Well, the Ministry of Trade is back from its holiday and files this report...
We currently have 4 freights active and 4 more in production.
Currently, we have Science set at 50% and earn discoveries every 4 turns. At 60%, that would change to /3turns.
Existing Freights -- 3 are asleep near Seville/CAPITOL -- Oil from Seville, Oil from Pamplona, and Gold from CAPITOL. The last is a Silk shipment that can be delivered to Tientsin next turn
There will be no Oil demand until we discover the Automobile. Our 2 oil freights should be used for our next WoW, or held until Auto.
The Gold shipment near CAP is demanded in Vigo (8), Cremona (5) and Naples (5) in our empire, and by the small (2) Mongol cities of Kashgar and Kerman. The minister recommends planning an excorted expedition to the Mongols. We should be able to
Freights under construction -- Two are being built in cities with no available cargo (Barcelona and Seville). It is presumed these are planned for the next WoW.
CAP's Freight can choose from Wine or Oil. Select WINE. Quick and profitable delivery to Leptis Parva is recommended. Yokahama another possibility. So is Obladi, but the payoff will be reduced significantly (same civ, same continent).
Valladolid's Freight options are Salt and Gold. Select GOLD. This should make its way to Vigo (IIRC on a different continent). No demand for Salt.
We currently have 4 freights active and 4 more in production.
Currently, we have Science set at 50% and earn discoveries every 4 turns. At 60%, that would change to /3turns.
Existing Freights -- 3 are asleep near Seville/CAPITOL -- Oil from Seville, Oil from Pamplona, and Gold from CAPITOL. The last is a Silk shipment that can be delivered to Tientsin next turn

There will be no Oil demand until we discover the Automobile. Our 2 oil freights should be used for our next WoW, or held until Auto.
The Gold shipment near CAP is demanded in Vigo (8), Cremona (5) and Naples (5) in our empire, and by the small (2) Mongol cities of Kashgar and Kerman. The minister recommends planning an excorted expedition to the Mongols. We should be able to
Freights under construction -- Two are being built in cities with no available cargo (Barcelona and Seville). It is presumed these are planned for the next WoW.
CAP's Freight can choose from Wine or Oil. Select WINE. Quick and profitable delivery to Leptis Parva is recommended. Yokahama another possibility. So is Obladi, but the payoff will be reduced significantly (same civ, same continent).
Valladolid's Freight options are Salt and Gold. Select GOLD. This should make its way to Vigo (IIRC on a different continent). No demand for Salt.