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Comparison fight US Apolyton vs. German league.

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  • OK, then we should make nails with heads: I will play against SmartFart. As date I suggest Wednesday, 28th of mai starting from 10p.m.CET (the next day is a day off for us, so we can play till the end). In addition, I suggest the following settings to SmartFart, but accept all different settings: random map, map size 50*60, large continent, wet, 3 billions, no AI, barbarians from huts only, no city- bribe, no GW, no caravan rehoming, no cheating at all. I don't use the hutfinder. SmartFart can host, if he wants. Restart, if host has starttechs. 1 restart for everyone till 3700 BC, if the starting position is not acceptable.

    Woke could play against War4ever. I still have no answer from him. He´s busy during the week.
    If Makeo has his new PC, he should give us a sign. His opponent will be max, jes or kotycha. Since the date cannot be specified yet, also the opponent is not certain.
    Nothing is more painful than regret.
    Don't contradict a woman - wait until she does herself


    • Originally posted by SmartFart
      It's already thursday and no opponent so far. I was online yestreday but nobody posted or Icq-ed me about that game you ,my German friends, proposed.

      What's happening. Sound like a *cooot* to me. ('coot' - noise made by birds,usually chickens or similar creatures).

      Cobra...please note me if you like to start our duel tonight or tomorrow. If not...I would like to know in advance because I don't like an idea to spend 3 evenings in a row at home doing nothing



      Sorry about that. Sometimes I´m 3 days in a row not in my office and most evenings are reserved for my family. Normaly I have to get up at 6 am, so it would be too hard for me to play till 3 am. But 28th it´s possible.
      My ICQ doesn´t work at the moment, I´ve troubles with an update so I don´t use it at the moment. I suggest you come in our league-chat I´m there on monday and on thursday from 8 to 12 pm.
      Translation for access:
      Benutzername = Username
      Passwort = password
      Raum = room (choose „Civ2-Halle“)

      First of all you have to choose „neuen Benutzer registrieren“ = new User

      Especially for you: my new ICQ-Number is now available
      Last edited by Cobra; May 22, 2003, 16:26.
      Nothing is more painful than regret.
      Don't contradict a woman - wait until she does herself


      • yeah weekends are the only time for me, i will be away on vacation for three weeks in about two weeks time...and am pretty busy right now...

        with makeo not having his pc yet...the best time for this mini tournament for me would be anytime after june 21st.....

        i might be able to squeeze in a game a week from this friday, but not 100% sure of that as of yet....

        its a tough push these days at work until i go on vacation...

        if we can't wait that long i understand...if so then great....long sessions starting early in the morning for me 6am are best if we want to make any headway..

        never know, woke might smoke me and then i can be demoralized

        but i thought it was a 2vs2 or 3vs3 game you guys wanted???????
        Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


        • First, I wanted duels.
          Buts it´s fair to make two rounds:
          First some duels, then a 3 vs 3 game
          Nothing is more painful than regret.
          Don't contradict a woman - wait until she does herself


          • ok duels are fine by me...duels end quicker....there are just some games that end up being hopeless quickly....

            but your plan sounds good to me
            Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


            • Cobra:

              I agree with everything you proposed.

              Wednesday,28th,22.oo CET is just fine.

              I am certainly not know as a cheater,or at least never caught doing it

              See ya.

              My life, my rules


              • I'll play a mans game 2 x 1 king, 3 team game on a premade board with all members of a team starting on the same cont and in contact with one another from beging of the game. The board should have multiple islands surrounding each of the 2 starting conts and 2 big "inbetween" conts for fighting. Also, a small number of islands should surround the "inbetween conts".
                Furthermore, we should have a "wonder draft". This will fairly distribute the wonders to each side and allow each side to determine its strategy. This will also prevent the one giant civ strategy in team games and force all players to grow equally.
                Of course no city or unit trading.
                Rehoming caravans should be allowed to reduce the uncontrollable luck factor of supply and demand problems.
                Perfect team of apoly-gameleague would be
                Atawa, The King and Martin (if he can stab his big mouth upity German rookie league in the back.)
                I am positive, that under these conditions, there would be no team in the world, let alone inexpierenced Germans who dont play mens games that would even make it to 2000 bc competitively.
                Dont agree with me? Then prove me wrong......
                8 Time Game League Champion!
                Oh, Its True, Its Dang True!


                • and the beat goes on
                  Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                  • Furthermore, want to play me on a duel on my settings?
                    No one, and I mean no one will beat me , or make it to 1000 bc competitively on my settings. (I have taken yet another giant leap in strategic ability since my last posting. I just got radio by 1000 bc in my latest test game not to mention my entire cont railroaded and the cure for cancer built) This is with a no hut, revealed from start map with a peace period to 1000 bc and a cont built for movement with standerd resource seeding. With 6 islands of various sizes surrounding it.
                    8 Time Game League Champion!
                    Oh, Its True, Its Dang True!


                    • Strat, you so obviously the King .

                      and the people all yell out "long live the king, long live King D*ck"
                      The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                      Hydey the no-limits man.


                      • Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                        • oh strat, what happend to you? we played fine games, and now all germans are rookies and so on? you founded a duett with eyes? im disappointed, really...


                          • Your not reading the most important part of my last post.....
                            "prove me wrong"....
                            You Germans are the one who started this post..
                            I read into it a certain arrogance on the part of the German league here.
                            This is absoloutely false.
                            You can not say that on your restrictive settings where there is very, very little difference in strategy that you can beat me every single time out.
                            Contrary, I can say positively, with certainty, that you will lose every time out under my settings.
                            You all play 1 x 1 deity because you are weak 2 x 2 king wide open game players. And this is fine, for you. But do not try to asert supurirority because I will call you on it all the time.
                            All you have to do, again, is prove me wrong.......
                            8 Time Game League Champion!
                            Oh, Its True, Its Dang True!


                            • Yeah.. wide open games... but you aren't allowed to attack before 1000 BC...
                              Keep on Civin'
                              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • all bow to the King
                                The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                                Hydey the no-limits man.

