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  • #16
    Soon time for kick-off!

    "The evil Americans have completed another wonder which they refer to as Sun Tzu's War Academy. Viking wise men have never heard of such a thing before, but find that the name has a certain, eh..., aggressive ring to it.

    Meanwhile the mysterious people known as the Aztecs has built the Pyramids, leaving the Vikings as the only civilization without wonders of the world."

    Hm... What to build? It doesn't seem to be a world with lots of water... I want a happy wonder, but have chosen another tech path...




    • #17
      Status report as of 300 BC. More building and consolidation (yawn). The forecast for Washington: mostly sleazy with a chance of wonders .

      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited July 14, 2000).]</font>


      • #18
        CR and SF - as I said earlier, I'm in the first of two weeks on the road. This week I have an irregular schedule, but next week I should have some (US) evening hours available. Also, I'm flying into Buffalo early, and should be able to play from 13:00 EDT for several hours on Monday, July 24th. This is conditional on me being able to connect to the internet from my hotel room.

        So here's my offer: if my flight is on time, and if the hotel lets me check in early, and if my internet connection works, I'm available! How's that for a solid commitment?


        • #19
          Err...whats EDT? Could you translate it for me into EST? Time zones are pain,i wish the Earth is flat.
          Monday,24th could work for me but i need precise time.
          My life, my rules


          • #20
            Count me in!

            Me too confused about time zones, me too needs help. [A lazy man's rephrasing of "Yes, I have the link provided by Sten Sture, but why bother when you can ask someone else?" ]

            This game is pretty much like my life at the moment: aimless, a random walk.

            HELP, I need a strat!!!

            BTW, I liked the weather report...



            • #21
              More than you ever wanted to know about US time zones: EDT is Eastern Daylight time, which jumps an hour ahead in the spring & summer. Some locations don't believe in Daylight Savings Time, and remain on Eastern Standard Time year-round.

              I used to refer to Apolyton time, but that's been kind of variable lately . As of this posting, EDT is one hour ahead of Apolyton time. I think 13:00 EDT is 20:00 for both of you. Another explanation: 13:00 EDT is when I have to quit my regular lunchtime sessions and go back to work.

              I'll be on ICQ on the 24th if all goes well. If I'm not there, assume something went wrong and I can't make it.


              • #22
                Unfortunatelly,monday is no good for me. I had 2 weeks off and too much of work have been acumulated during that time.
                I can afford few hours on weekends,but when you finish your trip i'll be available to play regular every day at 18:00 - 19:00 CET.


                Day 5 without a Civ
                My life, my rules


                • #23
                  Hm, I figure you couldn't get on-line from the hotel room?

                  I can't make it tonight (Tuesday), though.



                  • #24
                    I was able to get online, but didn't arrive at the hotel until 16:00 instead of 13:00. Sorry...


                    • #25
                      No problem.

                      Game today?



                      • #26
                        As if these two weeks were not enough I'm gone next week...

                        Will be back Saturday the 5th and ready to pick up our game on Monday the 7th.



                        • #27
                          The tale of woe continues: I'll be gone the 7th through the 9th of August. I'll be back on the 10th. Your turn to declare your unavailbility, SmartFart...


                          • #28
                            If everything goes well,am going to my summer vacation on Aug,15th. I will have my laptop with me and therefore I'll be available to 1 hour sessions most of my weekdays. Wife wont be pleased so I have to start negotiating ASAP.

                            Cya on Aug,10th
                            My life, my rules


                            • #29
                              Looks like you people won't be playing for awhile. I would volunteer to play, but the game's already started. Maybe after your finished (When'll that be? When we have to worry about Y3K?).
                              I mean it, though. Once you're finished with your game, I'd like to have my very FIRST Multiplayer game. The AI is getting just too easy. If it doesn't work out, I'm okay with it.


                              • #30
                                Fine with me (only speaking for myself here)!

                                I don't know when we finish the current game, but Y3K sounds about right...

                                Stay tuned!


