I am worried about the platform of the Harmony Party. I feel the result will not be harmonious, but instead lead to the destruction of our young nation.
The following are our planks, these can be edited, as well as the parties name. (*refers to the unsuccesful coalition of Prime Minister Ehud Barak, but I thought the name was closest to what I needed.) I'm keeping it simple for now, but we can add more positions if the game gets started.
I. Expansion is key to our nation's survival! The Arabs do not wish to negotiate. Thus, if we ever wish to succesfully repel them from our land, we must take the oppurtunity to expand our defensive perimeter before the British withdrawl.
II. We believe the key areas of this expansion are.
1. The coastal region (Naharriyah - Ashod), so we can move troops on these roads to any threatened sector.
2. The Jerusalem area, particulary the need to establisha strong road link with west Jerusalem to send reinforcements, and to expand the defense by plotting to eventually take the eastern portion.
3. In the Galilee area to link up with our settlements on the Syrian border.
In Essence, One Contigous Israeli State
III. Full inclusion and intergration of Arabs that live in Israel. Hence the title "One Israel", because we will all become citizens of one land.
El Awrence
The following are our planks, these can be edited, as well as the parties name. (*refers to the unsuccesful coalition of Prime Minister Ehud Barak, but I thought the name was closest to what I needed.) I'm keeping it simple for now, but we can add more positions if the game gets started.

I. Expansion is key to our nation's survival! The Arabs do not wish to negotiate. Thus, if we ever wish to succesfully repel them from our land, we must take the oppurtunity to expand our defensive perimeter before the British withdrawl.
II. We believe the key areas of this expansion are.
1. The coastal region (Naharriyah - Ashod), so we can move troops on these roads to any threatened sector.
2. The Jerusalem area, particulary the need to establisha strong road link with west Jerusalem to send reinforcements, and to expand the defense by plotting to eventually take the eastern portion.
3. In the Galilee area to link up with our settlements on the Syrian border.
In Essence, One Contigous Israeli State
III. Full inclusion and intergration of Arabs that live in Israel. Hence the title "One Israel", because we will all become citizens of one land.
El Awrence