OK, then we should make nails with heads: I will play against SmartFart. As date I suggest Wednesday, 28th of mai starting from 10p.m.CET (the next day is a day off for us, so we can play till the end). In addition, I suggest the following settings to SmartFart, but accept all different settings: random map, map size 50*60, large continent, wet, 3 billions, no AI, barbarians from huts only, no city- bribe, no GW, no caravan rehoming, no cheating at all. I don't use the hutfinder. SmartFart can host, if he wants. Restart, if host has starttechs. 1 restart for everyone till 3700 BC, if the starting position is not acceptable.
Woke could play against War4ever. I still have no answer from him. He´s busy during the week.
If Makeo has his new PC, he should give us a sign. His opponent will be max, jes or kotycha. Since the date cannot be specified yet, also the opponent is not certain.
Woke could play against War4ever. I still have no answer from him. He´s busy during the week.
If Makeo has his new PC, he should give us a sign. His opponent will be max, jes or kotycha. Since the date cannot be specified yet, also the opponent is not certain.