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  • #46
    Hey Dave, I noticed that your powergraph took a turn downwards! Hooray!!!

    I just checked with The Twinkle Site. It actually says that the number of units you have enters the PG-formula negatively!? So the more units, the lower the PG! Honestly, I swear to God!!!

    Start disbanding, or you will hit rock bottom!!!

    And no, I can't give you those archers. I, eh..., wouldn't want to, eh..., lower your PG even more. Yeah, that's it!



    • #47
      AD 60, and SmartFart just completed the Great Wall. Diplos are stealing my techs, and my strip of land keeps getting narrower.


      • #48
        You already used my border cities to get some techs awhile ago,now is my turn to catch up in research. I didn't wanted pottery for sure
        However...I cannot remember last time I wanted Wall so badly (that's because I am usually 1st on Sun-Tzu).
        My land isn't any better. I am cornered between you and water. Since the water cannot be pushed....just kidding
        My life, my rules


        • #49
          Can't show up today, have to go to a party...

          An old Swedish tradition including cray fish and schnaps! Hm, maybe not so bad after all?

          Hope to see you both tomorrow!



          • #50
            One hour to go and still no post by SF telling us he can't play today!!!

            Looking good!



            • #51
              Unless, of course, I have an ICQ message waiting...

              Say it ain't so!!!



              • #52
                Hmmmm.....this is getting complicated.
                I have to admit I didn't know how to setup my laptop for the internet.
                Fortunately,I've found someone who does (too late for today's session,but that's still better than nothing).
                One problem persist...I forgot to install ICQ on it

                Summary: I'll be definitelly available tomorrow,but i don't have a nerve to download ICQ and updating my list again...swimming and sailing should be my primary goal in next 10 days.
                You may send me IP by e-mail (in my profile),or post here.
                My dinner is in 19:00 CET,so I guess i can play one hour every day but weekends.
                Strange,wife didn't complained much (got one sarcastic remark and thats all ).
                My life, my rules


                • #53
                  I'll send you the IP!

                  Buy a dozen red roses for your wife and we should be home free for the rest of your vacation!!!



                  • #54
                    Just sent you the IP.



                    • #55
                      BTW, Dave would be 10 to 15 minutes late today. Just hang in there and wait.



                      • #56
                        Having ICQ problems.

                        Dave, I was booted during my turn in 260 AD. Tried to rejoin, but max players. I saw that it was 280 AD so I suspect the AI finished my turn?

                        I managed to save before being booted, at 260 AD.


                        <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Carolus Rex (edited August 18, 2000).]</font>


                        • #57
                          CR - I guess we'd better start from your save next time. I realized I'd lost you during my turn (AD 280) when I moved a diplo next to your city and the pop-up window looked like an AI instead of a human player.

                          SF - I didn't have much luck stealing techs from you either . I had a 1-in-4 chance of stealing the tech I was researching at the time, but got a different tech I didn't want.


                          • #58
                            SF, did you receive the IP?



                            • #59
                              Sorry again
                              I am usually reliable player,but this is harder than I thought.
                              If I want to connect on Internet from this little coastal town,I need to call my home town where my provider is located.
                              This isn't really a problem,but all i can do is login as a guest (don't ask me why because I don't know).
                              Sometimes,guests could connect and sometimes they cannot (line is busy).
                              I can't do better than that.
                              Basically,if I post here half an hour before our gaming hour,you can count on me. If I don't,go on with your duel.
                              This situation will last until monday.
                              Thanx for understanding and I do hope we will continue today.
                              My life, my rules


                              • #60
                                I am online.
                                How about a game?

                                (Edited) e-mail provider is down. Please use secondary adress:

                                <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by SmartFart (edited August 22, 2000).]</font>
                                My life, my rules

