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Looking for dedicated players...

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  • Looking for dedicated players...

    Dedicated players (not to be interpreted as ultimate civilization Gods ) wanted for regular civ sessions.

    DaveV and myself currently play one hour each day during Dave's lunch hour, which is 12.00 Eastern Daylight Time Zone (= 17.00 GMT = one hour ahead of Apolyton time, hope I got that right!). I know for sure though that it's 18.00 PM my time (Sweden).

    We usually (up until now, anyway) play 1x1 and no city bribe, other than that I think we're pretty flexible. We play on different difficulty and barb levels, and have also tried a no wonders game.

    We try to play that single hour five days a week, but sometimes reality strikes. The advantage of being more players is that two or three can always start a new game when one is absent. That way we are not dependent on every player showing up every session. Those who are there simply pick up a game with that constellation of players.

    Furthermore, Dave beats the crap out of me every game so I need someone to ally with...

    Four players and one hour sounds like a rough deal, but (I'm speaking for myself here) I have no problem with double production to speed things up. Also, I have a decent connection (moderate lag and no disconnections).

    If you want to join post here or ICQ me at 45251833.


    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Carolus Rex (edited June 29, 2000).]</font>

  • #2
    I would like to join your game. I like proposed time. If you guys are willing to keep your game going,you can definitelly count on me.
    My only problem is that i only play on Deity level and single movement. I don't care about production type or barbarian level.

    I propose 3 players,no alliances(it unbalances 3-players game),no tech trading(stealing is allowed),no city bribe(it minorising conventional warfare),but i am open to negotiate about all features except Deity and single movement.

    If that suits you,am looking forward to play you. How about tomorrow?

    No i ain't doing much,doing nothing means alot to me (AC/DC)
    My life, my rules


    • #3
      I would be into something like this, except that I cannot make it at 12:00EST. I am on the West Coast, so I could play either at 4:00-5:00pm EST (my lunch hour) or at 7:00-8:00pm EST. If anyone wants a game at those times, lemme know! E-mail me at


      • #4

        I think we have to stick with that time, but I'm always looking for a game... Maybe we can get one going!? It's 3 AM over here, I'll have to figure out the time zone difference later, too tired now...


        Great! I have no problem whatsoever with your suggestions. I don't play double movement either and we mostly play on deity, so it should be right up your alley!

        Tomorrow is fine, but Dave told me today that he'll be 20-30 minutes late. But we can fire up a duel while waiting for him...



        • #5
          Fine. I'll be online on 18:00 CET and we will work something out i believe.
          I might have tournament game later so am not sure about duel,but it seems like tourney game slowly fades into oblivion and we may start one after Dave's gaming hour expires.

          Starting a duel which is going to lasts 20-30 mins doesn't make sense to me. In most new games i keep up restarting half an hour to eliminate free tech(s).

          My life, my rules


          • #6
            My lunch time is 12 - 1 EDT too, and I am interested in the idea. But I will have to find out if my office LAN will permit it. They hate non-system .exe files on the LAN.

            I've been playing civ at work (during lunch) using a special CD I made that lets me play without having any files on the local or LAN drive, but I'm not sure what would be seen if I use the IP connection. And I'm not sure if it is the MPE files on the CD.

            Any hints from the underground?
            Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
            Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
            Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
            Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


            • #7
              We're off!

              See you guys Wednesday, but I'll be here on Monday too if someone wants to play.



              • #8
                How about some renderings from IS when we catch you? Especially if you accidently introduce a virus or worm to the system.



                • #9
                  Early barbarian rides slowed my expansion. Finding Warrior Code in the hut forced me to skip Horseback Riding until Monarchy.
                  Map looking terrible for x1 production game,but Archers fortified on mountains are great bait for barbarian leaders. Now when i am prepared,they stopped comming
                  Dave jumped up in PG,so i have to build more cities.
                  150 barb $ already used,but terrain problem remains. Swamps,jungles and lakes. I almost consider grasslans as a special in this one.

                  No i ain't doing much,doing nothing means alot to me (AC/DC)
                  My life, my rules


                  • #10
                    Game update as of 1200 BC. I just built Hanging Gardens; no other wonders yet. A nicely paced game so far (except the day when I could barely connect).

                    Vikings = Carolus Rex
                    Aztecs = SmartFart
                    Americans = DaveV

                    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited July 07, 2000).]</font>


                    • #11
                      Amen on the terrain, SF!

                      Cool pic! I wonder if posting it has anything to do with Dave being in the lead?

                      Last session was decent for me, more than doubled my number of cities. BUT, I lost one of them in the final turns to barbs... AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!

                      It was a size one city on hills, it had peat and it produced five shields. I built a warrior that I sent out to explore. Couldn't be risky, right? In two turns I'll have another one in it, right? WRONG!!!

                      A barb ship pops up, one archer lands outside the city and the other on the peat square. No new warrior in the city, which now has the same colour as the city in "High Plains Drifter" with Clint Eastwood: red!

                      Oh well...

                      See you soon!



                      • #12
                        CR - no, I'd have posted even if I weren't in front on the PG (which most people dismiss as meaningless anyway ). I just wanted to be part of one of those cool "tales from..." threads.

                        I've had very good luck so far this game - I've seen exactly one barb, and had good results from huts. The map is certainly full of swamp/jungle, but I've found some acceptable city sites. I guess I'm overdue for some bad luck...


                        • #13
                          SF - strange that you're having trouble with light blue barbarians - I've been seeing a lot of yellow barbarians! They even seem to have settlers!

                          I think a lot of huts must have drowned in the lakes on this map - I've only found 4 or 5 so far. After bragging about the barbs ignoring me, I popped a barb horse out of a hut and had a horse killed by a barb archer.


                          • #14
                            I forgot to say...Barb cities are free to bribe.

                            Sooo tipical. When i have nothing but warriors i have barbs all over my screen. Once i have Archers ready,they simply choose someone else
                            It can't be coincidence. It always happen to me. Haven't seen a single one after i grabbed one leader,except some disguised in light blue color

                            You guys really cleared the place from the huts. I've found only 2. Non-Archer and Warrior Code. I just hope some barbs will arrive soon.
                            My life, my rules


                            • #15
                              As of 725 BC, nothing new on the WoW front. SmartFart just discovered Philosophy.

