We have 16 Freights active and 4 in production. 4 are Food near Seville. 8 are on a Transport near Vigo (Hides, Spice, 2 Silk, Gold, Salt, Oil, Wool). 2 Golds are on a Transport near Kerman. 1 Silver is on land near Kerman. 1 Oil is on land at Amazon Island.
The 2 Golds and the Silver near Kerman would face a perilous journey along much enemy coastline to get to any city Mongol/Celt city that demands them. Even escorted (1 non-vet Destroyer), I expect the Transport would be lost. I suggest we deliver them (undemanded) to the nearest large Mongol cities and get what we can.
The 8 Freight Transport near Vigo is escorted by a Cruiser, and there is a second Cruiser in Vigo that could go along in Vigo. 3 of the Freights are demanded by Jap/Chin cities and the rest would probably get a decent trade value anyway. I suggest we unload them all (over several turns) and get what we can from them. One alternative would be to return the undemanded Freights to Homeland for SS/Wonder use. Or we could unload the undemanded Freight in Vigo and hope they become demanded soon.
The 4 Foods should stay where they are until needed.
The Oil at Amazon Island could be picked up by the Transport being completed next turn at St. Praski and then returned there or to CAPITOL for delivery. No other civs demand Oil right now.
Discussion? I don't see a question clear enough to poll.
The 2 Golds and the Silver near Kerman would face a perilous journey along much enemy coastline to get to any city Mongol/Celt city that demands them. Even escorted (1 non-vet Destroyer), I expect the Transport would be lost. I suggest we deliver them (undemanded) to the nearest large Mongol cities and get what we can.
The 8 Freight Transport near Vigo is escorted by a Cruiser, and there is a second Cruiser in Vigo that could go along in Vigo. 3 of the Freights are demanded by Jap/Chin cities and the rest would probably get a decent trade value anyway. I suggest we unload them all (over several turns) and get what we can from them. One alternative would be to return the undemanded Freights to Homeland for SS/Wonder use. Or we could unload the undemanded Freight in Vigo and hope they become demanded soon.
The 4 Foods should stay where they are until needed.
The Oil at Amazon Island could be picked up by the Transport being completed next turn at St. Praski and then returned there or to CAPITOL for delivery. No other civs demand Oil right now.
Discussion? I don't see a question clear enough to poll.