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  • #31
    Any chance of "mostly sleazy with a chance of wonders" this evening?

    I'll be on-line, usual time.



    • #32
      hello Carolus!
      Work allows me some pacific coast time afternoons off from about 2pm onward. I think that is 11pm for you and Kengel, & 10pm for Carnide.
      We 4 have a great old game, and if it is still one you guys would like to continue I would be very interested...
      I just remember being "neighbors" with Carnide...hehe, and one of your mysterious crafts came floating over the ocean near our land. Kengel of course was not in sight of our explorers...those fabled flying creatures...
      what do you think? We can mention it to the others and try to get a regular time going to try and finish it?

      The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
      The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus


      • #33
        Sure, I'm in!

        Probably not tonight, though...



        • #34
          Dave and SF,

          Game today?



          • #35
            Dave told me something about business trip. I forgot details,but i believe he will be available on thursday.
            I am going to Milano tomorrow,but i'll be back in thursday.
            Hope to cya then.

            My life, my rules


            • #36
              Ok, see you then!



              • #37
                Guys, I miss our game...

                Are we all set for today?



                • #38
                  I'm here! Where are you?


                  • #39
                    SF, please!?



                    • #40
                      Sorry...I was in such a bad shape i couldn't do anything but sleep and whine.
                      Fever gone (nose is still stiffed).
                      How about monday,usual time?
                      My life, my rules


                      • #41
                        Monday it is!



                        • #42
                          Monday for me, too! At least I've had a chance to load up the save file and reacquaint myself with this game...


                          • #43
                            Tomorrow is also fine,but I'll skip wednesday because I am going to my summer vacation. I will have my laptop with me,but i wont be able to play every day.
                            I'll keep you informed anyway.

                            No i ain't doing much,doing nothing means alot to me (AC/DC)
                            My life, my rules


                            • #44
                              Great to be going again!

                              And SF, don't worry. Dave is slapping me around in another game, we can always coninue that one while you're away.

                              "Let it be known that during the last centuries the Vikings were able to straighten a very annoying thing out. The glorious city of Fortress, once attacked and conquered by The Red Devils, was liberated."

                              It hurt to put taxes to max while researching XXXXX, but I wasn't sure how much gold it would take. Turned out to have grown only to size 2 and only cost 52 gold so I could have lowered them a couple of turns earlier.

                              The "buying back city lost to barbs"-thing is unbalanced I think. Got three archers for 52 gold, out in the field they would have cost me 3x61 = 183 gold. And no city included in that price...

                              "Brave Viking explorers expanded the knowledge of this cursed world. We were lucky to find vast areas of unsettled land, land that seemed promising to cultivate. Unfortunately this world is not kind to a seafaring people like the Vikings, our Long Ships seem to be of little use. May Thor look favourable upon our efforts to colonize those areas!"



                              • #45
                                CR - since the barbs archers were such a bargain, the sporting thing to do would be to gift them to the nearest enemy city .

                                The Americans contine to explore the map and establish cities. We are sandwiched between the other two civilizations and are already running short of attractive sites for more cities. Consequently, the Aztecs have jumped ahead to a slim lead on the powergraph. We are dealing harshly with barbarian activity near our outlying cities. More screenshots to follow, after our session today.

