new wartorn geopolitical worldmap as of 1808AD:

          Main Changes
          Heavy fighting in SE and Central Asia, the map changes came in faster then our cartographers could update at some moments!

          The English have been finally drawn into the conflict after the Sioux declared war on the English and the JTF. This was perhaps the greatest mistake of the AI as the Sioux soldiers are known as the worst infantry in the entire world plus the even bigger mistake of taking on two enemies who can outproduce the Sioux by 300% per turn. English and JTF forces had no problem whatsoever stopping the foolish Sioux assault which ended with Basra (Iran) being captured by JTF forces. After that Basra was given to English to act as a coordination point for our Central Asia campaign. We quickly pushed through Sioux defenses and sliced the Sioux nation in half. Our assault was finally stopped in the small town of Raging Brook(Afghanistan) by a Chinese counteroffensive with an armored division. Our primary objectives have been reached however. English forces have now acquired a foothold in Central Asia that can act as a jumping point into China.
          Meanwhile the Aztec nation has finally started to mobilize against the Chinese. Their first success has been the capture of the city of Lanzhou(Novisibirsk?) and they are preparing for a true invasion of China proper.

          In the pacific theater the JTF in Japan are getting hammered by Chinese bombardments and
          paratroopers. Until know they've bravely hold out, but for how long? Because the JTF forces there have been completely cut off from reinforcements.
          The Vikings and Russians have been very quiet lately, apparently they've been slowly building up their forces to open a second front in SE-Asia.
          Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

          Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


          • To the Prime Minister of England,

            Cap, would it be possible to append colour-identifiers to your marvellous maps? I get confused as to who is whom in this wonderful ongoing saga. Perhaps this would help other non-player-but-intensely-interested-readers to follow along as well as me. There seems to be quite a crowd of us.




            • 110 posts, time for a new thread, this is taking forever to download.
              Follow your spirit, and upon this charge Cry 'God for Harry, England and Saint George!


              • It isn't very difficult to guess which nation is 'which' as I try to make references to actual locations or countries (the English are orange one in Africa if you didn't guess it already). The story is the same for the rest of the nations involved. Follow the news and a little guesswork will do the rest...

                But still, the map can be confusing for newcomers. So from now on I'll also include a link with the colour codes at:
                Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                • Our last session started off with a historic UN Security Council meeting attended by Russia, England, Vikings, And Aztecs to discuss the "China Problem". We discussed our various options regarding China including appeasement, containment, negotiation and all out war to restore the status quo in Asia prior to the wrath of Khan. We decided by unanimous vote for an all-out military option to throw the Chinese back from whence they came. UN Resolution 347 directed us to begin offensive action against the outlaw Chinese government at our earliet opportunity. After a couple of turns to complete mobilization, the Aztecs declared war on China and captured the strategic Chinese city of Lanzhou(size 12) cutting off two northern Chinese cities in the process. Unfotunately the Aztec Senate didnt see things my way and the Aztec government collapsed. In addition, the Sioux allied with China as predicted by several countries and declared war on the Aztecs to open a two front war. The Aztecs sent a mobile spearhead south to capture Samarkand from the Sioux to secure their southern flank and link up with the English who were driving eastward from the Middle East. Two turns of ineffectual Chinese counterattacks on Lanzhou were followed by the arrival of China Army Group West..a massive formation of armor, moterized infantry, howitzers and marines. China Army Group West was then annhilated by Aztec military and Spy units and the Aztecs even now are digging in to try to repusle the next inevitable Chinese assault. The Chinese Air Force has resorted to a campaign of terror bombing civilians as they knocked out two of our Engineer units last turn. The Aztecs are rushing newly built fighters into the battle and the first units should be coming off the assembly lines next turn. After Japan spent most of the session massing forces off of Chinas Pacific coast we look forward to the opening of a new front in China by our Russian, Viking and Japanese allies . Kudos again to Cap of the English for his assistance in helping us restore our government. And for now the war continues to rage on............



                    Gentlemen, i just got the bad news from Russian Consul Super re: his inability to make Sat sessions today & for several weeks(?!). Let me add to that news, that it is shaping up for me to be out of town next Sat also.

                    W/o him & with me only able to give it 50% effort on most of Sat's playing time... this has / will become a meaningless contest.

                    We HAVE TO reschedule for another regular playing time. Why not Sundays? =no work, no dates, & any jock-sports on TV can be video taped or watched during others' long turns!? Besides how much effort/time/thinking is required to watch TV?
                    ANY time Sun=ok by me. That means from 0900 GMT to 0500 Monday GMT.

                    I know this is a disruption but if, after ALL these weeks & effort, we let this great contest simply fall into the hands of mindless AI or ruthless subs with no sense of this planet's history & relationships then it goes for naught.

                    At the very least, me MUST have a level-headed, good TEAM player to take the Russians for the next several sessions... if not for the remainder of the game.

                    Like all of U &, it seems, many other true Civ'ers out here; we MUST FINISH THIS EPIC ADVENTURE... but if the final chapters are played out by bits & pieces & AI's that can't even post a report here for all of Civ'dom to read & become a part of the historical lore, then all before this becomes just another waste of time & unfinished game of Civ.

                    Leaders & readers of this... please post asap re: thots & availabilty for Sun session &/or as a quality DIPLOMATIC player to finish out this epic.
                    We currently have openings for the #3 & 4 civ's, the Russians & Chinese respectively. The Chinese are allied with the Sioux & the Russians are allied with the Vikings in the war in Asia.

                    If U think you're pretty good with negotiations, pressure, & are willing to take a little time to share with all good Civers by sharing here then...

                    Be a part of Civ History & have some fun we RARELY GET TO ENJOY... modern, LIMITED warfare against & with humans + the beginning of the space race!!!

                    Mature(well, semi-mature), EXPERIENCED leaders apply herein. Or ICQ any of the "Tales of..." rulers as soon as possible... we & the vicarious Civers of the world WANT YOU!
                    "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


                    • I'm ALL for a rescheduled day, the next 2 Sats I'm also not going to be able to play. Sunday works out great though..... So consensus? NAPPY? SUPER? WW? CAP? We all know MILO is for it


                      • I can play this Sunday, but unfortunatly I am away next week attending my graduation ceremony and University Ball.
                        Sundays are much better for me as I like to go out Saturdays, and Civ, although very important, has to take second place to my socail/love-life.
                        Follow your spirit, and upon this charge Cry 'God for Harry, England and Saint George!


                        • Sun. works for me however tonight is Halloween and I will be lucky to have a couple of brain cells functioning much before 9am PST. WE change clocks tonight here in the US from PDT to PST so I believe I will go from GMT-8 to GMT-9. Whatever, I will be online with a grande cup of coffee ASAP on Sun.


                          • Sunday works fine for me too. I've got plenty to do anyway. Same time as usual on sunday I think?
                            Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                            Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                            • U single guys are discusting!!
                              "Social/love-life", destorying brain cells with alcohol & such, partying all nite!!!

                              While us married guys work on & on. Doing nice things like handing out candy & treats to the tykes when they come to the door.

                              Well, i'll be fresh & ready tomarrow if we can get timing of daylight savings worked out. So as Garth said to Wayne,"Party on dudes!" See what's left of U tomarrow.
                              <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited October 30, 1999).]</font>
                              "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


                              • Clocks go back an hour here too Nappy.
                                Being single is great Milo, although I might have to move one of my ladies in to a more permanant position over the long cold winter nights
                                I'll be here at 6pm GMT, see you soon
                                Follow your spirit, and upon this charge Cry 'God for Harry, England and Saint George!

