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Crisis of the New World Order

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  • #16
    America wishes to remove all rouge leaders and asks all nations to pm me with their military plans so as to coordinate all strikes.

    P.S. Do not move any air or naval units your first turn. Their movement allowence is supposed to be set to 0 but some I accidentally reset.
    Vote Democrat
    Support Democracy


    • #17
      I´ve never seen you here before. are you a newbie?
      I'm a friend of POTUS, and made sure he didn't set the penalty for killing civilians insanely high. (Playing as EU, in case no one's figured that out yet) I am new to poly.


      • #18
        You aren't European in real you American, so what's up with the flag?
        Vote Democrat
        Support Democracy


        • #19
          Originally posted by asaz989

          I'm a friend of POTUS, and made sure he didn't set the penalty for killing civilians insanely high.
          Have you checked the file recently?

          Don't worry, I didn't change it.
          Vote Democrat
          Support Democracy


          • #20
            You aren't European in real you American, so what's up with the flag?
            Just getting into the role.


            • #21
              so... can we start the game?
              South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
              Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


              • #22
                Yes. Asa will post today.
                Vote Democrat
                Support Democracy


                • #23
                  Today, Jacques Delors, Prime Minister of France and concurrently President of the EU, resigned today in protest over the militarization of the EU advocated by Mr. Chirac. Gerhard Schroeder seized the initiative and called for a new European Constitution. Under the new Constitution, a President of the EU will be elected by the European Parliament, which will now be elected by a democratic vote of the people of member nations. Ken Z. Siara, a friend of Chirac and a former Secretary-General of NATO, is the favored candidate, more than 30 points ahead of his nearest rival.
                  Siara has voiced his desire to make the EU a superpower on par with the US and Russia.

                  Today, interviewed by a Reuters reporter he stated his goals of "maintaining a strong defensive force and defending all nations of the world from aggression and tyranny."
                  *breaking news*
                  Siara has just won the election, and has begun his administration of the EU.


                  • #24
                    The save game.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by asaz989; October 21, 2003, 01:02.


                    • #25
                      The US congratulates Mr. Siara for his victory in the polls. However, the US wishes to know whether he, and all other national leaders will adhere to the no-first-strike agreement proposed by the US.

                      Michael reportedly questioned why the EU must challenge other nations when the US will gladly allow Europe to expand militarily and in territory.
                      Vote Democrat
                      Support Democracy


                      • #26
                        However, he called on all nations to join the US in agreeing to a no first use of nuclear weapons. The only instances in which nuclear weapon use would be permissible would be if a nation were defeated conventionally, or in retaliation for prior nuclear weapons use.
                        Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Vajpayee, adheres to the no-first-strike US proposal
                        South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                        Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                        • #27
                          India would like to propose the creation of a permanent United Nations Security Council to discuss all the topics related to foreign policy.
                          India strongly believes that the powerful countries must cooperate to keep the world a safe a place.

                          In the context of the current proposal, India also calls UN support in order to discuss a possible permanent peace treaty between India and our good neighbours, Pakistan.
                          It´s time to forget all the stupid long-running feuds between the two countries.
                          Unification is the ultimate goal. Let Gandhi´s dream comes true!
                          We´d also like to propose the reunification of Bangladesh.

                          What do the rest of the countries have to say?

                          Our benevolent and enlightened leader, Mr. Vajpayee
                          Attached Files
                          South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                          Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                          • #28
                            The US votes yes for a UN Security Council. New York anyone?

                            The US offers to mediate any reunification talks between India and any other country.

                            Will India promise not to wage a war of agression?
                            Vote Democrat
                            Support Democracy


                            • #29
                              The US votes yes for a UN Security Council. New York anyone?
                              New York seems ok

                              The US offers to mediate any reunification talks between India and any other country.
                              Great. We really appreaciate your offer

                              Will India promise not to wage a war of agression?
                              Of course. That´s why we are proposing this UN Security Council.
                              We want to accomplish the reunification by taking the right path of respect to the international laws and the global community.
                              Anyway, India wishes to listen to the rest of the world, before we present a draft of the treaty.
                              South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                              Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                              • #30
                                I agree to the no-first-strike proposal. I am also in support of the Security council, but we should work out what powers the Council has.

