Germans open the spring with an offensive! 22 Soviet Comrades lost! Avenge their slaughter with a slaughter of your own!
3 convoy losses, escort ships only.
Hannover recaptured by the fascists.
Pskov can't maintain Bank.
We Love The Komrade day celebrated in Poltava, Ukraine.
Zatloust builds AFB.
We Love The Komrade day celebrated in Patiskov.
Kracow cannot maintain Ammunition Plant.
Population Loss due to Famine in Lublin.
Anti Tank Defenses built, and WLTKD celebrated in Turku.
Pop Loss due to battle, Barracks built and WLTKD celebrated in Braunschweig.
Leipzig building already built Barracks.
Helsinki builds Fishing Fleet.
WLTKD celebrated and Anti Tank Defenses built in Kemi.
WLTKD celebrated in Riga.
Tallinn building already built Barracks.
Food route from Berlin to Kracow terminated.
Baku building already built Ammo Plant.
All Labour Brigades given tractors!
su122's upgraded to su152's!
Elephants, Panthers and Tigers spotted throughout Germany. Many Motorized Infantry suicide attacks against our troops.
Pillage and destroy anything the Germans might find useful near any cities you are unable to capture this turn. They still have a production capability. I want to see the 1st Ukr push west, and have the Bellorussian Front swing down southward and meet up some point west of Prague. This will clear alot of their prime production.
Immediate capture of Ploesti is vital. They have too much money to be rushbuying these fancy tanks.
Warning to 1st Ukrainian: The Germans trapped by the 2nd Ukrainian are attempting a breakout and are moving through your southern sector, near Kirovgrad. You'll need to divert some troops there as you have nothing more than a defensive posture there at the mooment. I'd like to see this Kherson Pocket smashed by the end of next month by the 2nd Ukr.
We need to tighten up slightly with the economy here. We are booming so it is hard to get everything, but there was alot of overspill that last round. Good Luck Comrades.
Marshal Part 1: (FMK) Done
Murmansk Front: (The Anzac) Not Yet
Baltic Front: (Henrik) Not Yet
NW Front: (PinkyGen) Not Yet
Belorussian Front: (Darius) Not Yet
1st Ukraine (???) Not Yet
2nd Ukraine FiGu Not Yet
Armaments (Greeny) Not Yet
NKVD Check (???) Not Yet
Economic (EZRhino) Not Yet
Marshal Part2 (FMK) Not Yet
3 convoy losses, escort ships only.
Hannover recaptured by the fascists.

Pskov can't maintain Bank.
We Love The Komrade day celebrated in Poltava, Ukraine.
Zatloust builds AFB.
We Love The Komrade day celebrated in Patiskov.
Kracow cannot maintain Ammunition Plant.
Population Loss due to Famine in Lublin.
Anti Tank Defenses built, and WLTKD celebrated in Turku.
Pop Loss due to battle, Barracks built and WLTKD celebrated in Braunschweig.
Leipzig building already built Barracks.
Helsinki builds Fishing Fleet.
WLTKD celebrated and Anti Tank Defenses built in Kemi.
WLTKD celebrated in Riga.
Tallinn building already built Barracks.
Food route from Berlin to Kracow terminated.
Baku building already built Ammo Plant.
All Labour Brigades given tractors!
su122's upgraded to su152's!
Elephants, Panthers and Tigers spotted throughout Germany. Many Motorized Infantry suicide attacks against our troops.
Pillage and destroy anything the Germans might find useful near any cities you are unable to capture this turn. They still have a production capability. I want to see the 1st Ukr push west, and have the Bellorussian Front swing down southward and meet up some point west of Prague. This will clear alot of their prime production.
Immediate capture of Ploesti is vital. They have too much money to be rushbuying these fancy tanks.
Warning to 1st Ukrainian: The Germans trapped by the 2nd Ukrainian are attempting a breakout and are moving through your southern sector, near Kirovgrad. You'll need to divert some troops there as you have nothing more than a defensive posture there at the mooment. I'd like to see this Kherson Pocket smashed by the end of next month by the 2nd Ukr.
We need to tighten up slightly with the economy here. We are booming so it is hard to get everything, but there was alot of overspill that last round. Good Luck Comrades.
Marshal Part 1: (FMK) Done
Murmansk Front: (The Anzac) Not Yet
Baltic Front: (Henrik) Not Yet
NW Front: (PinkyGen) Not Yet
Belorussian Front: (Darius) Not Yet
1st Ukraine (???) Not Yet
2nd Ukraine FiGu Not Yet
Armaments (Greeny) Not Yet
NKVD Check (???) Not Yet
Economic (EZRhino) Not Yet
Marshal Part2 (FMK) Not Yet