Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen! This fine establishment seems to be frequented by the sort of strategy-minded people that I require. Some of you may or may not be aware of the excellent Strategy & Discussion forum of
It is also a fine site, ut it is also home to the Civilization II Multi-Player Democracy Game!
Each week the leaders of 4 teams meet and play out the decisions made by their teams in a MP game of Civ2. The game involves a certain degree of role-play and the diplomatic quarrelings can at times seem almost too real. So I think it is an experience you all would enjoy!
I, anarchywrksbest, am currently leading the glorious nation of The New British Empire and the Empire is doing rather well under my steadfast hand. However I feel it is my duty to make the Empires great triumphs and acheivements available to all Britishers!

That is why I am giving you the chance to join the British Empire and take part in the democracy game. Your contribution need not be great but the joy of our glorious Empire conquering the globe shall fill your heart with pride!
So, if you wish to join the British Empire you must do the following:
- be born in the British Isles.
- PM me at Gamecatcher asking to be let into our secret forum.
- have a good time!

If you're unfortunate not to have been born in the British Isles then you may of course join one of the other teams, I am sure the Dominion of the Balance, the Facist Empire and the Kingdom of Bendorig will be very greatful for any new members!

BTW, this is not just blatant advertising depite the fact that it looks almost exactly like it is
It is also a fine site, ut it is also home to the Civilization II Multi-Player Democracy Game!

Each week the leaders of 4 teams meet and play out the decisions made by their teams in a MP game of Civ2. The game involves a certain degree of role-play and the diplomatic quarrelings can at times seem almost too real. So I think it is an experience you all would enjoy!
I, anarchywrksbest, am currently leading the glorious nation of The New British Empire and the Empire is doing rather well under my steadfast hand. However I feel it is my duty to make the Empires great triumphs and acheivements available to all Britishers!

That is why I am giving you the chance to join the British Empire and take part in the democracy game. Your contribution need not be great but the joy of our glorious Empire conquering the globe shall fill your heart with pride!

So, if you wish to join the British Empire you must do the following:
- be born in the British Isles.
- PM me at Gamecatcher asking to be let into our secret forum.
- have a good time!

If you're unfortunate not to have been born in the British Isles then you may of course join one of the other teams, I am sure the Dominion of the Balance, the Facist Empire and the Kingdom of Bendorig will be very greatful for any new members!

BTW, this is not just blatant advertising depite the fact that it looks almost exactly like it is
