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1893 Preliminary City Planner report

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  • 1893 Preliminary City Planner report

    Some initial points and thoughts. it costs 200 gp to rush 50 shields of a SS part. So freight delivered for >200 gp is more cost effective than building a SS part directly in a lot of cases. For Structurals, cities with 30+ shields can build one each turn with 1 freight (deliver to Manhatten Project, switch to structural). For Components, cities with 30+ production can build one each turn with 2 freight and 240 gold (freight to MP, rush structural, freight to MP, switch to component). This does however require quite a bit of managing cities every turn.

    The Space Ship poll is currently leaning heavily towards the 33/8.8/1.1.1 form, so we need 30 more SSS, 16 SSC and 3 SSM. Initially i propose 7 cities dedicated towards SS parts, so with proper use of freights, we should be able to get all the SSS and make a dent on the rest of the ship by the end of the the next turn depending on how the term goes. We do have 14 cities currently capable of 30+ shields, but if we put all of them on to work on SS parts, we will suffer on freight production - either for the gold or for SS deliveries. I'm also trying not to neglect the military (I'm not sure our minister of War will agree, so as usual comments/suggestions welcome ). I'm also trying to selectively grow cities that are able to increase productivity of the cities, hense the last column. -(navy) means that the city has navy at sea, preventing happiness. I also changed my definitions of 2 other columns related to happy( ) need part way through which i used as a guide for a couple structure reccomendations, so deleted those rather than be inconsistant. Also, I abandoned plans to display production capabilities in how they could relate to SS building and how they could be increased, as well as more detailed worker suggestions. I would put forth though that on cities that are growing, we can force the game to place the workers to suit our needs (like moving workers from the sea spaces adjacent to the city square to outer sea spaces - Freeport, Malaga, Obladi, Turin, and Vigo can benefit there, and probably others upon closer inspection.
    Attached Files
    Insert witty phrase here

  • #2
    hmm, just realized i didn't include the worker arrangements to get cities to 30+ shields. As a guide, any city that has SS recommended should have workers arranged to have 30+ production
    Insert witty phrase here


    • #3
      a couple of followup notes. if most of our freights do wind up being used for trade rather than building of SS parts, cities with 30+ shields can rush a structural for 280 gold - rush a barracks, buy a SAM, ch to structural. Cities with 40+ shields can do 1-turn structurals for 240 gold using city walls. Cities with no production can rush them for 400 gold. If a city is no longer growing, we can sell the sewer system to provide a rush for 20+ production cities for 320 gold.

      For components and modules, there really isn't much that can be done to cut costs on rushing without freight. we could rush a solar plant or manufacturing plant to get to 160 shields (320/2), but if we are buying manufacturing plants, we might as well let the city build them for the production boost.

      If we do go to the rush-buying plan for the Space Ship, then the large production cities should be switched to Component and Module production on the turns where the tech becomes available instead if having them build structurals. Otherwise, we are going to waste quite a bit of gold.
      Insert witty phrase here


      • #4
        Looks good. Seems to fit with my own recommendations as well. Smaller cities build structurals, larger cities build freight. Keep the trade routes running and you'll have all the cash you need for rushbuying.
        "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

        "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
        "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


        • #5
          I'm also trying not to neglect the military (I'm not sure our minister of War will agree, so as usual comments/suggestions welcome.

          Do we have oversea trade routes to defend?

          If not, we can cut back on the total amount of production devoted to the military.

          Kazan continent is secure, as is cartenna.

          The main purpose of our navy is to defend and protect trade routes.

          Since we can make single turn deliveries, we can guard those points where the ships rest.

          Go for the high end with spaceship management, and let me run our military on a shoestring.

          Let's finish this game off.
          Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
          "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."

