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Crisis of the New World Order

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  • #61
    Asa, you can call me Michael
    sorry, michael


    • #62
      *No news...
      Attached Files
      South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
      Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


      • #63
        Originally posted by Stalin II
        Any open slots for me?
        Well, as FiGu is now playing as the Allies, you could play the neutrals.
        Vote Democrat
        Support Democracy


        • #64

          Allied Turn:

          Allied Countries asks for extra funds

          The Countries Philipines, Brazil, Turkey, Israel have asked for extra funds to fight terroism from the UN council. They would need a large $1000 Million Funds every year to maintain its Anti-Terrorism Operations.

          Further more, UN Peacekeepers in the African Countries have established HQ's. And have begun giving the people food/shelters are everything that they need. Japan and other Asian Countries are said to be sending troops to help stabilizing the control in Africa.

          UN Peacekeepers attacked in Iraq!

          (Unit at 90% health) UN Peacekeepers have been reported to been attacked by Rebels around Iraq, and its said that the Iraqian army itself have sent troops against the Peace keepers. The Peace Keeper Division consists of 3.000 Japanese, 2.000 Brazilians and 2.000 South Africans and 1.000 Australians. It's said that over 50 Peace keepers were Killed/Wounded/Missing in Action.

          Brazilian Peace keeper under attack.
          Attached Files
          "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

          Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
          Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


          • #65
            Re: !!

            Originally posted by FiGu
            Allied Turn:

            The Countries Philipines, Brazil, Turkey, Israel have asked for extra funds to fight terroism from the UN council. They would need a large $1000 Million Funds every year to maintain its Anti-Terrorism Operations.

            UN Peacekeepers attacked in Iraq!

            (Unit at 90% health) UN Peacekeepers have been reported to been attacked by Rebels around Iraq, and its said that the Iraqian army itself have sent troops against the Peace keepers. The Peace Keeper Division consists of 3.000 Japanese, 2.000 Brazilians and 2.000 South Africans and 1.000 Australians. It's said that over 50 Peace keepers were Killed/Wounded/Missing in Action.
            Hold on, you weren't attacked by the Rebels, they haven't gone yet. You may have been attacked by another country, but then the Iraqi Army did not attack you.
            Don't know what happened but the US pledges to help its democratic friends.
            Vote Democrat
            Support Democracy


            • #66
              Stalin II, are you going to be the Neutrals?
              Vote Democrat
              Support Democracy


              • #67
                are they free?
                "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                • #68
                  Sorry Mikko but I strongly oppose that you take the Neutrals as they are not intended to be played. They are simply no real fun in my opinion.


                  • #69
                    But, we are letting FiGu play the Allies, and the Allies aren't intended to be played.
                    Vote Democrat
                    Support Democracy


                    • #70
                      The less players, the faster we play our turns...
                      That´s a PBEM unwritten rule...
                      South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                      Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                      • #71
                        Yes, of course. I was just checking if there was any free spaces Thanks anyway guys. Have a fun PBEM. There is one in CDG so I can have fun
                        "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                        • #72
                          When I played, a bunch of European Cities went into Civil Disorder. Also, they started to build Internet in three cities.
                          And, did the Allies cancel the alliance with Europe?
                          Vote Democrat
                          Support Democracy


                          • #73
                            About the multiple European cities starting Internet, I started building in one place, then found a better city to build it in.


                            • #74
                              So, are you building it in three different cities Asa? because the computer says that you are building it in three cities.
                              Vote Democrat
                              Support Democracy


                              • #75
                                what i meant is that i started builiding it in one place, then stopped building it there and started in another place. So, the three places that the AI tells you about are places that i considered for building internet.

